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Fight The Devil - Message 4: The Armour of God
Episode 656th October 2024 • The Message with NJ • Njabulo James
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The full armor of God equips us to stand firm in our spiritual battles, providing essential protection against the enemy's attacks. Each piece of armor—truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer—plays a vital role in our defense and enables us to fight back effectively. Understanding the importance of these components is crucial for every believer facing daily spiritual warfare. The belt of truth and breastplate of righteousness protect our core, while the shield of faith guards us against doubt and fear. Prayer acts as the connection to divine strength, activating the armor and empowering us in our fight against spiritual opposition.

Message 4: The Armor of God


In this episode, we explore the full armor of God, which equips us to stand firm in spiritual battles. Each piece of the armor—truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer—protects us from the enemy’s attacks and enables us to fight back.

Key Points:

• The belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, and shield of faith protect us.

• The sword of the Spirit (God’s Word) is our offensive weapon.

• Prayer activates the armor and connects us to divine strength.


#ArmorOfGod #SpiritualProtection #FightTheDevil #ChristianStrength #WordOfGod

Call to Action:

Are you fully armored for spiritual battle? Don’t go into war without the protection God has provided. Make sure you put on the full armor of God daily. Subscribe to the podcast for more lessons on how to fight effectively.

Equipping oneself with the full armor of God is essential for navigating the spiritual battles faced by believers. The discussion unfolds with a foundational understanding of spiritual warfare, emphasizing the reality of demonic forces and the necessity of being spiritually prepared. The apostle Paul's metaphorical description of the armor highlights the importance of each piece: the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. Each component serves a distinct purpose, protecting the believer from the enemy's attacks and providing the means to stand firm against deception and temptation. The episode delves into how the armor not only safeguards us but also empowers us to engage actively in spiritual warfare, reinforcing the message that neglecting any piece leaves us vulnerable. The commitment to daily donning this armor is framed as a crucial aspect of a believer's walk of faith, urging listeners to recognize the significance of truth and righteousness in their lives as they strive to live out the gospel in a chaotic world.


  • Putting on the full armor of God daily is essential to withstand spiritual attacks.
  • Each piece of the armor, like the belt of truth, serves a vital protective purpose.
  • The sword of the Spirit, which is God's Word, is crucial for offensive spiritual warfare.
  • Prayer is a powerful tool that activates the armor and connects us to God's strength.
  • Righteousness comes from Christ, providing us the confidence to stand firm against accusations.
  • Understanding and applying the armor equips us to live victoriously in our faith.


Speaker A:

Therefore, put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything to stand.

Speaker A:

Ephesians 613.

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In our previous messages, brothers and sisters, we explored the reality of spiritual warfare, the ranks of demonic forces, and how we and how to recognize and tear down strongholds.

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We've laid the foundation for understanding the battlefield.

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But to fight effectively, we need protection.

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The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, describes the spiritual armor that God provides for every believer.

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This armor equips us to stand firm against the enemy's attacks and to defend ourselves in this ongoing spiritual war.

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Today, we will explore the armor of God and how each piece is essential for our spiritual defense.

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In ancient times, warriors never went into battle without being fully armed.

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A knight would wear a helmet to protect his head, a breastplate to guard his heart, and carry a shield for defense.

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Each piece of armor serves a critical purpose, and without one, the warrior was vulnerable.

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Similarly, as Christians, we are in a spiritual battle every single day, and God has provided us with spiritual armor to protect us from the enemy's attacks.

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But just like a knight's armor, if we are missing even one piece, we become vulnerable.

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In this message today, we will look at each piece of the armor of God and how it equips us to stand strong in the face of spiritual warfare.

Speaker A:

Here are some key points.

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Number one, we need to understand the belt of truth.

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The belt is foundational because it holds everything together.

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For the roman soldier, the belt secured the word and provided support.

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For the roman soldier, the belt secured the sword and provided support for the rest of the armor.

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Spiritually, the belt of truth represents foundation of our defense, knowing and standing firm in God's truth.

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Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, the enemy's primary weapon is deception, and his goal is to distort the truth of God's word.

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Without the belt of truth, we are left vulnerable to his lies.

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Jesus declared that he is the way, the truth, and the life, as we read in John 14 six, and knowing him and his word is the foundation of our defense against spiritual deception.

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Here is how we can apply this point.

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We need to stay grounded in the truth of God's word.

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Study the scriptures diligently so that you can recognize the lies of the enemy.

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The truth sets you free, as we read in John 832.

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And wearing the belt of truth keeps you grounded in that freedom.

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Two, we need to understand the breastplate of righteousness.

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The breastplate protects the heart the seat of emotions, desires, and thoughts.

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In battle, a soldier's breastplate was essential to guard his vital organs in the spiritual realm.

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The breastplate of righteousness attack protects our hearts from the enemy's attacks.

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With the breastplate of righteousness in place ephesians 614 now righteousness is not our own it is the righteousness of Christ that we receive through faith.

