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Transformative Discipleship: How to Fulfill Your Life's Calling
Episode 1715th January 2025 • Kingdom Reformation • Glenn Bleakney
00:00:00 01:07:02

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This episode features a compelling interview with Dr. Michael Brodier, a seasoned pastor and the visionary creator of DestinyFinder, a powerful tool designed to help individuals uncover and live out their God-given purpose. Dr. Brodier underscores the critical importance of establishing a strong identity in Christ as the foundation for pursuing one's destiny. He highlights that a firm grasp of identity not only provides clarity and direction but also shields individuals from the pitfalls of seeking external validation.

The conversation delves deep into the DestinyFinder process, which guides individuals in examining their personal history, spiritual gifts, passions, and dreams to articulate a unique "God-dream." This structured journey is designed to empower believers to step confidently into their divine calling. Dr. Brodier passionately advocates for a transformative church model that prioritizes the spiritual growth and development of its members. He emphasizes the need for mentorship and intentional community support, fostering an environment where believers can thrive in their faith and purpose.

Throughout the discussion, Dr. Brodier and the host explore the vital connection between faith, identity, and mission within a community context. They argue that a healthy, Kingdom-focused community plays an indispensable role in helping individuals navigate the complexities of life while staying aligned with their God-given destiny.

For more information on DestinyFinder and how it can help you discover and live out your purpose, visit

To explore more Kingdom-focused content, including podcasts, teachings, and resources on revival, discipleship, and New Testament ministry, check out


  • Identity in Christ is essential for fulfilling one's destiny and purpose in life.
  • Discipleship should focus on development rather than mere delegation of tasks or roles.
  • Community plays a crucial role in personal growth and discovering one's calling in Christ.
  • Understanding one's history, gifts, and passions is vital for uncovering destiny.
  • Motivation should be rooted in God's promises, love, and the joy of serving Him.
  • The journey of transformation involves intentionality, mentorship, and an ongoing relationship with God.

Links referenced in this episode:


Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

Well, hey there, everyone.

Glenn Blakeney:

Glenn Blakeney here.

Glenn Blakeney:

And welcome to this edition, this episode of Kingdom Community, Kingdom Reformation.

Glenn Blakeney:

We've kind of been changing the name here back and forth actually, just to give you an update.

Glenn Blakeney:

Our website now is Kingdom

Glenn Blakeney:

lots of great content on there and we would love for you just to go.

Glenn Blakeney:

In order to access it all, you actually have to subscribe.

Glenn Blakeney:

There's a paid subscription option, but there is a free subscription option if that's what you choose.

Glenn Blakeney:

And sure, go ahead, do that.

Glenn Blakeney:

I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Glenn Blakeney:

Well, excuse me.

Glenn Blakeney:

Today we're continuing on the topic of destiny and I have Dr.

Glenn Blakeney:

Michael Brodere back with me and we, we want to really help you guys to fulfill your destiny.

Glenn Blakeney:

And one of the things that I feel is so important, Michael, in everything, you know, you can do all the right things, lots of motion, but really no momentum and activity isn't necessarily the sign or busyness, I guess the sign of being intentional and fulfilling our destiny.

Glenn Blakeney:

So want to really help people with that.

Glenn Blakeney:

Just like it says in Acts 13 about David served the purposes of God in his life, his generation.

Glenn Blakeney:

That's a powerful verse.

Glenn Blakeney:

We know about that.

Glenn Blakeney:

So here we are, guys, part two.

Glenn Blakeney:

And we're going to be talking about destiny and identity.

Glenn Blakeney:

And Michael, would you just take a moment and just kind of let everyone know a little bit about your background and in terms of what makes you an authority in this space as well.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Well, as I shared last, last session, you know, my whole heart has been to see people transformed into the fullness of who Jesus created them to be.

Michael Brodere:

I was a pastor in San Francisco for over 33 years and it was a challenging time.

Michael Brodere:

There was a lot of issues that we had to deal with.

Michael Brodere:

A lot of spiritual warfare, a lot of amazing, beautiful breakthroughs.

Michael Brodere:

But in the process there I, I developed this, this thing called Destiny Finder.

Michael Brodere:

It was probably in the late 80s that I first came up with the framework for this.

Michael Brodere:

It was a combination of understanding the need for deep disciples.

Michael Brodere:

Understanding the challenge of discipleship is that every single person is so incredibly different than each other that we had to be able to customize discipleship to the individual.

Michael Brodere:

And what is the customization process?

Michael Brodere:

Well, it's understanding the individual's history and story.

Michael Brodere:

How did they come to Christ, how did they.

Michael Brodere:

What was their journey like is looking at their gift mix and how they are designed by God and then also looking at their unique passions and dreams.

Michael Brodere:

And so we developed this, it was about 12 years ago.

Michael Brodere:

We put it Online in the initial form, it took us a number of years to get all the pieces in place because it's quite expensive to develop.

Michael Brodere:

But then actually in the last three or four years we've really brought it into a, fine tuned it to be a tool that can help people to first of all discover who they are in Christ and who Christ is in them, and then to be able to really take concrete steps in both their skill development, in their character development, in their community development, to actually see the purposes of God fulfilled in their life in a glorious and beautiful way.

Michael Brodere:

And so it was through pastoring, gosh, hundreds and even several thousand individuals, that God really downloaded this whole process to us and we're happy to share it with all of you.

Michael Brodere:

So God bless you all today.

Glenn Blakeney:

Wow, thank you.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

And more information about Destiny Finder and how you can access all the amazing resources, guys.

Glenn Blakeney:

It can be kingdomtv and there's a discount there for exclusive to Kingdom community TV viewers.

Glenn Blakeney:

So yeah, feel free to check that out and more information at the end of this episode as well.

Glenn Blakeney:

So Michael, let's talk a little bit about obviously destiny, but I'm really intrigued with the idea of identity as well.

Glenn Blakeney:

What role does identity play in terms of preparing us and anything that, that you want to share that's relevant to that.

Glenn Blakeney:

I really love for everyone to, to hear your wisdom on that.

Michael Brodere:

Yeah, I mean, identity is absolutely preliminary to destiny.

Michael Brodere:

A lot of people teach on destiny and we've had many good teachers cover the topic.

Michael Brodere:

But unfortunately, if you pursue your destiny without anchoring your identity in Christ, you've got a problem because most of us come out of this world as we come to Christ with a, with a destiny that's been twisted a little bit by the world.

Michael Brodere:

I mean, I'm sorry, an identity that's been twisted by the world.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, we grew up from childhood with a sinful nature.

Michael Brodere:

We've been involved in different experiences and circumstances, some positive, some negative.

Michael Brodere:

We've been exposed to sins of different kinds.

Michael Brodere:

And as we grow up, we actually adopt an identity, a self awareness, a self perspective that is really contrary to the heart of God.

Michael Brodere:

And then if we bring that into Christ without really allowing the identity of Christ to be imprinted upon us, and then we start pursuing our destiny without a clear reformation of our identity, we can create some pretty big problems.

Michael Brodere:

In fact, if you just look at some of the news that's come out about different pastors and leaders that have fallen into sin recently, usually that's a Result of the fact that they did not allow Christ to transform their character fully before they began to step into higher and higher levels of visibility in their destiny.

Michael Brodere:

And so I believe that identity is preliminary to destiny.

Michael Brodere:

Now, I don't mind sharing the fact that destiny exists in your life when you're just a new believer.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

I believe that we can actually take somebody who just came to Christ and say, God has an incredible purpose in your life.

Michael Brodere:

Psalm 139 says all of your days were written in his book when as yet there were none of them.

Michael Brodere:

If we look at Ephesians 2:10 that we talked about last time, that we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God before ordained that we should walk in them.

Michael Brodere:

There's just no doubt at all in Scripture that every single person has a God given calling, a God given purpose and destiny.

Michael Brodere:

But if we allow ourselves to develop too much into our destiny without adopting the full revelation of who we are in Christ, we will actually be doing so with what we would call an orphan spirit, that an orphan attitude that I have to strive to be loved, I have to strive to be accepted, I have to strive to be appreciated and acknowledged.

