Allison Quagliani is an alpaca dentist - one of very few, if not the only one, and certainly the first alpaca dentist in Australia.
Starting with two pregnant females in 1996 she trained in alpaca dentistry following a problem with one of her own alpacas. It involved a lot of research and learning from an experienced equine dentist. It even involved designing and having manufactured equipment and instruments suitable for alpacas.
Allison who is based in Melbourne, travels around Victoria providing dental services to a large number of alpacas owners.
Did you know: Rather than continuing to grow, alpaca teeth continue to erupt from the jaw. There are some basic examinations that owners can make to identify problems as early as possible.
There is a book in the late stages of preparation which is anticipated for publication by July 2020. We will let you have details as soon as we have them. In the meantime, there are some papers and other resources available for free download via the Alpaca Dentist website at
Contact Allison Quagliani by email:
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