Artwork for podcast Stories of a Faithful God for Kids: Kids Bible Stories
Trailer: Stories of a Faithful God for Kids
Trailer15th February 2024 • Stories of a Faithful God for Kids: Kids Bible Stories • Dave Whittingham
00:00:00 00:02:06

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Would you trust God even if it meant you'd be fed to lions? What about if it meant being fed by birds? This new show explores the stories of the Bible for kids to discover that God really is faithful and can be trusted always. In the trailer, preacher, pastor and primary teacher Dave Whittingham lets you know all about this new weekly podcast.

If you want to contact Dave, you can through the website, (coming soon) or send him an email at

Make sure the adults around you know about the sister podcast, Stories of a Faithful God.


What would make a scared soldier attack a huge army, with only 300 men?

Why would someone disobey their king and risk getting eaten by lions?

What would make the most powerful ruler in the universe, step down off his throne, become a servant, and be nailed to a wooden cross?

Well all these people had something in common. They all believed in a God who doesn’t just promise that he’ll look after them. He actually does it. He keeps his word. He’s faithful.

I’m Dave, and I’m starting a new podcast called Stories of a Faithful God for Kids. I’ll retell the true stories of the Bible. There’ll be battles, and fake gods going to the toilet, and people being fed by birds. Empires will rise and fall, storms will be calmed, and someone will be vomited out by a giant fish.

aithful. He could be trusted:

So join me on this weekly podcast as we discover stories of a faithful God, for kids.



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