Hello and welcome to number 56! This week I am travelling with Emma Thomson who is a multi award-winning travel journalist who most recently was named Travel Writer of the Year in 2019 by the British Guild of Travel Writers and won National Consumer Feature of the Year at 2019 The Travel Media Awards. Emma is a regular contributor to National Geographic Traveller, The Telegraph, The Times and Wanderlust Travel Magazine to name a few. An experienced speaker she has given talks at the Nat Geo headquarters in Washington DC, the Frontline Club and Royal Geographical Society in London and can occasionally be hear on BBC Radio 4’s From Our Own Correspondent.
This week we delve into Emma's recent assignment in Sri Lanka, talk about her awesome trip with Wild Frontiers to Pakistan, discuss the wonder which is Iran, wax lyrical on our mutual passion for Bhutan as well as dip into wildlife travel in Zimbabwe. We also talk about the life of a travel journalist which Emma has been doing for 10+ years. Of course, I wanted to ask about her personal travel so Emma is tested with some tough quick fire travel questions at the end. You will love this episode as it will inspire you to get travelling and book that trip. Emma and I share a mutual passion for travel and you will hear that in this episode. Further more, Emma's dog Esme, was so excited, that she joined in for the introduction but it could be the fact that she anticipated that Emma would get her breed wrong when asked. Just to clarify, Emma's dog is a Cocker Spaniel, the Collie reference was blamed on tiredness, we accept that and move on. However, below are some links to Emma's articles that we reference during the recording and can all be found on her website. I implore you to check them out. Happy listening AND happy reading! Be inspired! Thanks for listening!
Emma Thomson links.
Website - - emmathomsontravels
Twitter - emmasthomson
Article Links
Sri Lanka - - - - - - - - Fr...