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Play with what Resonates with Nadia Gargallo | Ep.49
Episode 494th May 2023 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
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“It was really hard to make my business work. Like you, I want to help people but then you also realize that you need to become a salesperson, a marketing person, a copywriter, a content strategist, and master lead generation…like all this stuff that comes with a coaching business or an online business. So I had to learn a lot being a 1 - 3 profile in my human design.”

Meet Nadia Gargallo! An energy alignment and business mentor who helps female coaches to find alignment with their energy, their essence, and soul so they can step into their full feminine power and magnetism and build successful businesses that are full of freedom, pleasure, and ease.

I had a blast chatting with this fellow line three Manifesting Generator about learning to tap into human design and embrace our journey in alignment with our design and what resonates.

Tune in as we chat about the painful process of trial and error, different strategies to grow an online business, learning to balance masculine and feminine energetics, and using human design as a permission slip to be ourselves and stand fully rooted in our power.

Want more? Get Nadia’s Human Design for Business mini-course for FREE:

About the Guest:

Nadia Gargallo is an Energy Alignment and Business Mentor who helps female coaches to find alignment with their energy, their essence and soul so they can step into their full feminine power and magnetism and build successful businesses that are full of freedom, pleasure and ease.

She combines all her passions and skills in quantum healing, masculine and feminine energetics, human design and strategy to activate her clients' highest potential and expansion.

About the Host:

Theresa Lambert is a Business Strategist + Coach with an impressive hotelier background in luxury Hospitality in the #1 Ski Resort in North America. She creates unique success plans and provides strategic guidance to female entrepreneurs so they can SCALE to 6-figures and beyond while having the FREEDOM TO PLAY.

In 2020 Theresa became the Bestselling Author of her book  Achieve with Grace: A guide to elegance and effectiveness in intense workplaces. She is also a Speaker, the Podcast host of Diaries of a Six Figure Coach Podcast and co-host of Dissecting Success.

Theresa has been recognized as a business leader in Whistler’s Profiles of Excellence, and is being featured in publications such as Hotelier Magazine, Thrive Global and Authority Magazine.

Diaries of a six figure Coach isn’t only a Podcast to help you get strategic and master the precision of Success.  It’s a declaration to share the truth. It’s a commitment to keep going to make it happen, no matter what. It’s an activation and invitation for female Coaches and Entrepreneurs to play a bigger Game. Tune into short, potent and value packed episodes that are fun, raw, real, vulnerable and authentic af on what it takes to build a six figure coaching business online. It’s going to MOVE you. It’s going to ACTIVATE you. It’s going to help you access your audacity, courage and start taking the intentional actions to make your biz dreams come true while living the life you desire and making an impact online.

Instagram: @theresalambertcoaching


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Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

Hello, Hello. And welcome back to another episode of diaries of his six figure coach podcast. I am super, super excited. today to introduce you to Nadia Gargallo, Nadia is actually in Spain. So we are having an interview between Spain and Mexico, which is so cool. I had no idea, Nadia and I literally just connected on Instagram. So Nadia is another one of those incredible humans that I've connected with. And here we are on this podcast, we've we've actually not spoken beyond Instagram, but it just kind of felt aligned and good and the energy and the vibe was there. And so we're like, let's do an exchange on each other's podcasts. Let's come on to each other's podcasts. And what I love about connecting with beautiful souls like Nadia is that we can be on different parts of the world and our own expression doing what we're doing. And somehow we find each other and find these moments like I want to say soul connections that have a very similar perspective on certain things business related certain things energetics related yet we're so different in the way we live it out and express it and embody it. And so Nadia is an energy alignment and business mentor. She works with coaches and entrepreneurs herself. And so Nadia, I'm so excited for us to talk human design, strategy energetics, all the goodness, welcome.

Nadia Gargallo:

Thank you. I'm so so excited for this conversation. And so happy that we were connected, I truly believe in what you said, like the energy is connecting despite the distance and being in complete completely different sides of the world. But the souls always connect when they have to. So I'm excited to have this conversation and have connected with you.

