Artwork for podcast The Abundance Journey: Accelerating Revenue With An Abundance Mindset
From Busy to Blessed with Anita Adams
Episode 1414th July 2022 • The Abundance Journey: Accelerating Revenue With An Abundance Mindset • Elaine Starling
00:00:00 00:37:19

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An overworked business professional and Mom, Anita was completely burnt out, struggling to keep up with her crazy schedule.  When her business coach told Anita to take a walk in nature, her immediate response was…WHAT?!?!!  What does spending time in nature have to do with business?

Anita accepted the challenge and discovered the true joy that comes from spending time in nature and connecting with your higher self.  Anita shares her discovery and how it transformed her life. 

About the Guest:

Anita Adams is an award-winning leader and the founder of Joyful Inspired Living, an organization dedicated to teaching people how to access their highest most authentic self so they can find clarity about who they are and what they really want, and in the process, create a life of purpose passion and joy. In addition to hosting the Joyful Journey Podcast, Anita leads the Joyful Journey Retreat live on Bowen Island in beautiful British Columbia – also available online as a virtual experience. Anita is dedicated to creating a journey to your highest, most authentic self, where you learn how to tap into inner wisdom and unleash joy.

Free Gift Link: The Three Guiding Principles to Inner Wisdom


Please support Anita by sharing the link to her free gift and listening to her podcast, the Joyful Journey.

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About the Host, Elaine Starling:

An international TEDx speaker, bestselling author, coach and mentor, Elaine Starling is recognized for her video show and podcast, The Abundance Journey.  After a comprehensive conversation with our higher power during a stroke, Elaine created The Abundance Journey 6 week course to share what she learned.  As the Abundance Ambassador, Elaine mentors spiritual, growth-oriented women to align with Divine guidance to achieve their dreams.  Elaine’s clients experience more clarity, confidence, and commit to action that achieves their goals.  

Elaine Starling Social Media Links:




TEDx Talk, “Abundance Is a Choice”


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TAJ Intro/Outro:

The Abundance Journey explores all the ways abundance shows up to help you expand the abundance you embody Express and experience as your journey unfolds.

Elaine Starling:

Welcome, this s Elaine Starling, the abundance ambassador and thank you for joining me for the abundance journey. You know me nothing but the best for you people. I love bringing in magic, and I need it in the most amazing ways. I was so excited when I got a chance to meet with Anita Adams, this lady is phenomenal. Tell you a little bit about her because you're just going to have such a good time with her and me, I hope today. Anita is an award winning leader and the founder of joyful inspired living. That's an organization that's dedicated to teaching people how to access their highest, most authentic self. So they can find clarity about who they really are, and what they really want. And through this entire process create a life of purpose, passion and joy. In addition to hosting the joyful journey podcast, Anita leads the joyful journey retreat that you do on bout Bowen Island in beautiful British Columbia, or you can actually participate online from your home. She does private coaching and helps clients on their journey to their highest and most authentic self so they can tap into their inner wisdom and unleash joy. And Anita, I'm so excited. And so happy to have you joining us today. Thanks for coming in.

Anita Adams:

Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of your amazing show, which I love to just it fills me with joy just listening to you and sharing your stories and wisdom. It's just wonderful. So what an honor,

Elaine Starling:

it's it's it's a blast getting together with other high vibration people, right? It just feels like the energy just goes through the roof. The listeners and viewers are feeling the electricity here. Because I have I mean, I'm getting goosebumps. And I'm getting goosebumps. It's just bizarre. Okay, so I have to ask you this question. What got you started doing what you're doing? Why? Why are you so incredibly passionate about what you do? Well,

