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Trump Assassination Attempt: Will fast food restaurants, bring their prices down, and does Taylor Swift really prefer the missionary position? Podcast 357
Episode 35719th July 2024 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:09:21

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The Surprising Reaction to the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

Hello, Earnest Mann here! Today's episode explores the unexpected public reaction to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Despite the media's focus, the incident didn't create a significant stir. I reflect on how this reflects our society's shifting priorities.

The Public's Attention: From Assassination to Fast Food and Taylor Swift

It's astounding how quickly the public's focus shifted from the assassination attempt to everyday concerns like fast food prices and celebrity gossip, including Taylor Swift's personal life. This episode delves into these distractions and what they say about our collective mindset.

The Ethics of Fast Food Pricing and Celebrity Gossip

I tackle the controversial topic of fast food pricing, proposing a hypothetical scenario where prices increase significantly to benefit shareholders. I also discuss the obsession with celebrity lifestyles, questioning why these topics dominate our attention over more significant issues.

The Intersection of Ethics and Public Discourse

We conclude by examining the ethical implications of these societal obsessions, pondering the double standards in how we treat personal choices versus public events. This reflection aims to provoke thought and encourage a deeper understanding of our societal values.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 the real surprising thing about the assassination attempt of Donald Trump was not that it happened but that relatively speaking despite what the 247 news media would have you think it really didn't shake things up that much on the news RoR scale now I would certainly say that had an assassination actually occurred and that Trump was actually dead the story would certainly have gotten a lot more traction but a bullet just grazing someone's right ear just isn't enough to excite the American public anymore they have

00:38 many other things they are preoccupied with and concerned about such as all the big news concerning sports figures are the Hogs troughs or I mean the fast food restaurants bringing their prices down and does Taylor Swift actually prefer the missionary position hey folks I'm Ernest and it's Friday we made it through another week of making our obscenely Rich owners even richer I think it was very interesting and says a lot about our society right now even when an attempted assassination on a former president can't even hold

01:23 the Public's attention for more than 2 minutes but hey let's move on the public after all has to have its priorities in order and for the sake of time I can't even begin to discuss all the things going on in the world of professional sports so right now I'm going to focus a bit on the whole situation with fast food to be perfectly honest I'm extremely upset but in a very reverse way I'm not upset because the average prices of fast food combo meals are what they currently are right now I'm upset

02:05 because they refuse to raise the prices any higher the way I would really like to see this work out is for all of the criminal Syndicate cartel I mean the uh all the fast food providers agree to raise their prices uniformly say around five bucks per combo meal per week until pend depending on the area you live in the average price of a combo meal would be somewhere between 60 to $80 all across America an absolutely no free loading on the refills of the drinks I believe that it's time that the hardworking shareholders of these

02:54 companies send a very clear message to Consumers that they absolutely demand and to increase their profit ratios by raising prices to an acceptable level that also includes no more free refills of drinks and no more discounts of any kind to the elderly or disabled freeloaders who quite literally believe that they are entitled to something for nothing it's about time that someone stand up to those perpetual freeloaders who think that just because they're old missing limbs or are blind are entitled to anything we believe that the

03:40 shareholders should do what your parents told you to do many years ago take your gold bricking ass down to the employment office and get a job and as far as the sexual life of Taylor Swift is concerned I will let you know as I have many times before I consider this to be an open Forum show and yes that includes sex but that does not necessarily include perversion and any woman with the physiological proclivities of Swift that would be willing to engage in what any San person knows could only be really honestly

04:28 described as a detach Ed bombastic and emotionally fragmented individual barely qualified no pun intended to speak on the subject of Marley standardized human population that's the equivalent of a goat farmer giving his esteemed opinion on the relative merits of having sex with goats I really don't mean to put such a fine point on this but what I am trying to express that apparently the general public or maybe even my own listeners are skittish about expressing themselves that what all of these things have in

05:12 common is that they don't really mean anything at all truth be told and I always prefer to tell you the truth none of it really matters it's simply doesn't mean a biscuit if I may close this out by just touching briefly again on the attempted Trump assassination what this ultimately comes down to if we have the courage my friends is to ask ourselves this very important question as a matter of Ethics should we as a supposedly Democratic Society be curtailing a woman's right to achieve orgasm allow me to

05:57 explain I had several I've spoken to several women who were very forthcoming concerning you know their sexual proclivities after the attempted assassination who were fuming in disappointment they all pretty much told me it was their practice to have their husband partner or friend gag and bind them to their bedst so as they watched the RNC convention being so sexually excited by Donald Trump that if they could have witnessed a successful assassination they would have had one of the greatest orgasms of their entire

06:41 lives but because that did not happen they felt disappointed angry and very unsatisfied so this goes back to the original question ethics look I am in no way saying the former president should have been a assassinated but what I am trying to point out is that it does bring up a very interesting ethical question why would we dance around the possibilities of women all across America and probably many places in the world as well being able to achieve a very satisfactory orgasm but at the same time be willing to question and scrutinize the choices

07:30 of a sexual position of a celebrity in this case Taylor Swift to achieve their greatest level of sexual satisfaction via a certain sexual position to me as well as millions of other Americans out there it comes down to not having a double standard it's a question of honesty of character of ethics and here's some archival footage of my great Granddad I'm a lush man so dear listar did you enjoy this deep dive or do you have an entirely different take on this drop me a line and please click subscribe because the

08:17 more subscribers I have the more others get to see and hear this I don't mean to pressure you but if you give a damn about others like I do it only takes around 2 seconds and would be greatly appreciated until next Monday or Friday if this ain't Earnest what is



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