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The Bee Play
24th September 2022 • Saint Louis In Tune • Motif Media Group, LLC
00:00:00 00:21:59

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The 2022 season of The J’s New Jewish Theatre (NJT) features the world premiere of The Bee Play. The Bee Play, by playwright Elizabeth Savage, is a story of what dreams, anxieties, hopes, and forgiveness might look like in the 21st century. We talked with Miles Brenton who portrays 18-year-old Carver Washington, a brilliant black Bronx beekeeper. He meets Devora, a recent Yale graduate, amidst his beekeeping on the roof and they share hopes and anxieties amidst the immediate world around them and below.

Missourian George Washington Carver was one of the inspirations for the play. The production is directed by Sarah Whitney, who is making her NJT directorial.

This is Season 5! For more episodes, go to

#NJT #milesbrenton #thebeeplay #georgewashingtoncarver #newjewishtheatre #worldpremiere



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