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036 Power of The Matrix_ Clinical Application of the Jing Fang Tradition of Hu Xi-Shu & Feng Shi-Lun • Frances Turner
Episode 3612th June 2018 • Qiological Podcast • Michael Max
00:00:00 00:59:18

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No one gets through Chinese medicine school without some exposure to the Shang Han Lun, and if you're lucky, the Jin Gui Yao Lue as well. 

But there is a big difference between reading the classics, and understanding how to apply them in our clinical work. What's more, throughout the ages there have been various 專家 (zhuan jia) experts, who have deeply engaged these texts and distilled out a unique perspective that is both rooted the classics and informed by their particular clinical experience. 

The work of Drs. Hu Xi-Shu and Feng Shi-Lun give us a unique view into the connections and interplay of the 六經 (liu jing) the six levels or confirmations.

Listen in as we investigate how illness can span multiple confirmations and how the classic formulas can readily treat complex and confusing clinical presentations. 

Head on over to the show notes page for more information about this episode and for links to the resources discussed in the interview. 


Michael Max:

The medicine of east Asia is based on a science that does not

Michael Max:

hold itself separate from the phenomenon that it seeks to understand our

Michael Max:

medicine did not grow out of Petri dish, experimentation, or double blind studies.

Michael Max:

It arose from observing nature and our part in it.

Michael Max:

East Asian medicine evolves not from the examination of dead structures, but

Michael Max:

rather from living systems with their complex neutrally entangled interactions.

Michael Max:

Welcome to qiological.

Michael Max:

I'm Michael max, the host of this podcast that goes in depth on issues,

Michael Max:

pertinent to practitioners and students.

Michael Max:

Of east Asian medicine, dialogue and discussion have always been elemental to

Michael Max:

Chinese and other east Asian medicines.

Michael Max:

Listening to these conversations with experienced practitioners that go deep

Michael Max:

into how this ancient medicine is alive and unfolding in the modern clinic.

Michael Max:

Hello everybody.

Michael Max:

Welcome back to qiological today.

Michael Max:

We're visiting with Francis Turner.

Michael Max:

Francis spent 17 years touring and recording with a leading UK

Michael Max:

Baroque orchestra and inside.

Michael Max:

And during that time began to get interested in Chinese medicine,

Michael Max:

which she has now been practicing and teaching for over 20 years.

Michael Max:

She now runs a clinic in Chelsea England and has gone deep into the current of

Michael Max:

Jean Fon, the classic formulas with Dr.

Michael Max:

Fung Shirlon, who was one of the main students of the Shanghai, one

Michael Max:

master of the last century, Dr.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

Both doctors, Fung and who have a unique perspective on the six levels,

Michael Max:

which will be a part of our discussion today, as we take a deep dive into the

Michael Max:

classic formulas and how they're used in modern practice and looking at some

Michael Max:

perspectives about the classic formulas and about the Shanghai Lewin that you

Michael Max:

might not have been exposed to yet.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

Welcome to qiological.

Michael Max:

Well, thank you very much delightful to have you here.

Michael Max:

So I suspect as for most of us, you entered the world of Chinese

Michael Max:

herbal medicine via the methods and the paradigm of modern TC.

Frances Turner:

Uh, absolutely.

Frances Turner:

And, you know, I spent many, many years practicing and also teaching TCM and

Frances Turner:

also trying to work out ways of teaching students in a way that would make it

Frances Turner:

possible for them to learn it easily.

Frances Turner:

Um, I spent many, many years trying to do that with varying success.

Michael Max:

So what is it that gave you the nudge?

Michael Max:

Toward working with this particular perspective, you know, as embodied

Michael Max:

by functioning lung, you know, in his mentor, who she shou, what, what

Michael Max:

gave you sort of the heads up on this and what moved you in that direction?

Frances Turner:

Partly it was luck I'd say because there was just a, an

Frances Turner:

information sent round about Suzanne.

Frances Turner:

Webinars with Dr.

Frances Turner:

From saloon.

Frances Turner:

And, um, I had to look at this and strangely I'd just decided that I was

Frances Turner:

never, ever going to do any more CPD.

Michael Max:

Oh, the universe is so generous with us.

Michael Max:

Isn't it?

Frances Turner:

So I looked at this thing and I got a kind of tingling

Frances Turner:

feeling, which is the feeling I get.

Frances Turner:

When I think that I've absolutely got to do something.

Frances Turner:

And so I pursued it.

Frances Turner:

And even though the webinars were for us time and I'm in the UK, she meant that

Frances Turner:

they were all in the middle of the night.

Frances Turner:

I actually attended them all.

Frances Turner:

From the first one, it was absolutely clear to me that this was the

Frances Turner:

thing that I'd been looking for.

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

Phone presented the six syndromes and cases from all the six syndromes.

Frances Turner:

And every time he presented something, it was like, oh my goodness.

Frances Turner:

That explains that.

Frances Turner:

And, okay, well that's obvious.

Frances Turner:

And you know, just, just like a whole load of pins dropping into place.

Michael Max:

Can you give us an example?

Michael Max:

Of one of those pins dropping into place.

Michael Max:

An example of him explaining something from the, you call it a six syndromes.

Michael Max:

We often call it the six levels.

Michael Max:

Here are the six confirmations.

Michael Max:

I, I think we all know what we're talking about.

Michael Max:

Can you give us an example of, of one where you go, oh, well that explains that.

Michael Max:


Frances Turner:

one of the things is to show you and, um, I'd never understood the

Frances Turner:

difference between the show, you, and then the choice and what particularly made,

Frances Turner:

which suddenly there was this explanation of the ShaoYin as an exterior syndrome.

Frances Turner:

And to me, this was completely amazing.

Frances Turner:

And the idea that you can treat an exterior syndrome with a

Frances Turner:

concurrent interior deficiency.

Frances Turner:

I suppose that that was one of the main things that suddenly

Frances Turner:

it made sense of that whole

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

I remember reading in the various or books when I was a student

Michael Max:

about these conditions where there might be an exterior excess with

Michael Max:

a concurrent internal deficiency.

Michael Max:

It kind of made sense in a, well, how do I want to say this?

Michael Max:

You know, it may, I could wrap my mind around it, but actual.

Michael Max:

Uh, seeing it in clinic seemed to be a different thing.

Michael Max:

And here's the other thing for me, I remember learning the six levels.

Michael Max:

You've got your young levels, you've got your yin levels.

