Say No To One Size Marketing
Melissa Krechler and Chris Burns discuss how horrible one size marketing is and how you can avoid it.
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Is your business working for you or do you feel like you’re walking a mile in someone else’s shoes? Learn how to make your biz fit you.
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Guest Speaker is Chris Burns
I’m a bit of a serial entrepreneur, author, adjunct professor, digital marketing coach, podcaster, consultant, husband, and father of 3. I know, it’s a lot but it's helped me develop a strong yet diverse skill set.
I’ve worked in marketing for over 20 years. I’ve also been fortunate to help hundreds of businesses including my own scale by doubling down on digital. That success all starts by helping businesses differentiate and stand out rather than blend in. I also believe strategy and execution are the elements missing for small to medium-sized businesses.
Host is Melissa Krechler
Identity Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Business Mentor and Creator and Founder of The Women Supporting Women Network.
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