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Remnant Ministries: The Power of Prayer Part 1: How to Communicate with God
Episode 1014th October 2024 • Day41 Outreach • AndreBaxter
00:00:00 00:41:03

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This podcast episode emphasizes the importance of relational prayer and the necessity of maintaining a deep connection with God. Brother Dre shares personal experiences that highlight how busy lives can lead to neglecting your relationship with God, urging listeners to prioritize what truly matters. He discusses how communication with God is not just about presenting requests but also about allowing time for God to respond. By spending quality time in prayer, believers can learn God's ways, desires, and deepen their understanding of His nature. Ultimately, the episode serves as a reminder that prayer should be a two-way conversation, fostering a meaningful relationship with the Creator.


  • Developing a relationship with God requires consistent communication and time spent in prayer.
  • Prayer should be a two-way conversation, allowing God to respond and guide you.
  • True worship comes from knowing God intimately, beyond just surface-level acknowledgment.
  • Many Christians struggle with prayer due to busy lives and lack of prioritization.
  • Building a strong prayer life is essential for understanding and knowing God's will.


Brother Dre:

Hey, what's going on?

Brother Dre:

This is brother Dre on the mic.

Brother Dre:

And welcome to Remnant Ministries, where the word is being taught.

Brother Dre:

I hope that you're having a good day on today.

Brother Dre:

Hope that you're ready to hear the word of God.

Brother Dre:

We're going to get into some things on today, but before we do, I just want to give you a thought.

Brother Dre:

I want to give you a thought.

Brother Dre:

Make sure you prioritize what's important in your life.

Brother Dre:

Make sure you prioritize what's important in your life.

Brother Dre:

Recently, the family has been experiencing or dealing with a death in the family, it was my uncle, and just dealing with his death has been time consuming and it's been hurtful and just what you normally deal with when you lose the loved one.

Brother Dre:

And, you know, but through this whole ordeal, it highlighted some things to me, and that was the fact that I gotta be real.

Brother Dre:

Our family isn't as close as it used to be.

Brother Dre:

It really isn't.

Brother Dre:

Our family isn't as close as it used to be.

Brother Dre:

And it's not because there's family beef and family drama.

Brother Dre:

You know, sometimes people don't speak to one another because there's family beef or family drama.

Brother Dre:

This person don't like that person.

Brother Dre:

That person was caught up, caught talking about this person and all this other stuff.

Brother Dre:

It really doesn't come down to that.

Brother Dre:

What it really comes down to is that all of us, all of us have been living a very busy life.

Brother Dre:

All of us have been chasing these goals that we have.

Brother Dre:

And there's nothing wrong with having goals, but it has consumed us to the point that maybe we have kind of missed the mark a little bit.

Brother Dre:

You know, I was talking to some family, some cousins, and, you know, we was just sitting down talking, and I asked the question, why isn't family as close as it used to be?

Brother Dre:

And all of us agreed.

Brother Dre:

It's the fact that we are so busy nowadays trying to take care of our own families and trying to reach our goals that we have no time for.

Brother Dre:

You know, the.

Brother Dre:

I'll say the outside family.

Brother Dre:

You know, we try to take care of our immediate family, but we don't have time for our outside family.

Brother Dre:

And it has caused many of us to not even know our family, like maybe the older folk used to know.

Brother Dre:

And I'm not saying that it's anyone's fault, because, again, what it comes down to is, you know, we're so busy trying to take care of home that we forget sometimes we don't have time to make time for our family, but I just want to say to those out there, make sure you take time for the things that are important.

Brother Dre:

And family is really important.

Brother Dre:

I believe family is very, very important.

Brother Dre:

It is.

Brother Dre:

It's what keeps people surviving.

Brother Dre:

A lot of times when you lose the job, when you're hurting, when you, God forbid you go through divorce or whatever your emergency may be, your storm may be, when you have that connection with family, you always have someone you can go to, someone you could talk to, someone that will hold you up when no one else will.

Brother Dre:

And so, you know, it's just important that we don't forget the ones that we say we love.

Brother Dre:

I guess it's my biggest picture.

Brother Dre:

We don't forget the ones that we say we love.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Just a thought for the day right now, if you're going to go with me, let's get into it.

Brother Dre:

I just want you to repeat after me.

Brother Dre:

I believe that God's word is true.

Brother Dre:

It is the final authority, my life.

