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Legal Insights on Hunter Biden’s Case
Episode 1036th September 2024 • Common Sense Ohio • Common Sense Ohio
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Steve Palmer and Norm Murdock tackle a wide range of topics, starting with Norm's staunch defense of free speech against foreign influence. They then transition to the legal intricacies surrounding Hunter Biden's plea deal on multiple tax fraud counts, discussing different types of pleas and their implications.

The episode also covers the serious matter of a recent school shooting in Winder, Georgia, exploring the responsibilities of parents and authorities in such tragedies. Additionally, the hosts talk political controversies, including Kamala Harris's controversial ad, a contentious reparations bill in California, and Gavin Newsom’s potential legislative challenges.

Steve and Norm critique government overreach, discuss the potential impact of global tax policies, and speculate on upcoming debates and election dynamics. Plus, get insights into Supreme Court backlash and executive actions.

Common Sense Moments

05:53 Nate Silver: Trump 61%, Harris 39% winning.

09:05 Questioning RFK Jr.'s ballot presence in elections.

13:40 Genuine policy shift or copying someone else's idea?

19:02 Chevron doctrine contested over Interior's regulation authority.

20:37 Critique of Democratic leadership focusing on control.

28:02 Global taxation authority promoted by Janet Yellen.

30:59 Defending free speech against foreign interference.

33:02 Guilty plea requires admission; no contest unacceptable.

37:45 Defense lawyer requests plea, angers prosecution and judge.

40:19 Guilty plea ends responsibility; compromised rights remain.

44:01 How to handle potential threats without crimes?

45:38 School shooting notes published despite FBI.

49:45 Ohio mandates public school busing for all students.

Recorded at the 511 Studios, in the Brewery District in downtown Columbus, OH.

Stephen Palmer is the Managing Partner for the law firm, Palmer Legal Defense. He has specialized almost exclusively in criminal defense for over 26 years. Steve is also a partner in Criminal Defense Consultants, a firm focused wholly on helping criminal defense attorneys design winning strategies for their clients.

Norm Murdock is an automobile racing driver and owner of a high-performance and restoration car parts company. He earned undergraduate degrees in literature and journalism and graduated with a Juris Doctor from the University of Cincinnati College of Law in 1985. He worked in the IT industry for two years before launching a career in government relations in Columbus, Ohio. Norm has assisted clients in the Transportation, Education, Healthcare, and Public Infrastructure sectors.

Brett Johnson is an award-winning podcast consultant and small business owner for nearly 10 years, leaving a long career in radio. He is passionate about helping small businesses tell their story through podcasts, and he believes podcasting is a great opportunity for different voices to speak and be heard.


Steve Palmer [:

It is time for Common Sense Ohio coming at you with a constant variety of common sense, the thrill of Norm's nuggets, and and the agony of the debate. There's a Norm's nuggets at the end. Yeah. Okay. We'll we'll get to that. So anyway, commonsense, where you can check us out. Check out all the old episodes there. Check us out on social media.

Steve Palmer [:

That is Facebook, that is YouTube, that is wherever Rumble is is had. We are there. If you wanna subscribe, we would much appreciate it. If you would share, we would much appreciate it. It's really easy. See, we we do this week in and week out, and it takes our personal time out of our, personal lives as well as my business life and Nora's business life and Brett's business life, which is, by the way, where Brett is right now. And he's got a business meeting this morning and couldn't attend. But the show always goes on, and any support you guys give us is much appreciated.

Steve Palmer [:

If you got questions, topics, etcetera, commonsense ohio, we will cover it there. Another quick housekeeping announcement, yours truly, Steve Palmer. This this show sort of started as lawyer talk, which was my podcast that's been going on for a number of years now. And because we we devoted so much time to get this thing launched, the Lawyer Talk show sort of took a back seat for a bit, but it is back. It is back in full force. People are, the the word is out. So check out lawyer talk, if you if you like the old format of answering questions, etcetera. I'm taking questions online, answering them, so there's a q and a series.

Steve Palmer [:

There's breakdowns. It's all the stuff everybody used to like. So, without further ado, we'll get into it. I've got always got a World War 2 fact of the day, and this one, is sort of significant because on the 6th September 1945, any guesses, Norm?

Norm Murdock [:

6th September 1945. The atomic bomb?

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

No. Trying to think of what it could be. It's not, VJ Day, is it?

Steve Palmer [:

Well, on, the surrender of the Japanese was accepted.

Norm Murdock [:

Okay. There you go. Yeah. So so a consequence of the atomic bomb.

Steve Palmer [:

A direct a direct consequence. And, so that you know, it's a pretty significant day.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. What's interesting is that it took the atomic bomb to cause the surrender.

Norm Murdock [:

2 of them?

Steve Palmer [:

Yep. Yeah. 2 of them. Yeah. You know, even, like, it so the the war in Europe ended in June, and we didn't get a surrender from the Japanese until September. Yeah. And so think about it. And if you think about what, there's a huge debate about the atomic bomb.

Steve Palmer [:

Anybody saw the movie recently or last year would know. And, you know, it's it's such a,

Norm Murdock [:

And it was debated in real time with Truman. There were people going to him saying, you know, drop it on a purely military target Yep. If you're gonna drop it.

Steve Palmer [:

Show force and

Norm Murdock [:

Instead of on a city. Yeah. So, you know, like to this day, in Dresden, Germany, there are hard feelings against the British because there was one night and and then British bombed that night. We bombed Dresden during the day. And between the US and, England, they killed like a 100000 people in Dresden.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. And this idea of bombing cities and civilians, I think it all started as a mistake. And I have to I have to research it. But there was, like, a one one on one of the sides, they mistakenly bombed a civilian location. And that's like, well, hey, you're gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. And I'm gonna do it more. And then that ends to the the firebombing in

Norm Murdock [:

Dresden. Yeah. Total total total war. Yeah. You know, like, when Sherman went through Atlanta, he burned burned Atlanta down. I mean, total warfare.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Scorched the earth.

Norm Murdock [:

Scorched the earth. And, curious, statistic which continues to blow me away is the firebombing of Tokyo, which means, like, you know, flammable, you know, the light out the light all the straw and wooden homes and all this. It killed more people than Nagasaki and Hiroshima combined. Wow. With which was conventional bombing of Tokyo. Killed more people than the 2 nukes.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, I mean, this was this was hotly debated because the Japanese were not gonna surrender. It was to the last man. I mean, they were gonna fight. We were gonna go I only

Norm Murdock [:

Children and women. Yeah. Everybody. Everybody.

