Artwork for podcast Change Your Story, Change Your Life
210: Zero Limits
22nd June 2019 • Change Your Story, Change Your Life • Louis Di Bianco
00:00:00 00:19:13

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This episode takes a deeper dive into the premise of my podcast; it explores the idea that every thought you have, every word you speak, is a story or part of a story.

That means that you are making up reality; you are making up and creating your life. You have the potential to create a life with zero limits. Will you do it?

I found the inspiration for today’s show in the work of Joe Vitale, one of the teachers in the famous movie, “The Secret.” Vitale co-authored, with Dr. Hew Len,  a powerful book called, Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Health, Wealth, Peace, and More.

The insights from the book support the idea that we are all storytellers, and that the lives we live, and the world we perceive, are creations of our minds.

You will discover the power behind Joe Vitale’s six zero limit insights:


Your mind chatter may strongly resist what you hear in this episode. That’s understandable because the ideas cannot be grasped by your logical mind. You literally must take a leap of faith and go to a place inside yourself beyond thought to experience the power of the six insights.


Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Health, Wealth, Peace, and More by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker


“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” – Einstein



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