Michael Brodere:

And ultimately we become driven by external factors rather than the internal work of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.

Michael Brodere:

And so we want to make sure that identity is on the table.

Michael Brodere:

It's not that you're going to have a perfect identity before you take steps into your destiny, but it's all a process.

Michael Brodere:

But we want to make sure that in every iteration you are paying attention to the fact that character is more important than gifting and fruitfulness.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And character emerges out of our understanding of who we are in Christ and who Christ is in us.

Michael Brodere:

So that's where we start with this whole identity question.

Glenn Blakeney:

Yeah, love it and thank you.

Glenn Blakeney:

at I refer to often is Daniel:

Glenn Blakeney:

You know, it's talking about those who are basically the ones who are going to persevere, press through persecution, hardship, and specifically talks about whether it's the Antichrist or not.

Glenn Blakeney:

They're, you know, those who are, they're flattered.

Glenn Blakeney:

And, and what he says, of course, is it's those who know their God, they shall be strong and they'll do great exploits.

Glenn Blakeney:

And for me, Michael, I've broken that down into first of all intimacy with the Father and then our identity, obviously in Christ.

Glenn Blakeney:

And then destiny flows out of that.

Glenn Blakeney:

Those who know their God, it's Hebrew and Yada, very powerful word, experientially personally.

Glenn Blakeney:

So, yeah, we let.

Glenn Blakeney:

Let's just kind of dive into that a little bit more.

Glenn Blakeney:

Not necessarily that verse, but just the idea of identity in terms of our relationship with the Father, with God in general.

Glenn Blakeney:

And how is identity shaped?

Glenn Blakeney:

Is it just something that we, you know, read all of the new creation reality scriptures, all the verses that talk about our identity, and we just quote those over and over again and.

Glenn Blakeney:

Or is there something more to it than that?

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

How's that formed?

Glenn Blakeney:

How does that emerge in our life?

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

Our identity?

Michael Brodere:

Yeah, I mean, it's.

Michael Brodere:

It's tremendous.

Michael Brodere:

I mean, if you want a full teaching on identity from the scripture, there's no better single text that I know of, except Ephesians, chapter one, where it talks about the fact that we are chosen in Him.

Michael Brodere:

It says, blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ, and he chose us in him before the foundations of the world.

Michael Brodere:

When that truth gets in you, that we would be holy and without blame before him in love, when that truth kind of penetrates your heart and starts to permeate the inside of your being, you realize that God chose you and he is in the process of transforming you.

Michael Brodere:

Another scripture in.

Michael Brodere:

In Romans 12 says that we are being transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Michael Brodere:

That there is a process by which every person who was formed in the darkness of this world, this world system, is now brought into Christ and being trans.

Michael Brodere:

Transformed into the fullness of who Jesus called us to be.

Michael Brodere:

That this transformational process is what we're talking about.

Michael Brodere:

See, in our current American consumer culture, we have this value for celebrity, and everybody's trying to be known, to have a great reputation.

Michael Brodere:

How many followers on Facebook can you get or Instagram that?

Michael Brodere:

Everybody's striving after that visibility.

Michael Brodere:

But the fact is, is that character matters ten times more than gifting or output.

Michael Brodere:

And so what happens is, is that we live in a culture that fosters that artificial, external thing.

Michael Brodere:

But, you know, if you look at my five values, you know, intimacy is number one.

Michael Brodere:

And that's so true.

Michael Brodere:

Identity, okay, is number two.

Michael Brodere:

Integrity is number three.

Michael Brodere:

I want to be the same person on the inside that I am on the outside.

Michael Brodere:

I want to be the same person today and tomorrow that I was yesterday.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, I want to walk in integr.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

But in order to do those three things, intimacy, identity, and integrity, there has to be intentionality.

Michael Brodere:

I have to have this sense that, no, I am a person in process I am growing into the fullness of who Jesus created me to be.

Michael Brodere:

And that's ultimately unto the fulfillment of God's purpose and destiny in my life.

Michael Brodere:

But in order for me to go there, in order for you to make that journey into the fullness of Christ, I must concentrate on the inside, the, the internal transformation as I'm developing the external impact gifting.

Michael Brodere:

So it's, It's a con.

Michael Brodere:

Complex process.

Michael Brodere:

And that's why in the journey guide that we have at forward/DOM TV, you'll see that we actually spend a massive part of our, what we call the mapper, mapping your journey in terms of the perfect personal transformational dynamic.

Michael Brodere:

We're not just interested in getting you into some position where you're bearing fruit.

Michael Brodere:

We want to make sure the internal fruit of the Holy Spirit is just as important.

Michael Brodere:

And that's really where this whole identity thing takes place.

Glenn Blakeney:

Wow, that's really good.

Glenn Blakeney:

You've touched on several very important matters here.

Glenn Blakeney:

You just talked about the external fruit, but then there's the internal fruit.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

What's the difference?

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Well, the.

Michael Brodere:

You know, again, if you look at a tree, the quality of the fruit depends on the power of the roots.

Michael Brodere:

And if we're not rooted deeply in Christ, if we have not actually built the kind of intimate relationship with God, the ability to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit where he can actually speak to us, where the convicting work of the Holy Spirit.

Michael Brodere:

The scripture says that the Holy Spirit was given to convince the world of sin and righteousness and judgment to come, that there's a work that the Holy Spirit does to guide us into all truth.

Michael Brodere:

And we must develop an intimate connection in such a way that we can hear his voice.

Michael Brodere:

We can discern between the voice of the Spirit and our own mind or the.

Michael Brodere:

Or the voice of the enemy.

Michael Brodere:

And where we can begin to humble ourselves and obey that voice in a way that produces true kingdom expression.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And that's what produces the transformation on the inside.

Michael Brodere:

I mean, that's the whole new covenant is that the law was given, but the law was external.

Michael Brodere:

It was outside of us.

Michael Brodere:

I remember as a, as a total heathen walking out one night, into the starry night, looking at myself and feeling so frustrated about my sinfulness and my brokenness.

Michael Brodere:

I remember looking up into the heavens and just saying, God, why didn't you make a religion that could change me from the inside out?

Michael Brodere:

Little did I know that a few months later Jesus was going to come into my life and be that source of Internal transformation, changing me from the inside out.

Michael Brodere:

Jeremiah 31 says, I will make a new agreement with them.

Michael Brodere:

Not like the old agreement, not like the old covenant.

Michael Brodere:

I will make a new covenant.

Michael Brodere:

I will write my laws on their heart.

Michael Brodere:

And this is really the inner work of the Holy Spirit that ultimately culminates in the fulfillment of our destiny.

Michael Brodere:

So it's an amazing journey we're on.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

Okay, great.

Glenn Blakeney:

Hey, so let's just maybe walk us through the whole process.

Glenn Blakeney:

You referred to the journey guide, and what does it look like?

Glenn Blakeney:

You know, obviously, everybody's at a different place in their journey.

Glenn Blakeney:

You mentioned last time on our session about delegation without development.

Glenn Blakeney:

So it's not just doing tasks or even being active in ministry.

Glenn Blakeney:

There's a developmental process here.

Glenn Blakeney:

But in terms of the actual journey, can you just walk us through that?

Glenn Blakeney:

What would it look like if we just go, hey, we head over to kingdomtv we sign up.

Glenn Blakeney:

What's that gonna do?

Glenn Blakeney:

What's it gonna look like?

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Well, the first step that we really want you to focus on in the developmental process is focusing on your history.

Michael Brodere:

Because we operate under the assumption that God knew you before you knew him, and that God was at work in your life.

Michael Brodere:

Even through the most painful things that he did not ordain.

Michael Brodere:

He actually is able to work in all the difficult and positive aspects of your life to bring you to where you are.

Michael Brodere:

Okay, so God's at work.

Michael Brodere:

Can you discern his fingerprints in your life as you look back as a believer now, and you're looking back discerning God's will?

Michael Brodere:

Because we even go back to the question of what did you want to be when you grew up?

