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Mindfulness and Connecting to other Dimension: Life Beyond our World with Jeanne Vessard | Ep 04
Episode 418th April 2023 • Mindful You • Alan Carroll
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Jeanne Vessard, an intuitive healer and author, discusses the connection between mindfulness and the ego, and how mindfulness can help one expand beyond it. She shares her experiences of traveling to various dimensions and connecting with beings from other realms, and discusses how connecting with them can bring about deep healing and transformation. Jeanne emphasizes the importance of expanding beyond the ego and opening up to other dimensions and realities. She also offers tips on how to calm oneself down and stay centered amidst the chaos happening around us.

About our Guest:

Jeanne Vessard was a psychologist and a program manager for many programs that served children with special needs.  When she began to meditate on a regular basis at 30 years old and also practice mindfulness many new experiences opened for her.  She became aware of a deeper reality within her own being and she also had many higher dimensional experiences. She realized she was connected to many higher dimensional beings.  She became aware of many resources from beyond this 3rd dimension world.

She had personal experiences with some of the soul groups and her own light group from a high dimension. Those in that light group made many contacts with her over her life. Some of those beings came in groups and others made individual contacts.  She was often aware when she saw them that she loved and missed them.

Her first remembered experiences were at 7 years old when she and a younger sister saw and interacted with brilliant light beings from higher dimensions for a few nights.  Later as an adult many of those beings made contact with her. The most contacts were made by the ancient mentor of that light group. She was given energy and healings by that ancient mentor and he also assisted her in creative activities by sometimes showing her scenes from higher dimensions that put her in new phrases of creativity.

She often expressed some of those experiences in painting.  She recorded many of those experiences over the decades and wrote about them in the book “Visions of a Star Traveler.”  by J.M.Vessard  available on Amazon and in many other places. There is also another book that will be published in the near future.

About Alan:

Alan Carroll is an Educational Psychologist who specializes in Transpersonal Psychology. He founded Alan Carroll & Associates 30 years ago and before that, he was a Senior Sales Training Consultant for 10 years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has dedicated his life in search of mindfulness tools that can be used by everyone (young and old) to transform their ability to speak at a professional level, as well as, to reduce the psychological suffering caused by the misidentification with our ego and reconnect to the vast transcendent dimension of consciousness that lies just on the other side of the thoughts we think and in between the words we speak.





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Alan Carroll:

Welcome to the Mindful You podcast. My name is Alan Carroll, and I am your host. And today Today, we're going to be talking with a psychic, clairvoyant, professional psychologist, someone who has been involved with the healing business for entire lifetime. Someone who freely travels, what we'll call the transdimensional states of consciousness and has conversations in the present moment with guides, and masters. She is incredible. Her name is Jeanne Vessard. And I'm pleased to be able to share with you a Jeanne's wisdom, knowledge. Amazing Stories. artist, writer, meditator. Star traveler. Amazing. So please welcome Jeanne to our mindful you, podcast.

Alan Carroll:

Jeanne, welcome. Welcome to the mindful you podcast.

Jeanne Vessard:

Yes thank you for inviting me

Alan Carroll:

very happy to be able to have a conversation about mindfulness, about your book, the visions of a star traveler, and all the different things that you've accomplished and done in your life that most people, and I'll say most people that I've ever come across, don't even know the experiences that you've had, or even a possibility. And we're going to look at a mindfulness and I know you have some thoughts about mindfulness, and the ego and the being. And so from your point of view, from your experiences, how would you define and explain the mindfulness and the ego to our audience?

Jeanne Vessard:

Well, my experiences with mindfulness were, first of all give a definition, it's focused attention, that can reveal an underlying state of consciousness. And by focusing very deeply, I found that I entered into other states of awareness that were actually very healing, and things of the world fell away. And I was more aware of the essence that under is underneath all the forms. So it was very powerful. Very cool, ego, you know, is something with the personality. And we're all more than that. We're all more than our personality. And we're all more than the thoughts and feelings we have now. And I was thinking about it this morning. There are many different levels of mind. And I have worked on various levels of mind and had many experiences with them. And we're more than that to i I realize now that it is so vast and so interest much more interesting than we've ever been taught here on Earth. Actually, my experiences in this lifetime exceeded what I ever thought was going to happen. When I was young. When I was young, I had, I was just like everyone else, you know, I did have some very special experiences. But most of my life was just an ordinary life, you know, with my friends school, things like that. But I did have some very powerful experiences when I when I was young that and it wasn't just me. I'll talk about one of them when I was seven years old. And my younger sister was with me at this time. So it wasn't just me. It wasn't just my fantasy or something she hadn't had the experience to and remembered it as a child and as an adult. We were contacted by a very large group are very brilliant blue, white, high high frequency beings that have rainbows of light all around them. And she used to call them the rainbow beings. Anyway, they contacted us for a few nights their light was very inspirational and it seemed like they knew me. That's what I felt when I was with them. And my sister told me she says we know that they said we weren't supposed to remember that. She says but But I told him yes, I am going to remember it. Sure, she's that type of personality anyway, you know. But I was glad she was there with me too, because we could talk about it. In fact, when I was visiting her, she lives in Arizona, when I was visiting her in Arizona, some years ago, she brought it up again. So she remembered it all those years. But they're very inspirational. And they were light beings very, very high frequency. So it's way beyond this third dimension, you know?