Steve Palmer [:

And they were so indoctrinated with this idea that the Americans were these evil people that were gonna, be these brutal conquerors. And, of course, I I guess that makes sense because that's what the Japanese did. And and, like, Nanking and

Norm Murdock [:

Well and really what sealed the deal is so the military did not wanna surrender to the US. They wanted scorched earth. And what what sealed the deal was Hirohito was, you know, the emperor was considered divine. And he got on the radio, and the Japanese people had never heard his voice before. He had never deigned to to go down so low as to give a radio broadcast. And he said, lay down your arms. The war is over. We're surrendering.

Norm Murdock [:

And then the Japanese Japanese people and the military pretty much obediently complied.

Steve Palmer [:

Most of them.

Norm Murdock [:

Most of them.

Steve Palmer [:

I mean, it's like I remember as a kid learning about this. And why did I learn about it? Because of Gilligan's Island.

Norm Murdock [:

Good. Talk.

Steve Palmer [:

There's there's an episode of Gilligan's Island where they find an old Japanese soldier on like, hiding on the island. And, you know, it just show and that that was true. I mean, they they the guys were coming out of the woodwork years later and and still sort of hunkered down and ready to go fight the war.

Norm Murdock [:

So anyway Did he kidnap Mary Anne or the other one?

Steve Palmer [:

Well, it depends.

Norm Murdock [:

They were lookers, man.

Steve Palmer [:

Ginger or Mary Anne? Which one? The age old debate. And I think there were 2 gingers. So, pop culture.

Norm Murdock [:

You know, the the other the other thing. So last week, we didn't do a World War 2 thing, but we could have.

Steve Palmer [:

No. We did. We we we ventured into something.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, we yeah. But we didn't do one at the beginning, like like this segment. And it we should note, 85 years ago on September 3rd, Germany invaded Poland and kicked off the European wing of World War 2.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Pretty epic. So, anyhow. Alright. Well, let's, let's get to it. We're gonna buzz through today because we've got some deadlines to meet. Yep.

Norm Murdock [:

So little polling analysis real fast. There is a an odds maker that has been pretty on target in many elections. A guy by the name of Nate Silver, who is a Democrat and has announced he is voting for Kamala Harris. So I just wanna say that upfront. He has said Trump's odds of winning just a couple of weeks ago was 52% versus Harris 48. Yep. Trump now, he says, is 61%, Harris 39% chance of winning. So whatever convention bounce she got, it is she is falling behind.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, you know, it's interesting because the but it's still razor thin in all the all the big battleground states. You know, it's razor thin, in Michigan. It's razor thin.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Well, he's not talking about the popular vote. He yeah. He he is talking about the odds of winning.

Steve Palmer [:

He's talking about the odds of winning. Now, she also predicts, if I'm not the article I read is the same one you read. He also predicts that Kamala will win the popular vote. And, Trump will win the electoral college. Right. So, you know Fine. But it's still I I it's still I believe too close to call. I am

Norm Murdock [:

I I Well, we're a long ways away. But I will mention, today is the very first day some states are voting in the so we haven't had the vice presidential or presidential debates yet, and yet Delaware and North Carolina voters can start voting today.

Steve Palmer [:

Ain't that crazy?

Norm Murdock [:

That's it. So we have an election season, not an election day. I think this is terrible for the country.

Steve Palmer [:

Party of, quote, democracy. First of all, they never define what the heck that means. And we're not a democracy, by the way. We're a republic. But I get it. The like, they're the ones that basically put a candidate forward who had never been not one vote cast for her. That doesn't seem very democratic. No.

Steve Palmer [:

They want, they want they're open the borders, so they want immigrants illegally here essentially to be able to vote. Yes. Yeah. They want people to go knock on doors in high rises and old age homes

Norm Murdock [:

And harvest.

Steve Palmer [:

And take their ballots and say, vote for my candidate. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

They have And I'll help you.

Steve Palmer [:

Prevented, legally speaking and through executive edict, JFK or, RFK Junior from exiting the ballot. Yep. Yet, as we pointed out last week, how do we say Cornwall? What's his name?

Norm Murdock [:

They didn't want him on the ballot, fought him tooth and nail. And now they you know, hypocritically enough, when he drops out of the race, they want him to be on the ballot because they think some people will dumbly vote for him.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Yeah. So they're gonna vote yeah. They'll they think he's gonna take Trump's votes. And then their other candidate, the guy who's running as a Democrat, I keep forgetting his name, Norman. Cornell West.

Norm Murdock [:

Cornell West.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I've got coming from the peanut gallery. Cornell West. Helps us out. So it's like that none of this sounds very Democratic to me. No. It just is like, look, if I if your candidate if your candidate is so good, then put her on the damn stage and ask her what her platform is. Then let's have a vote with people who are allowed to vote.

Steve Palmer [:

Let's, like, if I had if I had anybody on their side on cross examination, I'd be like, so what's your purpose then for leaving RFK Junior on the ballot? Why do that? Like, they say you never ask why on cross examination because you give the witness an ex or a chance to explain. But there's no batting I mean, there's no answer I couldn't deal with here. Yeah. It's like, what are you talking about? Wouldn't it be fair not to have him on the ballot so he doesn't take votes from 1 or the other? Are you afraid of losing the election? Well, he's Straight up?

Norm Murdock [:

He's going to court to get his name taken off the ballot. And they're fighting it. Actively, you know, like he said, I'm not running anymore.

Steve Palmer [:

And I don't care what the rules are and when you're allowed to do it or not do it. It's like you there's still there was time at that point to get this done. So, anyway, he's on the ballot in Michigan, I think. So that's just that's awesome.

Norm Murdock [:

And I think in

Steve Palmer [:

Atlanta I think in Georgia too.

Norm Murdock [:

So, by the time we have our next show, the debate the single debate that has been agreed to is on September 10th on ABC, you know, concurrently broadcast on every other network. 90 minutes between Trump and Kamala. And apparently, she is in the cave. And so Trump is doing podcasts and and press conferences and all kinds of stuff, rallies. She is in a cave somewhere prepping for this debate even as we speak.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I don't know what she's doing, but she's certainly not answering any questions in public. And but so so here's the thing. If I were if I were in her camp, if I were saying, let's, prep you for the debate, you know how you do that? You get out and talk to people.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

What we do here at this table this is like let's let's take a sideways glimpse of podcasting for a second. What we do at this table sharpens my skills talking to folks in real life. It sharpens my skills in the courtroom. It sharpens my skills, my listening skills, my critical thinking skills, my my, tap dancing on my feet, dealing with question skills. I mean, this is, like, the best thing she could do is get a platform that is understand what her what how what her position is on all these issues Right. And then go out and defend it in the public. Because then when she has to do it on stage, she'll be prepared to do it. Right? And, you know, if the the real question here is not what she's gonna say.