Brother Dre:

Therefore, everything that God has said concerning me shall come to pass.

Brother Dre:

I want to talk about prayer on today.

Brother Dre:

Let's talk about prayer.

Brother Dre:

And I know this is not a sexy subject because we like to talk about blessings and seven steps to being blessed and how God wants you to live prosperous and he does.

Brother Dre:

And all that is needed.

Brother Dre:

And we need to talk about what God wants to do for us.

Brother Dre:

And we need to talk about who we are and how blessed we can be and how he will give us the desires of our heart and how we don't have to settle for things that are beneath us and how he, if the enemy, the devil will bless his kids, will not God bless his own.

Brother Dre:

All that needs to be talked about.

Brother Dre:

But we also need to talk about things that are essential in the believer's life.

Brother Dre:

We need to talk about things that should be pillars in the life of the believer.

Brother Dre:

And one of those is prayer.

Brother Dre:

And so let's just talk about prayer.

Brother Dre:

Prayer for one is very, very, very important to the life of the believer.

Brother Dre:

And unfortunately, prayer has really left the lives of many christians.

Brother Dre:

It doesn't mean that you don't love the Lord.

Brother Dre:

It just means that you don't talk to him as much.

Brother Dre:

Oh, let me say that again.

Brother Dre:

It doesn't mean that you don't love the Lord, Orlando, but it just means that you haven't talked to him as much.

Brother Dre:

And when you start losing communication with God you start forgetting who God is.

Brother Dre:

You don't have a great understanding of who God is.

Brother Dre:

The only way you can really understand who God is and continuously learn who God is, is with a good prayer life.

Brother Dre:

You got to spend time with him.

Brother Dre:

You got to spend time with God.

Brother Dre:

In order for you to know about something, you have to spend time around it.

Brother Dre:

If you want to know about someone, the ins and outs about someone, you have to spend time with that person.

Brother Dre:

I've been married now for 15 years and guess what?

Brother Dre:

My wife is not the same person I met 15 years ago.

Brother Dre:

I can't go off the information that I had 15 years ago.

Brother Dre:

I have to get the information fresh every day because she changes every day.

Brother Dre:

Every day.

Brother Dre:

One day she likes this, the next day she don't like it.

Brother Dre:

One day she, you know, this is her favorite food, the next day it's not.

Brother Dre:

She changes every day.

Brother Dre:

There are things that I learned about her from her past that she hasn't changed, that I'm just coming into the knowledge of why?

Brother Dre:

Because I have to spend that time.

Brother Dre:

I have to spend that time and vice versa.

Brother Dre:

The person she married 15 years ago, I'm not that same person.

Brother Dre:

Some of it, I wish I was.

Brother Dre:

Some of it I'm glad I'm not.

Brother Dre:

But I'm not that same person.

Brother Dre:

And so in order for us to know God, like we need to know goddess, or like we should know God, we have to spend time with him.

Brother Dre:

Are you spending time with God?

Brother Dre:

How much time do you spend with God?

Brother Dre:

How much time do you spend in prayer talking to God?

Brother Dre:

Let's go ahead and define what prayer is.

Brother Dre:

Prayer in its simplest form, prayer is communication between you and Goddess.

Brother Dre:

That's what prayer is, communication between you and God.

Brother Dre:

Now let me tell you what prayer is not.

Brother Dre:

Prayer is not you doing all the talking and God not having the chance to say anything.

Brother Dre:

How many of us go into prayer and our prayer sounds like this?

Brother Dre:

Oh, God, I thank you right now that you for life, health and strength.

Brother Dre:

I thank you, Lord God, that you give me my bill money.

Brother Dre:

Lord, I thank you for watching over my kids.

Brother Dre:

I thank you, Lord God, that.

Brother Dre:

That you're going to make a way out of.

Brother Dre:

No way.

Brother Dre:

All the places that I'm lacking, God, I thank you that you're going to give me all my needs.

Brother Dre:

Every need is met right now.

Brother Dre:

In Jesus name, I thank you for divine protection.

Brother Dre:

In Jesus name, amen.

Brother Dre:

And then we get up and then we go to work, and then we speak to our spouse and then we go hang out.

Brother Dre:

And we said that prayer, but we didn't give God time to respond back.

Brother Dre:

See, for a lot of us, prayer is not, it's not communication between you know, me and God.

