Episode 52 - Ruth Wishengrad - How to sing confidence into your children
Ruth Wishengrad
Ruth Wishengrad, is the founder of UpBeats Media and the creator of the Self-Talk Songs™ program. Ruth is on a mission to build a world of confident kids, so that every kid (and inner kid) feels worthy, valued and loved! She has a Masters in Education and has been teaching, training and mentoring individuals for over 30 years. Ruth travels the world speaking at conferences and events on topics ranging from social and emotional growth to neuroscience techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. She has developed and created several programs that incorporate neuroscience methods using music and movement. It was an honor for her to present at the International Creative Art Therapy Conferences in both Beijing and Hong Kong where she guided educators and occupational therapists on the benefits of using these techniques with those with autism. Now, Ruth trains educators and coaches to teach self-confidence and growth mindset to UpLift, UpLevel and Transform Kids Lives!
Ruth's Facebook page
@icandoitlady on Instagram
Creative Confident Coloring Pages
Designed to spark creativity and self-confidence from the inside out, a golden opportunity to take a “time out” to relax and color.
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