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Episode 35 - Misty W. Gilbert - The Entrepreneur Manual
Episode 359th June 2023 • Bringing Education Home • Kristina & Herb Heagh-Avritt
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Episode 35 - Misty W. Gilbert - The Entrepreneur Manual

Misty Gilbert

Misty is the President of The Resource Management Group, LLC and began her Entrepreneurship journey June 2004 with the desire to help Healthcare and Business Professionals have thriving businesses built on a foundation of Financial Wellness. Our focus is to provide you the resources to improve your business to allow you to spend your time doing what you love and not be consumed with the day-to-day operations. With 27 years of experience, our simple, accurate and transparent methods will improve your operations from the foundation up. Misty's focus is to encourage, support and inspire others. She is a fan of exercise and is a writer and speaker. Misty is a huge advocate of creating community and has led the DFW Minimalist Group for since June 2016 inspiring everyone to create the life they want, live intentionally, and to love people and use things. She performed a TEDx Talk January 2019 on The Art of Authenticity in her home state of California.

Misty's Website

Misty's Gift -

Book a call to see how she can help you and your business

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Copyright 2024 Kristina & Herb Heagh-Avritt




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