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On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded in an assassination attempt by John Hinckley Jr. outside the Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Reagan had just finished giving a speech when Hinckley fired six shots, hitting Reagan and three other people. Reagan was rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery to remove a bullet from his lung. Here is the history of that event...
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March 30th, 1981.
Scott:It was a Monday, like many Spring Mondays in the DC area.
Scott:Overcast and cool enough to warrant wearing a jacket as a spring was
Scott:ushering in the cherry blossoms and slowly but surely chasing
Scott:away that bitter winter chill.
Scott:The day was like any other, but not for long.
Scott:Yes, this was still our nation's capital and there were politicians,
Scott:journalists, labor leaders, and many other people at the , Washington
Scott:Hilton, for the Reaganomics speech that had just been given.
Scott:In fact, there were several hundred people at this AFL C I O fundraiser
Scott:with the keynote speaker being none other than the Gipper himself.
Scott:It was 2:27 PM.
Scott:That the Secret Service announced to in each other's ears that "Rawhide"
Scott:was on the move walking to his vehicle to head back home when all
Scott:of a sudden gunshots rang out and President Ronald Reagan was shot.
Scott:Welcome to Talk With History.
Scott:I am your host Scott, here with my wife and historian Jen.
Scott:On this podcast, we give you insights to our history inspired both travels,
Scott:YouTube channel journey, and examine history through deeper conversations
Scott:with the curious, the explorers and the history lovers out there.
Scott:Now, before we get into talking about this historic event tonight, that
Scott:happened 42 years ago on the date today.
Scott:I want to ask our listeners for reviews on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or
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Scott:like or YouTube share would be great.
Scott:It really helps the show grow and no one else is gonna bring
Scott:history to you like this.
Scott:And the History Channel certainly doesn't do it either.
Scott:That's right.
Scott:That's right.
Scott:We need to bring history back to the History channel.
Scott:We need to bring it back and, but seriously, history
Scott:Channel, give us a call, right.
Scott:Chip and Joanna Gaines of the History channel right here.
Jenn:We'll do a whole series on location.
Jenn:And interview people and show you just like we do with this.
Jenn:We actually visited the
Scott:That's right.
Scott:Jen, tell us about what we're
Jenn:talking about tonight.
Jenn:So this is the assassination attempt of President Ronald Reagan happened 42
Jenn:years ago today, 1981, and he had just given a speech in our nation's capital.
Jenn:And he was walking outside.
Jenn:And it's interesting because this Washington Hilton had made this
Jenn:entrance for presidential speeches.
Jenn:If you see that kind of brick area that's a walkway where you can
Jenn:walk inside that brick area to go.
Jenn:And speak.
Jenn:So it's pretty well protected.
Jenn:And that's where Reagan was going to give a speech to, I think union workers.
Jenn:And Reaganomics.
Jenn:And he had just finished giving the speech, so he was leaving and
Jenn:coming out and it was like 2 27, like you had said, it was 2 27 and.
Jenn:He waves to some people and over where the plaque is at is
Jenn:where the gunman was standing.
Jenn:Hinckley was
Scott:So the picture that's shown right now, this is the picture, one of the
Scott:pictures that I took while we were there.
Scott:We were in DC a couple weeks ago, and so we went up there.
Scott:It was really cold and the this Washington Hilton is still used.
Scott:It looks almost exactly like it did, 42 years ago.
Scott:So there's the plaque right there, you can see right there on our screen.
Scott:And so Jen's talking over there in the better light.
Scott:I'm over here behind the camera taking the pictures.
Scott:And so that's the that's, I'm standing right where it happened.
Jenn:And so you get Hinckley who fires six rounds in
Jenn:succession and he has a revolver.
Jenn:So you can only fire six rounds.
Jenn:And the first shot actually hits the Press Secretary Brady.
Jenn:And we'll talk more about that because you get the Brady bill
Jenn:that will come out of this.
Jenn:He hits him in the head.
Jenn:Brady goes forward it will impact Brady for the rest of his life.
