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Ep. 16 - Parasites!
Episode 1623rd August 2023 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
00:00:00 00:43:56

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In this episode we talk about the one thing no one wants to discuss or think about!

So sorry it is disturbing but it is reality on this planet. Hopefully you will stick with me...

If you don't then that is fine too. But I have to say it is worth the

It is foundational to your health and it explains why you may not be feeling any better or have unexplained illness.

Listen at your own risk...




Erik: Welcome, friends, to another episode, and this one's gonna be a little bit more disturbing, to say the least. But I think you might actually like it. It's kinda fun, but it's also kinda scary at the same time. So let's get into this. I'll first say, if you're queasy, or you just can't handle gross things, then this might not be your favorite episode, that's for sure.

Maybe you could fast forward here and there, get past the gross stuff, keep the information. Either way, just letting you know, right now, this is disturbing, it's going to be graphic, and, , A little weird.

But also, absolutely 100% normal in everybody's lives. It's happening everyday, all day, all around the world.

hy you're not feeling better [:

It's gross, I know. But, trust me, this is amazing information. Okay? Alright, let's go. 300 Different Types at this point. Now these are types, these are not individuals, these are types.

rasites were even causing so [:

Because they didn't know they were there. They're too small. Obviously, they would see worms and things that were larger, but the little ones, which we're going to get into, they didn't know were there. They couldn't see them. , Here's the most common parasites that are in humans. Okay, let's just get these out now.

Remember, in school, you learned about a lot of these things, but we're gonna, we're gonna jump back to 8th grade, okay? Protozoas. These are just single celled organisms, ? But protozoas, and you may have heard of the amoeba. , there's a good one. Sporozoa, things like this. Then we have helminths. Not Helminths.

be, , your ticks and mites, [:

Those are actually parasitic and they're arachnids, if you know what an arachnid is, it's not just a spider. Then the ectoparasitic insect type are things like mosquitoes, fleas, lice, bedbugs, titsy flies, this kind of thing.

The most deadly human parasites are actually the protozoa. Some of these creatures, they're so tiny, there's over 80, 000 of them that we know of so far and they're discovering more all the time. They've brought more misery and death than anything else in history, including wars and famine. Most well known deadly parasitic protozoa is the plasmodium.

ase, including the plague or [:

Okay? That's incredible. To think that something you can't see kills more people combined than anything else. Huh. Who would have thought? Protozoas actually make up about 90% of all infections.

The top three parasitic infections in the U. S. So let's just talk U. S. because that's obviously where you're at most likely. Number one . It's what's called trichomoniasis. It's actually a sexually transmitted disease. Okay, it is a protozoa. And it's actually trichomoniasis vaginalis.

million people and [:

That's your fun one when you go to Mexico or something. Cryptosporidium. It's a protozoa infection and it gets, it gets up there, it's about 300, 000 infections per year. That's, that's pretty serious boy right there. All right. I got a quick fun fact for you.

hey would do is bloodletting.[:

If you saw a barber with the red stripes on the poles that they had, you've seen this, it actually symbolizes bloodletting. So you knew you could get it done there if you wanted it done. Who knew that barbers

were multifaceted.

So there's approximately 209 million people around the world that are infected with pinworm right now. That's serious.

So right now, around the whole entire world, pinworm actually infects 209 million people. That's a lot of people. I say that because the pinworm... is shall we say,

es. So the female worm, she, [:

For those of you who don't know, the perineum is the area between your anus and your private parts. It's that flat area down there with the skin line that's there, that ridge. So she goes there, and then she lays up to 15, 000 eggs. So, while you're sleeping... This pinworm crawls out of your body, goes to the perineum on the outside, and lays 15, 000 eggs in order to spread it.