Brother Dre:

But for a lot of us, prayer is just me telling him what I want.

Brother Dre:

For a lot of us, prayers, just us venting about what's wrong in our lives.

Brother Dre:

How many of us deal with that?

Brother Dre:

You know, we got a friend that come to us when they got issues, and they just want to vent to you now, they don't listen to.

Brother Dre:

They're not trying to really figure out a.

Brother Dre:

A resolution or figure out how to get better, but they just want to vent to you.

Brother Dre:

And then after they finish venting, they get off the phone.

Brother Dre:

I gotta go.

Brother Dre:

I'll talk to you later.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Well, you're welcome for the talk.

Brother Dre:

You didn't get three, four words in, but that's what they did.

Brother Dre:

That's what happens.

Brother Dre:

And so that's what we do with God.

Brother Dre:

A lot of times we talk to God, and we just talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk, and we don't give God time to talk back to us.

Brother Dre:

When was the last time you just got quiet after you said, good morning and you said, lord, I love you, I appreciate you, and then you give him time to talk back.

Brother Dre:

When was the last time you came to God with a problem and you gave him time to answer?

Brother Dre:

When was the last time you didn't come to God with a problem, but you just came to God with thanksgiving?

Brother Dre:

When was the last time you came to God saying, Lord, how can I please you?

Brother Dre:

Lord, what makes you smile?

Brother Dre:

Lord, I sense that something's wrong.

Brother Dre:

What's going on?

Brother Dre:

See, prayer is more than just you talking.

Brother Dre:

It's allowing God to talk back to you.

Brother Dre:

We got to get better at that.

Brother Dre:

We live in a time where I.

Brother Dre:

People are selfish.

Brother Dre:

People are selfish.

Brother Dre:

Why do you think a lot of marriages don't work now?

Brother Dre:

Because communication has broke down.

Brother Dre:

Why has communication broke down?

Brother Dre:

Because most times you got one person doing all the talking and one person doing all the listening instead of being equal.

Brother Dre:

It's the truth.

Brother Dre:

Look up the statistics of why marriages don't work.

Brother Dre:

One of the greatest problems will be communication.

Brother Dre:

It's usually money, communication, and sex, which could be solved with communication.

Brother Dre:

A lot of times, praise God, but we have to give God time to talk back to us.

Brother Dre:

Are you really in prayer or are you just telling God what you want?

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

John 15 and seven says, if ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

Brother Dre:

Let me read that scripture again.

Brother Dre:

John 15 and seven.

Brother Dre:

If you're taking notes.

Brother Dre:

If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

Brother Dre:

Notice this.

Brother Dre:

It says, if ye abide in me, so I must abide in God.

Brother Dre:

But also notice the second part of that.

Brother Dre:

And my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will.

Brother Dre:

So guess what?

Brother Dre:

I just can't abide in him.

Brother Dre:

You know, spend time with him, be in his presence.

Brother Dre:

But I also have to allow his word to abide in me.

Brother Dre:

See, what's the definition for abide?

Brother Dre:

Do any of us know the definition of abide?

Brother Dre:

Because a lot of times we read words and we really don't have a good understanding of what that word is.

Brother Dre:

Listen to the definition of abide.

Brother Dre:

Abide means to accept without objection.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

To accept without rejection.

Brother Dre:

That's abide.

Brother Dre:

So verse seven, John 15 and seven says, if ye abide, or if ye.

Brother Dre:

If ye accept me without objection and my word, abide or my word, you accept without objection, you will ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

Brother Dre:

See, you can't separate God from his word.

Brother Dre:

They're one.

Brother Dre:

It's impossible to separate God and his word.

Brother Dre:

They're one.

Brother Dre:

How do we know this, John one?

Brother Dre:

And one says, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

You cannot separate God from his word, which means you cannot love God and don't.

Brother Dre:

You can't love God and not love his word.

Brother Dre:

You can't accept his word.

Brother Dre:

You can't accept God and not accept his word.

Brother Dre:

They're one.

Brother Dre:

But see, many of us, that's where we fall prey to the enemy.

Brother Dre:

That's why some of our prayers are not being answered.

Brother Dre:

Because we say we love God, but we don't love his word.

Brother Dre:

We love him, but we don't love what he has to say.

Brother Dre:

But if you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

Brother Dre:

And notice this, and I love this about him.