Theresa Lambert:

So good. You know, I mean, in human design, I'm a free five manifesting generator with an emotional authority. So whenever somebody you know, drops in my world, it's like my favorite thing, because I get a response, like, tell me a little bit about you, and your journey and your business and how human design tied into it to it. Yeah,

Nadia Gargallo:

I'm actually also managing sacral authority, though. So I really love the responding and like making new connections and having a lot of variety in everything that I do. I'm having fun. That's an important thing, too. So my journey with my business, it's been a long one, I'm not the type of person who gets into success and everything quickly. So it's been a long journey. And just to summarize things, the first two years of my business, I started as a full freedom and self love coach for binge eaters because I experienced binge eating disorder myself. So when I heal from that I wanted to help others who are going through the scientists stop dieting, to find peace with food and their bodies. But it was really hard. It was really hard to make my business work. And like you want to help people but then you realize that you need to become a salesperson, a marketing person, a copywriter, our content strategies, like lead generation, like all this stuff that comes with a coaching business, right or an online business. So I had to learn a lot being a one three, profiling human design. The line three for anyone who doesn't know much about human design is all about evolving through trial and error. So that was my journey the first few years. I was always like trying things didn't work fair to them find what works. So this was a huge discovery when I came across human design because before I felt like was wrong With me, you know, like people seem to have any success and I'm always failing and nothing works and so yeah, it was a lot of trial and error learning what doesn't go to them land was slower steps, but steady steps. And then so I started my business journey in 2018. And then in 2020, I have kind of like a burnout where I wasn't feeling aligned things were not working, I was not stepping in to my power when it came to my business. So, I completely stopped for two months and then when I decided to go back to work, I was looking for a mentor. And then I came across someone who was actually suggested to shift my niche. She intuitively intuitively wasn't seen me doing what I was doing and she could sense that was there was a little bit of negativity or triggers in what I was doing. So I decided to shift and then because of everything that I had to learn with social media with marketing with copywriting with how to get clients online like all that stuff, I decided to shift and help intrapreneurs and that felt a lot more empowering, but then is one I went on a deep journey of Nordland in the strategy has been working on myself basically. So is what I started to like go deep into into working with my shadows and really uncovering what was going on for me energetically on with my limiting beliefs and in 20 beginning of 2021 is when human design came across together with masculine and feminine energetics that also brought together so I started to understand how much I was in the masculine forcing myself you know allowing myself to be in that satisfaction and pleasure which is so important for a manifesting generation satisfaction is our sign of being in alignment but I was neglecting and like holding myself back from all that because I was putting those I was taking those identities of being an actual action taker European Super discipline and therefore by taking those identities on our will neglect the pleasure and allowing myself to do what feels right and slow down and tap into into other things so it was always like the discipline They're like I need to finish my earlier so I was so much in my masculine they had time to receive bring the clients in and I was so out of alignment with my energy when I got into design so it's been a mix of everything into my business successful strategies masculine and feminine energies creating that balance and then human design was really the permission is linked to be myself to understand more of myself and being my power and yeah give myself permission to really build the business that I wanted to build.

Theresa Lambert:

