Hey CEO…Just curious- are you a Planner Girl?
I find I run into 3 types of women-
- Those who ARE a proud and loud Planner Girl… and swear by a planner to keep them on track.
- Those who say they’re NOT a Planner girl… and just hope to get through the week without dropping too many balls
- Those who WANT to be a Planner Girl…and pick up a new one with great intentions, but before long it gets added to the pile
Today, I promised you we’d address the age-old dilemma of PAPER PLANNER vs DIGITAL…but as I thought about it, it goes way DEEPER than that.
So no matter which of the 3 you are right now, I want you to know this episode is for YOU…because it has the power to make a BIGGER IMPACT on your TIME more than anything else
...and YES, if you stick with me to the end, I promise to help you settle that PAPER vs DIGITAL debate once and for all…or at least for now.
You ready to get into your HEART + CALENDAR with me?
I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!
Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
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P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz