Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 2
Episode 29th January 2020 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 00:57:43

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15:45 - Where do you draw your ideas for valuable content?

18:06 - What are your favorite carb sources?

20:06 - Any new details about the rebrand?

21:57 - Favorite exercise variation for growing side delts?

23:07 - What is going to be the biggest difference between Fury-x and new pre-workout dropping in the new year?

27:51 - What are your thoughts on ARN going to GNC over places like Natural Body?

32:11 - Can you take Core ZZZ hot?

33:07 - When do you think you should start reverse dieting?

34:58 - If you could teach yourself something you know 10 years ago what would it be?

38:11 - What are the steps we go beyond that are required for product quality?

38:42 - What would you say is the upper limit of daily fiber consumption for a bodybuilder is?

39:21 - Why is ARN's pre so expensive?

40:22 - What's your bicep size/Number 1 tip for growing your biceps?

42:00 - When will Core Supps be available in India?

42:39 - How many products do you want to launch under 'Merica Snax in 2020?

45:42 - Tips on training legs with runners knee?

46:32 - Is tacrine safe?

46:35 - How did you and Meaty meet?

48:47 - Any chance Core will ever release a sweater?

49:58 - When deciding formulas for each brand what is your goal specific to each brand?

51:30 - Why do some people say BCAA are worthless?

52:46 - Any restock of Core in the UK?

53:17 - Please talk about Sucralose and why it isn't bad for you!

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