And that's how it can infect a whole house, and people didn't know it for, for a very long time. That, that'll make you think a little bit, won't it? Told you it was going to get gross. And get in disturbing. Well, that's pretty disturbing. It gets better or worse. However you, however you want to. Okay.

s smaller than an earthworm. [:

Then it emerges along with hundreds of thousands of larvae. So you were the host and it lived off you for a while and then it came out. And it's coming out and it's bringing its babies with it. Okay? The only way to actually get this thing out of your body is every day to keep winding like a stick around it and keep winding and winding and it takes days and weeks to get it out.

You can't just pull it out. , you have to wait for it to come out and you just keep gathering it on a stick. Yeah, that happens. There's such a thing called an eye worm. Just like it sounds, not, not like an iPhone, an eye worm. E Y E. So it's a parasitic worm, lives inside of us and other mammals, in our eyes, actually.

And then, [:

This is wild Okay the fact that parasites do all this to us and we just Can't see him. Don't think about him. Just move on well Probably should start considering more of these things when you're not healing like I was saying earlier, but here's One of the more disturbing ones I think I've ever heard.

It was actually in September,:

Okay, man, I'm telling you. For all the men, you might not want to listen to this one, but there's one called the vampire fish. It's... , it's called Surhosa. Anyway, if you're in , a stream, pond, river, lake, these kinds of places. It swims up the yeah, your urethra. And then it shoots out like these sharp spines and lodges itself inside your...

Yes, you're, you know what? Once inside the member , it then lives on your blood. And the only way to get it out is the worst surgery you can think of. I know that's a visual that nobody wants to even have in their mind, but there it is.

talk about some other little [:

Yep. Your pillow. If it's more than 2 years old, 10% of its weight is mite, feces, and dead mites.

You know when your pillow starts to get a smell? Good indication time for a different one. Like. One that doesn't harbor mite feces and dead mites

. It's actually called hyper [:

So not only do parasites in you, or let's say your animals or your, your food, on vegetables, , on trees, everywhere, , insects have them, insects are loaded with parasites. , wild animals, loaded. But it's pretty crazy to think that. Not only do creatures have the parasites, but parasites have parasites.

That's how deep this goes. That should really kind of help you quantify why you need to kind of think about this. Maybe why this is why you're not getting, you're not getting better with whatever, , protocol you're using to get better. Okay? You have to kind of think about, What's the role of a parasite?

lieve. Technically, you're a [:

Okay, that's what you are. And when you break it down, 96% of you. . Their role is to take you back to the dust of the earth. It's when things are dying, parasites live off of that. So when you're not healthy and your tissues aren't healthy, and the tissues are dying, They live off of that. So technically the downstream is you're dead, you're more dead, you're more dead, they're eating you up, eventually you're fully dead, then your body gets fully eaten by parasites and there's nothing left but bones.


years, They're [:

It's got to go someplace. So maybe parasites aren't always bad. Would you want dead tissue in your body? Probably not. Probably not a good thing. Guarantee it doesn't smell good. Probably doesn't look good, and it doesn't make you feel well. If you had a plant, on your desk and a leaf was dying, you'll just pull it off because you know that's not good.

If you know anything about plants, that is bad for the plant, so you want to pull it. What if you had an area in your body that was dead tissue? Do you want it still to be there? That's pretty gross just by itself. ,

another fun fact. This one's [:

Lions have, this is, lions actually have hundreds of different types of parasites eating them right now. Out there in the wild, there's more stuff eating them than they're eating. you see what I mean? It's that's crazy, but we look, we think they are so beautiful and, and well, if you got up near him and you look under that hair, there are.

ly has parasites killing it. [:

So now they have this, this

balanced state of I'm eating Things that have parasites. They're eating me, but we have a homeostasis and we're good. I can live for however long lions live

Now as far as how parasites will Make you do their bidding All right, they actually Secrete all kinds of things

They have chemicals. They can do, they can change your hormones. They can secrete and do secrete tons of mucus. That's actually their protectant. So think of a sinus infection. Sometimes you might think I got a sinus infection. Is it really a sinus infection? It could be something else. Mucus is their protectant.

long as they want. But they [:

to make you unhealthy, and make you do what they want.