I loved us so much thank you so much for sharing and I mean I relate so much one I'm a free line to so I like I like give me the experience and let's just mess it all up and then rebuild it like there's this process of creation that I find is quite messy for us as we're learning what works and what doesn't but I I really resonate with your message and I feel like so many of my listeners on this podcast will resonate around being in your masculine so much and you know it's kind of dead wounded masculine energy too and what I have found over the years as I've learned what worked and what didn't for experiencing it and was VB how much mistrust was built by being so stuck in the in the masculine and how we was pushed that feminine energy aside, but it's like we yo yo so often you know, we either in our feminine so much that it's almost like we're on the sofa and we're like I'm manifesting my best life and I'm here and I'm doing all the things but nothing happens and it's like she got to do some things you know all will like go go go go go go go with like no stop button and so being able to bring that masculine and feminine energy together. And also I want to dive into that a little bit with you this human design aspect, like being in alignment with your human design there. What I found and I would love to know like from you like how, like bringing human design in your business and understanding feminine and masculine energetics helped you scale your business and help you grow your business and the shifts it made but one thing that I found as I was on a similar journey and got introduced to all of this and I like I'm all about making strategy fun and a vibe and like I am like very much in my feminine while being really held in a strong masculine strategy and structure but one thing thing that I realized as a manifesting generator, I can always work like whacking comes natural to me doing comes natural to me. And I was for a long time almost using that as an excuse. And so it wasn't until I got divorced. So it's so interesting how you like, you know, you did things on breakout helping women heal heal, yeah, but I got the wolves less than a year ago actually. And, and it was really after that, but sank in for me was to put as much ambition into my life, as I was putting into my work. And to, to see to that, in business, I don't have to constantly reinvent the wheel. Because part of being like, you know, part of all the ideas coming in as a manager, and I was constantly running and creating new master classes, new programs, like every month, like in 20 2001, I launched a new masterclass and a new program every single month, two programs every single month, for 12 months. And as we were heading into, you know, 2022 things were working, my business was scaling like rapidly, but between my relationship falling apart and other things and pretending to be fine. And all this stuff, like the cookie started to crumble, you know, like, I didn't have enough energy to keep it up. And so 2022 I dismantled everything, 16 years of my life, my business, and then I rebuild it. And I was like, I kind of have this wrong, you know, like this piece of human design, I'll come up with something new. And there's always new ideas. I was like, I can't sustain that. And if I want to scale beyond where I'm at now, there's no way I can keep doing this. Unless I bring in more people of course, you know, hire a team. And or just find a different way to express that creative energy and hold some of it for me, but express it in my life as much as I do in my work. So I'm curious to get your perspective on everything. I just

Nadia Gargallo:

um, yeah, so we manifesting generators, the thing is, like, we need a lot of variety, right, and we have this multi passionate energy. So we get excited and interested about many things. And we have all these new ideas and then get excited when a crazy is I want to create that. But then one thing is to wait to respond. So when you're having those sparks of inspiration and ideas and new things that you want to do, you need to wait to see if that's really aligned. So that the first step, and it can be hard for a manifesting generator that we we move so fast to be patient and wait for those signs to respond. Because sometimes we can get these inspiration. But then if we wait for that to come and really check if he's align, it might be that it's not, so not act in Australia, the unweighted risk is super important for the alignment. And when it comes to creating new things constantly, like I absolutely agree with what you say, because of course, like the creativity is feminine, right? But then, to pull those things in action to create those things, we need to then take action and do stuff, right is not just the creative part. So we can get into a lot of the masculine if we're constantly creating new things. Because that requires funnels, emails, signup pages, learning boards, as I there's so much that goes into like creating the content, every single step like there's so much behind. So it was important for a money jam. And like one of the things I'm here to do is create simplicity in your business. And so is having a business model where you can have new staff like every quarter something or something that's not super heavy, but then play with what is the best restaurant what is still resonates because as we were really fast, something that you created a year ago might not resonate at all anymore with you. But if you have offers that still resonate or your one on one, or your high level, one on one programs, or if you have something that is short, something that can bring that excitement and unveiling of new stuff is creating bundles or a new offer on something that already exist or a new offer on your one on one. So these way you create variety and different things without having to create more, if that makes sense. So this is a way of not being constantly creating new stuff and putting yourself into that pressure and that masculine energy.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that I think simplicity is so underrated most of the time because we we've been so programmed, you know that the more complex and complicated something is, the more valuable it is. And so we go into these like, weird stories where we make everything so complicated. So we can like live our struggle story and the complication of the life and the business we create. Whereas there's some simple things, actually, it's very difficult sometimes, actually, I find most of the times, keeping it simple, is probably one of the most difficult things to do. Because we attach so much story, Oh, it can't be this simple. It can't be this easy. So I love that you shared that. And I love something that you said really resonated with me and VD kind of landed, and it was the play with what resonates. Play with what resonates. I love that you, you say that. And I talk about that in different ways. But it's almost like, you know, we can play with what resonates. And we can become the broken record, you know, really talking about the thing that we do, which we honestly got to do if we want to be able to build sustainable, scalable and long term successful businesses. If we're reinventing ourselves constantly in extremes, it requires a lot of effort. And you mentioned, you know, some of the things that happen behind the scenes, but like, it requires time, effort, dedication, commitment, showing up consistency, to build an audience of ideal clients for you. And yes, in business, I find I get to play with multiple things. But there's still this, like, cool that I talk about, you're still the core message that I come back to steal the Kool G things that I like preach, because I'm like, that we got to chop wood and carry water, like, it doesn't matter what you do, or how expressed you are like, we got to get that out there. But play with what resonates and allowing yourself to bring things back to relaunch things to even I mean, sometimes you can just be fresh something right, like I find and and, you know, for me, if I bring something back, changing an image, playing a little bit with like the name of the offer, like bringing it back in slightly a different format. But using what staff, I can show up really excited and lit up about that offer without needing to start from zero again. And that's a huge thing for me in order to manage my capacity so that as I take on more clients, and as I scale my business, I can actually do all the things and show up all the things without burning myself out in the process. So I have fun doing what I'm doing. Yeah. But it's not easy to do. Yeah, it's