Michael Max:

And to take the idea of a in level thing, shall even in this case and

Michael Max:

thinking of that as having an exterior component, that's just mind blowing.

Michael Max:


Frances Turner:

Completely different, absolutely different.

Frances Turner:

And then this, this whole thing that I've been thinking about a

Frances Turner:

lot recently is that the TaiYin is absolutely the core of everything.

Frances Turner:

So apart from the possibly the Taiyang hum, which is the cold

Frances Turner:

damage where you use more long form, it was mainly everything else has

Frances Turner:

an element of TaiYin deficiency.

Frances Turner:

Even if it's not specifically named.

Frances Turner:

So one of the core things that we're doing is we're deciding what kind

Frances Turner:

of Italian deficiency is there.

Frances Turner:

So is it a 20 in deficiency of body fluids or blood, or is it more of a

Frances Turner:

TaiYin deficiency causing an excess of internal room or blood status?

Frances Turner:

So that is underlying everything it's underlying the shaoyang and it's even

Frances Turner:

underlying the TaiYin or windstorm.

Michael Max:

When you say TaiYin, what are you referring to

Frances Turner:

the teaching

Frances Turner:

Is that the syndromes or locations?

Frances Turner:

There are three locations and each location has a

Frances Turner:

young and a year in syndrome.

Frances Turner:

So the exterior of the body, the Taiyang is the young aspect and

Frances Turner:

the ShaoYin is the unit spectacle.

Frances Turner:

Whereas the interior, the Yangming is the young aspect.

Frances Turner:

And the tie in is the unit aspect.

Frances Turner:

And then there's this other incredible concept, which is the

Frances Turner:

half interior, half exterior.

Frances Turner:

And that's the ShaoYin and the choice.

Frances Turner:

So I actually, essentially, it's a fairly simple concept the body, but

Frances Turner:

we have to remember with the exterior, for example, is that the exterior

Frances Turner:

includes everything pretty much.

Frances Turner:

That's not the internal organs, so it includes the bones and the muscles

Frances Turner:

and the ligaments and the skin and the skin poles and all of that.

Frances Turner:

Once you start to broaden it in that way, then it's easy to see how

Frances Turner:

things like rheumatoid arthritis can be part of an exterior center.

Frances Turner:

Which means that then we can diagnose it as a Taiyang or ShaoYin.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

So I understand that you spent some time with this.

Michael Max:

I suspect the people that are listening to our conversation are perhaps having a

Michael Max:

moment like I'm having right now, which is how do I wrap my mind around this?

Michael Max:

Because we have.

Michael Max:

It, at least in the schooling that I had.

Michael Max:

And I suspect it's very similar to the schooling that many of you know,

Michael Max:

those of you that are listening right now have had, it's like

Michael Max:

there's exterior or there's interior.

Michael Max:

And basically if it has the name young in it, it's exterior and

Michael Max:

it has the name union in it.

Michael Max:

It's interior.

Michael Max:

But I'm hearing you say something really different here because

Michael Max:

you're calling Yangming an interior.

Frances Turner:

Yeah, this is the understanding of the sixth.

Frances Turner:

Syndromes is absolutely different from young being an exterior.

Frances Turner:

And in being interior, just to reiterate, you have three locations and each location

Frances Turner:

has a urine and a year in syndrome.

Michael Max:

And when you say three locations, What are we referring to her?

Frances Turner:

So we were trying to the exterior and to

Frances Turner:

the interior exterior so that the exterior is a location in the body.

Frances Turner:

So when you get an invasion, it's not exterior because something's

Frances Turner:

coming from the outside.

Frances Turner:

It's exterior because the disease is manifesting in the areas of the body,

Frances Turner:

which are considered to be exterior.

Frances Turner:

That's the skin, the muscles, the bones, the joints, sometimes the

Frances Turner:

lungs and the nose can be part or the head can be part of the exterior.

Michael Max:

Got it.

Michael Max:

I can see where this can make it so confusing for many of us

Michael Max:

that when we think of something exterior, we were thinking of

Michael Max:

something coming from the exterior.

Michael Max:

As opposed to something manifesting in the exterior of the body itself.

Michael Max:

And that's really where the focus is with this.

Michael Max:

Am I correct in that?

Frances Turner:


Michael Max:


Michael Max:

It's kind of like looking at one of those funny pictures.

Michael Max:

Well, they weren't, they're not pictures.

Michael Max:

I, I forget what they're called, but it used to be a popular thing in the Sunday

Michael Max:

newspaper here in the United States.

Michael Max:

Maybe 20 years ago, you look at this image.

Michael Max:

Actually, it was not an image.

Michael Max:

It looked like a television screen full of static.

Michael Max:

If you're old enough to remember what that looked like,

Michael Max:

but if you hold your eyes just right, you'll actually see that there's an image.

Michael Max:

There's a picture on the inside and it's actually in three dimensions.

Michael Max:

Did you ever see those things?

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

You have to de-focus in a particular way and there

Michael Max:

it is.

Michael Max:

There it is.

Michael Max:

And not only there it is.

Michael Max:

It has a certain dimensionality and you can actually walk around

Michael Max:

and look around inside of it.

Michael Max:

Once your focus is that way, I'm going to have to put a link to that

Michael Max:

on the show notes page to some of those things, because some of our

Michael Max:

listeners may not know what we're talking about, but once they see it

Michael Max:

and get it, I think they'll, they'll understand what we're talking about here.

Michael Max:

Perhaps you could

Frances Turner:

find a Chinese dragon.

Michael Max:

I'll see what I can do about.

Michael Max:

You know, some years ago I stumbled across one of Dr.

Michael Max:

Hershey shoes books when I was in China.

Michael Max:

For some reason, at that point, I don't know this was 10 or 12 years ago.

Michael Max:

The Jing Fong was becoming very popular again in China.

Michael Max:

And the bookstores were full of all kinds of things that maybe hadn't

Michael Max:

been printed for a long time.

Michael Max:

And I remember picking up this book who she shoes and beginning to read it.

Michael Max:

And coming up to this very thing that we're talking about, although

Michael Max:

after speaking with you, I feel like I understand it better.

Michael Max:

Now, the thing that really got my attention about this is the

Michael Max:

way, not only that, that we look at the six confirmation.

Michael Max:

So the six syndromes is, as you say, but that there's ways that they connect

Michael Max:

that we use in clinic, but we don't really think about, so let me give you

Michael Max:

an example, the shaoyang in the jury.