Alan Carroll:

So you mentioned the third dimension. Yeah. And third dimension would be our physical reality that Earth air Fire, Water is the physical reality. And as a star traveler, you talk about being able to travel from the third dimension to the fourth to the fifth to the sixth. What are some of your experiences that you've had in, in traveling to the various dimensions?

Jeanne Vessard:

Oh, wow. Well, the dimension beyond this one, the fourth one is the astral. And I've worked on that dimension for decades, work with beings and they're not all that different. From here as far as a frequency. I mean, there. There's, there's a range. But there's some of the same things that are going on here as far as their thoughts or their experiences or whatever. But one of the guides that I worked with on the other dimension, she she worked there, too, and she still works there. Well, she saw me I guess it was last fall. And she said, Oh, you're still here, I thought she'd be gone by now. And I and I was thinking, Oh, my goodness, I probably been here too long. If she thought I was already gone, you know, but I have worked on that dimension. And then beings that I was associated with, and other systems contacted me for much higher dimensions than that much more than the tip six in higher. And yeah, I had many experiences with that. I also had experiences with the soul groups and the light groups. Everyone belongs to a soul group, but they probably don't know that. You're probably not aware of, you know, what, what soul group you belong to. But I remember, there was some years ago, I was talking to this chiropractor that I knew for years. And I told him, I said, I saw your soul group. And I said that it was quite large. And they're all healers. And I said, they're up there planning what their services were going to be in various parts of the universe. And they were like one mind, always in agreement. So I said, if you ever have a problem, and you want, I said, go to your soul group. But people don't aren't even taught about these things down here that they have all these resources that they have it. I mean, we're not just here by ourselves.

Alan Carroll:

How do you connect to a soul group?

Jeanne Vessard:

Well, it's usually on another dimension. It's, it's not usually generally the third dimension, which was a another dimension. So some people may do it in their dream state. That may be an easy way for them to do it. And they may be able to bring over that information. Also, meditation is very, very important, because that opens up a lot of experiences. And I was very fortunate in my life, because many in my soul group contacted me. Now the ancient mentor of our life group contacted me so many times, he's healed me, he's given me energy. He has talked to me about so many things, but everyone in my life group is telepathic. So we don't even have to, you know, we can just like Link our minds, and it's in it's just like, someone sitting right next to you or being right next to you talking clearly. That's how clear it is. Wow. Yeah. It's just really wonderful. And my parents and mentors always there. And he's, he's been one absolutely wonderful to me. So, yeah, like I said, and other people have had that experience of him to not just me. When I was in England, decades ago. This man told me about this spiritualistic society. So you know, when he wrote the address down, and and told me to go there, and he said, I think you'll find this interesting. So I made an appointment with this lady. I was I'm just lucked out, I got her. She was an English lady Sylvia. And I think she was married to an Italian because she had an Italian last name very elegantly dressed. And I had I told her nothing about me. And as soon as I sat down there, she said, Well, there's two beings standing right next to you now a very great master and his assistant. And the three of you do a great work of light on other dimensions. And she described what he looked like and I knew she was right because I've seen him many times. But I've seen him as young Uh, you know, in his prime and in ancient, but she saw him in his prime. So she said, you do a wonderful work of light on the other side. And I hadn't told her but that particular previous year, every single night, the three of us were going into these realms on another dimension for people on Earth and other places who had had traumatic experiences when they when they left. And they were like on a state of like shock or something, or they didn't even know how they didn't even move. Sure, you would go into those realms, and we would look to see if there was any movement, if anyone was ready to do anything. And I remember myself. I went over to a man and the captain slightly on his forehead because I saw a slight movement. And I told him, I said, Well, you passed during World War One. And he said, What's World War One? Because he was never, you know, he was killed under traumatic circumstances, probably in one of those tunnels or whatever they had. His friend beside him was killed just before him. So anyway, he started to research it, and then come out, you know, because he was finally ready. But people think, Oh, you're taking care of right away, we have to pass on, you know, somebody's gonna take care of you. But what are these people doing? They're on this other dimension. They've been there for quite a while some of them. So up helpers are like, you know, myself and others have to go in there and help out sometimes help out these beings. But anyway, she knew that work. I never told her I never told anybody. I thought she is good. And when I went back a few years later, I tried to get her and I couldn't because she wasn't there anymore. And I had somebody else it was a totally different level. Yeah, she, you know, she couldn't couldn't do a contact any of that type of information. So I was just fortunate. The whole thing. And so I talked to one of the masters about it. But wow, that man who wrote that thing down, he said, Well, spirit guided him to do that for you. He was a handsome guy blonde with a beautiful suit. And he was looking at the the books I was looking at, I guess so he thought was since I was looking at these metaphysical books, maybe that I would be open to it. I think that's how it how it all has happened. Sure, get a book to read on the plane on the way over? Sure. So that's, that's how it all worked out. But I mean, it's like his spirit or some, you know, guided him to do that. And it really opened up a lot of you know, it was wonderful. And then she was telling me about the jewels I had accumulated and various world's jewels I've never even heard of, I thought, My goodness, wow. And I didn't have a recording of it or anything, either. But I do remember, you know, all the things that really impressed me about it.