Nadia Gargallo:

not for a manager. And because again, since we move so fast, and we have also fast, we have these fast evolving energy, what happens is like, we go faster than other people, so we just want to evolve and change and evolve and change. And like, if you are not very aligned and grounded at the same time, you can just keep doing new things. And the fact is that not like the other times don't go as fast as we go. So we need to also meet our clients where they are and slow down a little bit so we can meet them are they pace, because otherwise, we are always evolving in our messaging and our programs, what we do, and some people need to hear the same things and like really sink into your staffing to the core of your work before they buy. So I find that for manifesting generators is great. You have your core foundational stuff, and then play with variety and like more niche programs and things more, you can have some, some more fun, but keeping that core essence as well.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that. So I would love to know like, you know, for all of our many gents and generators out there who are like creating like, you know, five programs this month and like launching all this new stuff and you know, every five minutes change your mind and like, you know that we can be like this, like let's just be honest and raw and real here. You know, we can become these like program development machines while we're constantly in this program development. And it doesn't necessarily lead to a profitable business. Not to say that it doesn't work like it can work and some people I see some people out there will machines And interestingly enough, I've recently seen them just having a cool offerings and just keep bringing things back, which is also had me very curious and I'm like, something's changed. I think that John Paul's fatty and like your energy laid fatties over here. So I know like things are gonna change. But what tip would you give somebody like if you know, if somebody finds themselves in this situation right now, where they're constantly creating new, they might be at capacity to either bring it burn out, kind of losing the joy of their business, because they're doing so much, but they're not really seeing the results, because they're constantly like every month, they're like, new offer new vibe, new person, new everything? Like, where do we start? Where would you suggest they start to pull that back and simplify

Nadia Gargallo:

alignment, always alignment. That's the magic words. So like you can do anything in your business and everything works. Like literally everything was the difference for that to work for you or not, is your alignment. So things need to align with your energy. That's how human design can help you. So understanding your energy, because a lot of people don't have an understanding on how the energy works. So they might work on alignment based on their feelings and have a sense of it. But when you have a deep understanding about how your energy works, and through this awareness, you can then feel what feels aligned and what not. And then aligning with your essence, your work, your values, your desires, your goals, like everything has to be considered because everything plays a part in your in your alignment. So going back to what you were saying, for example, around, like creating new offers constantly, if that was for you, and he's giving you a resource, and it feels amazing, and you're not getting into the burnout, fine, because it's different for everyone. But if you create in all these offers, because you work with a coach, and they told you you need to because you are a manager and you need to be creating all this stuff. And then you just take that as a truth for everything as a hard truth. But then you're feeling like you are in this stress and anxiety and about to burn out then that means that that is not aligned for you. So again, like working with you human design is not something that is going to box you or shouldn't be something that is going to box you in. Yeah, there are people who use human design and teach human design in a very disempower way. And that's not my approach at all. Because you need to understand your energy, like your unique essence and was going on for you but then really feel for you and trust yourself on your own intuition and guidance to create that alignment. Because it's not that you are managing or a generator or a manager or manifester and what applies for the manifester, or what you say about the manifester is for everyone, you need to feel within the foundations of those energies, how that plays for you, for example, you and I are manifesting generators, right. So, the feeling of satisfaction is going to be slightly different for me and for you. So I really looking at like variety for me might be different than for you. So you really need to work on that alignment and feel into what feels right to you, and then build your strategies on your business around that.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that. So kind of defining what does satisfaction mean to you to help you understand when you're even in alignment? Because I find like, listen, everyone's like, do things that feel aligned. And sometimes I'm like, What the fuck does that even mean? What does it even mean to feel aligned? Because what feels aligned to me might not feel aligned to you. Right? So like, and that