Brother Dre:

He didn't put a restriction on what you could ask him.

Brother Dre:

He said, ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.

Brother Dre:

Now, of course, we know it has to line up with the word of God.

Brother Dre:

It has to line up with the will of God.

Brother Dre:

For example, he's not going to give you another man's wife, you know.

Brother Dre:

Oh, I'm praying that, you know, you give me Keisha, Lord, you know, because she's a good woman and she deserves better I know she's mad, but she deserves a man like me.

Brother Dre:

No, he's not going to do that.

Brother Dre:

Because again, that violates his word.

Brother Dre:

And God will not go against.

Brother Dre:

Oh, God.

Brother Dre:

God will not go against his word.

Brother Dre:

He said, but if you abide in me, you accept me without objection, and my words abide in you.

Brother Dre:

You accept my word without objection.

Brother Dre:

You shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.

Brother Dre:

God, I thank you.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Praise God.

Brother Dre:

So, like I said, we're talking about prayer.

Brother Dre:

Now, there are two categories where prayer, where every type of prayer will be covered.

Brother Dre:

There are two categories that will cover every type of prayer.

Brother Dre:

One is relational, and the second is the prayer of faith.

Brother Dre:

Let me say that again.

Brother Dre:

Number one is relational.

Brother Dre:

You're having relational prayer.

Brother Dre:

And then the second is prayer of faith.

Brother Dre:

Now, if you, if you're not doing the first one, if you're not having relational faith, relational prayer, then it is hard to maximize the prayer of faith.

Brother Dre:

Let me say that again.

Brother Dre:

If you are not having relational prayer, it is hard to maximize, key word, maximize the prayer of faith.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

How can you have or pray the prayer of faith when you don't know who you're praying to?

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

It's impossible to have to have the prayer of faith, to pray the prayer of faith when you don't know who you're praying to.

Brother Dre:

And so for some of us, we don't get the results that we want from the prayer of faith because we know God only in a certain way.

Brother Dre:

We only know God in the way that our mama knew it.

Brother Dre:

Oh, God.

Brother Dre:

I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but since I'm here, let's go there.

Brother Dre:

The reason why we don't get the results that we desire when we pray the prayer of faith is because we don't know God like we should know him.

Brother Dre:

We only know him in a small way.

Brother Dre:

We know him as you know.

Brother Dre:

We know what we know about God because we went to church when we were little kids, and so we never developed that relationship with God.

Brother Dre:

We only know him in this aspect.

Brother Dre:

And so when we try to pray the prayer of faith, you know, pray about certain things, we try to pray for healing, we try to pray for miracles.

Brother Dre:

We don't get the results that we want because we don't really know the God that we serve or we don't know the God that we are praying to, hallelujah.

Brother Dre:

So you cannot maximize the prayer faith if you are not having relational prayer.

Brother Dre:

So what do I mean by relational prayer?

Brother Dre:

Relational is when you are in prayer, developing a rapport, you are developing a relationship, you are discovering who God is.

Brother Dre:

You are taking time to please God.

Brother Dre:

You are wanting to know his mind.

Brother Dre:

The more you.

Brother Dre:

But the more time you spend with him, the more time he reveals himself.

Brother Dre:

Oh, glory to God.

Brother Dre:

You know, there's such a thing where, you know, you can be around someone and you can know them on the surface.

Brother Dre:

You might have known them because you saw them at work or you may have saw them at a get together or something like that.

Brother Dre:

And so you know them in that regard.

Brother Dre:

But when you begin to spend more time with them and then you begin to spend intimate time within.

Brother Dre:

And I'm not talking about in a sexual way, but I'm talking about an intimate, a close, a close, just you and them type of situation.

Brother Dre:

Situation, that type of atmosphere.

Brother Dre:

They begin to reveal certain things to you that they don't reveal to other people because you took the time to know them in an intimate way.

Brother Dre:

It's the same thing with God.

Brother Dre:

You know, there's a lot of people that know God on the surface.

Brother Dre:

We know him on Sunday morning because we go there and we say, we praise God on Sunday morning, but we don't talk to him any other time of the week.

Brother Dre:

But when you have that person that talks to him on Sunday and talks to him on Monday and got to be in his presence on Tuesday, and we trying to work it out on Wednesday and, Lord, how can I please you on Thursday?

Brother Dre:

And Lord, let's just go out on a date on and let's just have a praise time.

