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How to Evergreen The Sales of a Cohorted Program
Episode 23223rd October 2024 • The Email Marketing Show • Email Marketing Heroes
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In this episode we’re talking about how to make sales every single day when your offer is only available at certain times. If you run programs that are opened and closed in live rounds or cohorts, this episode is for you!

Joining us is the fabulous Fifi Mason for her final episode as co-host of the show as we come to the end of this season. Fifi’s got a cohort-based program she opens a few times a year, and she’s wondering how to keep sales flowing even when the doors aren’t technically open.

Let’s get stuck in!

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This is hands down the most predictable, plug-and-play way to double your earnings per email subscriber. It allows you to generate a consistent sales flow without launching another product, service, or offer. Best news yet? You won't have to rely on copywriting, slimy persuasion, NLP, or ‘better' subject lines.

Want to connect with Fifi?

Fifi is a personal brand and visibility coach who works primarily with introverted coaches and impact makers. She helps quieter people – those who have ideas they want to share with the world but struggle to put them out there. Fifi empowers them to find a way to share in a way that aligns with who they are. You can find Fifi on her website.

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How do you make sales every day when your offer is opened and closed and in live rounds? That's what we're talking about in today's show.



Hello and welcome to the show. I am Fifi Mason from FifiMason



And I'm Kennedy from And look, I want to make sure that everything we're going to talk about today about if you've got one of those programs which opens and closes, you might deliver it live in some people call them cohorts in groups and live groups. How do you actually make sure that your your sales can actually be coming in evergreen, but you might have questions about how you apply this to your business. If you're thinking about doing it, if you think about switching this method, I want to make sure you totally taken care of. So to do that,



come and have a discussion come and chat with us for free inside of our free Facebook group it's called the email marketing show community literally just go to Facebook search for the email marketing show community and we will see you in there it is completely free but also wow I can't believe it's been three months which means it's the end of another season already



I know, it's gone so fast and I can't believe it that it's my last episode as well.



I know.



I've really enjoyed it though, it's been amazing.



Yeah, you've been amazing. Thanks for bringing all of your, ah all of your everything all of your know how you're you're you're smart and, and yeah, and im making it much more, you know, less of a big gob from me, and more of a like really sincere conversation from you.



So it's great to have two different types of energy on it. But so from next, um next Next week, we'll start the new season, not even take any time off. but it not We're not like MTV shows. And so it's a totally different format for the next season. So we'll be starting that on Wednesday next week. So if you haven't already, if you're brand new to the show, if you're not even brand new to the show, make sure you hit subscribe on your podcast player so that you don't miss out on that. And also what's amazing is we have more than 10,000 downloads of this show every single month. And we've only got like,



I don't know like 40 or something like actually I can probably get the exact number we've we've only got 49 people who've left a review on apple podcast so do us a favor go and leave a review on apple podcast because that helps other people to discover the show and get this information so uh if you haven't already go do that police



I'm really excited for the next season. I will be tuning in.



Awesome. Yeah. Well, again, this this has been great. I mean, it's always nice when you get to work with your friends. And if everybody doesn't know, Phoebe's one of my absolute best friends in the world, business and non-business. So um ah yeah. So when you get to hang out with friends and do this sort of stuff every week, it's it's a bloody treat.



It's a bloody treat.






um So yeah.



So today's topic, actually, i this is one thing that I was asking you about because I want to have a program that I run a few times a year. I'm not going to have it like open all the time. It's going to be quite hands-on. So I need to have it so that it's open and closing.



maybe three times a year and then i was like but how am i going to promote this how am i going to get this into my engine how am i it it brings up a lot of questions so i'm hoping you will share your wisdom with us today



uh this is great this is a cool format i like it going out on a on a slightly different format change the format just before we change the format um i think it's good and it's interesting somebody else asked me about this i was hosting a mastermind um in orlando florida i was i was attending a mastermind and so the day before thought heck, I can host a mastermind.



Let's do that. Um, which will cover my flights, probably hear something, you know, like it was, and also got to connect with some of our, ah some of our customers and audience, which was great fun. And this person had the same question. Like it's a cohort program.



You deliver it live. You want everybody in at the same time to start at the same time on day one, take them through the program. is ah Is that the same thing for what you're talking about?