Jenn:He will be in a wheelchair.
Jenn:The second shot hits Tom Delaney.
Jenn:. He's a police officer.
Jenn:Police officer.
Jenn:And as he hits him in the back, he says, he yells I'm hit.
Jenn:So it's sets the events too.
Jenn:And, but he falls forward and now you have a clear path to the president.
Jenn:Yeah, so he basically, Hinckley has taken out the two people that kind of
Jenn:were in the path of President Reagan.
Jenn:but the fourth one is going to hit.
Jenn:The other secret servants agent, that's Tim McCarthy.
Jenn:And he's gonna hit him in the chest.
Jenn:So he does his job.
Jenn:So what happens is the two people go down.
Jenn:Brady is hit, he goes down, the police officer hit in the back, he says, I'm hit.
Jenn:I go down.
Jenn:The fourth shot goes over their heads.
Jenn:But Par is pushing the president into the limo.
Jenn:Delaney turns towards the gunfire shots.
Jenn:And spreads out his arms just like a secret service agent is supposed to do.
Jenn:Yeah, he makes himself a bigger target and he gets hit right in the chest.
Jenn:And then the fifth shot hits the limo window, but it's the sixth
Jenn:shot that gets the president.
Jenn:It's the sixth shot that ricochets off the parking lot, hits the back of the limo.
Jenn:And because the limo is bulletproof, it actually ricocheted back
Jenn:ricochets into the armpit.
Jenn:Oh, I didn't realize that.
Scott:Ronald Reagan.
Scott:And I, and if I remember right and the thing with our video.
Scott:There's a ton of video you guys can find a ton of videos on.
Scott:The Reagan shooting, you could find a ton of journalists that have
Scott:done it over the years, recently, 20 years ago, 30 years ago.
Scott:And they do some very in depth, they actually drive the route and do,
Scott:and, of film on the whole thing.
Scott:So we actually use those as a little bit of research on our side.
Scott:So there's some really good ones.
Scott:But one of the things I think I remember him talking about, They just,
Scott:they didn't realize he was hit right
Jenn:They didn't realize he was hit because he, again it's a ricocheted bullet that's
Jenn:getting him in like the back left armpit.
Jenn:So I'm doing my right, my, the left armpit.
Jenn:His injuries were not noticed at first.
Scott:And I actually enjoyed learning the call, like the call
Scott:sign or the secret service call sign.
Scott:That was
Jenn:was Rawhide
Radio:back to the White House.
Radio:Back to the White House Rawhide is okay.
Jenn:Raw Hyde for the president.
Jenn:And they called the White House the Crown.
Jenn:So they get in the limo.
Jenn:The Secret Service hand shoves his hands on the president to look for anything.
Jenn:He doesn't see any blood because it's in his back left armpit.
Jenn:And he goes, okay, let's head towards the crown.
Jenn:So that's what you hear on the radio,
Radio:We're going, we're going to crown
Jenn:but then President Reagan starts to cough up blood.
Scott:and the other funny thing is too, the people on the radio are so worked up.
Scott:That some people are forget to use the call signs.
Scott:About that.
Scott:Some people say are you going to the White House?
Scott:And they're he's like going to the crown.
Radio:You wanna
Radio:go to hospital or back to the White
Radio:We're going, we're going to crown
Scott:And then they pick the alternate location once he figures out
Jenn:that he's been shot.
Jenn:So when he starts to cough up blood, the secret servant agent realizes
Jenn:right away that there's blood in his lungs and he has to make a call.
Radio:Roger, we wanna go to the emergency room of George Washington.
Radio:Oh, George Washington.
Jenn:And he has to And you have to say it over the radio.
Jenn:So here he is.
Jenn:Everybody who can have access to a radio, that Raw Hyde is going to George
Scott:And that's what right is, he says like Rawhide is hit or raw.
Scott:Hy is going to George Washington
Jenn:Raw Hyde is going to George Washington.
Jenn:So that's the name of the hospital, George Washington University Hospital.
