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May 9 1947 Jackie Robinson and Ben Champman Photo
9th May 2023 • Daily Rewind • This Day In Baseball
00:00:00 00:19:42

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On May 9, 1947 — Philadelphia manager Ben Chapman, who admits he had been ‘kinda loud’ in leading his team in verbally abusing Jackie Robinson with racial slurs during yesterday’s game, sends word to the Brooklyn clubhouse that he would like to make amends by posing with the Dodger first baseman for the newspaper photographers. The orchestrated gesture, which Robinson agrees to, admitting later that is one of the hardest things he ever had to make himself do, is prompted by the bad press created by the Phillies manager’s intolerance and the wrath of Commissioner Chandler.

Robinson collects 2 hits in the 6-5 loss to Philadelphia. 

You can find the interview @ on the pianopappy channel. 

Learn More about the teams, players, ball parks and events that happened on this date in history just click the tags! 1947 | Branch Rickey | Brooklyn Dodgers | Connie Mack Stadium | Jackie Robinson | May 9Ben Chapman | Brooklyn Dodgers | Happy Chandler | Jackie Robinson | May 9

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