Steve Palmer [:

It's how Trump's gonna handle it. So if Trump is smart, there's, like, an easy answer to almost everything. Yeah. Why didn't you do it? Right. Why didn't you do it? You you've been you've been vice president. You're you're Harry, like, you claim to have been an integral part of the Biden Harris administration. Why did why how come you guys didn't do this?

Norm Murdock [:

Exactly right.

Steve Palmer [:

Or do you think Joe Biden isn't capable of doing this?

Norm Murdock [:

Border Then why is he still president? Border crime economy, BCE. That's what this

Steve Palmer [:

You heard it here first from Norm. BCE.

Norm Murdock [:

That's what he that's all Trump should talk about, and he should, like you said, blow it right back at her. Hey. You're in office right now. Why aren't you and Joe doing all this wonderful shit?

Steve Palmer [:

And Trump is capable of this because he did it to Hillary. Yeah. You know, he did it to Hillary. Like, look. If you why didn't you guys cut the taxes if you're gonna if you're just gonna do this? You know? It's like

Norm Murdock [:

You were a senator. You were secretary of state. You know, like, you have you you were first lady with and and and I don't know if people remember, but Bill put Hillary in charge of health care. That entire debate.

Steve Palmer [:

It's sort of like the border czar that she's now denying she was the border czar.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Oh, did did you see her latest ad where she is walking next to Trump's border wall?

Norm Murdock [:

It's just too much.

Steve Palmer [:

It's awesome.

Norm Murdock [:

It's just too much.

Steve Palmer [:

Even the even the dems are getting at her on or or jumping on her for that. I think CNN had some criticisms about that.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, that this reparations bill that is blowing up in California, because she's, you know, she was senator from California. She was

Steve Palmer [:

And probably supported it. I don't know. I

Norm Murdock [:

Oh oh, yeah. Oh, she was asked directly, would you sign reparations bill? Well, it has blown up. Newsom probably won't sign anything and the Democrats took the the big payout bill off of the table in California. And they say it was done specifically not to blow back on Kamala during the election season. So what reparations stand, there was an appropriation of 12,000,000 whole dollars to pay black folks in California, which I what would that be? $10 a piece or something? I mean Sort

Steve Palmer [:

of like a class action where you get 50¢. You got 25¢ because you banked at Chase Bank.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, it's like so, you know, like, that's a great question in this debate coming up. Hey, Kamala. Are you pro con reparations? Are you pro con fracking? Are you pro con you know, all these other issues and and and then follow it up

Steve Palmer [:

with why. Explain why you changed your mind. This is like like

Norm Murdock [:

This is running for president.

Steve Palmer [:

This is media 101. Are you changing your mind because you had an actual genuine policy shift? You actually thought about it? It's sort of like the old movie, Working Girl when, what's her name was trying to who is the girl in Alien? Oh, Sigourney Weaver. Sigourney Weaver is trying to steal Melanie Griffith's idea. And, the old like, the Trask himself, I think, was the guy's name. Yeah. And he he's like, alright. So tell me when you like, how did you really come up with the idea? Like, when, like, when did you come up? Like, no. The impetus.

Steve Palmer [:

When did it happen? Because Melanie Griffith had a great answer for that, and Sigourney Weaver did not. And, this is what needs to happen. It's like, okay, Kamala. I get it. We all change our mind. We all have different shifts. We all learn more. That's what we wanna do right here at this table.

Steve Palmer [:

We wanna grow and we wanna learn, and it's perfectly acceptable to change your mind. But you better be able to explain how and why.

Norm Murdock [:

So the so the wall she's walking next to in the ad, right, is supposedly Trump's, quote, what she called it, vanity wall from the Middle Ages. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

The Middle Ages.

Norm Murdock [:

And now she's in favor of the Middle Ages, I guess.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And she's in favor of it'll be Kamala's vanity wall.

Steve Palmer [:

Which is fine. So she got up there and said, look. I said those things at that time because I thought this was a horrible idea. Now I understand the consequences of an open border, and it's no longer a viable solution. So I'm now in favor of the wall. Now look. Do I would I believe her necessarily? No. I would still think it's for votes, but that's what she should say.

Steve Palmer [:

She won't, though. She's not capable of

Norm Murdock [:

saying that. And what Trump would say is, so, Kamala, what you're saying is I was right, and you were wrong.

Steve Palmer [:

That's right. She has to take that hit. She the problem is there is no she has no cover for this unless she tells the truth. Right. So if and if the truth is she just shifted her position, then she could look at Trump. She goes, you know what, Donald? You're you were right. We were wrong about this one, but it doesn't mean that I shouldn't be president. You know, it's like there there's an answer she could come up with if she were properly coached.

Steve Palmer [:

It won't happen. She won't do it. And all Trump has to do is ask those types of questions. I hope he can. And I guess she's finally agreed to the terms of the debate, which is same as the Biden debates. The mics will be silent when you're not talking. There won't be any audience. I don't know what other crap was.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Oh my god. It's it's it's too much. And the idea that they're only gonna debate once so she's gonna do terrible. And and if I were her, I'd want more debates because she will probably get better. As you said, Steve, practice makes perfect. She should she should agree to about 4 debates.

Steve Palmer [:

She can't.

Norm Murdock [:

But she she's not capable apparently.

Steve Palmer [:

The the democratic platform is we're gonna put this it's almost like a movie. We're gonna put this candidate up there who looks pretty good, and we're gonna paint her up and and and really sort of polish and sand the edges of this. Yep. And we're not gonna tell you a thing about what's inside. Not one iota No. Of what what is really going on because it's really just more of the same.

Norm Murdock [:

You're gonna buy a generic can.

Steve Palmer [:

Maybe even, like, more more of the same.

Norm Murdock [:

A generic can of fruit without the ingredients being spelled out. That's that's what this is.

Steve Palmer [:

So they the they don't want the world to know her positions because they're horrible. They're It's like it's it's it's awful.

Norm Murdock [:

Speaking of illegal immigration and horrible things and Kamala's friends in California, on Newsom's desk right now is this $150,000 illegal immigration first mortgage donation by the taxpayers of California. Right? And I don't think Newsom's gonna sign it. I I can't So

Steve Palmer [:

this is so illegal immigrants get 0% financing or so or they get a stip how much do they get?

