Artwork for podcast Don't Give Up Skeleton: A Dark Souls and Bloodborne Podcast
Hiatus Announcement
19th June 2019 • Don't Give Up Skeleton: A Dark Souls and Bloodborne Podcast • Jeremy Greer
00:00:00 00:05:58

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Hello skeletons! As you'll hear in this short episode, the podcast is going on hiatus! So no new episodes for quite some time (maybe forever, who knows). Thanks to all of you that listen week to week, and thanks to all the guests that have made this show great over the last three years. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up on twitter. <3

You can still catch my voice over at [Monster of the Week](, [Days of Future Cast](, or [Dead Blood Club](

Don't Give Up, Skeleton is on Patreon, which is a great way to support the show if you can. Donations go to keeping the podcast bills paid, as well as my ever growing collection of Souls games.

You can also support the show by leaving an iTunes review, or by sharing the podcast with your friends.

Merch! Wear a skelly on your belly!





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