In this spiritually captivating episode, we will learn and obtain clear biblical instruction from God’s Word that the Holy Spirit’s power is activated and experienced when we develop inner strength.
Just as our physical bodies need to be strengthened and given proper care, our spirit man also needs to be nourished and strengthened. It is that dunamis (Greek) power of the Holy Ghost that works from the inside out.
It does not come automatically. We must do our part.
Spiritual fitness and development are a process. As a long time jogger of almost 30 years, I had to build up my stamina and endurance over time. Spiritually, our inner man also gains strength, stamina, and endurance over time.
We must first totally yield to the Holy Spirit’s control and guidance. He is our Helper and our spiritual fitness trainer and coach.
This episode details in the Word of God several accounts of the Holy Spirit’s explosive power in full operation in the lives of God's people. That same explosive power and divine energy are available to us today.
Are you ready to make the commitment necessary to activate and experience God’s supernatural power in your life?
Then we pray that the Lord will give you ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying in this episode and the courage to apply the truth of God’s Word to every aspect of your life.
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