On today's devotional we discuss the importance of knowing who you truly are and how God wants to use you for his Glory.
Kristin shares biblical scripture from Ephesians and 1 Peter about he gifts God has given each of us and purpose and shares several ideas on how we can step into our God sized purpose and God-given dream when we truly know who we are and how God wants to move us.
Kristin also talks about how to keep preparing ourselves for God to use us and to keep looking for the opportunities God is placing in front of us now and as we step out in faith.
To learn more about Kristin Fitch and her podcast Faith Fueled Woman and to sign up for her email and 7 Day Faith-based Encouragement Challenge (7 days of Encouragement sent to your inbox)- click here.
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Daily Devotional- Message of Hope, Christian Womens Devotional, Bible Study