Michael Brodere:

Because we believe that even that could be a little bit of a clue, a little bit of an indicator as to what the Lord might have for you ultimately in your life.

Michael Brodere:

So you're.

Michael Brodere:

You're going through the circumstances of your childhood, your family life.

Michael Brodere:

Many times our understanding of God is influenced so much by our relationship with our dad and our mom.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

These things are all real, and we want to know them.

Michael Brodere:

And we also want to make sure that if you're working with a mentor within your church or ministry that you're involved in that.

Michael Brodere:

That mentor has an idea of what are some of the formative dynamics of your life.

Michael Brodere:

Okay, then I want to know your salvation experience.

Michael Brodere:

I want to know, what was it about Jesus that attracted you to him so that you could engage him, so that you could ultimately humble yourself and receive salvation.

Michael Brodere:

The cleansing of your sins, being born again and being filled with the Holy Spirit, that's really the starting point right there.

Michael Brodere:

Once you've been filled with the Spirit, now you're able to start this journey that we talk about in the journey guide.

Michael Brodere:

But part of that, then again, is understanding where you are in that journey at any given point and what you need in that journey to take the next step forward.

Michael Brodere:

And so with a mentor, ideally, if you have one, but if not just with the Holy Spirit, you're going to be able then to discern both your history and how it has impacted you, the wiring of God in your life up to the moment that you're in.

Michael Brodere:

And then we want to look at the gifts of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Michael Brodere:

And then we see three sets of gifting.

Michael Brodere:

The Ephesians 4 gifting that we talked about last week, the Romans 12 gifting, that really speaks more of your personality, the style of person that you are, and then ultimately the supernatural gifting of First Corinthians 12.

Michael Brodere:

We want to assess those, because that's the raw material that you'll actually be drawing from to pursue your destiny.

Michael Brodere:

They're the frameworks of the way God's wired you.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And then once you know that, we want to start looking at this issue of your passions.

Michael Brodere:

What do you care about most in this world?

Michael Brodere:

And so you're going to be led through a series of discovery processes through the website that will guide you.

Michael Brodere:

And if you have a mentor on the journey, all the better.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

But then when you understand your passions in relationship to your gifting, in relationship to your history, you're ready to start doing what we would call the dream work.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

We talk about it in terms of a God dream.

Michael Brodere:

What is God's dream for you?

Michael Brodere:

And how can you begin to identify that dream in such a way that you can begin to clarify it and then begin to take solid steps towards that dream?

Michael Brodere:

And so this is really what we're trying to go after, is that ultimately, not that the dream is the perfect identifier of what you're called to be and do in the future, but it's a.

Michael Brodere:

It's an approximate identifier.

Michael Brodere:

And I can break that down a little bit more closely if you want me to, Glenn, because there are clear scriptures.

Michael Brodere:

We talked about them a little bit last week, but we can go into greater depth today.

Glenn Blakeney:

Yeah, please, let's do that.

Glenn Blakeney:

And just before you.

Glenn Blakeney:

Before you do that, obviously, we have some notes that we want to send out to everyone.

Glenn Blakeney:

All you need to do is head over to, subscribe, and then we'll be sending out an email where you can access really an overview and even the transcript of this interview, plus the video replay and last week's video as well.

Glenn Blakeney:

But yeah, let's talk about that.

Glenn Blakeney:

Please unpack that for us, Michael.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Well, here's the thing is, you know, one of the problems with the teaching on Destiny is that there's a lot of inspiration but very little instruction as to actually how to take solid steps.

Michael Brodere:

But if you're beginning a journey, you really want to know the destination before you start out.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Like, I live in California, okay.

Michael Brodere:

And if I was traveling to New York City, I'd want to make some determination as to how I'm going to map the journey.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

If it's summertime, I want to go north because it's so beautiful along that northern track, the highway, you know, the Interstate 90 out to New York City.

Michael Brodere:

If it was in the winter time, I'd want to go south because there's no snow, there's less problems with the weather.

Michael Brodere:

And so I might go, you know.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, you want to think through, strategize your mapping of the journey that you're about to take.

Michael Brodere:

You want to think about where you're going to stay along the way.

Michael Brodere:

You're going to want to think about how you get fuel and food and so forth.

Michael Brodere:

But then once you get to the east coast, you're going to have to make some determination.

Michael Brodere:

If you hit it up north, you're going to need to go south and kind of get into the city.

Michael Brodere:

If you're going to go south, you want to go north.

Michael Brodere:

It's like the journey requires some strategic consideration, okay?

Michael Brodere:

But you got to know where you're aiming first, okay?

Michael Brodere:

And that's why we, we deal with this idea of the dream.

Michael Brodere:

What is your long term destination?

Michael Brodere:

At least approximately, God has the ability to steer your car as you go.

Michael Brodere:

But we want to make sure that you at least know the general direction, okay?

Michael Brodere:

And so that's really why we focus in on the dream.

Michael Brodere:

And the way that we do that is by understanding that God is at work within you to shape your dreams.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And let me give you a couple of scriptures for that so that you have some bearing in the word of God.

Michael Brodere:

Now, of course, we have, you know, the example of, of Abraham.

Michael Brodere:

God spoke to him and said, you're going to have a son, and through your son all the nations of the earth will be blessed.

Michael Brodere:

So he was living in a, in a relationship with A promise that shaped him over the years.

Michael Brodere:

We can look at Joseph, Joseph, a literal dream that his brothers were bowing down to him.

Michael Brodere:

Then he had a literal dream a second time that his parents were also bowing down to him.

Michael Brodere:

So he was holding this dream in his heart that he was going to be ultimately the leader of his family, of his clan.

Michael Brodere:

And ultimately you.

Michael Brodere:

You know the story.

Michael Brodere:

He was sold into slavery.

Michael Brodere:

He ended up in prison.

Michael Brodere:

There was just a series of obstacles, a series of painful situations that happened, but he kept holding on to the dream until ultimately the dream came to pass.

Michael Brodere:

In fact, there's a verse in Psalm 105 that is very important to this process because he said in this particular verse, it says, speaking of Joseph, that until the word of the Lord came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him.

Michael Brodere:

And so we want to see what is the word of the Lord in your life?

Michael Brodere:

And we believe one of the purest ways of getting at that is, is to ask you, what is your dream?

Michael Brodere:

And this is the question, if you had no limitations of time, energy, money, or talent, and you knew you could not possibly fail, what would you want to do for God?

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And we believe that if you've known the Lord for any length of time, that God has already been at work in your heart to help you answer that question.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

One of the verses we would use is Psalm 37, verse 4.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Says, Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Michael Brodere:

Now, as we delight ourselves in him, he actually answers, the things that we love and long for, he gives us the things we love for.

Michael Brodere:

But there's another.

Michael Brodere:

Another way of looking at that verse, which is, as we delight ourselves in the Lord, he actually shapes our desires to desire the very thing that he has intended for us.

Michael Brodere:

Okay, you say, well, that's one verse that's helpful.

Michael Brodere:

But, well, let me show you another verse.

Michael Brodere:

There's one of the most important verses is John 15.

Michael Brodere:

And you're all familiar with this, where Jesus says, I am the vine, you're the branches, abide in me.

Michael Brodere:

So that's a pretty hefty thing.

Michael Brodere:

We want to live our life.

Michael Brodere:

We want to abide.

Michael Brodere:

We want to have constant fellowship with Him.

Michael Brodere:

And then he says, let my word abide in you.

Michael Brodere:

So we want to study this book.

Michael Brodere:

We want to make sure that we're reading and consuming the Scripture in such a way that it feeds us and transforms us.

Michael Brodere:

But then if you fast forward into verse seven, he says something very interesting.

Michael Brodere:

He says, if you abide in me and My words abide in you.

Michael Brodere:

You'll ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you.

Michael Brodere:

Now, it's not whatever you want.

Michael Brodere:

Oh, God, I want a Ferrari.

Michael Brodere:

And, oh, God, I want a beautiful, you know, model to be my wife.

Michael Brodere:

And I want, you know, whatever.

Michael Brodere:

I mean, obviously we can want those things, but that's not what he's saying.