Norm Murdock [:

A 150,000. 150,000. Up to a 150,000 or 25% of the, cost of the home. Meanwhile, native born and legal immigrants, right, to California, big fat nothing. So I mean, I mean, it's it's it's live there. Can can you imagine this? I I I can't imagine. I baffling. It's and they're, like, $30,000,000,000 in debt in California.

Steve Palmer [:

See, but this is the nonsense. Like, almost like, even Newsom himself has to have some semblance of common sense. I'd love to have him here to talk to him about this. Like, come on. You know this is insane.

Norm Murdock [:

He is I can't. So the bill passed.

Steve Palmer [:

So but he can't sign this?

Norm Murdock [:

He can't sign this.

Steve Palmer [:

Like, it like, he backs this crap to look good for a while, but then he was he probably hoped it wouldn't pass. And now it's passed. And now what's he gonna do? He's gotta put his money where his mouth is. If he signs this bill, I can't if I lived in California, I would be absolutely, absolutely livid.

Norm Murdock [:

So on Bill Maher's show, Nancy Pelosi was a guest, and he asked her about this. And he said, Nancy, wait. She says, I'm in favor of helping people get their first house. He drilled down a little bit and said, Nancy, this is for undocumented illegals.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. This is illegal. These are these are illegal immigrants.

Norm Murdock [:

So her reaction was, well, I know how to fix that bill. We're gonna document these people. Right. So we would

Steve Palmer [:

have changed the definition. That's right. So this is this is the classic leftist trope. So they're not they're not undocumented anymore because we have now redefined what they are. So they're they're they're actually they're gonna they're gonna come up with, like, Dude, it's it's temporary or, like, pending citizenship or something. And they'll give them free loans.

Norm Murdock [:

It's over the top. I I I thought, this would be another outrageous thing to talk about for just a second. The US Department of the Interior, in the face of the recent Supreme Court decision, throwing out the Exxon, and the, the shrimp boat case. Right?

Steve Palmer [:

The Chevron case. You're talking about

Norm Murdock [:

I had the wrong oil company. The Chevron doctrine and in the shrimp boat case where they they said, you know, basically, congress has not given you total unfettered freedom to just create law. You have to somehow stick to the essentials. And what the Department of the Interior has done despite that decision is they are promoting a notice of proposed rulemaking is is in effect on the concept of the secretary of the Department of the Interior being able to control, quote, natural processes, unquote, on land in the United States. Your land.

Steve Palmer [:

What the hell does that mean?

Norm Murdock [:

Federal. So that means rain, snow, wind, ground cover, trees.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

So so, basically, let's suppose that you are in a dust bowl state. Right? And you wanna go plant shrubbery or trees or something.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, the opposite. I have a wooded lot. I wanna take the trees down.

Norm Murdock [:

You wanna take the trees down. There he's going to have the authority to put orders on what you can and cannot do on your own land.

Steve Palmer [:

And these are people who want to take control of your life, and they don't want you to be able to vote on it. They just think that they are smart enough to know. Yeah. This is like this this is this is elitism at its worst. These people just think they know best. They should have all the power to fix these things. And and the separation of powers concept, the Supreme Court concept, the idea that, the president could veto this, that, or the other. It's like they think those are just impediments in the way of them solving all the problems of the world for you.

Norm Murdock [:

So so, you know, at the DNC convention, they're all, you know, amping up. They're the party of liberty. They're the party of freedom. But when it comes down to actually being the party of liberty and freedom, this is the kind of crap that a Democrat president, you know, radical, which Biden is and and, you know, the people that are running Biden because he's in just a figurehead. But, you know, that's what Kamala is gonna be like too. She's not really gonna run anything. It's gonna be Valerie Jarrett. It's gonna be the same old Obama guys and gals that run her like they ran Biden.

Norm Murdock [:

And this is what you get. Anti liberty, anti freedom. Yeah. They You buy a piece of land, you're gonna have to basically hope the federal government lets you plant a peach tree. I mean, that's ridiculous. Yeah. This is nuts. This is nuts.

Steve Palmer [:

Absolutely crazy. Or or or or collect water,

Norm Murdock [:

have a cistern, you know, coming off your roof. You won't be allowed to do that if he says, well, I want natural rain to all go on the ground. I don't want you

Steve Palmer [:

to do that. To hoard the water. So no. This is this is almost as stupid as somebody like, imagine if somebody said, you're a shrimp boater or you're a fisherman. And not only are we gonna put an observer on your boat, but you have to pay for that first.

Norm Murdock [:

To pay for that.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, wait a minute. That did happen.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. That did happen.

Steve Palmer [:

And the Supreme Court

Norm Murdock [:

said, wait a minute. There's no congressional authority for you to Oh, no. Force people

Steve Palmer [:

There might be congressional authority, but the Congress didn't do it.

Norm Murdock [:

No. The congress did not give them that authority.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. It was,

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, in in essence, that was forcing you to pay for an employee, you know, who wasn't your actual employee.

Steve Palmer [:

Employee who could tell on you if they didn't like what you were doing. It's like you're you're it's You

Norm Murdock [:

gotta be kidding me.

Steve Palmer [:

You gotta be kidding me. You know? It's like it's bad enough to stick a government agent on your boat. Yeah. Like, imagine that. So where does that go? I mean, we like, remember reading the amendments about, like, quartering? Yes. And thinking, yeah, that's relegated to that that'll never happen at all. There. And now it's happening.

Steve Palmer [:

It's like these people that that's very akin to quartering.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. It is.

Steve Palmer [:

You gotta you gotta keep British soldiers in your house. Yeah. And you gotta put government agents on your boat. And these you know, even if you didn't have to pay their salary, it's not free.

Norm Murdock [:

And yet and yet those East Coast Yankee states are gonna vote for Kamala. I mean I mean, it it it blows your mind.

Steve Palmer [:

It's it it is mind boggling.

Norm Murdock [:

It's mind boggling that people, in spite of the fact that they're having their rights dissipated by this administration of which she is an integral part, will will then vote for her either absent mindedly or out of some kind of reflex that when they see a d, they they fill in the

Steve Palmer [:

the square. This is what so it like, I like, I think about this. If I'm running a business, think like, you think all you small business folks out there who have, put your blood, sweat, and tears. Maybe you started as an electrician and you thought, I can do this on my own. I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna start my own business. So you bought your van. It was the first van you bought, and you have to fix it every week until you're able to upgrade it. And finally, you got the tools you need, and you got the you keep your credentials up because it cost a fortune to pay for all that stuff, all your licensing, etcetera.

