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Strategies for Setting and Achieving Your Most Meaningful Goals with Kristin Burke
Episode 1420th June 2024 • Bright Voices in Business • Chloe Dechow
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As entrepreneurs, we often juggle multiple goals, both personal and professional. Sometimes in the middle of pursuing those goals, we get stuck wondering if we're focusing on the right things, struggle with consistency, or grapple with knowing when to pivot away from goals that no longer feel aligned.

If you’ve ever faced these dilemmas, you won’t want to miss this episode with goal achievement coach Kristin Burke. Kristin offers invaluable insights on strategic planning, knowing when to pivot, and learning from challenging experiences. You'll walk away with practical advice to help you set and achieve your most meaningful goals, along with a strong mindset to overcome self-doubt and stay motivated.

Here's a glimpse of what we covered:

  • How to gain clarity on what goals are the most meaningful for you and your business.
  • Kristin’s metaphor of “partying with fear” and tips to overcome the obstacles fear creates.
  • The key differences between goal setters and goal achievers, and the four characteristics that successful goal achievers possess.
  • Advice on how to maintain consistent action toward achieving your goals.
  • Breaking down a simple yet powerful Friday ritual that will keep you inspired and focused on your goals.
  • How to recognize when it’s time to stop pursuing a particular goal and redirect your efforts.

I know you’ll find Kristin’s insights as inspiring and actionable as I did. Until next time, keep striving for those meaningful goals!


FREE GUIDE: Steps to Building Your Authentic Authority

The Mindset Mentor podcast


West Haven Website:

West Haven Instagram: @westhavencoaching

Chloe Dechow LinkedIn: @chloedechow



Elite Achievement Podcast

Instagram: @meetkristinburke

LinkedIn: @burkekristin

Breakout Plan: Learn how to plan, prioritize and progress towards your most meaningful goals with Kristin’s breakout plan.

Goal Setting Success Course: Exact steps Kristin uses to guide her clients toward reaching their definition of success.


Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:

Kristin Burke (:

Kristin Burke (:

Chloe Dechow (:




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