Michael Max:

At least as I was taught, shaoyang goes into tie in when we're thinking

Michael Max:

about how things get transmitted.

Michael Max:

And then you got the Drury in, which is down at the bottom somewhere, and it

Michael Max:

turns into young, but nobody could ever explain to me how it turned into young.

Michael Max:

You know, it was just like, it's the end of yen.

Michael Max:

It's the beginning of Yangming it's collapsed exhaustion, maybe

Michael Max:

death Yon comes out of that and it never made sense to.

Michael Max:

Until I looked in this book and saw that well, and this is, as you pointed

Michael Max:

out the half interior, half exterior, the Dre in, in the shaoyang are the

Michael Max:

union young aspects of each other.

Michael Max:


Frances Turner:

So that, there's a number of things in there.

Frances Turner:

One of the things that occurs to me is I remember Dr.

Frances Turner:

saying death comes from the, TaiYin not from the JueYin.

Frances Turner:

Which is I think interesting.

Frances Turner:

And he considers that all the depth closes to do with the TaiYin.

Frances Turner:

Even if it says in the beginning of the phrase, in a ShaoYin syndrome, if

Frances Turner:

there is diarrhea, then you treat this so anytime or whatever, he says that in

Frances Turner:

that case, that means that there's been a transmission from the ShaoYin to the

Frances Turner:

TaiYin because the diarrhea is a tie in sin, a symptom, but it's an interior cold.

Frances Turner:

And that is the core of the shun handler and is to protect us from

Frances Turner:

cold, which is what kills us.

Frances Turner:

That was one thing that came out of what you said for me.

Frances Turner:

Just then the second thing that came out of it was that it's very

Frances Turner:

clear to me from having watched Dr.

Frances Turner:

Fung in clinic, that there's no set line of transmission

Frances Turner:

from one syndrome to another.

Frances Turner:

So that disease can start in the tire and then it can transmit.

Frances Turner:

For example, from over sweating or purging someone inappropriately, it can transmit

Frances Turner:

to the Yangming or it can transmit to the TaiYin or it can transmit to the ShaoYin.

Frances Turner:

There's no guarantee that it's going to transmit into any particular way.

Frances Turner:

That is actually very useful.

Frances Turner:

Because it means that you can absolutely follow the symptoms

Frances Turner:

to where they're going.

Frances Turner:

And, and it's very real in clinic that,

Michael Max:

so it's not like a train schedule where this train arrives

Michael Max:

and then it goes here and then it goes here and then it goes there.

Michael Max:

It's more like cold comes in.

Michael Max:

It could transmit anywhere.

Michael Max:

And it's our job to figure out where is it now and where might it be?

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

And even, you know, even if you have an idea of what might happen,

Frances Turner:

really, the job is where is it now?

Frances Turner:

The whole thing is in the present.

Frances Turner:

It's like, it doesn't really matter what happened last week, but patients

Frances Turner:

always want to come and tell you what happened last week, but the

Frances Turner:

Herb's yet that you give them dependent on what is happening today.

Frances Turner:

And that's why we don't give people hopes for long periods of time, because

Frances Turner:

these formulas are really strong and they really do what they say they do.

Frances Turner:

So, you know, after you've had the formula for a week or maybe two

Frances Turner:

weeks, you want to know exactly what's happened and some formulas,

Frances Turner:

maybe even two days or three days.

Frances Turner:

So you get to know which formulas acting, which particular way.

Frances Turner:

In terms of the length of time that you can leave people on them, but

Frances Turner:

basically you don't, you assume that things are going to change.

Frances Turner:

You don't assume you're going to put somebody on a formula that suits them

Frances Turner:

and they'll be on it for the rest

Michael Max:

of their life.

Michael Max:

No, that's, I mean, that's antithetical to Chinese medicine thinking in

Michael Max:

the first place it is, but it's,

Frances Turner:

you know, there are a lot of patients, they like a formula

Frances Turner:

and they say, can I have that one again?

Frances Turner:

It's like, no, you can't, you haven't got the symptoms anymore.

Michael Max:

Th this, I think this is just the way as human beings

Michael Max:

are we, something comes along and it helps us and we go, I love it.

Michael Max:

I want it forever.

Michael Max:

You know, likewise something comes along and we have a bad experience.

Michael Max:

We go, I hate it forever.

Michael Max:

And yet in that moment, we love it.

Michael Max:

Or in that moment we hate it.

Michael Max:

But really how do we connect with this moment?

Michael Max:

And especially as practitioners, how do we connect?

Michael Max:

And see, where is it now?

Michael Max:

Because I don't know about you, but I know myself, I can get kind of lazy

Michael Max:

sometimes and I'm thinking, well, this has worked before, you know, I

Michael Max:

think I'm seeing basically the same thing I saw before, but, you know,

Michael Max:

sometimes it's just because, well, it's been working, so let's not mess

Michael Max:

with it until maybe it's not working.

Michael Max:

How do you sort of focus your clinical eyes, so to speak?

Michael Max:

So that you can see what's happening right now.

Frances Turner:

Um, it's a question of trucking symptoms.

Frances Turner:

So from the gene plan, point of view, what you're looking for is a symptom

Frances Turner:

picture, not includes the time of pulse.

Frances Turner:

If you have, let's say, if you have dry throat blurry vision first and rib side

Frances Turner:

pain, for example, you know, you're in the ShaoYin or possibly the Dre yen, because

Frances Turner:

those are the core symptoms of heat, both.

Frances Turner:

So, but you're looking for all of them.

Frances Turner:

If you just have the dry mouth you're prudently not, or you may not be.

Frances Turner:

So, what you're doing is you're looking at all the whole, the symptoms they tell you.

Frances Turner:

And then there are specific symptoms that you're checking out all the time and yeah.

Frances Turner:

Making a diagnosis on that basis.

Frances Turner:

What are some

Michael Max:

of the key things you say?

Michael Max:

There are certain symptoms that you're checking for all the time.

Michael Max:

Are there some key things that you're looking for that help you to orient

Michael Max:

or what's going on with people?

Frances Turner:

Hot and cold a lot of time.

Frances Turner:

So yeah, dry mouth thirst.

Frances Turner:

That's a good one.

Frances Turner:

And urination, both normal things.

Frances Turner:

Really, um, sweating heat, peace at night nights symptoms in general,

Frances Turner:

bloating, digestive difficulties.

Frances Turner:

And then coughs and colds, or just coughs and wheezing and sinus problems.