Steve Palmer [:

Every time you go get a permit, you do all this stuff. And then the government says, you know what? I know you found your margin finally, and you can bring home a decent living for your family doing it on your own. Guess what? Yeah. We're gonna put the inspector in your van. And not only that. So you gotta take this guy with you wherever you go, but you have to pay his salary. Like, think about this. This is what these people want to do to you.

Norm Murdock [:

Because if they can do it on a shrimp boat, which they tried to do

Steve Palmer [:

And and granted, the Supreme Court anywhere. The Supreme Court knocked it down, but they don't like the Supreme Court because it knocked it down. They wanna get rid of the Supreme Court. They wanna add judges. I mean, look. Their their platform is very my buddy, the the ex Jerry Jay always says, you know, look. It's not a mystery what they wanna do. They tell you.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. They

Steve Palmer [:

wanna pack the court. They wanna get rid of the senate or add more senators in their favor. They wanna get rid of the electoral college and redistrict everybody so they went forever.

Norm Murdock [:

So here is the here is the difference between a conservative administration like George Bush junior and and the present administration. So when Roe v Wade was was challenged, right, by one of the states, George Bush's department, you know, of of of justice defended the Supreme Court position in Roe v Wade. Even though George Bush himself was against Roe v Wade, it was the law of the land and the Department of Justice entered litigation with 1 of the states, on behalf of that Supreme Court decision, which they said, hey. This is the law of the land. We are going to represent what the current state of the law is.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Imagine that.

Norm Murdock [:

But, you know, because that's an honest intellectually honest and intellectually, consistent point of view that that the that the executive branch would honor what the judicial branch says. What what does Biden do? He gets turned down on the student loan thing and he keeps reinventing it and he keeps getting turned down in consecutive decisions by the Supreme Court because he will not honor those decisions.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

He's just gonna keep banging away.

Steve Palmer [:

So like like you said, look, the Supreme Court struck this down. Now they're back at it.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

They they don't care.

Norm Murdock [:

They don't care.

Steve Palmer [:

They don't care. They're like they you now you and one and one might think intellectually, like you said, if you're gonna be intellectually honest about this and you're really like and by that, I think what you're really saying is, look, I appreciate the balance of powers in the government. I appreciate that while I disagree with the Supreme Court on this point Right. I am bound by

Norm Murdock [:

it. I'm bound by it.

Steve Palmer [:

And I I and I, as a government actor, at least have to comport with that. Now I can still try to push the envelope here and there. I didn't do what I want. That is that's what the government's supposed

Norm Murdock [:

to do. Legislation, which the student debt relief, Biden would not go to congress and get

Steve Palmer [:

Of course not. Yeah. So but instead, what they do is they ignore it and keep doing more of the same and then gripe that the Supreme Court is corrupt or something. It's like Yeah. You know, they look. It it just give them all the power in the world, Norm. Here's here's the the the theme of the day. Give them all the power in the world, and they will solve all the world problems.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. So they call it executive action? Dude, this is dictatorship. That's this

Steve Palmer [:

is what It's authoritative action.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. This is this is what fascism looks like. When you just steamroll the exec the the judicial branch. You know? I mean, it's almost like like what Pablo Escobar did. He blew up the Supreme Court in in Colombia. Physically blew it up with dynamite, killed a bunch of the jurists in the building, and destroyed all the records. I mean, you know, without doing violence, physically, this is what the Biden administration's doing. And Harris has been quoted that with a stroke of her pen, she can change the law with a stroke of her pen, and she's she's, of course, backpedaling

Steve Palmer [:

on it. I say, yes. We can, Joe.

Norm Murdock [:

Remember that

Steve Palmer [:

in the debate about guns? He's like, oh, there is the second amendment. We can't do that. Yes, we can, Joe.

Norm Murdock [:

Broke to the pack. Broke out. Yeah. Right. Well, speaking of, you know, Steve calls them Spectre, the the World Economic Forum.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And and and and crazy shit that the US is pushing under Biden and Harris. Janet Yellen, secretary of the treasury, has been promoting and has joined in with other countries, primarily in Europe, to create a world taxation authority. Oh my god. Hey. So so you can't take your you you can't go to the the US or the the Virgin Islands or or, Switzerland or wherever with your money and bail out of of some crazy tax, you know, regulations in the US and just, you know, send your money overseas into some other kind of, of world of, of national, control in another country, England, Switzerland, wherever you wanna put your money. She wants to make that impossible, okay, by having a one world taxation authority. Okay? So it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you take your money and and try to go to, what what's that island in the Caribbean that it's not the virgins, but, it's one of the other, you know, safe harbors where you could take your money.

Norm Murdock [:

Caymans. Caymans. Thank you. You know, places like that. She she she wants basically

Steve Palmer [:

Well, Norm, do you support people avoiding taxes? If if not, then you have or if you do or I mean, if you think that's bad, if you all these criminals out hiding their money, then you need to give the World Economic Forum all the power to solve it. That doesn't seem like it's wrought with problems. Or fraught or wrought? Fraught with

Norm Murdock [:

problems. So this crazy idea, for example, of unrealized capital gains. If there was a world taxation authority and these people who were worth, supposedly, she says, a 100,000,000 to start with, if these people were to move their money to the Caymans in order not to pay, okay, the unrealized gains, they they would just put all their stocks in some kind of LLC in the Cayman and and they own it. It's not a US corporation. And so it wouldn't, be taxed. She this is how she would get them taxed anyway.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. It's it's it's this is like, You gotta

Norm Murdock [:

be kidding me.

Steve Palmer [:

Look, are you gonna get the and and you know how they're gonna pay it? You know how they're gonna collect it? You're gonna have a chip on your hand? Or you're gonna have a chip on your forehead? Where are you gonna choose it? I'll let I'll let the biblical scholars

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Decide. Let me scan you in, Steve.

Steve Palmer [:

Let me scan you in. So you're gonna you're gonna take the mark.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, it's also like what the British have in mind with free speech. They think that they can extradite US citizens who wanna comment on the British immigration system or lack thereof. And and if if if I start blabbing, which I have, I'm going to it now, I have on British forums announced my virulent opposition to illegal immigration.

Steve Palmer [:

They're gonna act they're gonna extradite you to to Britain, Norm.