Michael Brodere:

He's saying, if you abide in me like a branch abiding in a vine, if you get your life source out of me and you're called to bear fruit, guess what?

Michael Brodere:

I will be shaping the very basis of your desires.

Michael Brodere:

You can ask whatever you want, but the presupposition is this, that you've been abiding in him and His Word has been abiding in you.

Michael Brodere:

So that ultimately what you're asking is the very thing that he has shaped you to ask for.

Glenn Blakeney:

Absolutely, yeah.

Michael Brodere:

And there's one final verse I'll note really quickly, which is in the second chapter of Philippians, verse 13, where he says this, that.

Michael Brodere:

That God is at work inside of you.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

To will and to do, to make you want to, and then to give you the power to do it.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

And so with those three verses, in the testimony of two or three verses, every word should be established.

Michael Brodere:

These three things indicate very clearly that God is at work in my desires.

Michael Brodere:

So when I honestly come before him and I ask that question with honesty, if I had no limitations of time, energy, money, or talent, and I knew I could not possibly fail, what would I want to do for God?

Michael Brodere:

That gives me a pretty good marker on the horizon of the.

Michael Brodere:

Of the destination I'm to be shooting for.

Michael Brodere:

And then we start to think about, well, what is the best pathway to arrive at that goal?

Michael Brodere:

And what we trust the Lord for is that even if I'm not seeing the right point on the horizon.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

That God's going to shape my.

Michael Brodere:

Shape my journey.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

You know, this says that, you know, a man sets his course, but God directs his steps.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

And so we believe.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

But here's another angle on that.

Michael Brodere:

You cannot steer a car that's not moving.

Michael Brodere:

So our goal in Destiny Finder is to get you moving down the road, even in first gear, because we know that if you start moving, God's going to be partnering with you to direct your steps in the path that he wants you in.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:


Glenn Blakeney:

That's awesome.

Glenn Blakeney:

No, no, that's great.

Glenn Blakeney:

So, yeah, 100.

Glenn Blakeney:

You know, the fact is, as we abide in him, as you said in John 15, what happens is the life of Christ flows into us, that shapes our desires, it, you know, our affections.

Glenn Blakeney:

All of that is transformed by his life, his desires, his heart becoming ours.

Glenn Blakeney:

And I love Peter talks about being partakers of the divine nature.

Glenn Blakeney:

Obviously the Father's nature is a super nature.

Glenn Blakeney:

It's above ours.

Glenn Blakeney:

It's, it's not, you know, just a little bit better than, than ours.

Glenn Blakeney:

It's a entirely different nature.

Glenn Blakeney:

And when his nature is in us, it's actually make certain things are natural for us now that formerly were unnatural and then vice versa things that, that were natural for us now really are unnatural.

Glenn Blakeney:

Like First John talks about, it's unnatural for us to live in habitual sin, right as that's right, those who are in new covenant relationship with Him.

Glenn Blakeney:

But it's natural for us to live an overcoming life to, to hear the voice of God and so on.

Glenn Blakeney:

So that's very powerful.

Michael Brodere:

Second Peter, where you just read is one of my favorite destiny verses because it says in verse 10, be sure to make your call and election sure.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, we have been called by God.

Michael Brodere:

But the.

Michael Brodere:

But eternal life doesn't begin when you die.

Michael Brodere:

It begins the moment you're born again.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, you've already entered into your eternal life and so you want to make your call in Christ and your election in Christ positive.

Michael Brodere:

And then you say, well how do I do that?

Michael Brodere:

You go back to verse three and four, that he's giving you divine nature, that he's giving you all things that pertain to life and godliness.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, everything you need to become, everything he's called you to be is already there.

Michael Brodere:

It's already in you.

Michael Brodere:

But sometimes, you know, like our atm, we, we forget the code, you know, we don't know how to access the wealth that he's placed in us in the Holy Spirit.

Michael Brodere:

And so therefore we're not walking out the destiny that he has for us, and that's what we want to talk about a little bit in a few moments, is how do we actually make this journey and how do we overcome some of the obstacles in the journey?

Michael Brodere:

Because there will be obstacles.

Michael Brodere:

And that's what we, you know, that's why we really want to identify the, the process.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

So on what you said earlier about, obviously it's very difficult to steer a car that's not moving.

Glenn Blakeney:

So what about, you know, we've got the two extremes.

Glenn Blakeney:

We have those who run ahead of God, very zealous, they don't wait on Him.

Glenn Blakeney:

Then on the other hand, we've Got the whole analysis paralysis thing.

Glenn Blakeney:

Like, well, I'm not moving.

Glenn Blakeney:

I'm doing anything, you know, God hasn't spoken to me and I, whatever, and nothing happens.

Glenn Blakeney:

You know, 10 years later, there seems to be no progress.

Glenn Blakeney:

And just a little bit of a pet peeve here, Michael, is the fact that hearing the voice of God, getting a word, a prophetic word, even from the Lord and even that type of thing, there has to be more than just like, okay, God, thank you for your word.

Glenn Blakeney:

You know, so how.

Glenn Blakeney:

There's obviously a journey and you talked about partnering with the Lord in that space.

Glenn Blakeney:

So, yeah, let's.

Glenn Blakeney:

Let's go there, please.

Glenn Blakeney:

Let's double click on that.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

One of the things we.

Michael Brodere:

We spend a lot of time on in Destiny Finder is helping to identify probably about at least a dozen areas of guidance and confirmation that you're looking for.

Michael Brodere:

And one of those is your heart.

Michael Brodere:

Like, what is your dream?

Michael Brodere:

But another one is, what are some of the prophetic words have been spoken over you?

Michael Brodere:

What are you good at?

Michael Brodere:

What do you love?

Michael Brodere:

What have people spoken over you?

Michael Brodere:

What kind of fruit have you borne in the past?

Michael Brodere:

See all of these aspects, you know, what.

Michael Brodere:

What does the word of go like?

Michael Brodere:

If you looked at your five favorite verses, is there any clues there as to what your destiny might be?

Michael Brodere:

So we actually compile a long list of those different aspects and have, like, room for you to write out little interactive aspects of this so that you can begin to be sure you can be confirmed, because you're approaching this topic from, you know, 10, 12 different angles.

Michael Brodere:

And then you come out at the end of it with a sense of like, like, wow, I have a lot of evidence here that I might be called to do this or to do that.

Michael Brodere:

And again, because each person is so unique, we want to make sure that we're not actually superimposing some generic purpose over everybody, but we're actually able to step back as mentors and be able to look at your destiny, to look at the things that God has revealed field, and then to guide you carefully in a way that really honors your uniqueness, that honors your.

Michael Brodere:

Your ability.

Michael Brodere:

But on the.

Michael Brodere:

At the same time, though, we want to make sure you're moving forward sequentially, not running ahead of God, but that you're not getting that sort of analysis paralysis issue where you're not just thinking everything through so, so deeply that you become paralyzed by the process.

Michael Brodere:

And so movement is something that we're after.

Michael Brodere:

We really want to see movement.

Michael Brodere:

And that's why when you Brought this up a couple of minutes ago, Glenn, about the difference between delegation and development.

Michael Brodere:

See, as I said last week, I believe that the highest purpose of any church, local church, and hopefully all of you are part of a local church, the highest purpose is to be a Destiny Incubator leader.

Michael Brodere:

What does that mean?

Michael Brodere:

Well, our goal as a church is that every single member in our church would be thriving, that they would be operating at the fullness that they can, given their current level of healing, their current level of.

Michael Brodere:

Of godliness, their current level of maturity in Christ, that they're operating at the highest level of fruitfulness for Christ, because that's what he died for.

Michael Brodere:

That's what he deserves, is our fruitful faithfulness.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

He said, I have appointed you that you'll bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples back in John 15.

Michael Brodere:

Okay, so back off of that a little bit.

Michael Brodere:

What we're looking at is we want to.

Michael Brodere:

We want to create environments in our local church where people are moving forward in the pursuit of their destiny.