Brother Dre:

Let me just worship you on a Saturday so I can be prepared to really get in your presence again on Sunday.

Brother Dre:

It makes a difference.

Brother Dre:

God will reveal himself to those who seek him.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

He will reveal himself to those who seek him.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

The problem is, many of us are not seeking God like we should.

Brother Dre:

You develop a relationship, and I hate to bust your bubble, but it cannot be done one day out of the week.

Brother Dre:

You cannot develop the relationship that you need and that God desires with one day out of the week.

Brother Dre:

He wants a relationship with you.

Brother Dre:

He wants you to know him.

Brother Dre:

He's not trying to see, here's what we do.

Brother Dre:

A lot of times we.

Brother Dre:

Oh, this is what we think.

Brother Dre:

A lot of times we think that God wants to be a mystery to us.

Brother Dre:

That's what we think.

Brother Dre:

A lot of us think that, you know, that he wants to be a mystery to us, but he doesn't.

Brother Dre:

He wants to commune with you.

Brother Dre:

He wants to commune with you.

Brother Dre:

He wants to show you every side of him.

Brother Dre:

He wants to give you all that you can handle.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:

You know, there's a scripture.

Brother Dre:

I can't remember it at the moment, but it says, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard.

Brother Dre:

Neither has it entered the thought of man.

Brother Dre:

What God has for those who love him.

Brother Dre:

And are called according to his purpose.

Brother Dre:

Human eyes haven't seen, human ears have not heard.

Brother Dre:

What God has in store for those who love him.

Brother Dre:

But it is revealed by his spirit.

Brother Dre:

It's revealed by his spirit.

Brother Dre:

He wants you to know him.

Brother Dre:

Anybody that tells you that God just wants to be a mystery to you, they're lying.

Brother Dre:

He wants to know you.

Brother Dre:

Think about this for a minute.

Brother Dre:

When he created man, when he created Adam, he communed with Adam.

Brother Dre:

He spent time with Adam.

Brother Dre:

He would be in the garden with Adam.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

They would be communing together.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

That's how he wants to be with you.

Brother Dre:

How do we know that?

Brother Dre:

Because when Adam fell, in Genesis, chapter three, when Adam fell, the Lord called out to him.

Brother Dre:

When Adam sinned, the Lord called out to him and said, adam, where are you?

Brother Dre:

Where are you?

Brother Dre:

Why are you hiding from me?

Brother Dre:

So, now, why would the Bible say he was hiding.

Brother Dre:

If God just wanted to remain a mystery, if they had no relationship?

Brother Dre:

God wants a relationship with you.

Brother Dre:

The question is, do you want a relationship with him?

Brother Dre:

So we have to have relational prayer.

Brother Dre:

God's desire is to know you.

Brother Dre:

He knows you.

Brother Dre:

But God's desire is for you to know him as well.

Brother Dre:

I'll never forget the first song that I ever sang with my daddy.

Brother Dre:

Was a song called I miss my time with you.

Brother Dre:

I believe it's by Lornell Harris.

Brother Dre:

I miss my time with you.

Brother Dre:

And the lyrics said something like this.

Brother Dre:

And forgive me if I don't get it exactly right.

Brother Dre:

But it says something like.

Brother Dre:

I miss my time with you.

Brother Dre:

Those moments together I want to be with you each day but it hurts me when you say you're too busy busy trying to listen busy trying to serve me but how can you serve me when your spirits empty oh, there's a longing in my heart glory to God wanting more than just a part of you it's true I miss my time with you powerful words.

Brother Dre:

Because how many of us will.

Brother Dre:

Will admit that a lot of times we say, we're doing all these things for God.

Brother Dre:

We're singing for goddess.

Brother Dre:

We're ministering to people for God.

Brother Dre:

We're doing all these things for God.

Brother Dre:

And yet we don't even talk to God, the things that we do have taken the place completely of spending time with goddess.

Brother Dre:

It's kind of like in a marriage when, you know, the husband is saying, I'm trying everything I can to make sure my wife is happy.

Brother Dre:

And so he's working two and three jobs.

Brother Dre:

He's never at home.

Brother Dre:

He's never intimate with his wife, never talks to her.

Brother Dre:

And then she leaves and he's like, but I did my best.

Brother Dre:

When all she really wanted was some attention.