Frances Turner:

You know, you want the whole lot, it's a whole picture thing.

Frances Turner:

There are certain lines in the Shanghai learners.

Frances Turner:

I know, I I'm sure you know that.

Frances Turner:

Give you the key symptoms for each pattern.

Michael Max:

Oh, yeah, the Shanghai was full of that kind of thing.

Frances Turner:

It's full of it.

Frances Turner:

And really the more I do this, the more I realize that the way to get better

Frances Turner:

at this medicine is to learn the sham handler and to really know, okay.

Frances Turner:

Like line 263 is my main heat above symptoms and lines.

Frances Turner:

1, 2, 3 are my main Taiyang symptoms or close 20 is my main ShaoYin code.

Frances Turner:

It sounds a bit kind of geeky, but it really is important to do it.

Michael Max:

I had a patient recently with, uh, some bad acid reflux, which she

Michael Max:

didn't usually have, but, but she had it.

Michael Max:

I actually, I've been reading functioned loans book with our

Michael Max:

friend, uh, Paula Campanelli.

Michael Max:

We're slowly chewing through.

Michael Max:

And I mean, basically line by line, right?

Michael Max:

So we're learning some different lines and the things that go with it.

Michael Max:

And I had just done , which is basically wager tongue with mark wager.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

And this is for . This is for running piglet.

Michael Max:

This is for things going up, including.

Michael Max:

You know, acid reflux.

Michael Max:

And there's a thing in there in, in Dr.

Michael Max:

Fund's book about how this can also be brought about by improper

Michael Max:

she gone practices and I'm thinking, well, that's interesting.

Michael Max:

I mean, how often are you going to see someone who's improperly practicing

Michael Max:

chigong and they've got this kind of, you know, running piglet thing

Michael Max:

and, and, you know, the various symptoms that go with things going up.

Michael Max:

Later that week, I get a patient who really didn't suffer from acid reflux,

Michael Max:

but now she had it and it was really bad.

Michael Max:

And then she was telling me about this new meditative practice that she

Michael Max:

does, where she sits and she brings the energy from the lower part of

Michael Max:

her body and she brings it upwards.

Michael Max:


Frances Turner:

so you thought close.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:


Michael Max:

So, and I'm, you know, and I'm nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking

Michael Max:

chairs, because generally speaking, I look at her and I go, Ooh, this is

Michael Max:

a woman who is much more of like a, uh, a bond shop type constitution.

Michael Max:

This is some of the stuff I picked up from Dr.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:


Michael Max:

And, and I'm thinking, give her glacier, oh my God.

Michael Max:

You know, I, I mean, her is already kind of red.

Michael Max:

This could go really badly, right.

Michael Max:

It's going to go either really badly or it's going to help her.

Michael Max:

So I give her just a few days worth right.

Michael Max:

And send her home and, uh, I'll be darned, but it helped.

Michael Max:

And I, you know, I gave her some more and she's in way better shape now.

Michael Max:

And I also suggested that she try a slightly.

Michael Max:

Meditation practice.

Michael Max:

But I mean, there was, I mean, it was, it was in those lines.

Michael Max:

And how was I able to use that in the clinic?

Michael Max:

Cause I, I happened to have those lines in my head because I'd read it that week.

Michael Max:

So we really do have to kind of cultivate that and have it in us to

Michael Max:

be able to see it out in the world.

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

And the more I read it, the more I realized it's describing

Frances Turner:

conditions that I see every day.

Frances Turner:

It's just about translating the language used into something, which sounds

Frances Turner:

familiar to me, you know, realizing it.

Frances Turner:

But I've been working on the tetany chapter of the

Frances Turner:

gin, GUI that's chapter two.

Frances Turner:

And you know, what is this tetany thing?

Frances Turner:

And it's actually to do with.

Frances Turner:

Rigidity and compulsion.

Frances Turner:

So both ends of that, this idea that there are two different types,

Frances Turner:

really the soft and the hard and, and how, how you would deal with it.

Frances Turner:

And it's so interesting that immediately one of my patients walks in today and

Frances Turner:

she says, the, now I've just started thinking she's somebody who has Ms.

Frances Turner:

And it became really obvious that I needed to use one of the

Frances Turner:

folders that I'd been working on.

Frances Turner:

From the technique chapter of the gin way.

Frances Turner:

And it's extraordinary the way that happens, that as soon as you work

Frances Turner:

on something, the patient arrives.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

When, when we start to look at it, we can begin to see it.

Michael Max:

Can you tell us a little more about that patient and how you're treating

Michael Max:

her with this particular perspective?

Michael Max:

This is a

Frances Turner:

patient who has Ms.

Frances Turner:

Or she has just been given a diagnosis.

Frances Turner:

Although for a long time, she had a doctor who wouldn't give her a diagnosis because

Frances Turner:

it seemed like there was just some brain inflammation that would happen and then

Frances Turner:

go away again and then happen again.

Frances Turner:

I'm basically treating her with a child who prescription.

Frances Turner:

So it's , but I've got the Gwalia way up at 30.

Frances Turner:

That's the cause of the degree of upsurging T that

Frances Turner:

she has, which is massive.

Frances Turner:

This is just a huge prescription.

Frances Turner:

I've what else have I got in there?

Frances Turner:

Let's see, I've got hunty in there as an addition of 40 grams.

Frances Turner:

And then the child who quantity up often are at the normal dosages.

Frances Turner:

But again, Jenny is also way up, it's doubled at 12 and I'm

Frances Turner:

treating her for this, these extraordinary sensations in her book.

Frances Turner:

So she gets like really cold sensations and burning sensations, and then

Frances Turner:

that's combined with dizziness.

Frances Turner:

And if he takes the formula, all of the upsetting, she goes, it just goes.

Frances Turner:

And if she doesn't becomes back again, And then I'll have to

Frances Turner:

say, you have to look at these.

Frances Turner:

You have to look at your patients in the context of their lives as well.

Frances Turner:

And not just CGI fund is something that's going to solve everything

Frances Turner:

because she's somebody who's trying to do something that is impossible

Frances Turner:

until she stops trying to do that.

Frances Turner:

It's going to be difficult for her to get better.

Michael Max:

What do you mean she's trying to do something impossible.

Frances Turner:

She's running.

Frances Turner:

Um, an autistic company that cannot run in the way that it's running.

Frances Turner:

And I can't really say any more because issues, but it's, it's something which

Frances Turner:

is really wonderful what she's doing, but the funding is not really there.

