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The Kingdom at What Cost?
Episode 1272nd August 2022 • Truth of God Podcast • Fred Coulter
00:00:00 00:46:27

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The Kingdom of God at What Cost? BY: Michael Heiss.

Hello everyone, always a pleasure to be with you, and tonight we're going to look at a subject that we all know about. 

In fact, if I dare may say, it's our reason for being, because, without God's plans for this, we would not be here.

When I first came along into Christianity, having come out of the synagogue, I began to hear Mr. Herbert Armstrong, talking about the Kingdom of God, and the first scripture I remember was Matthew Six vs. Thirty-Three, and that's an excellent one to start with. So please, join me, go to Matthew Chapter Six, and we're going look at three scriptures and then we're going to elevate this kingdom to a higher spiritual plane and maybe see it as we haven't before. Matthew Six, verse Thirty-Three. (But as for you seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness,) well, that doesn't tell us a whole lot, except we're supposed to seek the kingdom. Well, that's good enough for me, but we need to go beyond that. So, to get more information, let's go to the book of Luke, Luke Chapter Fourteen, and we'll get a little more information. Verse Twenty-Six, (If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, and, in addition, his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.)

Now we know it really means love less by comparison.




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