Yeah, yeah



So I think it comes down to a couple of things and interrupt and all that sort of stuff all as we go along. I'll i'll watch. I know it's not in your nature to interrupt normally, but feel free to ask clarifying question. So the the the main crux of it, and we'll dive into the steps that are needed to do this.



um The main crux is basically to have it so people can enrol in the programme at any time. So the the selling of the programme is actually evergreen, which means it can be automated or whatever.



Whereas the delivery is scheduled at a time. So basically it means that I could enroll in the program, pay like a deposit or pay the full amount or pay a percentage, pay the first installment now and let's say it's not going to start and so let's say it's like October now and it doesn't start until December that fifth some of the or whatever, right? Then we can just tell people that. We can say, hey, we're now taking enrollments for the next cohort, the next group. Seats are limited, which usually in a cohort a group they are.



but only 10 spots or whatever. um So you can book your spot now. And that that's the overarching sort of mechanism we're going to use. There's obviously a load of nuance that goes into how do you do that? What are all the pieces that make that happen? So well that's what we're going to dig in into, I think, for the rest of the episode. But in broad strokes, does that make sense?



It really does, yeah. And it's already sparking some ideas for me. So um yeah, I'm excited to hear the ideas and the and the sort of campaign campaigns we could be running for this, which yeah, I think when it, it just makes it difficult having something that's going to, I know, isn't going to be open all the time.



So yeah, I'm excited to hear what you have.



Yeah. Yeah, so so what what you could end up with, so um which we don't actually talk about, but I think, okay, the first thing is, what you want to do is have it so that you have some kind of automated thing, and I think there's two things you could really have. One of them is you could have a link in your super signature, the signature at the bottom of your emails, all the time, hey,



This is open for enrollment. Go and check it out. And that could be, depending on where the program fits. So for us, it used to be our email engine accelerator. When we used to run that a lot, um we had people be able to register for that at any point. And it really was only sold to existing customers. So in the customer version,



of our super signature. So we had two different super signatures, one for emails that we sent to customers and one that we send to people who are not customers of the program. And in the customer one, because it made most sense for those people, and we would have the so the one of the links be to go and find out about this offer.



The second place is of course you can have an automation so every person who's at a certain point in their relationship and so so many days into their relationship with you is going to go into an automated campaign, a sequence of emails that but promotes this thing. But what are they going to promote?



What I think you promote is, ah for the most part, is you promote some kind of interest list. You might call it a wait list. You might call it a notification list. You might call it a, hey, if you want to find out more about this thing. So what's the name of the, do you have a name for your program yet? Because if we use like some real examples.



Yeah, it's called the ideas to impact hybrid coaching program.



Okay so we'll call it the ideas is to impact coaching programme even though I know you've got the word hybrid in there for a reason but just so I don't end it with even more words to say. ah So you've basically, you could have an automation that after people have been in your world on your on your list for an X number of days, you've warmed them up, you've maybe made some offers to them. You could have an email that automatically goes out saying, hey, um do you would you like to find out about our my Ideas to Impact program and how how this works? Click here. They go to a page which says, awesome, you want to hear about this thing, put your name and email address in here, and I'll give you the information.



The reason we're getting people who are already on your email list to register again, well, there's two reasons. One is to get them to buy in again, is to is to recommit to you. And secondly, we want to really get them to segment themselves. And we have a bunch of people who've said, oh, I want to hear about this. Once they've done that, one, your automation that's trying to encourage them to go and sign up doesn't need to keep following up with them. You want to have a different automation which follows up with them. OK?



Mm-hmm. Yeah.



so So once they've put their name and email address in there, they're now going to go to a page with a video or a bunch of text, which tells them about what this program is. Hey, you know, awesome. Please, you're interested in finding out about my ideas to impact coaching program. Let me, let me talk you through what that is and then go through the normal sort of pains and problems and and and what you solve and how you solve it, how it works.



thing so this is happening at any time meanwhile you might be on week three of six delivering the program somewhere else because this is automated happening simultaneously the offer at the end of that video is we've got the next cohort coming up very soon as you'll see the dates right below this video and you just keep updating the date below or above the video so next cohort starts on and then every time you start a new cohort you just go and update the the date of that next cohort starts on January 1st And then you can say in the video, so but of course, spaces are limited. There are only six places or 10 places, whatever, starts to say 10, 10 places available on the thing. um I'm going to invite you now to to to enroll in the program. You can do that by, and then you can decide what the offer's going to be. Pay a deposit.