Nadia Gargallo:

was a question that I had before coming across Human Design. Like in the industry, everyone started to talk about fine alignment, be authentic. And I was like, Okay, what is being authentic? Actually, who? Who am I was creating an alignment, like how do I know if I'm creating alignment or not? And Human Design is what gave me the answer to all of this. Understanding my soul essence how my energy was good gave me an understanding and the awareness of feeling into if I'm aligned or not. Now I have a really clear understanding of that. So I know when something is thrown out of alignment when something is not when something might be fear, and I'm trying to cover it as not being aligned. So all the things and and when you can really understand how to create alignment for yourself. Everything we can so much easy.

Theresa Lambert:

Yeah, so it's really for everyone like what does it feel to you, but if you're a manifesting generator, and if you're not, I know Now that Nadia has something for you that might set you on your path and I want you to talk a little bit about that in a minute. But you know, I think it's so important to to really get really intentional with how we want to feel in our business and how we want to feel in our life and get clear on that before you stop doing anything and then you have some ways of measuring not right like if I say it again many gem satisfaction is a sign that I'm aligned quote unquote, right still using this word, but also for me, it's like satisfaction is being neutral it's being in peace it's feeling grounded it's feeling rooted it's feeling joyful like it's not actually satisfaction to me isn't being in like high high high highs for me like it's being in a very neutral grounded stable steadies base for me that is satisfaction like that is actually the highest for me are the purest or the most authentic for me when I'm not oh my god I was so high you guys overwhelming

Theresa Lambert:

yeah and I'm so I'm like a spiral staircase I'm like up and down, up and down, up and down. So if I'm like, if I can like sit on the staircase, like in the middle and hang out there I'm like, you know, that's a beautiful space for me, but I needed to understand that before I could even exactly

Nadia Gargallo:

and yet so many human design experts will say the satisfaction is excitement, right and then so many manifesting generators and generators feel like they have to be in this constant high excitement, but that's different, like you have a combination of manifester and generator right. So, this piece of grounding comes from the manifester bit. But for every manifesting generator is different. Some people feel more into the manifester energy and some people feel more into the generator. And that satisfaction is going to be different for everyone for a generate are some of my clients say that that satisfaction is this huge feeling of fulfillment, for example, so it's not always excitement. And just to like mentioned, a little bit outside of the managing projectors are a huge example of how things feel for each person. Because projectors are generally quote unquote, generally people who need a lot of balance between work and rest and play. But it's different from my projector to projector because some writers have motor centers, so they have generally more energy than others, while other projectors might feel more tired and need a lot of rest and naps and stuff like that. So a lot of projectors are being told that you need to rest a lot and you like projectors, I generally feel tired, and then they take these on, and then feel something is wrong with them because they actually don't feel tightness so they don't align with who you know. So it's, it's very different for everyone. And the sign of being in alignment for your projector is success. Success is so different from person to person. And when we work with success, we need to understand what success really means at soul level, know the ego version of success. So it's always going to be different for each person. And the power of human design is really when you use it in an empowered way, and start to take the information but really see how that plays for you and create your own alignment, not taking some fence on one side as a hard truth and make it your own.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that. I love that so much. And I mean, like I really find having broad human design into my business and also having awareness around the human design of my clients really helps me in terms of strategies, like I consider it when I work with clients, I find out what the human design is so that I know, you know their manifesto, they reflect their project I like because it's so different for me when I'm like, oh, like I'm talking to a manifester. And like I can see they never stop. I'm like, yeah, like we gotta like, you know, that talk about this a little bit. You know, it's so it's just a really interesting thing to see how we can use it. And it can really help us also figure out what kind of business model can work for us based on our human design. And it sounds like you have something that might help people do that. So now Yeah, what do you have for us? Here's something really cool. So I'd love for you to share what you have for the beautiful humans listening.