Michael Brodere:

But one of the biggest mistakes we've made in the body of Christ, in the Western world especially, is that we're so focused on getting people to perform, getting them to actually fulfill a job.

Michael Brodere:

Well, we need volunteers because, you know, Sunday morning is such a big deal that we need our children's church workers in place, and we need our.

Michael Brodere:

Our greeters and ushers in place, and we need our worship team to be functioning because we want, you know, Coldplay worship every Sunday morning.

Michael Brodere:

And, you know, it's like, I mean, we get so transfixed with the.

Michael Brodere:

The product, with the production, and then the priority becomes getting as many volunteers serving as you can.

Michael Brodere:

But Jesus never said, go into all the world and raise up volunteers.

Glenn Blakeney:

Come on.

Michael Brodere:

He said, go into all the world and make disciples.

Michael Brodere:

So here's the issue of the local church, is that delegation is up here.

Michael Brodere:

I need you to do a job.

Michael Brodere:

You better show up and do the job.

Michael Brodere:

Development is down here in our priority level.

Michael Brodere:

Yeah, we need to switch that around.

Michael Brodere:

If we truly want to be a Destiny Incubator, we have to go after development.

Michael Brodere:

And delegation's still important, but delegation is a tool of development.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, I can't raise up an adult in my family unless I have them do chores.

Michael Brodere:

If I don't have my kids do chores at the end of the day, guess what?

Michael Brodere:

They're not going to be prepared for adulthood when they go off to college, when they get their first job, they're not going to be trustworthy.

Michael Brodere:

They're not going to be good stewards because I didn't work on stewardship from the time they were three years old cleaning their room.

Michael Brodere:

You know, one time I had this situation, Glenn, where my son came to me and said, dad, he was 25 years old or so, and he said, when I was a kid, you said you had a joke that really hurt my feelings.

Michael Brodere:

And I said, gosh, son, I'm so sorry, what was that?

Michael Brodere:

And he said, well, you know, after dinner you'd be shouting into the, from the, you sitting, watching the news or something.

Michael Brodere:

You yell into the kitchen, say, honey, speaking to your wife.

Michael Brodere:

You know, don't do the dishes.

Michael Brodere:

That's what we had kids for.

Michael Brodere:

You know, it's like.

Michael Brodere:

And we've all made that joke.

Michael Brodere:

Well, you know, I had you to mow my lawn.

Michael Brodere:

I had you to.

Michael Brodere:

No, I didn't have my kids.

Michael Brodere:

When I saw my wife, I didn't say, wow, she's produce some great dishwashers.

Michael Brodere:

I'm going to marry her.

Michael Brodere:

I'm going to make dishwashers every day, you know?

Glenn Blakeney:

No, right.

Michael Brodere:

I, I had a dream that my sons and daughters would rise up and become the, the leaders of the body of Christ for the next generation.

Michael Brodere:

That they would be world changers.

Michael Brodere:

Okay, So I did not have my kids to have to do my dishes.

Michael Brodere:


Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

I don't start with my 3 year old and help them clean their room.

Michael Brodere:

You know what?

Michael Brodere:

I could clean their room in five minutes.

Michael Brodere:

It takes me a half an hour work to train them to clean their room because they get so distracted, blah, blah, blah.

Michael Brodere:

No, if I don't have them clean their room at 3 and make their bed at 5 and do their homework at 7 and clear the table at 9 and do the dishes at 11 and mow the lawn at 13, they're not going to drive a car when they're 16.

Michael Brodere:

They're not going to go off to college and be fruitful.

Michael Brodere:

They're not going to find a spouse and marry and have the children of the next generation.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, it takes that entire process of delegation.

Michael Brodere:

But my goal's not delegation.

Michael Brodere:

My goal is development.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

I want my sons and daughters to grow up in maturity and character, in skills and abilities, and delegation is part of that.

Michael Brodere:

But the problem is the, the Western church is so focused on delegation and so neglectful of development that ultimately people know how to, how to hand out a bulletin, but they don't know how to win somebody to Christ.

Michael Brodere:

They don't know how to make a disciple.

Michael Brodere:

So we need to shift Our priorities deeply.

Michael Brodere:

If we want to see the Great Commission fulfilled in our generation.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

100 and so good.

Glenn Blakeney:

I've been beating that drum all for a while now, and currently right now as well, we're in the process of planting a church.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

And we, we said the whole thing, the pressure has been on, like, oh, we need people to work with kids, we need this.

Glenn Blakeney:

We didn't.

Glenn Blakeney:

I and my wife and I, Lynn and I, we just literally said to everybody, hey guys, chill out.

Glenn Blakeney:

We're not going to do that.

Glenn Blakeney:

Let's focus on discipleship.

Glenn Blakeney:

Let's focus on just allowing Jesus to do his work in us.

Glenn Blakeney:

And then out of that place, he sets in the body.

Glenn Blakeney:

He sets in the body, the members.

Glenn Blakeney:

And so there's no pressure on that.

Glenn Blakeney:

And unless the Lord builds a house in that sense, brick by brick, connecting.

Glenn Blakeney:

It's that whole idea like a Lego, right?

Glenn Blakeney:

The difference between a gathering and an assembly.

Glenn Blakeney:

A gathering, a lot of people in a room.

Glenn Blakeney:

An assembly is how we connect together.

Glenn Blakeney:

It's like throwing.

Glenn Blakeney:

Dumping a bucket of Legos in a room or actually assembling the Legos together.

Glenn Blakeney:

And to me, that's what it's all about.

Glenn Blakeney:

So I really appreciate your passion for that.

Glenn Blakeney:

All right, let's.

Glenn Blakeney:

Let's go to anything else you feel relevant.

Glenn Blakeney:

And obviously, one question I do have and, and feel free to just integrate this into whatever you want to share next is the role of community.

Glenn Blakeney:

So let's say we have a local church that is really a pastor.

Glenn Blakeney:

Maybe say, hey, I want to bring my people through Destiny Finder.

Glenn Blakeney:

Can they do that as a community?

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

In fact, we recommend.

Michael Brodere:

It's done in community.

Michael Brodere:

We wrote it so that an individual without community could grab a hold of this and really run with it.

Michael Brodere:

But it is ideal in community.

Michael Brodere:

In fact, when you go through the dream stage of our developmental process on the website, the next step is beginning to engage what we call the Mapper.

Michael Brodere:

And the Mapper has three different points of focus.

Michael Brodere:

The first one is your.

Michael Brodere:

What we call your ministry development.

Michael Brodere:

And the reason we use the word ministry, although this applies to everybody in every field.

Michael Brodere:

So if you're a CEO of a company, you're a janitor in a high school, or you're a teacher in that high school, or you're a movie producer in la, which I've worked with.

Michael Brodere:

You know, in other words, there's all these different areas of vocation.

Michael Brodere:

But ultimately, if you're a believer, your vocation is just a framework for your ministry because you're going to be Ministering to people in that.

Michael Brodere:

So we want to help you identify what are the ministry needs that you need to grow in.

Michael Brodere:

What are the skills that you need to develop to really be fruitful, both professionally, but also ministerially within the world of your passion and dream?

Michael Brodere:

Okay, so ministry development is number one.

Michael Brodere:

Character development, or what we call personal development is number two.

Michael Brodere:

And so we identify and we give you an assessment on your personal character.

Michael Brodere:

Where are some of the needs that you need to grow in?

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And those two things are super essential for mapping your journey because your journey is a developmental journey in terms of skill development and in terms of character development.

Michael Brodere:

But the final one is your community development.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, you cannot fulfill your destiny ultimately apart from spiritual mothers and fathers, apart from peers that you're walking with, apart from a mentor in your life, apart from a framework, apart from those that you're actually mentoring yourself.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, people grow.

Michael Brodere:

Most the studies have been done, you actually learn something most when you're teaching it to others.

Michael Brodere:

And so we want to help you actually grow in those three areas, ministry, character, and community.

Michael Brodere:

Because we believe that community is absolutely essential.

Michael Brodere:

It's not just a by, you know, it's not just a secondary consideration.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And so with, we map the journey and we set goals in each of these areas for growth because development again is the highest priority.