Anita Adams:

thanks for asking that. Elaine, it is a little bit of a story. So let me tell you, it started back in just before the pandemic, actually, my life was very different before that, as it was for a lot of people I imagine. Everything just hit all at once. And with the pandemic, my business, another business that I had founded 17 years previously, I got hit really hard. It was a nonprofit that I had found founded that I was deeply passionate about. And it was all about supporting and lifting up championing artists, Canadian filmmakers specifically. And I love that, that business and it became a national organization. And then the pandemic hit, and all of our funding was just sucked dry. And even with our sponsors, who had signed an agreement to give us some funding, they had to cancel they had to renege. And so here I am, my business is about to crumble. And that was that was just sort of the tip of me, that was the biggest thing that was stressing me out, there was a few other things that were pretty, pretty significant as well, my family were supposed to move to India for a full year. And we had to cancel those plans, obviously. So that was another thing. And then that triggered a need to find a new place to live because where we were currently living, it was a rental that was the lease was expiring soon. So we had to find another, another home at the beginning of the pandemic and it's like, oh my gosh, it's just all this stuff was coming at me. And it was I was so anxious and just the the anxiety and the uncertainty of everything around the pandemic on its own was enough that just I became this other crazy woman that I don't think my family really knew who this this woman was, you know, I was running around my kids and my husband and with a spray bottle in one hand wiping down every surface. It was just it was ridiculous how like nuts I went. And I was just I was a mess. And my business coach, she we were on a call. She asked me so what Anita What do you do to calm your stress when you typically get anxious like this? And I'm like, Well, my go to is to go for a walk in the forest. You know, be outside in nature. It's just like alright, and this is what you got to do for the next 30 days. Every single day. I want you to commit to going for a walk in nature like you What? I'm trying to go for a walk in nature, what are you talking about? Like, no, Anita, you got to do this. And I'm like, I can't, you know, you need to give me business advice. How am I supposed to save my business? That's what this relationship is supposed to be about. And she's like, No, listen to me go for a walk in nature every day. Fine. So grumpy about it, even though I knew in my heart of hearts that it will calm me. And I felt like I just I needed to be doing I need to be doing to move forward. And I just was so focused on that. But I relented, and because I still felt extremely busy, the only way can make it work was by getting up at the crack of dawn and heading out early in the morning. And so there I was, you know, first thing in the morning, for my husband is up, and it's just me, the birds, the squirrels and the occasional coyote in the forest. And I would be because there was nobody else I would just I would be speaking out loud to the universe to God to the squirrels demanding, what am I supposed to do? This was like my mantra, what am I supposed to do? And that kept going, kept going. And maybe about two weeks into this, this daily trip into the forest. I did start to calm down. I certainly did. I started to feel more just peaceful being out in nature. And so I definitely noticed that however, I was still asking, What am I supposed to do? And this one particular morning, I heard this bubbling up this voice that said, What do you want to do? And I'm like, why? I have a choice.

Anita Adams:

Kinda, and it was more like, Well, I was resistant, I guess. And I'm like, What do you mean, what do I want to do? What am I supposed to do? And this calm, soothing voice replied, No, I need out. What do you want to do? I don't know.

Elaine Starling:

That's great.

Anita Adams:

Again, the calm voice. Yes, you do. And that silence me and End of argument. And I just kept walking through the forest and eventually went home. And later that day, I found myself in a in the bookstore, probably looking for answers. And I was in the spirituality section of the bookstore at the back. And this one book caught my eye. It's Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, and I pulled it off the shelf, and I flipped it open. And these few words just popped from the, from the page. And it said frustration and anxiety come from not listening to your soul?

Elaine Starling:

Hmm, absolutely. Absolutely.

Anita Adams:

And I'm like, I'm not listening to my soul. And I've been here before. I've been here before.

Elaine Starling:

We've all been there before. And I'm sorry for laughing out loud at the comfort you're in. But it's because it's so relatable. We've all been there yet. Reaction of like, oh, god, yeah. I'm so been there. I can totally relate to that.