Alan Carroll:

Let's talk about you've used the word healing a few times. And my understanding is that in our conversations, you've had physical issues go on with your body, and Western Eastern medicine, nothing seems to help. You've actually made contact with guides and in that higher dimensions, and somehow they're able to work with healing. Can you talk about that?

Jeanne Vessard:

Well, yes, I've had a lot of experiences with that. One is my guide Lucius. And he was with me for years. I had a couple of decades ago, I had a problem with my foot. And I went to the hospital and they I got a bad infection that not only turned my feet purple, but it went all the way up my leg was purple. And they were trying to get antibiotics in the beginning to to help out. Finally they found something that was somewhat helpful. But still, my leg was purple for three or four months. And so Lucius came to me. And he explained the healing that he was doing for me in technical detail, every little bit of it. And he said 24 hours you had this now it's gone. My leg was back to normal, like nothing had ever happened to it. I mean, who could have done that for me here. Another time. When my favorite art passed on, I was very upset. And he came to me I could I could see him and he said You're overreacting. He said he said she's she's not going to return to Earth ever. She's going to have her next experience. He said in a world that has a lot more freedom than this one. And you know, in other words, she's it's going to be better for her. So he just wanted me to, you know, just let it go. But then another time, our ancient mentor talks about healing. I had some pains in one of my organs, and I probably would have gone to a medical doctor But he, um, it's interesting, he had this like, he was in front of me, but on a dimension just beyond me, and he had a large pointer. And like, it was like he was he blew up the Oregon. And he said, This is where the infection is right here on the upper right side. And I'm dealing with it now. And he said, You know, it's going to bother you for two days. He says, After after that, you said, you're going to be fine. And that's exactly what happened. I never had a problem again. And some months later, I had an ultrasound in that in that area, and they said it was in perfect condition. Now, no, no one else had could have done that for me here, bro. Either, I probably would have had to have surgery or something. You know, but no, he took care of me another time, I was having an acupuncture treatment. And this was about probably about 2015, I think, and was a Chinese lady. And so she was standing over me and putting a needle in her my solar plexus. And then all of a sudden, this powerful energy came down, it was it was a vortex, like a vortex of energy that went deep, deep into me. And he's the one who pushed the needle so deep, she thought it was going to be bleeding. And she got scared, because she said Never in my life I've ever had an experience like that before, that she had to sit down at her desk. But she said the energy was very good. And I could see this round blue light above me. And that round brilliant blue light is that light of our ancient mentor. In fact, my husband has seen the same light. In fact, he said, just about a year ago, he says, oh, there's a brilliant blue light right over your right shoulder. I said, Well, what what shape does it take? He said circular, and then I told him who it was. I said, that's his like, that's what I see a lot of times, you know, but he gave me fit fantastic experiences. And I didn't know exactly who he was in the beginning. But sometimes I'd be working on a painting, when I first started painting, and he tapped my head, put blue there and then his face would appear in the pink, you know, or many times he helped me or I was aware that his energy was there. And back in 82. I remember he was above me. He was all in white then. And he was showing me seems from other dimensions, I guess he was it was going to be a new phase of painting for me. And I did, it started a new phase of painting. And one of the paintings I did was thought being born, I thought being actually created. I did that one. And then I also did that painting, that's that oil painting. On glass. That's, that's on the back cover of my book, which is spirit being born in a cradle of light. I'm sure that was from him too. Because that was all that time after that, that I did those paintings after he showed me a lot of things. So he's been very helpful from my creative, creative work to now and and healing, you know, but some of the Masters have talked to me about him. One of them masters will in fact, every time I'm aware on when I'm on other dimensions, that males will always see him and say, oh my goodness, he's so formidable. He's very big, very tall, you know, is over over seven and a half feet, but his light, he could be, you know, 1012 feet to have light. Because our he's the one who's taking care of our group. He's not only taking care of me, but he takes care of beings and many other constellations at the same time. omnipresent. You know, he just he can do that. So he knows where we all are, what we're all doing, what every thought and feeling we have is. So you have absolutely no secrets whatsoever. And yeah, it's it's an interesting experience. But another one from my life, group, Rotella. She's come many times to be with me. And sometimes she'll appear as a very attractive blonde. Other times, she'll be a blue light being from her own system, you know, from our system. So she can be either way. And I was talking to our mentor about it. And he said, Oh, she's one of us. You know, we're all he said. Everyone in our group loves each other very much and everyone in our group is beyond the ego, every single one of them, no ego, so you don't have to worry about any of that. It's there all the all beyond that long ago.