Brother Dre:

All she really wanted was for you to listen to her.

Brother Dre:

She understands and she appreciates that you're trying to provide.

Brother Dre:

But don't forget our relationship.

Brother Dre:

Oh, God.

Brother Dre:

And so I'm saying to some of you, we're constantly doing things for God, but God is saying, don't forget about me.

Brother Dre:

Don't forget to spend time with me.

Brother Dre:

I still want to see your face.

Brother Dre:

I still want to be.

Brother Dre:

I still want to be priority.

Brother Dre:

I still want that relationship.

Brother Dre:

I desire that relationship.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

So we have to have.

Brother Dre:

We have to have relational prayer.

Brother Dre:

We got to understand who God is.

Brother Dre:

That's the only way we're going to discover who God is.

Brother Dre:

And we have to constantly, constantly be in his presence to know what he's saying, to learn his ways.

Brother Dre:

Hallelujah to God.

Brother Dre:

I want you to think about this.

Brother Dre:

Look in Hebrews, chapter eleven, verse five.

Brother Dre:

Hebrews, chapter eleven, verse five.

Brother Dre:

It says, by faith, Enoch was taken from this life so that he did not experience death.

Brother Dre:

He could not be found, because God had taken him away.

Brother Dre:

For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.

Brother Dre:

Enoch walked so close to God that he just, he was just taken away.

Brother Dre:

He pleased God that much that he was just.

Brother Dre:

He became.

Brother Dre:

He walked so close that he just.

Brother Dre:

It's almost like he just vanished with him.

Brother Dre:

He was taken up, never saw death.

Brother Dre:

But now think about this.

Brother Dre:

Not one time it's Enoch spoken about as delivering a nation, not what time do you read about Enoch performing these miracles or anything like that?

Brother Dre:

Enoch just simply walked with God, was faithful to God.

Brother Dre:

He pleased God.

Brother Dre:

I think somebody needs to hear this, because many times if you allow certain people to talk to you, they will say, the only way you can please God is if you do these great things.

Brother Dre:

And it's just not true.

Brother Dre:

God will be pleased as long as you obey him.

Brother Dre:

God will be pleased as long as you do what he told you to do.

Brother Dre:

Yes, some people are called to do great things and perform miracles.

Brother Dre:

And some people may be called to the fivefold ministry.

Brother Dre:

And yes, the people in the Bible like Moses and David.

Brother Dre:

Yes, they stood for a nation, delivered a nation.

Brother Dre:

Elijah, Elisha, great men and women of God.

Brother Dre:

But every last one of them saw death.

Brother Dre:

Well, all except Elijah, but they saw death.

Brother Dre:

Enoch is not.

Brother Dre:

You don't see anything about Enoch doing any of those things.

Brother Dre:

He didn't do any great miracle or anything like that.

Brother Dre:

It just simply say he pleased God and then he was no more.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

God just wants you to please him.

Brother Dre:

Are you pleasing God?

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

I'll say this as well.

Brother Dre:

Notice that with the disciples.

Brother Dre:

Notice it was the disciple whom Jesus loved that didn't see death.

Brother Dre:

Or let me say like this, that died of natural causes.

Brother Dre:

Everybody else was killed, beheaded, crucified, upside down, boiled alive, skinned alive.

Brother Dre:

All of that beheaded.

Brother Dre:

John, the one whom Jesus loved, died of natural causes.

Brother Dre:

How many great exploits do you see?

Brother Dre:

If we were just going by things that, you know are put in the Bible, showing what the disciples did, you would think Peter would have been the one that died of natural causes, or maybe Paul.

Brother Dre:

But it wasn't either one of them.

Brother Dre:

It was John.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

It was the one whom Jesus loved.

Brother Dre:

He had such a admiration for the Lord, such a love for Christ that he was just.

Brother Dre:

He just loved him.

Brother Dre:

And Jesus didn't have to wonder.

Brother Dre:

He loved him so much that he became the one whom Jesus loved.

Brother Dre:

They had relationship.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

We got to develop that relationship with God.

Brother Dre:

Are you spending time with God?

Brother Dre:

We're talking about prayer, but we're talking about relational prayer.

Brother Dre:

Are you spending time with God?

Brother Dre:

What does your prayer life look like before you ask for anything, what does your prayer life look like?

Brother Dre:

If you didn't ask for anything, if you didn't cry to him about anything, what would your prayer life look like?