Anita Adams:

Yeah, yeah. Yeah,

Elaine Starling:

that's a pattern for sure. Wow. What I found,

Anita Adams:

I found myself back in the forest the next day, because I'm still only two weeks into my you know, my commitment. And I'm like, I gotta see this through because if I'm anything I'm a, I'm a stickler for commitments. And so I went into the forest now with a new question. Instead of asking, What am I supposed to do? I started asking, What do I want? And I was waiting for that voice to come up again. And I didn't hear anything for probably for a week, but I kept asking, What do I want? What do I really want? And then I started to hear it, I started to hear what I now call the whispers of my soul. And they were they were whispers ever quiet at first, and that the whispers directed me, the first direction was to close my business. And it's like, that's what you want. And when I first got that directive, I'm like, is that really what I want? I mean, that's my business has been my identity. You know, it's where I've got so much of my validation and they're my financials security and everything was wrapped up in that it was there was a lot of ego a lot of ego wrapped up into that because I'm, I was, you know, recognized by my industry on a national level and brought to film festivals around the world to speak as a panelist and so all that was really cool. And

Anita Adams:

I it's also your creative self expression. Yeah, that's how you are bringing your soul out into the world. Yeah, the old way you brought your soul out into the world and now you're being challenged to expand and bring it in a new bigger way. A

Elaine Starling:

that's interesting. Yeah, that's the difference.

Anita Adams:

Well, when I tuned into that idea of closing my business, instead of fighting to try to keep it alive, I'm like, yeah, that is what I want, I really do want to move on, I want to move to the next thing. And it took a little while for me to be convinced that was the way to go. So I had to keep going back into the forest. And I had to keep asking this. Yeah, and, and not listening to any I didn't tell anybody, not not even my husband, this is what I was thinking about. Because I needed to have that clarity myself before I shared it with anybody. And that direction. That was the beginning of many words of wisdom that bubbled up from me that has transformed my life. And a few of the other whispers that came shortly after were to turn nomadic. We got rid of everything, why everything. And my husband and I turned nomadic our children are not children, children, they're young adults. And they, they told us, they wanted to move out on their own. And so that was the impetus. And then I'm like, okay, that's going on nomadic. And, and then we decided, the voice said, move to Bowen Island. And so we thought I want to see if we can, you know, find a little place on Bowen Island to hang out in for a little while to you know, it's gotta be furnished, obviously, because we don't have anything. And just all sorts of beautiful things started to to fall in our lap. Because my husband and I, my husband's always been good about just living in the moment, that's not been me. I have self professed control freak, who wants to know and have everything mapped out. And I had to, I had to let go of all that. And that was probably one of the biggest lessons was surrendering and letting go trusting and allowing for things to happen. And the most beautiful things did happen. And you know, now they've in this most like, it feels like a gift from God, I am looking out on this expansive ocean view across the Georgia strait. And it's just this beautiful sundrenched deck in this incredible home. And it's just unbelievable, all the things that have fallen into my lap. And then to wrap the story up. It was about a year later in this sort of transition. We're now living on Bowen Island, and I'm, I have not stopped walking in the forest. It's almost been two years. Well, this time, it's at this point in the story, it's about a year into the story, every single day, I'm in the forest. And it's just that's where I my church, where I have my conversation with God, the universe, my highest self. And I find answers to everything I'm looking for everything I'm looking for. And on one of these walks that voice, which is now a lot louder than when it first started speaking to me. Told me to teach people how to tap into inner wisdom. And I pushed that away for good six months. Really big? No. No, I don't think in my mind to teach somebody how to tap into inner wisdom. It's like no, that's. And so I push that away. And maybe later I'll tell you about the story of how I finally found the courage to step into that. But that's the that's what got me to where I am today. And when I did finally find that courage to to mean in.