So if it's a $10,000 program, you might say pay a $500 deposit, or you can all because we're quite early out here, what you can do is you can change what is on that page as you get closer to the thing opening.






For example, one of the things that's really nice, I really like about doing this, is if it's three months out, you can offer a three-part payment plan. and know that you're going to have been paid completely by the time the program starts.



And what's nice is you now you can do a bunch of promotions, which say, hey, the three part payment plan is going to come to an end because the program starts and in three months. So we're not able to offer that anymore.



So you can have some various promotions that you plug in and just switch out depending on the time as well. This gives this is sort of speaking to the idea that you have to have a reason to act now.






So you're going to have to have different reasons to act now if it's a long time before class starts versus it's not very long. Because the reason to act now when it's not very long until the class starts is because the class really starts. Whereas if it's like three months away and we had it where it was like at one point it was like four months out.



So how do you create a reason to make a decision? How do you prioritise in their mind making a decision? And there's a bunch of ways you could do that. One is you could say, hey, we can offer you an extended payment plan um because we've got a bunch of time before the programme starts. The other one is you might offer some kind of bonus, a premium, an additional thing. That might be a course that you've got on the shelf already that you can give them. They can have instant immediate access to.



it might be that it might be a one-to-one call with you or a member of the team. I wouldn't always suggest like offering your time as a reason to buy now, like that's not always a good thing to do, it's something people default to I think, um but I think offering them a reason to and that might be the payment plan, it might be a course, it might be a thing they can get.



um It might be that they get access to the first module immediately. That's one of the things we did. As soon as somebody joins the accelerator, they get the first task, the first piece, straight away. Module one, straight away. Yes, they're going to have to wait until the program actually starts to get module two. But people want to like knock the first thing off the list now when they're thinking about the problem. So delivering the first piece of teaching,



um if it's a pre-recorded, because our program was like pre-recorded teaching modules. And at the beginning of the week, and then at the end of the week, it was like a live, it's a live call, which is why it has to be a live program. So does that make sense?



That makes so much sense and i I feel like I should be making notes right now.



Read the show notes afterwards.



and will



um So that yeah, that reason to act immediately is really, really important. And what's really beautiful about this is it means that your offer, each cohort could very well be sold out before you open it up again.



Well, think about how good that would be.



Which would be cool.



I'm not going to say it's always going to happen or ever going to happen, but it would be amazing if you know, Hey, I'm just come at the end of this cohort.



That would be so cool.



I'm taking a couple of weeks or a month break. And then my next one's going to come in. What's happening? Oh, it's already full. Great. already full. What I would do is if it's already full, if it's already sold out, I would email everybody I knew to tell them. By the way, the last cohorts has already sold out. If you want to get um ah registered for the next cohort, here's the link. That helps you sell the next one out. So you're going to compound that effect. um And I almost like the idea of selling stuff out. So I would rather



putting, especially at the beginning, put in a smaller number of people that it's open to. Because you get a seller out, you're probably going to get better results if it's a smaller group to begin with. ah Because you're able to work with people and give people a little more personal attention. But also, it lets you say, hey, the last one already sold out. These tend to sell out before we even, you know, before we even open the doors, like being able to truthfully honestly be able to create those situations and say those things as I think is really, really powerful.



um So yeah, that's that's the elements basically. It's that super signature in all of your emails. It's the automated campaign, telling people to go register their interest to find out more about it. And then go to that list and create ah that sub list you've created that additional segment you've created of people who are interested, and give them really strong reasons to enroll now for a thing that starts in the future. And their reason act now could be payment plan, it could be a bonus, it could be It sells out, if you've got once you've got that evidence of that happening, with the plan of it being, I'm delivering it live in sections, in cohorts, but it's actually being sold automated.



Great, this is really good stuff. If you have a question though, so how I'm doing this initially is with a masterclass two to get people involved.



And by MasterClass, it's basically a webinar, what I would think of as a webinar, right?



Yeah, yeah basically, I prefer the word masterclass.