Nadia Gargallo:

Yeah, So I have human design for business mini course that is normally 55. Bounds is allowed to get anyway. But I'm offering that for free to all your listeners. So yeah, I believe you will leave the link in the description of the show. But this goes into like the very basics of human design, because human design, like you can go in to so much depth with the channels and the gaze and everything. But to create alignment, the first thing you need to look at is your energy type your strategy, which is how you're meant to interact with the world, which is related to your types. So each type has a strategy. And then your authority with depends on which centers you have defined, and your authority is your inner wisdom or intuition. So we all have a different way our intuition speaks to us. And this inner authority and human design is how your inner intuition speaks to you and how you are meant to make aligned decisions. So the course goes through the types through the sign of being in alignment and out of alignment for each of the types, their strategy, the authority, and then there is a cool bonus lesson around manifestation and how to manifest in a way that's aligned for for your energy type. They are those are short lessons really easy to to watch and digest, and are really going to give people an understanding of the human design on how to start creating more alignment in their life and businesses.

Theresa Lambert:

I loved us, thank you so much for sharing us with us. This is amazing, I can't wait to check it out. I always love learning new things about human design. And everybody, you know, you said this, but everyone explains it so differently, too. And sometimes I find it Lance was more explained in one way than another way. So even if you already know about human design, and you're curious, you know, I'd invite you to take advantage of this amazing free gift that is awesome. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. And that you're going into all the you know the types and what is aligned and what's not aligned and really help people figure this out. And I know you're also on Instagram, at it's not like gotta Gallo, again, like I'm gonna put all the links in there, and you share beautiful content as well. So we can tune in to all the magic you have to offer and learn more from you there, which is amazing. But as we're sort of wrapping up this interview, I would love for you to maybe share from your perspective, what's one thing you would suggest focusing on in business to really help people you know, grow their businesses and find a way of doing it that works for them and isn't in maybe alignment or whatever you want to add, but share a little bit about that your journey and and a little golden nugget that they can take away.

Nadia Gargallo:

So apart from alignment, it's hard for me to focus on just one thing, because when I work with alignment, I work on like at all levels, right, I start working on alignment with yourself first, your energy, your essence, understanding all of that. And then I move into the offers your ideal client, and your messaging. And messaging is a huge, huge one, which I feel at least the the people that I'm attracting, a lot of them are really doubtful on the message. So when you work with human design to align your message is like is crazy powerful, because I work on aligning your message to your energy first. And then your essence I look at your Sandgate in human design your conscious and guide, which is all about what you're here to do. And in the jinkies is your brand, so is the essence of your brand. And while you're here to do and then I look at the mercury, which is the planet of communication. So it's what you are here to communicate and with, with what energy and when you can combine all these essence of yours in your messaging, and then align this with your ideal client and your work is just crazy. So that's something that we we focus a lot on with my clients, by again, like alignment goes in everything. So like, something that's very important that I see people are not doing enough is making connections. And that, for me should be one of the priorities in your business because a lot of people are creating content and like making all this effort in creating programs and other things and then they don't sell. And when you rely really only on content, unless you have a big following on. You have an authority already is going to be very slow to to convert clients only through that. So making connections growing your audience should be one of the priorities on your business according to my own app. approach. And again, it has to be in a way that's aligned. Because if someone is telling you, you need to go on to DM everyone, or you need to do this or that, and it doesn't align with you, again, you are not going to see the results. So it's really anything that you do in your business may like finding the thing that really works for you.