Michael Brodere:

So we set goals and then that goes into our final segment, which is called the tracker.

Michael Brodere:

And the tracker is automatically populated by the goals that you discover as you're going through the developmental discovery process in those three areas.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

So that's why we've actually developed a small group program that works amazingly, we, and in fact, if, when we're seeking to move a church because one of our main passions in another branch of my ministry called Pastors Coach is to shift a church from a pastoral foundation, as we talked about last week week, to an apostolic foundation.

Michael Brodere:

And we see apostolic foundation as, as the mobilization of the saints, the, the development, the priesthood of the believer.

Michael Brodere:

We want to move from a place where we're just doing consumer Christianity, where we're doing spectator Christianity, by and large, we want to move to a place where we're mobilizing every member for their God given purpose and destiny.

Michael Brodere:

And so if we're moving in that, in that track towards that, one of the things we actually advise our pastors is that they need to do destiny finder with their core leadership team first.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

Because most pastors don't even know who their people are.

Michael Brodere:

I remember I was talking to a Pastor one time, and he said, gosh, I'm having such a trouble with my executive pastor.

Michael Brodere:

We're really at odds.

Michael Brodere:

We're butting heads all the time.

Michael Brodere:

And I said, wow, well, tell me about it.

Michael Brodere:

Who is this guy?

Michael Brodere:

You know, what's.

Michael Brodere:

What's his.

Michael Brodere:

What's his dream?

Michael Brodere:

What's his destiny?

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

What are you talking about?

Michael Brodere:

I said, do you know?

Michael Brodere:

Do you know what he aspires to, what his heart is for?

Michael Brodere:

He says, I, I don't think I've ever asked him that question.

Michael Brodere:

I said, how can you possibly lead somebody and develop somebody unless you know what their destination is?

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

Your goal is to help them on their journey so they can become everything God's imprinted them to be.

Michael Brodere:

How can you lead them and how can you walk with them if you haven't engaged that.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And he was, you know, obviously shocked by the question, but he had never thought about it.

Michael Brodere:

See, we want pastors to work with their primary team to ask the historic questions.

Michael Brodere:

Who are you?

Michael Brodere:

Where did you come from?

Michael Brodere:

What were your circumstances?

Michael Brodere:

What shaped you as you were growing up?

Michael Brodere:

We want pastors to ask the question, how did you come to Christ?

Michael Brodere:

I want to hear your salvation story.

Michael Brodere:

We want pastors to identify their gift mix.

Michael Brodere:

Are you more apostolic or more evangelistic or more prophetic?

Michael Brodere:

I want our pastors to know their people so that we can guide them step by step into the long term, ultimate destiny that God has for them.

Michael Brodere:

And that may mean that they actually leave your church someday to plant a church somewhere else or to start an orphanage or to move to Hollywood to make a movie or to become that worship leader that's now getting the Dove Awards or whatever it is.

Michael Brodere:

Whatever their dream is, we want to help them and ultimately send them.

Michael Brodere:

Because that is the essence of apostolic, is we send people into God's purposes.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

The word apostolic comes from a root word to mean to send.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

So our goal is to raise them up and send them out.

Michael Brodere:

But if we do it carefully, if we don't just send them off half cocked, you know, with just, you know, kind of like whip them out, you know?

Michael Brodere:

No, we want to develop them well.

Michael Brodere:

The developmental process is going to take three to five years or seven years or 10 years before they're ready to be sent.

Michael Brodere:

Well, then at that point we have the joy as a spiritual father or mother to actually say, wow, you're ready.

Michael Brodere:

Let's send you out.

Michael Brodere:

Change the world for the glory of God.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

Very good.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

Question, we have a question.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

Apparently is A pastor.

Glenn Blakeney:

His question is, my community has a mix of new and mature believers.

Glenn Blakeney:

Would Destiny Finder be suitable for the new believers?

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

See, I believe that in our current generation, discipleship can't take place without motivation.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Motivation is the fuel of the engine that kind of keeps us going.

Michael Brodere:

I believe that ultimately motivation in our.

Michael Brodere:

In our current culture cannot depend on duty alone.

Michael Brodere:

Oh, you gave your life to Christ.

Michael Brodere:

He died for you.

Michael Brodere:

You need to die for him now you need to live for him.

Michael Brodere:

Well, we.

Michael Brodere:

We say all those things, but ultimately, duty is an insufficient motivator in our generation.

Michael Brodere:

If you think about, let's say from Gen X to millennial to Gen Z, it's been decreasing.

Michael Brodere:

You go back to World War II.

Michael Brodere:

I mean, people would literally commit suicide if they couldn't go to battle.

Michael Brodere:

Battle and fight for our country or fight for your country.

Michael Brodere:

You know, it's like duty was such a strong motivator in the builder generation, but it's become increasingly lost.

Michael Brodere:

What are the motivators?

Michael Brodere:

Well, there's a book by a guy named Daniel Pink who wrote a book called Drive, and that book is.

Michael Brodere:

It identified a study that was done through Carnegie Mellon and mit, I believe it was, that these two.

Michael Brodere:

These two universities got together and they identified, actually through a ton of surveys, three things that motivate people highly.

Michael Brodere:

And the first one is mastery.

Michael Brodere:

People want to be excellent at whatever they've chosen to give their lives to, okay?

Michael Brodere:

And we can develop them to that excellent.

Michael Brodere:

We can bring them into mastery because they serve the master of the universe, okay?

Michael Brodere:

The second thing is that people want a degree of autonomy, that they want to be able to have some freedom to make mistakes and to move forward and to discover and fulfill on their own.

Michael Brodere:

These are the three things.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Mastery, autonomy.

Michael Brodere:

And then the next one, the final one in this, you know, hierarchy of.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Of motivational bases is the issue of significance.

Michael Brodere:

People need to know that they matter, that they're not accidental, that they're not some, you know, ecclesiastic.

Michael Brodere:

Ecclesiastes, you know, hopeless version of, you know, vanity, Vanity.

Michael Brodere:

All is vanity.

Michael Brodere:

No, they need to know that their pain has a purpose.

Michael Brodere:

And you have the ability to bring people into that.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

That is crucial.

Michael Brodere:

And you can touch somebody at the very youngest age in their faith and begin to open up this door for them.

Michael Brodere:

But you have to remember that there is going to be a process.

Michael Brodere:

And one of the biggest mistakes when some people teach destiny is, oh, you have a job.

Michael Brodere:

You're a middle manager in the.

Michael Brodere:

In the marketplace.

Michael Brodere:

Well, you're a marketplace apostle.

Michael Brodere:

Well, go for it.

Michael Brodere:

Yeah, but I've never developed them.

Michael Brodere:

They've never been trained in the, in the soft skills of the kingdom to actually bring the kingdom into that world.

Michael Brodere:

We just sort of laid hands on them and commissioned them, sent them out, but we didn't do a good job of fathering them.

Michael Brodere:

It's like giving a three year old the keys to the car.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

You just don't want to do that.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

You don't want to even do it with your 16 year old usually.

Michael Brodere:

You want to make sure that they've gone through a lot of training before they got the keys and they're driving alone.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

So I, again, I just encourage you that it's a combination of factors.

Michael Brodere:

But, but yes, you can deal with young believers.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

The saddest thing, I think, is to deal with a believer pastor.

Michael Brodere:

I'm speaking to you still who's been in Your church for 30 years or they've been in the Lord for 30 years and they've never actually done something significant for the kingdom.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Yeah, that's the greatest tragedy, is that they were never developed and discipled effectively so they could turn around and really be the world changer that God's called them to be.

Michael Brodere:

And that's what we want to do is.

Michael Brodere:

So we're reawakening the older believers to their calling in Christ.

Michael Brodere:

They may have missed or they may have gotten disappointed.

Michael Brodere:

They may have hit a brick wall and fallen down and just like never got up.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Well, we want to help them get up and fulfill.

Michael Brodere:

Think about this story.

Michael Brodere:

Think about the story of Elijah after the great victory on Mount Carmel where he defeated all the prophets of baal.