Elaine Starling:


Anita Adams:

it's been amazing. And I'm connecting with all sorts of incredible people. I got my podcast that some I love an ambulance like, yeah, you're so sweet. I feel the same about yours. We're on the same. We try to do the same thing in many ways. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Slightly different messages,

Elaine Starling:

different approaches. Yeah, it all works. Yeah. You know, I, I never wished for anyone to go through the pain and agony and trauma that they have gone through. And at the same time, I witnessed what an incredibly beautiful, capable, marvelous, amazing woman you are, and the gift that you are giving all of us by doing what you do, and you couldn't be where you are now, if you hadn't gone through that. So sorry, not sorry.

Anita Adams:

I feel exactly the same. And even you know, I look at things previously, you know, like with my relationship with my husband, we went through how like 10 years ago was so freaking hard, so hard, and yet we came out the other end because we were so willing to look inward, and that's a I teach, what I teach is the three guiding principles to inner wisdom. And that's about looking inward. Listening, and learning, just those three, those three things. They're simple, and they're hard. And looking inward is what we all need to do. We need to know thyself. That's the, you know, the number one rule Know thyself. And when you know thyself, when you invest the time to go inward and know who you really are, and what you really want and why it matters. Things start to fall into place you do

Elaine Starling:

they do. So I know this sounds a little weird, because I talk about the abundance journey, right? And abundance can mean so many different things to each person. Could you tell us a little bit about how would you define abundance based on what it is you do and the abundance that you create for your clients?


Joy? Really, you know, like, ultimately, when I one of the things that I realized when I was walking through the forest, is that what I really want, like when you keep asking, What do I want? What do I want, I'm just going live, like pulling back the layers. I want to live the most joyful life possible. Yeah. And once I realized that, and I started to pay attention to where joy is in my life. So one of the things I get my clients to do is, especially at the beginning, is to keep a Joy Journal. And that Joy Journal is just the little things that happen. It could be point form little things that happen throughout the day, that bring you joy, you hear a child in the park, laughing Oh, my God, that just fills my heart with joy. When I hear that, yeah, you see new blossoms on your cherry tree, and you take a moment to notice that just like awesome, or you see an eagle soaring in the sky, just like oh, you know, don't moments of joy. And the more you start to notice, pay attention to those little tiny moments of joy, the more you start to feel the joy and there's an abundance of joy that happens in your life, and you start to attract more. And then the beautiful thing is, the more joyful you are, the higher your vibration is the more of other awesome things you start to attract into your life. So you start to find abundance in all sorts of ways.

Elaine Starling:

Yeah, I describe it as it's kind of like when you're busy working on stuff, you've got tunnel vision, and you're super focused, and you expect things to show up like this. And you're just this is all that's acceptable. And everything else I'm ignoring, because I have to focus, I have to stay really connected to exactly what I want. But what you're doing is you're helping people activate their peripheral vision. And for anybody who has ever tried to watch shooting stars, you have to focus on, you know, some part of the sky, but then you open up your peripheral vision, and any little flash grabs your attention. Yeah, and I call those bliss blessings.

Anita Adams:

I love that bliss blessings. Yeah,

Elaine Starling:

a little bliss blessing. It's like, Wow, that's so stupendous. Seeing that amazing eagle fly by just lifts my heart fills me with bliss and joy. And watching the hummingbirds. I saw something so spectacular this morning that I've never seen before. We've got this little fountain. And my husband came and got me he's like, There's honey bees all over the fountain. And I was like, Oh, no. Are they drowning? He said, No, they're thirsty. They're all hovered on the outside of the fountain where it splashes a little bit, and they're all sucking it up. And then they all disappeared. Wow, cool. Hey, yeah, I didn't realize you could attract bees, not just with honey but with water. So I love everything that you're talking about and everything that you're doing because you're really activating that broader awareness. Yeah. That pulls it in.