Frances Turner:

And yeah, it's a complicated issue.

Frances Turner:

It's one of those things that I think that our lives and our health a completely.

Frances Turner:

They're completely entwined.

Frances Turner:

Somehow you can take herbs and it will make you feel better, but

Frances Turner:

unless you actually address the cause of what's happening, you are

Frances Turner:

not going to get completely better.

Michael Max:

I see this all the time.

Michael Max:

I see it all the time that sometimes people come in and they've got

Michael Max:

this thing and they go, this is the thing that's wrong with me.

Michael Max:

And yet, sometimes the thing that I'm using air quotes here, the thing

Michael Max:

that's wrong with them in some ways is the thing that's right about them.

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

Strength and weakness in the same place.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

You know, it's like some people have a real superpower

Michael Max:

because they're very sensitive.

Michael Max:

It makes them a great artist or a great writer or wonderful

Michael Max:

pot, you know, whatever.

Michael Max:

But that sensitivity also.

Michael Max:

I mean, they think they're broken because of their sensitivity and yet it's the

Michael Max:

source of so much of their generativity.

Frances Turner:

That's absolutely true.

Frances Turner:

But you know, this particular patient I've been working with

Frances Turner:

her now for about two years.

Frances Turner:

And partly I think that the hubs has made her able to

Frances Turner:

continue doing what she's doing.

Frances Turner:

And then I think, oh, that's an interesting one.

Frances Turner:

Isn't it?

Frances Turner:

Should she have been able to, but then the say

Michael Max:

I have had the same thought run through my mind.

Michael Max:

Am I helping them or hurting them by helping them to get through this thing?

Michael Max:

That's hurting them.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

But yeah, again again, who am I to say?

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

So if someone comes to me for Herb's and my hopes, man, and feel better,

Frances Turner:

that's what I can do is give them hopes and I will always do my absolute best.

Frances Turner:

To make themselves feel as better as they can, but you know, this

Frances Turner:

is another thing with the gym fan.

Frances Turner:

What, how me doing training is different from otherwise looking at hubs is

Frances Turner:

that somehow supports the body's own ability to make itself well, and I think

Frances Turner:

that's because going back to what I was talking about at the beginning, it's

Frances Turner:

because it really starts in the title.

Frances Turner:

I mean, if I'm looking at this formula that I've given this particular patient,

Frances Turner:

I'm talking about, there are quite a lot of tight in Herb's in there supporting

Frances Turner:

everything underlying everything.

Frances Turner:

And if we can get somebody tie into work, well, it's a digestion to

Frances Turner:

work well and the body fluids to be nourished and generated, then

Frances Turner:

the person can make themselves.

Frances Turner:

If the conditions are right in their life.

Frances Turner:

And that that's the way I work with the rest of my practices,

Frances Turner:

where with the way I work with acupuncture and healing, I also do.

Frances Turner:

So I love that about Jane fund, that here has this focus.

Michael Max:

Well, you know, it reminds me a bit, I mean, when I hear you

Michael Max:

say the TaiYin, I mean, I immediately think of the digestive system as well.

Michael Max:

I mean, the lungs to some degree in what they do.

Michael Max:

But primarily the digestive system.

Michael Max:

And it makes me think about Lee dong your end, you know, and, and the earth school.

Michael Max:

I mean, here's another echo.

Michael Max:

Here's another doctor in another dynasty, hundreds of years later,

Michael Max:

looking at something similar.

Frances Turner:

Yes, indeed.

Frances Turner:

And of course Lee doorman would have been absolutely familiar

Frances Turner:

with the shun and the jingle.

Frances Turner:

Otherwise, he could never have written the formulas that he broke.

Michael Max:

So, so what is that about?

Michael Max:

Uh, uh, artists, all artists steal, really great artists, steal shamelessly,

Frances Turner:

and everyone stands on the shoulders of the

Frances Turner:

people that went before them.

Frances Turner:

We do.

Frances Turner:

And that's how it is,

Frances Turner:

you know, lead on you.

Frances Turner:

And there's a fantastic, he's a fantastic doctor.

Frances Turner:

I love formulas.

Frances Turner:

The thing I like about the Shanghai and the functional and approach

Frances Turner:

is that when I'm trying to teach students how to prescribe to any.

Frances Turner:

It gives a deal limited number of hubs and formulas.

Frances Turner:

And it gives a really clear system about how to use them.

Frances Turner:

It says, you know, if you've got a Taiyang TaiYin together, you treat from the

Frances Turner:

TaiYin, except if there's upsurge in Chine or excessive pain, that's really clear

Frances Turner:

if you feel Taiyang a Taiyang Yangming together, you treat from the Taiyang.

Frances Turner:

And then you can do with the Yangming possibly at the same time or possibly

Frances Turner:

it will just go away on its own cord.

Frances Turner:

So I'm very, very clear.

Frances Turner:

And as a teacher, I really like that.

Frances Turner:

And as a practitioner, I really

Michael Max:

like that.

Michael Max:

Well, as a practitioner, it's a lifesaver because so often we

Michael Max:

see these concurrent situations.

Michael Max:

And it's like, okay, great.

Michael Max:

I see these two concurrent situations, but where do I begin?

Michael Max:

How do I start to untie this?

Michael Max:


Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

And we find that to treat from the TaiYin and the Taiyang is repeated

Frances Turner:

throughout the Shanahan in about, I don't know, six or seven clauses.

Frances Turner:

So it was a really important thing.

Frances Turner:

And of course, then you realize that that's because you have

Frances Turner:

to stop loss of body fluids.

Frances Turner:

So you've got to generate the body fluids and then you can do anything.

Frances Turner:

And that goes back to the Taiyang.

Frances Turner:

It sounds

Michael Max:

like you have studied this long enough and deep enough and

Michael Max:

use it in your clinic and have enough experience that there's a few sort

Michael Max:

of axioms, I guess you could say.

Michael Max:

I mean, you just rattled a few off to us about, oh, there's this there's

Michael Max:

that this is where you become.

Michael Max:


Frances Turner:

I think that's probably true.

Frances Turner:

I've been doing this now since 2014.

Frances Turner:

So where are we now?

Frances Turner:

We're in 2018.

Frances Turner:

So it's four years.

Frances Turner:

And previous to that, I already knew my herbs and formulas really I've been

Frances Turner:

teaching them for 10 years and more so.