Michael Brodere:

He saw the cloud the size of a man's hand.

Michael Brodere:

He ran in the strength of the Lord.

Michael Brodere:

Do you know where he ran to?

Michael Brodere:

He ran to Mount Horeb, the very mountain on which Moses received the Ten Commandments.

Michael Brodere:

And he hid in a cave.

Michael Brodere:

And the Lord spoke to him in that cave and said, what are you doing here?

Michael Brodere:

And I don't believe he was speaking to him geographically.

Michael Brodere:

I think he was speaking to him in terms of the attitude of his heart.

Michael Brodere:

And many of our churches are filled with people, believers, 30, 40 years, but they've never accomplished their destiny.

Michael Brodere:

And they're just dragging themselves.

Michael Brodere:

They're just disappointed.

Michael Brodere:

They're broken.

Michael Brodere:

Well, I.

Michael Brodere:

I've served you, Lord, and.

Michael Brodere:

And now they're trying to kill me.

Michael Brodere:

And you know, Jezebel's after me and.

Michael Brodere:

And so he calls him out, he shows him the Fire and the earthquake and the, and the wind blowing.

Michael Brodere:

And then he says, what are you doing here?

Michael Brodere:

And you know, God's cure for Elijah, in his place of depression, in his place of despondency, God's cure for him was to command him to go and raise up Elisha and to raise up Haziel and to raise up Jehu.

Michael Brodere:

See, God commanded him to disciple others.

Michael Brodere:

And again, you know the story.

Michael Brodere:

It's a little bit more complex than just hazy.

Michael Brodere:

Oh, was an evil king.

Michael Brodere:

Okay, so there's a lot of complexity that would need to be broken down to teach it adequately.

Michael Brodere:

But let me just say that God's cure for Elijah's depression was to send him out to raise up the next generation and develop them into the world changer.

Michael Brodere:

And guess what?

Michael Brodere:

Elisha did double the miracles.

Michael Brodere:

He got a double portion of Elijah's blessing.

Michael Brodere:

I want to encourage you to raise up the pat the older people in your church to really be the disciple makers of the younger.

Michael Brodere:

And I believe you're going to see a transformation in your church.

Glenn Blakeney:

Wow, that's powerful.

Glenn Blakeney:

So what you just said there about raising up the older to or releasing them to develop the younger, wow, that is something that I believe in wholeheartedly.

Glenn Blakeney:

It's scriptural.

Glenn Blakeney:

Obviously, the older teach the younger and so on.

Glenn Blakeney:

We see it modeled, as you said, but very rarely is that happening.

Glenn Blakeney:

You know, I had a conversation this week just we're really focusing on discipleship.

Glenn Blakeney:

And a lady who I think she'd be in her late 70s, came to me and she said, wow, I'm so excited.

Glenn Blakeney:

We actually, discipleship is so important to me.

Glenn Blakeney:

Said there's a group of other ladies around her age.

Glenn Blakeney:

She said, we're so hungry for the word of God and discipleship because many of us came out of backgrounds where we really didn't know the Lord.

Glenn Blakeney:

Maybe a religious background was more tradition.

Glenn Blakeney:

And she said, we need this foundation in our lives at that age and very excited about that.

Glenn Blakeney:

So powerful now.

Glenn Blakeney:

And then in tandem with that, I just read an article last night actually about a church that has grown from.

Glenn Blakeney:

There's a church plant and I think in 14 months had gone to about 700 people.

Glenn Blakeney:

And the average age is 25.

Glenn Blakeney:

The average age is 25.

Glenn Blakeney:

What the pastor has been focusing on, Michael, is community versus content.

Glenn Blakeney:

In other words, not just a great experience.

Glenn Blakeney:

Great kids ministry, amazing worship, powerful teaching that's relevant, but that's been secondary, that's taken a back seat to community.

Glenn Blakeney:

And he's finding that obviously with the, the, the generations that are wanting this.

Glenn Blakeney:

That community is so important, but not just like hanging out, but there's a place of spiritual fathers and mothers really being mentored, developed, and valued.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

So good.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

Would love for you just take a moment and just kind of speak into that, because I think that's a reality where we're at today.

Glenn Blakeney:

There's some who are, you know, our generation or maybe even younger, who we've been focused on amazing content and they experience the weekend.

Glenn Blakeney:

But, yeah, let's talk more about that, please.

Michael Brodere:

Well, I have a.

Michael Brodere:

I have actually a booklet that is an ebook.

Michael Brodere:

Ebook format that I can let you use to send out to your constituents there, Glenn, that you can do through Kingdom TV called Doing Church as Family.

Michael Brodere:

And it's absolutely essential that we get this right because ultimately community is the key.

Michael Brodere:

But community by itself can actually produce a problem.

Michael Brodere:

I don't know if you ever heard this phrase.

Michael Brodere:

I don't think I came up with it, but others have.

Michael Brodere:

I've heard it from others.

Michael Brodere:

Is that when there is no vision and community gathers, when vision comes, it usually produces division.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

In other words, community can never be a goal in itself, Right?

Michael Brodere:

Because it'll end up actually turning inward and becoming what.

Michael Brodere:

What John Wimber used to call a primary group.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

There's a phrase that's been going around the body of Christ for the last 10 years or so called missional community.

Michael Brodere:

And that's the perfect wedding of a sense of mission, a sense of vision that brings us all together.

Michael Brodere:

But community is where it really happens.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And so if community is forming around a sense of mission.

Michael Brodere:

Together, together, missional community, that's really where I believe the best wedding of that sense of the need for one another and the need for significance and purpose come together.

Michael Brodere:

Okay, but let me say this, and I know we're hitting the end of our.

Michael Brodere:

Our hour, but let me just say that I believe that when you think about mission, you can say, oh, well, our mission is to care for the orphans.

Michael Brodere:

Our mission is to end sex trafficking.

Michael Brodere:

Our mission is to plant churches.

Michael Brodere:

Our mission is to.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, there's a number of missions that are super important to the body of Christ.

Michael Brodere:

To feed the poor, to share the gospel, to do street evangelism.

Michael Brodere:

All these things are so good and so important.

Michael Brodere:

But our primary mission in relationship to all those secondary missions, our primary mission is the Great Commission.

Michael Brodere:

Make disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples until the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of God.

Michael Brodere:

God as the waters cover the sea.

Michael Brodere:

This is the Purposes of God.

Michael Brodere:

How do we accomplish that primary mission in the same context as doing all that?

Michael Brodere:

Jesus commanded us to serve the poor, to have great community and fellowship with one another.

Michael Brodere:

All the different aspects can come together under that primary purpose.

Michael Brodere:

Go into all the world and make disciples.

Glenn Blakeney:

Yeah, yeah.

Glenn Blakeney:

And 100.

Glenn Blakeney:

So we understand in theological terminology we have Christology, Jesus is the, the one.

Glenn Blakeney:

It's all about him, obviously.

Michael Brodere:


Glenn Blakeney:

And then there is community, ecclesiology, but there's also missiology.

Glenn Blakeney:

And I love what you said.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

Missional community is the answer.

Glenn Blakeney:

And it's.

Glenn Blakeney:

Whose mission is it?

Glenn Blakeney:

Well, it's obviously the King's mission.

Glenn Blakeney:

And so, so that's so important.

Glenn Blakeney:

That's so critical.

Glenn Blakeney:

And, and I agree with that.

Glenn Blakeney:

It's not just about having a great family, people hanging out, talking, drinking coffee, whatever.

Glenn Blakeney:

There has to be that work of obviously discipleship and being transformed to go on mission, to live a life of mission.

Glenn Blakeney:

So important.

Glenn Blakeney:

So we have one question here.

Michael Brodere:


Glenn Blakeney:

I believe, I believe I know what Kane is asking.

Glenn Blakeney:

He's saying, do you think it's dangerous to come from a self motivational space rather than a kingdom focus space when trying to reach people to go into their destiny?

Glenn Blakeney:

So I.

Glenn Blakeney:

Do you understand what he's saying?

Michael Brodere:

Definitely dangerous.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

But it's very biblical.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Let me just cite this one fact that we found.