That's fine.



um So i was like I was thinking, well, how is that going to tie in? Because that that masterclass webinar gives them the insight into into what they're going to learn about it.






And I suppose it's more of a ah content led campaign that is an running isn't going to be running as often, um if it's going to be live, of course.



So maybe it's, yeah, what what are you recommending in in that instance?



So what I would say is the masterclass of the webinar registration. Well, first of all, you want to automate that thing. So you want to use webinar kit, webinar jam, webinar, you know, whatever, webinar panda, you know, whatever the heck it is.



ah webinar sausage, whatever. um to um That's what I'm going to call my webinar platform that I'm not going to make.






um Is it webinar sausage? Imagine.



Your subdomain is like, you know,



yeah oh we're gonna get the giggles this can be so much fun



um um So you're going to automate the webinar, but what what happens then is the registering for the webinar basically replaces that register for interest and information piece. So your whole campaign will be, hey, I've got this webinar where I'm going to teach you about this topic. They register for the webinar. You know they're interested in it. That replaces the register for interest piece. And now that webinar is running on autopilot. And the offer at the end of it is, hey, I only open up cohorts three times a year.



they tend to fill up before we even get started. um So there's a link below to pay your deposit or to make the first installment or to whatever. But then once you've done your webinar follow up campaign to, you know, because you do the webinar, you'll get some hopefully some registrations on the webinar itself, you'll want to hold email follow up sequence, which again, for all of you, including you Phoebe who are in our blueprint program,



you've got you've got that follow-up sequence is very robust very very works very very well um and then um and then after that you can go to another thing because to that segment because you've got you know that they already um they already care about this topic






could also follow up, because some of the people who are on your main list who didn't register for the webinar, still they don't even know about this offer existing. So I would for anybody who doesn't register for the webinar, I would put them into another campaign, which is a register for interest. But in the insert in terms of the first instance, because you're already working on this masterclass webinar, um I would say this, this is what replaces it first, I would put that in first, see how many people register for it. and And they're going to be your they're going to be your people



Yeah okay I have so many so many ideas now I just need to go away and do them all.



Any questions, any other questions or to clarify anything?



No no I I yeah I do I do have a lot of ideas spinning around in my head but no questions at this point yeah good.



Awesome stuff, awesome stuff. Well, again, thank you so much for ah being my lovely co-host for the show at this quarter. I guess, like you said, when I texted you, I think it was just yesterday and I was like, holy shit, I just realized I was looking at what we're going to be doing next. Like what what the next episode is going to be? i was like God, it's already been three months.



Can't believe it.



Yeah, it's it's flown by, it's crazy.



Yeah. Yeah. Crazy, crazy, crazy times. Okay. We should probably for one last time with Fifi do this week's.



All right. Uh, here's a subject line I sent out the other day, which was what I really think. And the really is all up. Okay. So what I really think, I think it's really appeals to people thinking, hang on. What does he really think? What do they really think?



Yeah, i am the the really, really stands out because it's all in caps.



yeah Yeah.



But then it's of it's emphasizing it, which is which is key because it's it's what you really think and it comes across when you read it.



So yeah, I like it. It's cool.



Yeah, and it it sort of speaks to this almost this paranoia that people have like, is it what they think about me? is it Is it a secret opinion they have about a thing they've always like, it puts a lot of doubt like is the person going to go back on something that they've stood by for a long time.



So I think I think that really helps as well. So um that's this week's subject line what I really think. Well everybody please all stand together and thank you to Fifi for being my co-host on the show over the past few months. It's been an absolute treat. I'm sure you'll be back on the show again at support of the future anyway either as a guest or co-hosting with me again or something like that because everybody loves a bit of Fifi. Everybody loves a bit anyway and we don't need to but don't need to sing that. um If you would like to come and hang out on our free Facebook group and discuss all things email marketing. get the Get hints, tips and ideas around what's working right now. Definitely go to Facebook, search for the email marketing show community. We'll see you there.



And yeah, I just want to say thank you to you, Kennedy, for having me involved in this. And thank you to everyone who's been listening. It's been, yeah, I just really loved it. It's been really refreshing and fun. And and I think we've covered some really interesting topics. So yeah, thank you so much. And yeah, join Kennedy next week with the new season.



Awesome. Thanks, everybody. We'll see you next week.



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