Yeah, that's a key word awareness. Right? I think that is me pinging I'm sorry,

Elaine Starling:

it doesn't matter. That just means that we got validation from the Divine every time every time something like that happens and you're in the middle of a conversation like this. They just said that's an example you open it up and that's things that bliss blessings and the divine goes huh yeah. Yeah, nailed it. In agreement. That's all that is. Cool. We're in we're part of the conversation here. Divine Yakunin and just adding their two cents. Love it. I love your view on life is beautiful. It's a lot of fun. So I there's so many things that you do to support people and I love the Joy Journal. So One of the challenges I think we all suffer from is we'd really like it. today. I want the outcome today, when you were dealing with all that stress and trying to figure out what was next in your life, every single time you went to the forest, you were really hoping you were getting a an answer, like now would be good. So often answers don't show up quite that quickly. There are certain baby steps that are clearly that we're on the path. And we're making progress. And when we continue and go to the forest again, and go to the forest again, and keep asking those questions. Yes, it's starting to come into fruition. What are the baby steps that you invite people to look for?

Anita Adams:

Yeah, thank you. Great question. First off, it doesn't have to be the forest. I have, I do believe stepping out into nature is key. I believe nature is the sacred portal to our highest self. So what I have five steps that I like to share with my clients that help them connect, and it does First off, you have to recognize it's not going to happen overnight. If you are consistent, you will see results by doing these these five things. And I like to challenge made the same challenge my business coach made with me, commit to 30 days, 30 days, do the 30 Day Challenge. And you'll see you'll you'll begin to experience the benefits of of this challenge. And the challenge is stepping into nature. And maybe that's just going to the local park down the street or going for a walk in the in the neighborhood. It doesn't have to be like I live like my backyard is a forest. So I know I'm really blessed to have that like raw wild environment right there. Yeah, it doesn't. It doesn't have to be that and in fact, before we moved to Bowen Island, it was it was just a you know, it was a creek, you know, just below the highway? Yeah, no, but there was this strip of Greenland along a creek below the highway. And that worked just fine. That's where I got a lot of my answers. So the five steps number one step into nature and I I recommend doing that alone. Because when you're with somebody else, you're you are connecting with them, you're not connecting to your higher self or I recommend not even doing it with your dog, you know, or your pet, go by yourself if you can. If you have to take your pet for the walk, fine, I'll relent. But if they are also a distraction, the second step is to speak your gratitude. So this is what I noticed when I was stepping into nature that those first two weeks in that, that one month journey, I was so rattled at first it was all about me. And then I started to ease into like a noticing my environment and feeling grateful for what is. And so start to speak your gratitude because it also helps to calm you and I talk about everything or speak my gratitude about everything from the comfy shoes I'm wearing to the beautiful marriage that I have in my relationship with my kids and everything in between. And I just let it all all come out. And then the next thing the next step number three is to get really present with your environment by noticing everything in your environment, using all your senses, your what you see, hear you smell, taste, even what you feel like the bark on the tree or the bench or whatever, like just get really present in noticing everything. And that helps take you out of that thinking mind that is just constantly at you for not being enough, because most of us feel that we're that not enough Ness, or that imposter syndrome, or whatever it may be. There's, you know, that constant chatter that is often bringing us down. So by noticing your environment, it helps to just put that aside and get really present with the here and now. And then the fourth step is to ask your question, and I always suggest to start with what do I want? Another really good question to ask. And I did this a lot at the beginning when I tuned into this, this inner wisdom channeling, if you will, was to ask Who do I want to be? Who am I? And it's good to come back to that every once in a while. Who am I But start with what do I want? Or who am I? Who do I want to be and then the fifth and final step is to listen without judgment. And they without judgment is key. Don't put any place any value any judgment on things that come up because as you start to listen and really learn to listen to that inner wisdom I call it your soul voice as well as another I kind of use that interchangeably. Your soul is only going to speak to you have the highest grandest version of who you are and the greatest vision for your life. And that will be scary. It will be big, bold and scary and you're going to there's a good chance you will do what I did. I can't do that. Who am I to do that? You know. So if you put that if you put judgment onto it, just let things bubble up and allow for them to bubble up. So those are the five steps. And there's actually one more thing that I recommend. And that's when you get home to journal about anything that you experienced. Journaling is a powerful, powerful tool. And it can serve you very well in in reshaping your life that you want to reshape it or find clarity, or find confidence to move forward with your vision for

Elaine Starling:

what Wow, wow, I mean, we got a seminar in an interview today, that was so powerful, that was amazing. I love those steps. I love those steps. One of the things that I do also is I partner with the divine. So I'll say divine, please guide me to show me bring my soul VOICE Help my soul voice speak loudly. So I see my next step. So I hear what's next for me. Yeah, help help me guide me. Just see.