Frances Turner:

Yeah, I think I do begin to know it and I use it every week in clinic

Frances Turner:

and I teach her an apprentice.

Frances Turner:

Training in clinic every week.

Frances Turner:

So what that does is it gives us a chance to look at things as a group

Frances Turner:

and to discuss things and to discuss things clinically, you know, the

Frances Turner:

symptoms could be this, or perhaps there could be that, well, we'll try this.

Frances Turner:

And then if this happens, we'll know it wasn't, you know,

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

You have an idea.

Frances Turner:

You don't always precisely know cause you don't always have the exact

Frances Turner:

symptom picture or all the symptoms.

Frances Turner:

Sometimes you have to take a punt on it and say, okay, no, I think it's this.

Frances Turner:

And you have to know your flight to the mast and give the formula and then

Frances Turner:

you get the feedback and then you know

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

And then you know what to do.

Michael Max:

I had a teacher when I was in school.

Michael Max:

Who said to us one day, he said, you'll know, you really know an

Michael Max:

earth, or you really know a formula when you have used it and it's worked

Michael Max:

and you've used it and it hasn't.

Michael Max:

And you know why?

Frances Turner:

Yes, exactly.

Frances Turner:

When somebody has a reaction and you can read that formula and you can say, okay,

Frances Turner:

the reaction is because of this whole.

Frances Turner:

Like I had a patient the other day.

Frances Turner:

She has the beginnings of Parkinson's and I was using non good movie.

Frances Turner:

Now the longer, really were 15 each, which is the standard dosage at a certain point.

Frances Turner:

I raised them and then she had heavy feelings in her legs and I read that

Frances Turner:

formula and there was nothing else in it that could have done that.

Frances Turner:

And as soon as I put the longer, really back down to 15, it was for.

Frances Turner:

So, you know, that kind of thing, you learn that by clinic, that's

Frances Turner:

absolutely the only way of learning.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

It takes a bit of courage to do this work, courage and

Michael Max:

attentiveness to what we're doing.

Michael Max:

You know, we're going to be wrong a lot of the time.

Frances Turner:

It's reasonably robot.

Frances Turner:

I think it's like, you can be more or less.

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

And you'll get a fairly good result if you're absolutely right.

Frances Turner:

You get an amazing result.

Frances Turner:

It that's when you get like the keys in the lock and it turns, and

Frances Turner:

it gives that satisfying click.

Frances Turner:

And that's quite a lot of the time you get it more or less.

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

And then the patient is enough better that the thing has stopped bothering.

Frances Turner:

That is also right.

Frances Turner:

And if you've got it completely wrong, then the patients really will

Frances Turner:

feel terrible, but you know why,

Michael Max:

and then you can do something about it.

Michael Max:

And then hopefully you've learned something about the

Michael Max:

formula that you gave them.

Frances Turner:

And that's what obviously happened at the time of John,

Frances Turner:

John gin, because he is always saying.

Frances Turner:

You know, if this, this, and this happens because the doctor has inappropriately

Frances Turner:

sweated or purged or inappropriate, he done something or else, then you do this.

Frances Turner:

Then you use this formula.

Frances Turner:

So like every other line is about how to deal with the top

Frances Turner:

two, doing something wrong.

Michael Max:

Maybe the shotgun lunch should be renamed.

Michael Max:

You know there, I mean, there is the classic of difficulties.

Michael Max:

Maybe we should call the Shanghai one, the classic of mistakes.

Michael Max:


Frances Turner:

it is quite funny.

Frances Turner:

I could still be here again.

Frances Turner:

I use the Chinese nutritional strategies app to answer the question.

Frances Turner:

What foods can I recommend for my patients and insomnia?

Frances Turner:

The answer drawn from the Chinese medical classic texts are beef liver.

Frances Turner:

Beats chicken, eggs hops, Lily bulbs.

Frances Turner:

Log-ins low deseed mulberries, oysters, rationales, spinach wi and yogurt.

Frances Turner:

The Chinese nutritional strategies app has hundreds of clinical

Frances Turner:

indications like insomnia and its database of more than 300 KM foods.

Frances Turner:

This is along with our temperature flavor, actions, notes, seasonal recommendations,

Frances Turner:

and differential diagnosis.

Frances Turner:

This database is searchable by any of these criteria and sorting through it

Frances Turner:

allows the practitioner to compile a list of recommended foods and then share those

Frances Turner:

recommendations via email, or as a hard copy with the patient, more information

Frances Turner:


Michael Max:

I want to come back just for a moment to.

Michael Max:

You mentioned a little while ago, that there was a formula that

Michael Max:

you used for this person with Ms.

Michael Max:

And a, you really bumped up the great sugar in it.

Michael Max:

So glacier is an interesting thing.

Michael Max:

It's a food grade herbs.

Michael Max:

It's used a lot in cooking in baking.

Michael Max:

Everybody's familiar with cinnamon and it's so common.

Michael Max:

I think it might be easy to write off what a powerful medicinal it actually is.

Michael Max:

I'd like to get your, hit your riff on wager and what it

Michael Max:

does, what it does really well.

Michael Max:

And also some cautions that people might want to use around its use.

Michael Max:

Again, it's a very common substance, but I, you know, there's

Michael Max:

contra-indications so could you give us a little riff on, uh, on cinnamon?

Michael Max:


Frances Turner:

So, um, cinnamon tree is great.

Frances Turner:

It warms the interior in order to help the body release the exterior.

Frances Turner:

So that's the first thing it does.

Frances Turner:

And there is very specific dosages for equations.

Frances Turner:

So in that instance, you use 10 grams don't problem.

Frances Turner:

Secondly, it descends the upsurging of Chine as you were

Frances Turner:

talking about, and that's the

Frances Turner:

And in that case, you'd have to increase the dosage to 15 grams at least, but you

Frances Turner:

can increase it to 15 or 18 or 20 or 24.

Frances Turner:

Normally I don't go up for both 24.

Frances Turner:

This one that I just quoted was a very exceptional one.

Frances Turner:

So that's absurd GT.

Frances Turner:

The third thing that it does is it stops pain and it stops pain.

Frances Turner:

His pain from an exterior central.

Frances Turner:

And the most pain actually has an exterior component at least.

Frances Turner:

And Qualia is absolutely amazing sometimes in combination with

Frances Turner:

some other hubs, of course.

Frances Turner:

Um, so those are three main things.

Frances Turner:

And the fourth thing is that it can actually help skin disease.