Brother Dre:

And if you can't answer that, then that means that there is something missing between the relationship with you and God.

Brother Dre:

God wants relationship.

Brother Dre:

He desires relationship.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Praise your holy name.

Brother Dre:

So now there are a couple things that happens when you have a relationship with God.

Brother Dre:

And I've already been kind of saying them, but I just give you these few keys in case you missed them.

Brother Dre:

Number one is you learn his ways, his desires.

Brother Dre:

When you have a relationship with God, when you have that relational prayer, that prayer time with God where you're not asking for anything, you just.

Brother Dre:

You're just communing with God.

Brother Dre:

You learn his ways, his desires.

Brother Dre:

Thank you, Lord God.

Brother Dre:

Number two is you learn to worship goddess.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Because you learn what he wants.

Brother Dre:

You learn how to stroke his ego, how to please him.

Brother Dre:

Glory to God.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

Because you discover who he is.

Brother Dre:

So you learn to worship God.

Brother Dre:

You can't worship something you don't know.

Brother Dre:

The Bible talks about that in John, chapter four, verse 21.

Brother Dre:

You can't worship something that you don't know.

Brother Dre:

Remember where it talks about the woman at the well?

Brother Dre:

Jesus met the woman at the well and he said, you Samaritans, you do not know what you worship.

Brother Dre:

But we do, for salvation is from the Jews.

Brother Dre:

You can't worship what you don't know.

Brother Dre:

So when you have that relationship, you learn how to worship God.

Brother Dre:

You know what pleases God.

Brother Dre:

And yes, worship is a type of relational prayer.

Brother Dre:

How it is communication between you and goddess.

Brother Dre:

Thank you, Lord.

Brother Dre:

I think I'm gonna stop right here.

Brother Dre:

There's so much more I could go into.

Brother Dre:

Maybe we'll do a part, matter of fact, we're gonna do a part two.

Brother Dre:

And I'll go deeper into those things.

Brother Dre:

But develop a relationship with God.

Brother Dre:

Spend time with him.

Brother Dre:

Spend time with him.

Brother Dre:

And guess what?

Brother Dre:

Your relationship doesn't have to be like anybody else's relationship.

Brother Dre:

Don't try to be like anybody else.

Brother Dre:

However you develop your relationship with God.

Brother Dre:

As long as, first of all, you know, it has to be in his word.

Brother Dre:

You got to know his word.

Brother Dre:

If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you can't separate the two.

Brother Dre:

So it'll be in his word.

Brother Dre:

But, but don't try, you know, because sometimes we hear how other people get in God's face and pray, and we feel like we got to do it the same way, and it's just not true.

Brother Dre:

And sometimes it, it hinders us to a point where we say, well, I just don't have the wherewithal to develop like that.

Brother Dre:

Well, a couple things.

Brother Dre:

Number one, a lot of times when you hear how people pray to God and how much time they spend praying to God and everything else, a lot of times that's in their present state.

Brother Dre:

Usually, that's not how they started.

Brother Dre:

Secondly, that's for them, let them do how they want to do.

Brother Dre:

You do how you want to do.

Brother Dre:

ing to someone who may get up:

Brother Dre:

That's good.

Brother Dre:

And I'm not hating on that.

Brother Dre:

But maybe you don't, you don't have the.

Brother Dre:

You can't do the:

Brother Dre:

So start where you are.

Brother Dre:

Which do you think the Lord would prefer?

Brother Dre:

e him at all or you to get up:

Brother Dre:

Spend time with him for 30 minutes versus nothing.

Brother Dre:

Let's not, let's not talk ourselves out of it because we don't sound like somebody else.

Brother Dre:

We can't do like somebody else.

Brother Dre:

God wants a relationship with you and then maybe it'll change later on.

Brother Dre:

You start off with 30 minutes then you become deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper.

Brother Dre:

Now it turns into an hour.

Brother Dre:

Now it turns into an hour and a half.

Brother Dre:

However it develops, let it develop between you and God.

Brother Dre:

I had so much more I want to say today and there's so much more I can say but we're going to stop right there because I don't want to, I don't want to give you too much at one time.

Brother Dre:

Not that I know so much but it's a lot that I could go on and on about prayer.

Brother Dre:


Brother Dre:

But develop a relationship with God.

Brother Dre:

He would love to hear from.




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