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Nothing Is Too Hard for the Lord
Episode 38427th July 2024 • Daily Love Letters from God • Wesleyne
00:00:00 00:04:15

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"With God, there is always a way. Nothing is too hard for Him, and His promises are always fulfilled in His perfect timing."- Wesleyne

Bible Verse as the Word of the Day

"Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son."- Genesis 18:14 (NIV)

God's power surpasses all limitations and challenges we face.

Despite Sarah's disbelief due to her old age and barrenness, God proved that no situation is too hard for Him.

This is a call to trust in God’s promises and His ability to overcome any obstacle.

It's about living in the hope of "But God" – acknowledging our struggles but believing in His capacity to deliver and fulfill His word.

By focusing on God’s omnipotence and faithfulness, we can find strength and encouragement to face our own challenges with confidence and hope.


  1. When feeling defeated, remember that God is not a God of defeat.
  2. Negative emotions are tools of the enemy and should not be embraced.
  3. Letting go of control and surrendering to God allows Him to work in our lives.
  4. Fully surrendering to God means taking our hands off the situation and trusting Him completely.
  5. Continually release worries and anxieties to God, trusting that He will take care of them.


  • 00:00- God’s Boundless Power
  • 01:05- The Story of Sarah and God’s Promise
  • 02:30- Trusting God’s Timing and Promises
  • 03:45- Living with the Hope of “But God”
  • 05:10- Bringing Your Challenges to God

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What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker


Wesleyne (:

Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son. Genesis 18 verses 14. Is anything too hard for the Lord? Like really, let's think about it. Is anything too hard for him? If we go through the Bible and we see all of the things

and how God saved and redeemed and protected and provided for in every situation. Yes, the situations were dire. Yes, the times were difficult. People experienced famine and they experienced not being able to bear children and they experienced loneliness.

Even Jesus felt anxiety and he wept. But God, but God. Today I want you to think about that comma, but

Wesleyne (:

I have been so sick in my body, but God will heal me. I have been so depressed and so sad, but God will bring me joy. I have been so lonely, but God will bring me community. I have been so broken, but God will fill me

Wesleyne (:

Because with God there is always a way and by faith we can find it in this particular verse

God said, I will return to you at the appointed time next year. Next year, not in two years, not in five years, not in a decade. Next year and Sarah will have a son. Sarah, who was 90 years old. She was barren. She had never, ever, had a child. She had never carried a child to term.

But God said, there's nothing too hard for me. And right after this verse, Sarah laughs and she's like, I don't believe that. God, I'm too old. This body is too old to carry a child.

Wesleyne (:

She laughed at God. She said, that's not true. But what did God do? He gave her her blessing, baby. At that time next year, she was holding her son in her arms. So what is the thing that you say, God, it is impossible. It's not going to happen. I want you to take that to him today.

I want you.

Wesleyne (:

to give it to God. To say God, I know that nothing is impossible for you. Nothing is impossible for you. With you there is always a

And at this time next year, this thing that I've been praying for, while I may not have it, while the situation may not be resolved, I know at this time next year, I will have hope. I will have, I will see a sign of your precious hand on this thing that I've been praying for, because I know that nothing is impossible for you.

And I choose to remember, I choose to live in the but God. But God will deliver me. But God will give me hope. But God. But




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