Frances Turner:

If the skin disease is from an exterior syndrome.

Frances Turner:

And that's another interesting one because it's what it's hot, but it

Frances Turner:

can actually help skin disease, which is manifesting as hot on the skin.

Frances Turner:

And I think the reason for that is that it's exterior heat.

Frances Turner:

So the key things about, um, uh, TaiYin syndrome is that

Frances Turner:

the heat is on the exterior.

Frances Turner:

If there is heat, which normally manifest is FEMA, but

Frances Turner:

could manifest as heat in the.

Frances Turner:

Those are some of the ways that you can use.

Frances Turner:

Gwalia what you have to remember is that it does slightly promotes sweating.

Frances Turner:

So the Contra indication comes because of that, because if someone has a

Frances Turner:

huge amount of body fluid deficiency, you don't want to promote sweating.

Frances Turner:

And for that reason you have

Frances Turner:

Which I think is closed 28, something like that, which is what you have a going to

Frances Turner:

10 pattern where you take out the equator and instead you put pooling and budgeting.

Frances Turner:

And what that means is that there's body fluid deficiency in a Taiyang exterior.

Frances Turner:

So it's Taiyang Taiyang but there is no, there is much more body fluid deficiency.

Frances Turner:

And the other clues where that happens is it's in the jink way, chapter

Frances Turner:

six, which is the Shula chapter.

Frances Turner:

And let me think which line eight, where you have

Frances Turner:

and then in that line, you also have origin.

Frances Turner:

So Taiyang is for a Taiyang Yangming syndrome.

Frances Turner:

So you've got to go to Taiyang plus Longo.

Frances Turner:

It's the same class Princer by byway and the fruits, and by way, push that

Frances Turner:

formula into the ShaoYin in the, in the six syndrome differentiation system

Frances Turner:

and a ShaoYin is an exterior syndrome with underlying lack of body fluids.

Frances Turner:

In that case, in the gin way, the Gwalia is removed because it was

Frances Turner:

considered to promote body fluids to make, to promote sweating too much.

Michael Max:

To use this particular system, this particular way of

Michael Max:

working, you really have to know what levels you're looking at.

Michael Max:

Oh, definitely.

Michael Max:

You've gotta be able to dial that piece in very, very clearly.

Michael Max:

You have to

Frances Turner:

learn the basic symptoms for each of the

Frances Turner:

patterns preach the syndromes.

Frances Turner:

So for each of the symptoms, then you have to learn the basic

Frances Turner:

symptoms for each of the formula.

Frances Turner:

You have to see how they match each other.

Frances Turner:

You learn them both at once.

Frances Turner:

Naturally arise is not

Michael Max:

for me.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

It's sort of a union process.

Michael Max:

You're looking from two different perspectives to

Michael Max:

inform how they work together.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

So we've been talking about this particular way of working

Michael Max:

and DJing fond these days.

Michael Max:

And there's a number of different streams of DJing font.

Michael Max:

It's not an unusual thing these days, people know about it, but most of us

Michael Max:

have walked through that gate of TCM, you know, much like a native tongue.

Michael Max:

I think it's harder to acquire other languages when our thought

Michael Max:

process defaults to the first thing.

Michael Max:

And, and I think it's the same with practicing medicine as well.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

So for those of us that are looking to acquire this whole new perspective

Michael Max:

on the illness and treatment, like with this current, from Dr.

Michael Max:

Fong and Dr.

Michael Max:

Uh, Dr.

Michael Max:

Hall, what are some ways to approach the study of using the Jing Fong?

Michael Max:

You know, when our first language, so to speak is TCM, how do we

Michael Max:

learn to acquire this new line?

Michael Max:

Any thoughts on that?

Michael Max:

Any ways that people can start to work with this and, and, and have

Michael Max:

some direction that they can follow.

Frances Turner:

There are several possibilities around for the six

Frances Turner:

syndrome differentiation system.

Frances Turner:

Um, one is that, um, Dr.

Frances Turner:

Robidoux is going around the world, teaching a comprehensive course

Frances Turner:

in various different countries.

Frances Turner:

So that's one possibility would be to attend one of those courses and

Frances Turner:

to learn it in a, uh, kind of more structured form or in a structured form.

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

Yeah, I'm just going through each of the syndromes and what the

Frances Turner:

pictures are and what it means and all of that in a theoretical way.

Frances Turner:

So that's one way of doing it.

Frances Turner:

The second way of doing it is the way that I've decided to do it, which is to simply

Frances Turner:

run a clinic and to open the clinic to people, to come along and work with me.

Frances Turner:

And that way it's more of a kind of organic way of learning.

Frances Turner:

The third thing is the resource materials that we have.

Frances Turner:

So one of the things, one of the great gifts that Suzanne has

Frances Turner:

given us is the translation of Dr.

Frances Turner:

Phone's webinars.

Frances Turner:

Those are available on DVD, so you can actually buy, you can buy a copy for me.

Frances Turner:

I have copies here and you can actually immerse yourself in it and listen to him

Frances Turner:

talking and listen to her, translating it.

Frances Turner:

And, um, while the way, many happy hours.

Frances Turner:

So that's the way of doing it.

Frances Turner:

There is a lack of source text still.

Frances Turner:

So we were very much hoping that Dr.

Frances Turner:

Fund's yellow book will be translated into English.

Frances Turner:

I don't know whether that's something that's on the codes.

Frances Turner:

Maybe you'd like to do that.

Michael Max:

That would only take about seven years of my life.

Frances Turner:

Exactly, exactly.

Frances Turner:

So what we do at the moment we use the Wiseman translation, more or less

Frances Turner:

of the texts in my apprenticeship, but we don't use the commentary

Frances Turner:

because it's not always the same.

Frances Turner:

W well,

Michael Max:

in fact, the commentary can be very, very different

Michael Max:

while, and I've seen this in Dr.

Michael Max:

Fund's book, and I've seen this in Dr.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

They will take a line from the Shanghai online and give you a rough explanation

Michael Max:

of the line from the Shanghai online, which you can get from Wiseman.

Michael Max:

You can get it.

Michael Max:

I mean, there's lots of places.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

But then they go and put their own spin on it, which kind of gets into some of

Michael Max:

this stuff that we're talking about.

Michael Max:

They've got their own, it's like, here's, here's what it says.

Michael Max:

Here's sort of the standard way of reading it and here's how we think about it.

Michael Max:

And then they go into.