Anita Adams:

So I have, I have a little prayer that I often say, Well, I walk through the forest. And I'm talking to God, and I asked God to help me do see what is mine to see. Understand what is mine to do, and have the courage to do it. And sometimes I have to repeat that last sentence have the courage to do it over and over. But it's a beautiful little prayer. And I feel like that's in the same way like you're inviting God into guide you. That's exactly what I'm doing that prayer.

Elaine Starling:

Absolutely. I love that. That's so so cool. So before we started the interview, you told me about a really cool free gift that you wanted to make available to the audience. Could you tell us a little bit about it?

Anita Adams:

Yeah, it's it's my three guiding principles to inner wisdom. We touched on a little bit of the look, listen and learn. And it's, it's a short document, but it will give you some really great steps and things to get you started into accessing that inner wisdom. We all have it, we all have it within us. And we've been many of us, myself included, we've had that knocked out of us at a often a young age, you know, like, because it's intuition. That's what some people call it intuition. And intuition. A lot of people like my father, for instance, he would, he would tell me to, you know, use that pea size brain of yours and think.

Anita Adams:

And it's just like, Yeah, okay, I can't I can't trust my gut on something, I got to think my way through it. And, you know, so it's, I think that story is, is relatable for a lot of people, they're told that they've got a that intuition isn't valuable. And it is, it's so

Elaine Starling:

it's huge. It's huge. There's so many books coming out now about leaders who really are trying to train their intuition and train that instinct. Because you have instinct. And you actually have three brains, you've got the body brain with a gut, you've got the heart brain, and then you've got the mind. But the body brain knows first. Yeah. And so often, we're kind of divorced. So true isn't an operation of church and state here. This likes to think it's in charge. But this is actually the body it's actually what's in charge. So


and that was my journey, trying to remember that it's not, it's not always just up here. I mean, of course, we've got to use our brain. And we've got to, we've got to also use our, our heart, our soul, allow ourselves to be guided by that. That inner wisdom or intuition or higher self, whatever word you want to use for it, you know, well, I

Elaine Starling:

need a I love chatting with you. And if we're not careful, this is gonna be like the longest podcast in history. I have to take a little break. Because we love to do here at the abundance journey, we turn the tables on our guests, because we know that when we give is when we get So what can we do to support you and empower you what would help you?

Anita Adams:

You're amazing. Has anybody told you that? You get it all the time. That is so lovely. Thank you so much. I would love for your listeners to go to joyful and simply subscribe to my newsletter and by subscribing you'll get your free download of the of the three guiding principles to inner wisdom. And then I have more gifts I'll send your way as well. So yeah, I would love that joyful And you'll connect you can connect with me directly that way as well. So thank you for asking. Yeah, I

Elaine Starling:

want to but just a little bit, because I encourage everybody to go and download your free gift anyway, I'm going to encourage people to share the link and share the link to this podcast because as soon as people feel your energy and hear you, there's such a deep, rich level of, I feel this tranquility. This is all tranquility and ease. And when you're stressed out and overwhelmed and frustrated, there's nothing more compelling. Just the thought of man, I could be tranquil, really, I don't remember what that feels like in your face to be in. Because when you get to that space, that's when finally you can hear. Yes, absolutely. So thank you so much for doing what you're doing. Because you are making a massive difference for so many people. And I really appreciate you. Thank you for joining us today.