They make up half of all the known species on this planet, yet nobody ever talks about them. Nobody wants to talk about them because they're disgusting, right? But if you really think about it, they're not... Are they really that disgusting? Are they? I mean, they don't look good under a microscope. Others don't look bad at all.

d you're the host, so you're [:

You're not feeling the parasite itself. Sort of like, you have people staying at your house, and there's that one person who's so annoying, and is so disruptive, you just, you just want to tell them to leave. That's kind of like a parasite, right? Isn't it?

Okay, here's a frightening, heh heh. Frightening way to think about how or where you get them. This is just one way now. But this, this is, this is how they can actually proliferate. Alright? So you pass parasites on to other people. Through a lot of different ways, actually. But especially during one way. The restroom.

ic area, you are now leaving [:

That's how they can proliferate from human to human very easily without seeing them. So not only do they pass through things like your perennium, but they can pass by not washing your hands after using the bathroom. This is why most people don't like public. Bathrooms. I don't think it's necessarily that there's anything about the public bathroom that is that weird.

But everybody instinctually knows there's probably creepy crawlies everywhere and they don't want to touch anything. Well that's because people don't want to wash their hands after they use the bathroom. So yeah, they're going to proliferate.

hem from food. They're on... [:

Hmm. Are they not living creatures? Sometimes they're large enough that you can absolutely see them. They're not just microscopic. They're right there in your food.

All water has it, unless it's super clean water. Now, I'm a big proponent, I've always been, of Distilled water. This is one of the reasons I will have a water episode. I guarantee you it's coming. I just want to get past these foundationals for you so that you know of all the different ways that you can get sick or die.

hatever you're battling as a [:

The one that's, I think, well, let me say this one first. If you're walking on the ground, barefoot, dirt, concrete it doesn't matter. You're, you're technically, you can pick them up. So just life on earth, feet touching the ground. They come up through your skin on your, on the soles of your feet and they enter.

e protozoa and worms and all [:


We don't really think of flies as an ectoparasite, but they are. They harbor all kinds of issues. And there's... There's only one place in the world where flies don't exist, and that's Antarctica. Cool.

So this is what they do once they get in your body, okay? So they get in. They then attach to wherever they want to attach to, because they all have their, , favorite place to go. Then they form what's called a micro colony. It's just a small proliferation of some of these and then they start forming a matrix.

t's called a biofilm. It's a [:

Once they do that, they cause all the issues in your body. So let's go through a whole bunch of them. And I'm going to try and go through these quickly or else this episode is going to be four hours long.

The one you'll notice first usually is digestive issues of all kinds. And I don't need to name off all those, you know what those are. But I will say... The disease digestive issues, like irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, those kinds of more medical conditions, not just constipation, diarrhea, but the real major ones.

ormal either. If you just get[:

Maybe in the small intestine. But somewhere in that zone where the body recognizes it says, Nope, get me out. Nope, get it out. Anemia see you have anemia because, And, and other blood issues, because the parasites want your blood. That's one of the things they can live off of. So they're stealing your blood from you, and therefore you're anemic.

Low oxygen, low iron, etc. Your joints and muscles, . So you have inflammation in your joints and in your muscles because again, they're putting off toxins and these toxins don't feel good. They're stealing your good stuff, then you don't feel good and you can feel it in the movement areas of your body, joints and muscles,


So all kinds of eye problems.

You wouldn't necessarily think that you have parasites in your eyes, but there's many of them that can be in there. And they're usually small. They're not gonna be big ones. Obviously they're going to be smaller, but they're there and they can cause all kinds of issues.

Dental. That's a big one. , we had the oral health episode.

If you remember, I didn't really get into too much about the parasites. Being in your mouth. I talked mostly about your microbiome. That's the good stuff, but lots of decay tongue issues tooth pain, tooth issues These or your whole oral cavity these can be parasitic in in the mouth

All kinds of skin problems, you name it.