Norm Murdock [:

I say to the chief of police of London, freaking try, dude. Freaking try. Try to stop me exercising my first amendment rights of free speech here in the United States that happens to get picked up in places like Brazil or England where they wanna shut down forums or or in France with this Telegram case. You know, this is the exportation or the, actually, the denigration of our of our constitutional rights where other countries are gonna control speech here in the United States. I say no way. No way. And and, you know, give me liberty or give me death. I I kinda believe that.

Norm Murdock [:

Well I kinda believe that.

Steve Palmer [:

We shall see if they come after you here in Johnstown, Ohio.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Have fun.

Steve Palmer [:

They'll probably they'll probably stage the assault from the intel factory.

Norm Murdock [:

Nothing would be better than video of me being dragged out my front door by British Bobby's, you know, with a little helicopter in my yard waiting.

Steve Palmer [:

It won't be the British Bobby's. It'll it'll be the it'll be, that

Norm Murdock [:

Seal Team 6 gonna come and get me.

Steve Palmer [:

Be the government henchmen.

Norm Murdock [:

You know, come on. Seal Team 6 would not do it. They would say that's an illegal order. They wouldn't do it. But and then they and then it would be me with seal seal team 6 getting extradited.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, look. Let's talk let's talk a minute about, Hunter Biden because there's a good legal breakdown and

Norm Murdock [:

That's an awesome situation.

Steve Palmer [:

In in the mix. So Hunter Biden has finally agreed to, plead guilty, to his numerous tax fraud counts. There's a couple things about this that I think are interesting. So one is that that, initially, his lawyers, sought to do a couple of different things. They sought to enter either something like a no contest plea. And people ask me all the time, what's a no contest plea? I was like, it's just a it's like a longer way around to get to a guilty plea and and not even that much longer. So if you're pleading no contest, what you're really doing is admitting all the facts and circumstances in the indictment. So you're admitting you did all those things, and then you're gonna force the judge to enter a finding of guilty.

Steve Palmer [:

If you enter a guilty plea, then you're saying, judge, I am guilty. We don't even care if you find me guilty because I am saying I'm guilty. So you're admitting that you're guilty. Well, it you can't just go in the in the realm of plea bargaining. The government doesn't like this kind of crap. So if I'm negotiating with the government on behalf of Norm because he's been he's gonna get extradited and he's gonna be charged with crimes over in England, and Norm says, well, look, I know I did it. I'm gonna plead no contest. If if I expect to get any breakout of the government, in other words, if he's if if I'm gonna get a reduction in the charges, I'm gonna negotiate some sentencing consideration, or I'm gonna get some benefit for my dear friend and client Norm, then the government's probably gonna say, look, we'll give you your deal, but he ain't pleading no contest to it.

Steve Palmer [:

And I'm gonna say, yes, he is. And they'll say, fine. Then you don't get a no deal. You know, it's like the old Caddyshack. Then you don't get a no cook. But, and the same would go true with the other type of plea, or the same would be true with the other type of plea they're talking about, which is an Alford plea, a l f o r d. And it's, North Carolina versus Alford, I believe, was the case. And Alford 1970.

Norm Murdock [:

19 70.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. So Alford Alford is a case that basically says this. Look, you can plead guilty and your guilty plea is still intact even if you say at the time you're pleading guilty, I am not guilty. And you so everybody, I this boggles minds because Yeah. I hear this all the time from the general populace and even some of my clients when the case first starts. I never plead guilty to something I didn't do. And I think, well, not so fast.

Norm Murdock [:

Not so fast.

Steve Palmer [:

Because when you get the government, like the like Biden's DOJ crawling up your backside or you got the British bobbies coming at norm with their hats and their horses and their, and their nightsticks, you know, you've got the world you got the world raining down on you. And if you lose the trial, say say you're charged with, I hate to this happens all the time. You're charged with some sort of sexual abuse of your grandson or granddaughter.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Like, Alfred was charged with murder.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. And and and you didn't do it. And and look, do you if anybody out there doesn't think it's possible you can be wrongfully accused of such a crime Oh, come on. Then go do the research. There's there's lots of exonerations, DNA exonerations, recantations. Lots of people get convicted of these crimes without, it it later on vindicated. Yeah. So, look, say you're charged with rape and they offer you, like, a misdemeanor disorderly conduct Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Or, criminal mischief.

Norm Murdock [:

And your your public defender is 3 weeks out of law school or something. Well, and

Steve Palmer [:

you and you feel got Then you go ahead. Counsel.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. And you Because

Steve Palmer [:

You're gonna go to trial on that. I'm gonna tell you You're

Norm Murdock [:

gonna get killed.

Steve Palmer [:

You may or may not win. And and you could easily lose. And they say, well, how does that happen? I'm like, listen. Wrongful convictions happen all the time. It can happen to you. And if you don't think it can happen to you

Norm Murdock [:

Come on.

Steve Palmer [:

Then go roll the dice. And by the way, you take door number 1, which would be a a guilty plea to something that's so that that basically lets you go home, and in a year, you get your record expunged or sealed, or you go to trial on, raping your grandson. And if you lose, you got life in prison, and you're never getting out. Yeah. Right. I'm gonna take the I'll take door number 1. Yeah. So people do this all the time.

Steve Palmer [:

And now the Alford pleas then are when people get to say, look, I'm pleading guilty, but I'm pleading guilty only to avoid the consequences and risks of a loss at trial. And the the court, the Supreme Court has recognized that as viable. So you can say, look, I'm I didn't do it, but I'm pleading guilty because I just need to get this over with. And if I lose, it's astronomical. Yeah. Alright. Happens all the time. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

It doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen. Yeah. But whenever I do this for a client or with a client, I have to bake it into the deal. I don't just get to go show up and do and give an Alford plea because if I do that, the government's gonna say, ho, ho, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. The deal's off if you're entering an Alford plea. Yeah. And that's what happened here. And the other obstacle you run into in these kind of things, and I think this also happened here, is the judge can pooh pooh this.

Steve Palmer [:

So judges don't have to take no contest pleas. Judges don't have to take guilty pleas. Judges don't have to take Alfred pleas. Yeah. You know, this happens a lot. So there's a local judge here in one of the counties around Ohio that you have to show up in court, raise your right hand. So Norman would have to raise your right hand, and you would have to say, I swear to tell the truth, and here's what I did to commit this crime. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

I posted on this thing, and I did this, and I did this, and I I recognize I shouldn't have done that. And I I broke the law, and now I'm I'm guilty. Yeah. It's and some judges force that. And if you don't do it, if the if you if you're not willing or able to do that or you say something different because you're just sort of a you're trying to weasel in a guilty plea, courts are rejected.