Thank you, thank you so much. I appreciate the opportunity and just a delight to get to know you more as well. And like you said, I feel like we're raising the vibration together. And the more we can bring people with like minded interest, the higher the collective consciousness will be. And that's it's important, we can change the world. We don't have any more people raise their vibration,

Elaine Starling:

we do change the world, you check out my episode on the three degrees of influence roll, it'll blow your mind. Okay. All right. So everybody, stay tuned, because we're gonna be activating abundance in just a minute. We just got to chat with Anita Adams, wasn't she amazing? Now we get to amplify abundance, we get to activate it by them sorry, and amplify at the same time. So the five steps first step, we're celebrating, we celebrate that we got to connect with an incredible person, someone that just brings so much energy and so much enthusiasm and passion to what she does. What an incredible lady and our energy is now connected. And it's not just mine with a needle, it's all of us are connected, your energy is connected to a needle and to mine. And the beautiful thing about this energy, there are days when you're just not feeling it or moments during the day, when you're really wishing you could just get a little more oomph. If you can't be it, borrow it. You can borrow some energy from us because we have unlimited divine energy flowing through us to you. That's deliberate, it's infinite. It never ends. You are not being a leech or sucking none at all. You are a part of the continuum and we want you to thrive. We want you to borrow if you can't be in the moment. Okay, so step one, celebrate step two, acknowledge, acknowledge something that you learned from Anita, that really helped you see things in a new way. I loved what Anita was talking about walking through the forest for 30 days in a row. And like demanding, Come on, show me. Where are ya? Quit hiding? This is not supposed to be hide and seek. And we've all been there, right? We've all been really frustrated that it just doesn't feel like we're getting the divine guidance that we're after. I was really surprised. I remember reading an article, they were talking about an episode in the Bible, where somebody's really famous. You always think of this just so happy. No, no, he was giving him grief. And he was really ranting and raving and God that he was not getting what he needed. And How reassuring that everybody has these experiences, right? It doesn't matter. The highest Guru, the most, the most blessed person on the planet goes through these periods. And I view them as this is a new growth, expansion opportunity. And usually it feels like you just stubbed your toe and you weren't expecting it. And it's not a lot of fun in that second that it happens. And when you can recognize, oh, wait a minute. This is new expansion. This is this is the divine ringing the doorbell go and Honey, we're here time for more. It shifts everything. And how beautiful that Anita was willing to bring that and so openly. So vulnerably. So honestly, I just she really touched my heart when she was sharing that story. I really appreciate it. And when I appreciate step three, we celebrate we acknowledge that we appreciate every member. So what I appreciate about it is sometimes I feel like I have to put on a show. I feel like I have to be perfect. Who's ever felt that way? And I love that Anita was real. She was honest. She was open she was vulnerable. And that touched my heart in such a big way. And it pointed out to me that it's okay. It's okay to be vulnerable. It's okay to be yourself. It's okay. It'd be real Whoo Hoo, I'm feeling so much energy moving through me. And I'm tearing up. Because I'm getting so much joy in this message. This is a message that vine has been telling me for a while. And so getting to see it and have it embodied have modeled for me. What an incredible blessing. I'm so grateful. So, next step, step four, we're going to activate abundance. And we do that by deciding what's the trigger, that is going to remind me to be vulnerable in the moment. And my trigger is going to be, whenever I hear that someone who's struggling with something, I need to go where they are. Even if the energy feels a little uncomfortable, I need to be willing to be where they are. So I can meet them where they are, and help bring them up. That's my job. So I'm just going to be paying attention to notice where Divine Love is needed. So I can come and be in alignment with those people in that moment, and serve them. That's how I'm going to activate abundance. And then the last step is we celebrate again, whoa, we made some progress today, we expanded today, and we had an incredible role model join us for this experience. This is Elaine Starling the abundance Ambassador, thank you so much for joining me for another fabulous abundance journey experience. And I look forward to seeing you again.

Elaine Starling:

See you soon. Bye bye.




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