Michael Max:

Like the stuff that we've been talking about and it's, it

Michael Max:

can be very, very different.

Michael Max:

It is.

Frances Turner:

And we, as a group, we're working on our interpretation,

Frances Turner:

our commentaries of this, um, of the Chandon and the gin way, which maybe at

Frances Turner:

some point will be published, who knows, but it's such an enormous job that, you

Frances Turner:

know, to do something like that is yeah.

Frances Turner:

But that's what we use day-to-day we use our own commentary and on

Frances Turner:

our own commentary has been taken from dot from really mainly from

Frances Turner:

the work that I've done with him

Frances Turner:

in 2016 as well.

Frances Turner:

So there are quite a number of us who went in and observed in his

Frances Turner:

clinics and discussed things with him.

Michael Max:

Would be very useful because when you look at any

Michael Max:

of the classical literature, there's always tons of commentary.

Michael Max:

I mean, doctors in Chinese medicine, talk to each other through

Michael Max:

the centuries through common.

Frances Turner:


Frances Turner:

So when I'm thinking that we will just produce our own commentary on this 1,000,

Frances Turner:

which will be informed partly by Dr.

Frances Turner:

Fong, partly by, um, the translations of Suzanne will be due partly

Frances Turner:

by our own clinical experience.

Frances Turner:

And I think that's, you know, that is the only thing that anyone can ever do

Frances Turner:

really is to present their experience and to acknowledge their teachers.

Michael Max:

Oh, absolutely.

Michael Max:


Michael Max:

And to take the experience that we get from our teachers and

Michael Max:

clinic, meaning our patients.

Frances Turner:

Oh, definitely, definitely does absolutely vital.

Frances Turner:

I mean, I, I w I will just say that sometimes is really works in clinic.

Frances Turner:

Exactly how it's supposed to.

Frances Turner:

So for example, I had a patient who came six weeks post viral,

Frances Turner:

and she was absolutely exhausted with body pains all over.

Frances Turner:

And she still had periodic heat sensations that could have been

Frances Turner:

mistaken for hot flushes, but, um, I didn't think they were and for the

Frances Turner:

head and dizziness and, and I have to say that five packs of plus language.

Frances Turner:

And three packs of packs follow-up or the same formula, but with the

Frances Turner:

tie who a normal dosage, instead of a raised dosage absolutely stopped it.

Frances Turner:

It stopped it dead, and she's now completely fine.

Frances Turner:

And that is somebody who could have just gone on and on and on

Frances Turner:

and gone into chronic fatigue.

Michael Max:

Well, chronic fatigue, or ended up with going to a conventional

Michael Max:

doctor and being prescribed some medicine for the rest of their

Michael Max:

life that would lock them into the situation and perhaps make it worse.

Frances Turner:

Absolutely, absolutely.

Frances Turner:

Because it was just absolutely clear that there was still some

Frances Turner:

kind of an infection going on that was subclinical in Western term.

Frances Turner:

I really think that we shouldn't underestimate this medicine.

Michael Max:

Well, there's a couple of times in this conversation we've

Michael Max:

talked about when the formula is right.

Michael Max:

It just clicks like a key and a lock.

Michael Max:

And I know I've had this experience I hear from, from the tone in your

Michael Max:

voice, you do to there, there's a part of us that goes, holy smokes.

Michael Max:

It worked that well, and it worked that quickly, but it really, really came.

Michael Max:


Frances Turner:

can, and that's, what's got to go into a book

Frances Turner:

that kind of pace where it does exactly what it's supposed to.

Frances Turner:

And on the other hand, what should go in is the person with Ms, where it

Frances Turner:

works very, very well, but within a context that's really, really difficult.

Frances Turner:

So both sides I think should go in because it's very easy just to put it.

Michael Max:

Yeah, it's good to put in the tough ones.

Michael Max:

So when will you be publishing this?

Frances Turner:


Michael Max:

we'll see, uh, great, well, Francis, I really enjoy the

Michael Max:

time that we've spent here together.

Michael Max:

Any closing remarks, anything else that you'd like to share with the listeners

Michael Max:

here before we say goodbye for today?

Michael Max:

Just that.

Frances Turner:

If anyone is wanting to study Chinese herbal medicine,

Frances Turner:

this is a really good way to start because it's absolutely possible.

Frances Turner:

And learnable and TCM is such a boss ocean.

Frances Turner:

This it's huge.

Frances Turner:

And I'm not saying that TCM doesn't work because it obviously does.

Frances Turner:

But, you know, to find a teacher who will teach you, which formulas

Frances Turner:

to use and which formulas not to use, it's almost impossible.

Frances Turner:

There's just too many formulas and too many hubs.

Frances Turner:

So this, it gives you a really good grounding in Chinese herbal medicine.

Frances Turner:

And then after that, you can go off any way you like, you know, you can study

Frances Turner:

any other doctor you like, but you'll absolutely know your basic curves.

Frances Turner:

And the number of herbs that you need is less than a hundred.

Frances Turner:

Acupuncturists and they want to study herbs.

Frances Turner:

It's a really good way to start.

Michael Max:

So this is sort of the lazy person's way to study herbs.

Michael Max:

You don't need to have as many, and you don't need to think as broadly.

Frances Turner:

Well, you could say that, but on the other hand,

Frances Turner:

what you find is that the rigors of the diagnosis or anything but lazy

Frances Turner:

as we've been talking about with.

Frances Turner:

Learning the clauses and learning the syndromes and the patterns, and

Frances Turner:

you really do need to learn them.

Frances Turner:

So I think that my students would take exception with lazy.

Michael Max:

It was sort of teasing, you know, and you mentioned this before,

Michael Max:

we were talking briefly about Lee and you were saying, yeah, his, a lot of

Michael Max:

his stuff came from the Shanghai loan.

Michael Max:

So if you know your Shanghai lunch, In many ways, it will help you to

Michael Max:

understand some of the other vast amount of formulas that are inside a TCM.

Frances Turner:

I think that's completely right.

Frances Turner:

And of course, many of the TCM formulas, ocean hand, and formulas, it's a

Frances Turner:

beautiful system and it works very well.

Frances Turner:

And I would not have been able to sit here and say that to you.

Frances Turner:

When I was doing TCM, I wouldn't have had the right.

Michael Max:

Yeah, there are well, there's a real elegance to this work.

Michael Max:

Francis again.

Michael Max:

Thanks for making the time today.

Frances Turner:

Well, thank you very much, Michael.




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