Eczema, psoriasis, the whole list. You've, you've heard of those forever.

se ones that you might think,[:

So you start losing weight. That's really bad. Fatigue is usually, , pretty normal to know. Like if you're just like, man, I feel tired this whole week, I don't understand what's going on. Nothing's changed. Nothing's weird. You might have a parasite or more than just one. Fever and flu symptoms. Skin rashes that are itchy and blistered.

So not just skin problems, but these are actually like rashes that are itchy and blistered. You could be allergic to a whole bunch of stuff. , you're thinking, wow, I was never allergic to this or that or multiple things all at once like this. Allergic reactions are definitely side effects of, of parasites.

the brain or they're dealing [:

So you're having a hard time seeing depth and height and width in your space. So you might have to... You can't just grab a chair and walk past it and you can't just see, well, that chair is right here. You're, you're using things to get through your environment because you can't actually create the 3D space.

you're... You're like, what, [:

You're gonna see, you're gonna see Lymphatic system kick up and store a lot of lymph. That's going to cause more pain, more flu like symptoms, fatigue, general inflammation. All of that stuff's connected.

Unexplained fever is another one. Out of nowhere, just all of a sudden, you got a fever. That's your body kicking into overdrive, saying, oh, something's really wrong. Night sweats, , you should never have night sweats. Night sweats are absolutely, something's going on in your body, and a lot of times it's parasites.

g up. So sleep problems as a [:

, and then in that area, if you have unknown reason why You might want to get checked out, let's say. If you're never satisfied after eating and you feel like you could eat more and more and you just can't stop, yes, that is definitely parasitic. That's not just, you're addicted to carbs or whatever.

ding is one of the ones that [:

You don't, you're not doing it on purpose. It's, it's just doing that. You're clenching your jaw and chewing on your teeth. You're just, that's a disruption and parasites can make that happen.

Of course, if you poop out mucus, that's the mucus from the parasites that are in your intestines and that mucus doesn't just stay there forever, it's, it's got to get recycled so it comes out of you, and it's pretty evident that it's mucus, you would know it, happens all the time, but here's the thing, there's some parasite infections that can actually help you there are Actual parasites that create an autoimmune response that can actually shut down other disease symptoms you might have.

this, there's all these kids [:

Whereas the kids that are ages 5 to 9 in First World, Asthma is a big problem and it's rapidly growing actually. Asthma in children is on a huge incline for the last 15 years. And when they find out the kids that don't have asthma have parasites and the kids that do have asthma don't, that's a correlation right there.

ultiple sclerosis, actually. [:

So there's some people that actually... believe that you should give parasites. To certain people that have conditions like MS, would you rather have a parasite problem or an MS problem? I'll take the parasite problem if I don't feel it very much. Intestinal issues, many of them have been repaired, especially ulcerative colitis, by just using a whipworm, actually.

And then once that gets in and it heals up, your autoimmune condition heals up the ulcerative colitis, well then you go in and you kill the whipworm. Done. Actually, a very famous person did it. They won't say who this person was, it was under confidentiality, but a very, very, very famous person actually did that.

well have some fun with it, [:

You can look at anything, it doesn't bother you, you might actually find it humorous or whatever. Well, I'm going to give you a few of them, okay? Because why not, right? You got all these parasites, well, how do you get them out? And what happens when they come out? You gotta know. Well, I'm about to give you a bunch of them.

So there's this one woman who had a worm parasite. And it was coming out of her butt and it's pretty good and it's a pretty big one. So when she tried to grab it to pull it out, it was too slippery. So she grabbed some toilet paper and grab it and then pulled it out and put it on the counter in her bathroom counter.

It was actually trying to slither away. So it was alive coming out of her,

And it was actually crawling [:

Another guy was diagnosed with parasites in his brain. They diagnosed it through muscle testing, went on a protocol for about a year. And then all of a sudden he started expelling these short little worms, about inch and a half, two inches out of his nose, 10 to 12 every day for 10 to 12 weeks.