Alan Carroll:

Often people are not beyond the ego. And the ego sometimes is like a drag on your forward momentum. keeps causing you to pull back rather than move forward. Can you talk a little bit about the ego and how folks can expand beyond their ego into that more transdimensional space of consciousness?

Jeanne Vessard:

Well, I think it's probably multifaceted, and everything, I don't think it's just one thing or that, but it's a realization that you are more than your personality, you are more than your ego. And I think as people have more in depth experiences, and get to know they're being they're interior of their own being. And feel very, very directed from there, they won't be directed so much from the ego. So I think we have these deep, deep spaces within us that we're not even aware of. Because we all came from source anyway. So we all we all we're all we have an essence within us. And I think most of us don't get our direction. From there, sometimes we get it is in the thoughts that keep repeating or whatever thoughts we have in our mind. And we think that's it. But I know I've had so many experiences over my lifetime, in which I have seen other aspects of myself from higher dimensions that don't even look like me. And I've also seen my greater presence many times to my greater presence is like, wow, you know, she was showing me all the lives that I've had, and how they all fit together. And then she was inserting the last two lives into the center. And I thought how interesting, she's putting him in the center. Rather than you know, it's not a secret sequential thing. So I don't know, I don't know how they organize it, but there, but she is very powerful. I've seen her going through this like me at a soul level, I guess you'd say. But she was rapidly going through another, the fourth dimension very, very fast. And she stopped very quickly, because she saw this man was terrorizing other men there. And she immediately, like one second, she removed his body form. And another one second later fought for his head, but she removed that, and his underlying light was shown. So I know what super soul group he belonged to, when I saw his light, wow. But she wasn't going to be having, you know, all those people being terrorized there. And she and that she told I've seen her interact with our ancient mentor. And she told him, I don't want her knowing that now I don't want her overwhelmed. I'm only one aspect here, what to expect. So I don't have all her knowledge or anything like that. But I can connect and I know the thoughts of many of them. And here's some of their experiences. And it's fantastic. I know one time I was picking up this was probably about 2015 Two, I was coming back from a class and I could feel my the ancient mentors presence near me for a few hours. And then I went to a grocery store and I came out at the grocery store and then immediately he transferred my consciousness to the sixth dimension. And I got to experience what love experiences there, the power and the exquisite beauty of it way beyond anything, you know, in this dimension. So he gave me that experience. I didn't give that myself or she didn't give it to me he gave that to me just want to be aware of it. That creation and love and all these things are so much faster than we're exposed to hear. It's so much more beautiful to

Alan Carroll:

wow sounds sounds just magnificent the way you the way you describe those other realms of consciousness.