Norm Murdock [:

So, Steve, my understanding of this, the TikTok or timeline of how this went down, They had a 100 eligible jurors, okay, seated to be, you know, to go through voir dire.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

They had a 100 jurors on this case the same day. The the prosecuting team probably spent weeks, if not months, prepping for this trial. Then on the day the trial's supposed to start, Abbie Lowell, you know, supposed to be this genius lawyer. Right? On the day after a 100 people are set aside to be picked and and everybody's ready for a trial, the judge is scheduled several days for the trial. Mhmm. He then Probably. The and and and he lays this egg on them that he wants to do this Alford or no contest type of plea. And I'm sure that seriously pissed off the prosecution and the judge who were like, dude, you needed to do this, like, 3 weeks ago.

Steve Palmer [:

Maybe. So look. Judges have different positions on this. I have resolved many, many cases as the jury is walking into the courtroom.

Norm Murdock [:

But, I mean, I'm talking about as people because they are people.

Steve Palmer [:

But but sometimes I'm sure

Norm Murdock [:

it was upsetting. Maybe. But you have to also understand, look. See, this one, I'll have

Steve Palmer [:

to also understand look. See, this one I'll push back on. Deals cases, criminal cases particularly, often get resolved like this. Oh, sure. At the last Because everybody is like, holy crap. This is real. I might this

Norm Murdock [:

could actually happen. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, somebody's gonna blink. It's playing chicken. Some courts, some judges have policies. We're not gonna take any plea after a week of or any short of a week of trial or something like that.

Norm Murdock [:

To avoid this.

Steve Palmer [:

To avoid this, but it still happens.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, no. I know.

Steve Palmer [:

I got it. When the jury's coming in, it's still better to resolve the case than spend 4 weeks in trial.

Norm Murdock [:

I got it. I got it. But I I I think, you know, as human beings, they were pretty pissed off. Maybe. Because because the They're

Steve Palmer [:

happy today because they're not sending a Hunter Biden's trial.

Norm Murdock [:

So this, by the way, was this case is about him, evading the payment of $1,000,000 and some change in federal taxes that were owed.

Steve Palmer [:

And it was only the tip of the iceberg of all

Norm Murdock [:

the other stuff. The more serious case was the Foreign Agent Registration Act violation that they let lapse the statute of limitation lapsed on that, which is what Hunter and Joe were taking money from China, Ukraine.

Steve Palmer [:

Here's the snake in the grass if they're not here somebody's considering it, I'm sure, because I'm not the smartest lawyer around. So here, a 24 before now, Hunter, if called into congress, would take the 5th. Yeah. I can't answer on the grounds that my answers may tend to incriminate.

Norm Murdock [:

And that's what he did.

Steve Palmer [:

That's what he did. That's what he did. Can't do it anymore. Mhmm.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

He's there is no more criminal responsibility. He's already plead guilty. The case is over. Things he says, you know, he's gonna have a hard time taking the 5th. Now if he takes the 5th on conduct that is uncharged, then it's gonna that's gonna get vetted out. And so that itself will be very telling. So his ability to take the 5th has been not eliminated, but severely compromised. At least eliminated with respect to the tax evasions and anything that was wrapped up into this deal Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Is going to be covered. So So

Norm Murdock [:

there's no plea deal, by the way, on on this. We we plead guilty.

Steve Palmer [:

He plead straight up. Okay.

Norm Murdock [:

No plea deal.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And, hey, Steve. He's got that gun case in Delaware to deal with, and that's coming up. That trial is coming up. So he's got that. He's got another case that I think it's Abby Lowell in that case also.

Steve Palmer [:

I thought they resolved that. Didn't he? He was found guilty. That's all done.

Norm Murdock [:

None of the trial's coming up on that. Yeah. So maybe, you know, he looked at this and said, well, you know, that's the one where they may be really gonna put me

Steve Palmer [:

in the He plead guilty in federal court. I'm almost positive.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, it could be the news reports got it wrong. They said that he has an upcoming trial in Delaware on, the gun case. But, you know, maybe they got that wrong. Certainly, our media is not completely reliable. Alright.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, we'll we'll look it up. But,

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

At any rate, the interesting stuff legally speaking, because Alfred Police aren't something you see every day. At least the media doesn't. And, you know, now maybe he doesn't have a 5th Amendment right to remain silent. So somebody can actually dig in and put him on under oath in a congressional hearing.

Norm Murdock [:

So, Steve, some more legal news I'd like to, have your commentary on. Let's talk a little bit about these 2 school shooting cases. So the most recent one here this week, horribly, 2 teachers and 2 teenagers were killed in 9 inches

Steve Palmer [:

Absolutely awful.

Norm Murdock [:

In in Winder, Georgia. Interesting that this 13 year old boy, his father has been arrested and charged with murder in this case. And I'm just gonna leap that somehow that involved him allowing access either voluntarily or sloppily. They they built negligently, willfully, negligently perhaps, in the storage of the firearms that were then taken, to the school to commit these murders.

Steve Palmer [:

I mean, look. Here there there's this is like all these other cases. There's failures at all levels. You know? The I think there are some the kid made some comments at one point, and the the police actually investigated

Norm Murdock [:

FBI interviewed the dad and

Steve Palmer [:

the kid. Dad and and the kid. And the dad says, no. He got guns, but he didn't have access. They're all locked up. Yeah. And, you know, they're blaming the father, which this is this is the precedent that the case in Michigan set. We're gonna start charging parents of kids who go commit murder.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. 13 years old, definitely a minor.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. So it's a it's a it's a stretch. I don't know the facts. You know, the Yeah. You know, I don't know the facts. But I know in Michigan, in that case, there were failures at every level. You know, the school failed. The parents failed.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Everybody missed it. You know? And and this this here truth is And

Norm Murdock [:

they had a red flag law in Michigan.

Steve Palmer [:

So my That failed. You know, my my take on this is if the the FBI is basically blaming the father for something that they did too.

Norm Murdock [:

Well Or the government is blaming the father

Steve Palmer [:

that they did too.

Norm Murdock [:

So I I heard the police chief at a press conference, and I have to agree with this. What were they supposed to do? So this kid was, you know, posting wacky shit on the Internet. Right? His father said the firearms are locked up. He has no access.

Steve Palmer [:

Okay. Well, so here's the question.