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We read in Philippians three nine when the enemy accuses us or tries to make us feel unworthy, we can stand firm knowing that our righteousness comes from Jesus, not from our own works.

Speaker A:

How can we apply this?

Speaker A:

We need to guard our hearts by living in the righteousness that comes through faith in Christ.

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When the enemy accuses you, remember that you are clothed in Christs righteousness and stand firm against guilt and condemnation.

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Three the shoes of the Gospel of peace a soldiers shoes allowed him to march long distances and stand firm in battle.

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Spiritually, the shoes of the Gospel of peace enable us to stand firm and move forward with the message of Christ's peace and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

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The gospel brings peace with God and peace within ourselves.

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When we are rooted in the gospel, we can stand firm against the storms of life and bring the message of peace to others.

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We become agents of God's peace in a world filled with chaos.

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So how do we apply this?

Speaker A:

We stand firm in the peace that the gospel brings.

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Let the peace of God rule in your heart, as we read in Colossians 315, and be prepared to share the message of peace with others .4 the shield of faith the roman soldiers shield was large and designed to protect him from arrows and other attacks.

Speaker A:

Now, spiritually, the shield of faith protects us from the fiery arrows of doubt, fear, and temptation that the enemy sends our way.

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In addition to all of this, we need to take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

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As we read in Ephesians 616, faith is our trust in God's promises and his character.

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When the enemy tries to sow seeds of doubt or fear, we hold up the shield of faith, trusting in God's word and his faithfulness to protect us.

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How do we apply this point?

Speaker A:

We need to strengthen our faith by standing on God's promises.

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Dios siempre, querida sos premesos.

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God always keeps his promises.

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When doubt or fear comes, hold up the shield of faith and declare that God is faithful to protect and deliver you .5 we need to understand the helmet of salvation.

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The helmet protects the head, which is essential for decision making, thought processes and direction spiritually.

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The helmet of salvation protects our minds from the enemy's attacks.

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Take the helmet of salvation.

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The assurance of our salvation gives us peace of mind and guards us against the enemy's lies.

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Satan wants to make us doubt our salvation, but when we are confident in God's saving grace, our minds are protected from his assaults.

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How do we apply this point?

Speaker A:

We need to remind ourselves of the hope of our salvation.

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Salvation is a gift from God and it protects your mind from the enemy's lies.

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Rest in the assurance of God's saving power and let it guard your thoughts.

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Number six we have the sword of the spirit.

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The sword is the only offensive weapon in the armor of Goddesse, while the other pieces are designed for defense.

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The sword of the Spirit, the word of God allows us to fight back against the enemy's lies and attack and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

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in the wilderness in Matthew:

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The word is alive and active, sharper than any two edged sword.

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It cuts through the enemy's lies and strengthens us in battle.

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To apply this, we need to use the word of God as our weapon.

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We need to study it, memorize it, and declare it when we are under attack.

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The word is your sword in spiritual warfare, and it has the power to defeat the enemy.

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Number seven we need to be praying in the spirit.

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While not a piece of physical armor, prayer is essential to activating and maintaining the full armor of God.

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Prayer connects us to God's power and aligns us with his will in the battle and pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

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Ephesians 618 tells us, through prayer we invite God's intervention in our lives and battles.

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Praying in the spirit enables us to be in tune with God's heart and strategy, giving us the strength to stand firm.

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How do you apply this?

Speaker A:

We need to make prayer a regular part of our spiritual warfare.

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Let us pray for strengthen guidance and protection, and seek gods wisdom in every situation.

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What are some applicable lessons we can take from this message?

Speaker A:

We need to put on the full armor of God daily.

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Our spiritual warfare is ongoing, so we must equip ourselves with the full armor of God every single day.

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Missing even one piece leaves us vulnerable to the enemys attack.

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Make a conscious effort to wear each piece of armor by meditating on God's truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and his word.

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We need to stand firm in the battle.

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The armor of God is designed to help you stand firm.

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Ephesians 613 tells us whether you are facing spiritual opposition, temptation, or doubt.

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The armor equips you to hold your ground and emerge victorious in Christ.

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We need to use the word as our sword.

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The word of God is our most powerful weapon in spiritual warfare.

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Just as Jesus used scripture to defeat the devil, we must wield the word to fight against the enemy's lies, temptations and accusations.

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Here are some questions for us to reflect on.

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One, are we consistently putting on the full armor of God, or are there areas where we are leaving ourselves vulnerable?

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Two, how can we incorporate the truth of gods word more effectively in our daily spiritual battles?

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And three, which piece of armor do we feel we need to strengthen the most in our life right now?

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Let us pray.

Speaker A:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the full armor you have provided for us in this spiritual battle.

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Help us to put on each piece daily, trusting in your truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and your word to protect and defend us.

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Equip us with the sword of the Spirit, your word to fight back against the enemy's attacks.

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May we stand firm in the battle, knowing that you have already given us victory in Christ.

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Strengthen us, guide us, and protect us as we continue to fight the good fight of faith.

Speaker A:

In Jesus name, amen.




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