Theresa Lambert:

I love that I think those two pieces you just mentioned are so important. I mean, I don't know. Like, once we give me the gates and all that stuff, I'm like, I'm out. Like, I'm really curious. So I'm definitely excited to check out your course. I'm excited to find out more about that. I've heard other people talk about it. I know. Phoebe Kuhn is somebody I follow as well, that that talks a lot about messaging and human design and the gates and I'm like, so curious. So I like I looked into it a little bit, but then I was like, I'm going down the rabbit hole. But I love that you mentioned, you know, the connection piece and how undervalued it is. And, and I think it's such a powerful reminder, social media is about being social. It's why it's called social media, not just media. So we'll always talk at people but not with people build relationships. So reach out, right, like, things don't come out. And, you know, you I think it reached out to me on something. And then I responded, right? Like, the fact that we're sitting here is as a result of us, both valuing relationships and nurturing and responding Joe community. And I think that that's so important. And so I love that you you bring that in and, and, you know, I'll I'll add to that, that, you know, always put the relationship over the sale, always put the relationship over the scale. And the thing is people will really come in, I think this is where we're so and this is like a whole other conversation to have. And maybe when I'm on your podcast, we can talk about that more. But, you know, I think a lot of us feel really wounded around the whole DMing thing. And it's because some people just go straight for the kill. I call it I'm always like, when I talk to clients, I'm like, Well, don't go straight for the kill like, yeah, we do. Yeah, but we have this icky relationship, right to like messaging. And it's like, it doesn't actually have to be like that. And it can be very natural, and you never know where these conversations are going. But you also don't know what opportunities come up. Right? Like, if we don't respond, if we don't run, willing to explore then cool conversations like this could never exist. And I feel like if if you know, for all of those listening to today's conversation, I really want you to, like even just allow for like five minutes of this conversation, go back and listen to it again and see what came up for you. The moment Nadia mentioned, the connecting piece, because I know a lot of you all are. And it doesn't have to be and there are so many beautiful, beautiful entrepreneurs who have built successful businesses who have come on this podcast, and I'm doing more and more interviews, and so many of them I did not know before jumping on a call with them before having an interview with them. And so what I really want all of you to understand is that this is the result of you building connections.

Nadia Gargallo:

Yeah, that was huge in my in my journey, and it's something that I really work on with my clients too is dropping the expectations because when you go into something with just one expectation, one fixed outcome, you block yourself from other opportunities that might come up from that. And also the data from that specific outcome and being open and just like coming from open hearts, when you build those connections is going to be so much more powerful like you said, like, it might not end up being a client but you might be a collaboration or a friendship or something else. You never know like even with my launches that has been launched that didn't work and I didn't get to sell the program that I was expecting to but then I got to one on one clients. So this is a huge part of the manifestation is the surrendering and detaching from from my specific outcome and just allow whatever it has to come in and that's gonna help remove that achiness and that feeling of like, I don't want to do this.

Theresa Lambert:

Absolutely. I love this so much. I love that as well. Nadia, I could like talk to you for hours like I feel like we can go into like 500 different directions typical. Let's talk about that. This is so amazing, man. Make sure everyone you check out her awesome three mini trainings a human design for business. It's free the link is in the show notes. Follow her on Instagram at iNadia Gargallot not yet anything else that you want to share before we

Nadia Gargallo:

just excited to have you on mine.

Theresa Lambert:

And what's your podcast? What's your podcast called?

Nadia Gargallo:

is powerful, wild and magical

Theresa Lambert:

It's powerful, wild and magical. Well, I'm so excited to come on as a guest for you. We'll make sure everyone has the information. Thank you so much. Muchas gracias. I tuned in. And I can't wait for for everyone to just Yeah, I feel your beautiful energy and land from you and and listen to this. What a beautiful, beautiful conversation. So thank you so much. Thanks to you. It's

Nadia Gargallo:

been a pleasure to be here.

Theresa Lambert:

I love it. Okay, everyone. This is a wrap for another episode. And I will be back next week with more. Take care of yourselves, keep growing your businesses and stay aligned.




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