Norm Murdock [:

When are the guns locked up? Well, I'm just saying. If these things are true, he had not committed any violence, but he was posting crazy shit on the Internet and his father's guns were really locked up. Okay. If all those things were true, what were they supposed to do in advance of this shooting? Were they supposed to prospectively you know, like, minority report? Were they were they supposed to arrest this 13 year old and put him in some kind of school for boys, you know, behind a barbed wire? I I I what do you do in these red flag situations, if you wanna call it that, where you know that you've got a possible nut, okay, but they haven't committed any crime yet?

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. So it's a it's a tough one. Right? What are you supposed to do? What's the dad supposed to do?

Norm Murdock [:

What's the FBI supposed to do? What's the FBI supposed to do?

Steve Palmer [:

The FBI So the FBI comes. They had the same information the father did. What was the father gonna do? What was the FBI gonna do? What are they all gonna do? And are we all willing to sort of give up our gun rights because some guy went and and and went crazy? It's like I I I don't A child.

Norm Murdock [:

A child. It's a child.

Steve Palmer [:

It's it's horrible prayers to everybody involved and everybody I said, you know, I don't even prepare a prayer. It does nothing. But neither just taking my guns.

Norm Murdock [:

So Well, I don't believe prayers don't do anything. I well, I I agree with you. Myself.

Steve Palmer [:

But stripping stripping you, Norm, of your firearm rights because of this lunatic doesn't solve the problem either. So

Norm Murdock [:

Well, no. Then I don't have a firearm to defend myself.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. So

Norm Murdock [:

the other case I'd like to bring up, Steve, for your commentary. And this is really like almost the the the final thing I have today. And, you know, if if there's anything else, we can do this. But in Nashville, the newspaper in Nashville called The Star published the 200 pages of, the notes, by this, I think her name was Audrey Hale or something like that. The shooter at the Covenant School who killed those those middle school middle school students and then, you know, committed suicide, she's a she was a biological female transitioning or claiming to be a male. She had 200 pages, somewhat 200 pages in this notebook and apparently, there's another 1,000 pages out there. The FBI told the Nashville Police Department, do not allow this to be put out there in public. Now whether that was because they didn't want people to, you know, read that a trans person, could be violent and could do a school shooting or what.

Norm Murdock [:

But she went into this Christian school and killed all these kids and basically this notebook, which I've I've read several of the pages, say things like if I can't be a boy I mean, she she directly addresses her transition. If I can't be a boy, then what good is life? Okay? And she talks about how jealous she is of of of bio males and wanted to be a bio male. So this really gets into the psychosis of of people at the fringe of their sanity.

Steve Palmer [:

I mean, look. That's right. So, look, imagine I'm not I'm not gonna do anything to defend the shooter, but this is a this is evidence of the turmoil that that mental of the mental turmoil this person was going through. Right? I mean, it's like

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

And, you know, it's not like it says, I'm gonna go kill people because I'm mad at them. It's like it's like this this shows the internal conflict that nothing I guess, what I'm trying to say is this. None of the proposed policies around these transgender issues would have solved this. No. It's just envy for not being a boy or not being a girl or whatever it is. So that anybody who thinks that their policies would fix this, this manifesto sort of refutes that.

Norm Murdock [:

And I am in no way saying that somebody like Caitlyn Jenner or other people who are transitioning, have have a, have any kind of mental illness. Nothing, of course, even close to this. So I'm not saying that. But what I am saying is there seems to be a a policy, a de facto policy with the Biden administration and the FBI and the Department of Justice to tamp down information that the public should have access

Steve Palmer [:

to. Well, this is contrary see, but that was my point here. This is contrary to the notion that government policy, rewriting our rules on transgenderism would fix this. Yeah. Because nothing you can't fix this.

Norm Murdock [:

So they don't want any bad news about transitioning. So the FBI tells the Nashville police, hey, don't put don't print that manifesto. And in fact, the star got it from legally, they say. They got it from some kind of confidential source probably within the police department. Yeah. I would guess.

Steve Palmer [:

So, I mean, look, this is like tamping out like you said, tamping out information that's contrary to what you think things ought to be.

Norm Murdock [:

And the judge in the case, because they sued, the Nashville police to get this and and they and they were turned down by the judge. So now the judge is taking the editor of The Star because they published this this week and and asking, the editor to come well, demanding the Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

That was gonna be a show cause hearing. Where'd you get it? Or a contempt hearing of some sort.

Norm Murdock [:

Thank you. That that's right. Thank you, Steve. So I'm just I I mean, I'm just putting this out there. So this does not emanate from any hate or any kind of, you know, there's hi, dog.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Dexter's here.

Norm Murdock [:

You see that tail wagging? That means that the show's gotta end because Dexter needs to go. Final thing, Steve. And this has to do with school choice here in Ohio. Our attorney general, Dave Yost, here in Ohio has put out an opinion to public school districts that they need to continue doing the busing of any student that's more than 2 miles, away from the school. No matter if it's a charter school or a private school, that is that's their obligation under Ohio law. And many of the school districts, right, are trying to discharge that, cost because they no longer have that student. But yet they're getting public dollars, to transport that student, but they don't wanna provide the transportation. And Dave Yost has said bullshit.

Norm Murdock [:

You're gonna provide it.

Steve Palmer [:

Interesting. Well, I'd like to get Yost. Maybe we'll get Dave Yost on the show. That'd be great. I'd love I'd love to hear his thoughts on some things. But, well, look, I promise we'd wrap it up quickly today. We're gonna wrap it up quickly today. We have come at you with another episode of Common Sense Ohio, where you can check us out at

Steve Palmer [:

Lots of stuff there. Norm's blog, all the back episodes, links to, hook up with our social media, links to subscribe to the show, And and it's starting to catch on. You know, people are checking out the reels and doing and doing things. So we do appreciate your involvement. We appreciate your interaction. And most important, even if you don't agree, we encourage those that discourse the most. Why? Because I'm an idiot. I admit I'm an idiot.

Steve Palmer [:

I I do my best to learn. And when I'm wrong, call me out. I'll have the embarrassment of being wrong, but I would much rather have the embarrassment being wrong than continuing to be wrong. That would be far more embarrassing.

Norm Murdock [:

And if and if you're out Alpo or Purina, we will feature Dexter eating your food on this show and promoting, Common Sense Ohio with Dexter as a frequent guest. So please sponsor us.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. We're looking for dog food sponsors.

Norm Murdock [:

Dog food sponsors.

Steve Palmer [:

That's right. So alright. Well, Common Sense Ohio Show coming at you right from the middle every week. Until now, we will see you next week.




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