Artwork for podcast The Collaborative IEP
Wrapping Up the School Year with Success
Episode 364th May 2021 • The Collaborative IEP • Ashley Barlow
00:00:00 00:27:04

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We met on the podcast back in September to talk about how to start off the school year with success.  Why does it feel like that was five years ago?!!  Anyway, today I’m talking School Year Wrap Up over on the podcast.  I’ll walk you through a few easy steps you have take to ensure that you’re ready for Summer Fun and a smooth transition back into the 2021-2022 school year come August/ September.  


We’ll talk about collecting data from school and at home, updating your IEP binders, making plans for summer work and play, scheduling and preparing for Extended School Year services and Compensatory services, teacher gifts, and MORE!!!  




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