Michael Brodere:

There was a guy who wrote a thing called the Book of James Jabez.

Michael Brodere:

Probably everybody in the world read it.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Before he did that, he, he was actually leading a ministry.

Michael Brodere:

His name's Wilkinson.

Michael Brodere:

He led a ministry called Walk through the Bible.

Michael Brodere:

And at one point he did an assessment of every single command in the Old Testament to see what God's motivational basis was.

Michael Brodere:

And it's like, I can't remember the exact statistic, but I think it was like 83% of God's commands in the scripture had a promise of blessing attached to it.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

Okay, wait a minute.

Michael Brodere:

How could God motivate people according to blessing?

Michael Brodere:

Well, that's, you know, but yes.

Michael Brodere:

And then the two other motivators, the next one was fear.

Michael Brodere:

If you don't do this, I'll do this to you.

Michael Brodere:

God says, okay.

Michael Brodere:

The third one was love.

Michael Brodere:

Okay, if you love me, you'll do this.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Three motivators.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And then he asked a trick question.

Michael Brodere:

He said, well, what do you think it was in the New Testament?

Michael Brodere:

And everybody said, oh, the primary motivator in the New Testament is love.

Michael Brodere:

Because we love him.

Michael Brodere:

We do his commandments.

Michael Brodere:

You know, actually he said, it's exactly the same percentages.

Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:

Give and it shall be given unto you.

Michael Brodere:

Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall men give into your bosom.

Michael Brodere:

In other words, that God motivates through reward, reward based motivation.

Michael Brodere:

In fact, think about this.

Michael Brodere:

It says, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame.

Michael Brodere:

Would Jesus have gone to the cross just out of sure obedience?

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

He would have.

Michael Brodere:

But that's not what the scripture says.

Michael Brodere:

It says for the joy set before him.

Michael Brodere:

So yes, it is dangerous.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

You can exaggerate or you can kind of fire the flame of somebody's selfishness through reward based motivation.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

And so you have to be careful as a leader to always temper that, to always make sure that people are, are finding the right motivation.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

But destiny, fulfillment and fruitfulness.

Michael Brodere:

There's three things that come out of a fulfilled destiny.

Michael Brodere:

Fruitfulness, faithfulness, and fulfillment.

Michael Brodere:

But you're sustained over your life because you have a joy set before you that causes you to endure the cross.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

God motivates through reward.

Michael Brodere:

You can say, well, that's selfish.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

Yeah, it is.

Michael Brodere:

But guess what?

Michael Brodere:

God's gonna work with you enough.

Michael Brodere:

He's gonna chastise you enough.

Michael Brodere:

He's gonna spank you enough.

Michael Brodere:

He's gonna, he's gonna work with you enough to root out any selfishness along the journey.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

But ultimately God designed human beings to be reward motivated in the majority.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

So good.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

Thank you.

Glenn Blakeney:

Kane says thank you.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

One final question.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:


Michael Brodere:


Glenn Blakeney:

This is a pastor.

Glenn Blakeney:

Can the Destiny finder be done in a full day workshop or is it best done over eight weekly sessions?

Michael Brodere:

Yes, it can be done in a full one day workshop.

Michael Brodere:

I've done dozens and dozens of these around the world.

Michael Brodere:

And, and so yeah, you can easily do it.

Michael Brodere:

You know, I, I mean the, the preferred sequence, if you're going to do it in one day is a Friday night and then like five sessions on the Saturday and then finish up with a Sunday morning kind of wrap it up.

Michael Brodere:

Yeah, but there's something also about taking the time and having the time within each session to be able to have table talk and people processing.

Michael Brodere:

So yes, it can be done.

Michael Brodere:

And I've done just literally, you know, many dozens of, of destiny workshops.

Michael Brodere:

But then I've also done the, the, the over a period of time, I'd say it's six to one, half a dozen.

Michael Brodere:

The other, there's, you know, if you do it over a period of time, you have to kind of keep refreshing people.

Michael Brodere:

But you can also work with them where they're going through the journey guide online each step of the way, and it becomes more of an iterative process in their hearts.

Michael Brodere:

So both are good.

Michael Brodere:

Usually if I'm going to do a one day, I'll have them go through the journey guide before we actually ever meet so that they're.

Michael Brodere:

They're already prepped.

Michael Brodere:

And then I'll use the teaching time to do mostly processing and not so much the teaching.

Michael Brodere:


Michael Brodere:

I'll still do some teaching every session, but probably 20 to 30 minutes.

Michael Brodere:

And then we do a lot of testimony time, a lot of working with people.

Michael Brodere:

I'll bring people up and we'll coach them in front of everybody so they actually get the experience of processing the material in a coaching situation.

Michael Brodere:

So, yeah, anyway, very good.

Michael Brodere:

Bless you guys.

Glenn Blakeney:

Thank you.

Glenn Blakeney:

Yeah, so good.

Glenn Blakeney:

Well, hey guys, everyone, whether you're watching this live session right now or you are viewing this, the replay video or on our podcast, please head over to kingdomcommunity tv.

Glenn Blakeney:

You can watch this amazing interview, but let's just pitch right now.

Glenn Blakeney: Kingdom TV if you're interested in signing up for this transformational journey process that's going to impact your own life as well as those that you serve and lead.

Glenn Blakeney:

Guys, we have an incredible offer for you.

Glenn Blakeney:

Just head over KingdomTV and not trying to sell anything at all, but believe in this.

Glenn Blakeney:

It's such a critical thing and there's so much wisdom that you shared, Michael.

Glenn Blakeney:

We really appreciate it, honestly.

Glenn Blakeney:

Our community is going to be doing this and I know that it's going to have a great impact on many people's lives.

Glenn Blakeney:

So thank you for being our guest today.

Glenn Blakeney:

Is there any closing comments you'd like to share with our viewers?

Michael Brodere:

Just I want to encourage you that it's all about Jesus.

Michael Brodere:

It's all about the Lamb who was slain receiving the reward of his sufferings.

Michael Brodere:

And that's not just hell being plundered and heaven being populated.

Michael Brodere:

The reward of his suffering is every single person walking in the fullness of who Jesus made them to be.

Michael Brodere:

That's really the great reward.

Michael Brodere:

That's the joy set before him, his sons and daughters operating in the fullness of their priesthood in Christ so that ultimately the world will know, and not just the world also.

Michael Brodere:

I mean, Ephesians 3:10 is so powerful that unto principalities and powers might be made known by the church.

Michael Brodere:

Church, the manifold wisdom of God.

Michael Brodere:

It's like we are his display, you know, we are the display of his beauty, of his glory, of his goodness.

Michael Brodere:

And so, as we help people step into their destiny, Jesus is glorified and the Lamb that was slain receives the reward of his suffering.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

So good.

Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:


Glenn Blakeney:

Thank you.

Glenn Blakeney:

And just in closing, I just want to say to those who are watching, those who are listening, please, if you're looking for more equipping, more resources, head over to kingdom sign up.

Glenn Blakeney:

We have a 25amonth subscription if you purchase a year.

Glenn Blakeney:

Right now, it's only $175.

Glenn Blakeney:

And you're going to get access to a monthly zoom meeting.

Glenn Blakeney:

It's not just a video, it's not like a live stream on Facebook.

Glenn Blakeney:

This is a zoom meeting with other leaders.

Glenn Blakeney:

And we have amazing fivefold leaders that are going to be part of this from around the world.

Glenn Blakeney:

And there's so much more that's available to you.

Glenn Blakeney:

Podcasts, notes, assessments, on and on.

Glenn Blakeney:

And it's a great opportunity.

Glenn Blakeney:

So again, kingdom just head over there and subscribe.

Glenn Blakeney:

And I know you'll be greatly pleased with what's being offered.

Glenn Blakeney:

Thanks everyone for watching.

Glenn Blakeney:

We'll see you next time on the Kingdom Community Show.

Glenn Blakeney:

My name is Glenn Blakeney and my guest has been Michael Broger of Destiny Finder.

Glenn Blakeney:

God bless.



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