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Pause or Persist? Navigating Website Gripes in Marketing
5th February 2024 • The Paid Media Playbook • Double Z Media
00:00:00 00:10:32

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Join Laura and Lisa on another insightful episode of "The Paid Media Playbook" by Double Z Media. In this episode, they delve into a common dilemma faced by marketers - the decision to halt advertising because of dissatisfaction with a company's website. Discover why this knee-jerk reaction might not be the best strategy and explore practical alternatives to keep the traffic flowing. Don't miss out on valuable insights from seasoned media buyers on navigating the delicate balance between website revamps and maintaining a strong online presence.


  • 0:00 - 00:45: Introduction to the Paid Media Playbook by Double Z Media.
  • 00:45 - 02:30: The common scenario of clients halting advertising due to dissatisfaction with their website. Laura and Lisa share their experiences as media buyers.
  • 02:30 - 04:15: Discussing the prevalent discontent with websites among clients and the potential pitfalls of completely stopping advertising.
  • 04:15 - 06:30: The importance of identifying specific issues with websites and the misconception around needing a complete overhaul.
  • 06:30 - 08:15: The disconnect in creating simple landing pages and the reluctance to take small steps to maintain online presence during website revamps.
  • 08:15 - 10:00: The risks associated with a prolonged hiatus from advertising, the impact on search rankings, and the value of maintaining momentum. Highlighting the effectiveness of landing pages as a temporary solution.
  • 10:00 - 10:45: Wrapping up the episode with a discussion on the significance of a clear call-to-action on landing pages and the need for a strategic approach to website improvements.

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