So if you've never seen any of the videos showing where people are pulling worms out of their nose, obviously it's. Pretty disgusting, but I want you to take this into consideration. He didn't pull one or two He pulled 10 to 12 every day For 10 to 12 weeks how many were in his brain?

parasite worms that [:

Wow. So there's another woman who had severe depression and severe anxiety. And for all those of you that have anxiety issues, I know what you're feeling like. I've experienced anxiety before and it's overwhelming. So sometimes it can take over your life and there's nothing you can do. It just shuts you down.

Well, this woman, she had it so bad it was absolutely unbearable. So she cleaned up her diet and started on a parasite cleanse. Cleansing for about three days. But three days later Parasite came out Pretty good sized one.

I don't know where it came out of but so her Anxiety and depression cleared up about 95% in three days think about the correlation between anxiety and depression and Something living inside you.

hink about that? Yes. That's [:

There's this mechanic guy he would bend over a mucus string would come out of his nose.

So he would capture it in his hand, which it turned into a ball like the size of a golf ball, actually. Think about what that would be like. This was normal. He'd get this constantly all the time. He got to the point where he just kind of, , helped pull it out and it would just form an actual sphere in his hand.

He was dealing with a lot of sinus issues previous, but eventually that cleared up once they got out of there. So why did it make a sphere? I mean, and the size of a golf ball. Why was it not smaller? But why did it make a sphere? Why?

There's a surfer who's [:

Of course he didn't believe it. He was like, ah, that's, that's nonsense. I don't have any parasites in my brain. just thinking about that for about a week before he started his regimen of a parasite cleanse, just thinking about that the next day, he felt a hair on his tongue. Now he thought it was a hair because he's got two daughters.

just by thinking. that they [:

That's the power of thought.

Many people, they've got parasites, they're moving in the body. They go up and down and all over the place. There's people that feel them, when they lay down, especially at night, they can feel them go from like their head all the way down to their feet. Because, You're not a closed up space.

You've got lots of, , fluids and areas that these things can travel down the lymphatic system and come out of the left. They burrow out of the lymph or out of veins and into the regular part of the body and get back in that way. They travel and there's a lot of people that can feel them actually in their legs.

feel them going up and down [:

And she had been expelling a bunch of these for a little while. Then went on a protocol. Also went on the carnivore diet. Just beef, salt, and water. Three days later, she pooped out a three foot long worm, the diameter of like a quarter. So, I'm sure that that one probably wasn't making its way up and down the body, but it could, because if you've ever seen these worm type parasites, they're not, they're not strong or...

Like a, like a snake. They're actually, they're really pliable and squishy. They're super soft because they're mostly mucus inside of them and fluid. They're not, they're not muscular so to speak. So yeah, there's, man, the, the, the stories and testimonies of people, , pulling six inch long.

s that come out through your [:

So when you make the environment in your body inhospitable to their, what they want, then they gotta get out because they know they're gonna die. And that's why you're gonna see them come out. And that's the whole point. Get them out. Because you don't want them living in you. Causes all those problems I listed plus many many more and they're constantly finding new ones.

They're constantly finding new conditions. They're constantly finding Weird symptoms and diseases associated with these things you want to make sure that you're careful with what you eat a little bit and I'm sorry vegans, but especially raw vegan. You're getting more parasites than you can possibly imagine And no, meat does not have more parasites than vegetables.

, sorry [:

They're part of you. What you don't want is for them to be in high concentrations in your body. Or having little ones in low concentration that can cause a bunch of problems like Giardia. You want to address these. And by the way, one of the best things you can do is be as healthy as possible. Remember, they live on dying tissue.

That's their main food. Don't give them dying tissue. Be healthy. Do good things. Don't make it hospitable.

, I'm not giving you ways to [:

That's for later. And also, when you're dealing with a major health condition from any of these situations, you really need to be dealing with a professional. A real naturopath will be able to help you with all of this. I have people that I follow and I like that I would obviously send you to if you live local.

t going to get those precise [:

Erik: Alright, that's it for this episode. Sorry to scare ya. But, maybe the next one won't be this freaky. All right, take care.




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