A New Tanya class By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz “Love & Unity will create the greatest Blessings”
Tanya Igeret Hakodesh Chapter 31
The Alter Rebbe quotes from the Zohar that the Shechina is Sick in exile.
For example: when the body is not well, the reason being is the flow of energy of the blood of the soul that flows from the heart to & thru all the limbs & back to the heart when there is an obstruction & blockage in the flow the person becomes ill G-D should protect us.
Hashem the Shechina is called Heart as the verse says in psalms וצור לבבי & the souls are called limbs, the Shechina resides in the worlds of of Beriyah, Yetzira & Asiyah however it first goes to Neshamot of Yisroel as Neshamot we’re created from Hashem’s מחשבה which is higher than the world which is created from דיבור as it says in the midrash that Hashem consulted with נשמות ישראל before creating the world.
The Zohar explains any flow of energy from on high to down below the energy flows both ways as it says in Sefer Yetzira נעוץ תחילתן בסופן וסופן בתחילתן or as the Arizal says אור ישר ואור חוזר or as the verse in Yechezkal says והחיות רצוא ושוב so as the Shechina is the heart & Neshamot are the limbs to teach us that when the souls are united & unified than the flow flows seamlessly to connect us to the infinite light to cleave to Hashem as the verse says אתם נצבים היום כולכם לפני ה׳ אלקיכם when we are כולכם United than we are לפני even higher than ה׳ אלקיכם.
This is the reason the Talmud says that the destruction of the second temple, the Jews going into exile, the concealment of the Shechina is due to the sin of hatred & not getting along G-D forbid hence the Shechina is called sick in Galus as the energy is not flowing. Hence the plural term סומך נופלים ורופא חולים as the plural is a reference to the limbs referring to the Neshamot that are not getting along.
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A Special thanks to Warren Kahminsky for Video Taping the Class
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