Jeanne Vessard:

Yeah, it's, I've seen some of these other forms. Other expressions you say because they're different energy frequencies. But I saw one that I know is is my one of my aspects from another dimension. And she's very, very tall. And she is part bird and part human. And her whole body is covered in feathers. And the the head is like a bird but it has tiny tiny white iridescent feathers covering her face and that and it's so beautiful you wouldn't even need you don't even know their feathers until you get very close because you're so so tiny, but around her with these big purple, purple bands of light too. So I know that She was purple and white. So those are some of the energies she expresses in the app to mention that. And I know, that's just one of the aspects of my greater reality. So definitely when I was a little kid, I never expected all this, you know, you're expecting these experiences. But I guess, you know, I'm still connected as what it is, I'm still connected. And the fact that I'm clairvoyant helps a lot too. Because I can see these things and other dimensions, maybe other people might not have that ability, telepathic, so that all those things help a lot.

Alan Carroll:

What about the, you know, right now, there seems to be a lot of agitation in the energy fields around the earth and people and environments and governments and politics just seems like a lot more things are going on here to create this stabilization of call it consciousness. What would be some of your recommendations for folks, to how to how to calm themselves down to be able to write out this, this experiences that we're going through right now?

Jeanne Vessard:

Well, probably, it's better not to be constantly exposed to it, because anything you're constantly exposed to, none of us are going to have an effect on you. So just limit the amount. So just just get the information you really need, you know, because that can really change your change. You're having an influence on your mind and your emotions, and maybe even in your body.

Alan Carroll:

Sure. So you're saying that the thoughts that you think affect your physical body?

Jeanne Vessard:

Oh, yes, yes. In fact, I remember one time when I when I was a psychologist at the county office, and then I became a manager of a lot of programs. And because they wanted me to, I didn't even want to have to do that job. But they wanted me to do it. So anyway, when you have that many programs, that many people in that there's always some things you have to deal with. There's always stresses in that. So I made I felt stressed sometimes. And I made a decision, when one day that I wasn't going to have it be bothering me anymore. And I went into work. And the head secretary been there for like 30 years, she said, What happened to you, she says, You look younger, you don't look tired. I said, I made a decision. I made a decision. That's how powerful it is if you really make a decision and mean it.

Alan Carroll:

Well, and we really enjoyed having our conversation today. And and before we conclude I I know there's people in the audience who would like to be able to learn more about your experiences and your stories and your travels. What are some ways that the audience can connect with you?

Jeanne Vessard:

Well, I wasn't sure about giving out my email address, but they can read the book, because that visions of a star traveler, it's on Amazon and many other places. And people have bought it interesting already. From a lot of people from England, of course, America, Canada, Australia, Germany. So I mean, I have written a few things on on YouTube. And maybe that's how it happened, I don't know. But there's a lot of information there. And that particular book, visions of a star traveler, about my experiences, my background and all that. And then I have another book coming out maybe this year next year, I'm not sure because I've got I've pretty much finished it up. The first half of the book is inspirational material I received over the years. And the second half is more experiences that I had from the higher dimensions and also experiences with the light groups, which I don't think most people are aware of light groups. And we all belong to one we may not know it, but we all have dominant energies that we resonate with. And I know what our group is, but our group can be any group though too because I saw myself on another dimension changing my energy to to fit in with other groups. So I would be truly one of them. I saw myself doing this block by block of energy. And then I also I met some of the leaders from some of those groups. And they're absolutely every single one of them is so beautiful. So you know so fantastic really. And I've worked with some of them and some of them I plan to work with, you know, in the future. I think I told you I saw your mother was passed on now and I know what group she becomes belongs to on an ad She and I had a conversation.

Alan Carroll:

Purple wasn't a purple, you told me my mom was,

Jeanne Vessard:

yes, she loves she loves the energy that she is she and she loves her group. So I came to see her with three or four other beings all wearing purple too. So we were all together in a group. So she felt very much at home.

Alan Carroll:

That's great. Well, Jeanne, thank you. Thank you very much for the opportunity of interviewing you and hearing your stories. They were inspirational and create new possibilities for people who didn't even imagine it was possible to travel dimension to dimension to dimension. And you'd mentioned vehicles such as, you know, meditation, you know, close your eyes, create stillness. Don't expose yourself over and over again to stimulate, you know, social media kind of things. And also, you mentioned about the dreams i Next time we talk let's talk more about the dreams because I I know dreams are a fascinating subject, especially I'm a psychologist and you're a psychologist. And I know we'll have a great conversation. So thank you very much Jeanne for for being with us today on the mindful you podcast.




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