Jenn:So he's using the exact name and he had to really weigh national security.
Radio:Oh, George Washington.
Radio:Roger George Washington.
Radio:Ambulance, I the, uh,
Jenn:The president will walk himself into the emergency room.
Jenn:Oh, I didn't realize that.
Jenn:So he does make a good show and then as soon as he gets laid down
Jenn:on the gurney and they realized this seriousness of this they don't put him
Jenn:under until Nancy Reagan gets there.
Jenn:Oh my gosh.
Jenn:And says, says, Something to him and he says, I forgot to duck.
Jenn:That's what he told.
Jenn:I'm sorry, honey, I forgot to duck.
Scott:Yeah, and so if you see on the, on, on the screen here, if you're
Scott:watching the live stream, you can see this is us at the emergency room.
Scott:This is at us, at the Washington.
Scott:So this is across the street and then up here, right?
Scott:It's Rogan, Ronald Reagan, Institute of Emergency Medicine.
Jenn:he goes into the, he walks himself into the emergency room.
Scott:They named it after him.
Scott:I don't know when they did that, but it was neat.
Scott:Again, just being right there, like the George Washington, university hospital.
Jenn:So Nancy comes in, he tells her I forgot to duck,
Jenn:which I think is really funny.
Jenn:But I, what I, one of the things I really love about Reagan, he
Jenn:keeps his morale up and he keeps people around him, his morale up.
Jenn:So before he goes in for surgery and before they put him under,
Jenn:he looks around at all this.
Jenn:The medical staff and the surgeon, and he says, I hope you're all Republicans.
Jenn:Yeah, I know you, you love that story.
Jenn:I love that story.
Jenn:And because the head surgeon, who's actually a Democrat Yeah.
Jenn:Says Mr.
Jenn:President, we're all republicans today.
Jenn:I love that a democrat would say that to him to put his mind at
Scott:And that's a, and it's.
Scott:I love it because it's so stereotypical of Reagan too.
Scott:That's what he was known for.
Scott:We were doing our research on Reagan.
Scott:We were watching videos and they talked about all the time, like how he
Scott:would crack jokes during his speech.
Reagan:Speaker, Mr.
Reagan:President, distinguished members of the Congress, honored
Reagan:guests and fellow citizens.
Reagan:Today marks my first State of the Union address to you, a constitutional
Reagan:duty as old as our republic itself.
Reagan:President Washington began this tradition in 17.
Reagan:After reminding the nation that the destiny of self-government
Reagan:and the preservation of the sacred fire of liberty is finally staked
Reagan:on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.
Reagan:For our friends in the press who plays a high premium on accuracy.
Reagan:Let me say, I did not actually hear George Washington say that.
Scott:Like un unlike a lot of his predecessors, before him.
Scott:And So even in that time, right?
Scott:He's getting ready to go under for surgery.
Scott:He's cracking jokes.
Scott:So it just really encapsulates him in his persona right then and there.
Jenn:And so he will go under surgery.
Jenn:They will find the bullet.
Jenn:They will patch 'em up.
Jenn:We read that the Oscars were supposed to air that night, so
Jenn:they delay the Oscars for one night because the president had actually
Jenn:recorded a message for the Oscars.
Johnny Carson:Thank
Johnny Carson:you very much.
Johnny Carson:Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure that all of you here, and most of you watching
Johnny Carson:tonight, understand why we had delayed this program for 24 hours because of
Johnny Carson:the incredible events of yesterday.
Johnny Carson:That old adage, the show must go on, seemed relatively unimportant.
Johnny Carson:The Academy, ABC Television, and all of us connected with the show.
Johnny Carson:Felt because of the uncertain outcome.
Johnny Carson:As of this time yesterday, it would've been inappropriate to stage a celebration,
Johnny Carson:but the news today is very good.
Johnny Carson:As you know, the president is in excellent condition.
Johnny Carson:At last reports, he's been conducting
Reagan:and he's, uh,
Johnny Carson:and he happens to be in very good spirits.
Johnny Carson:Uh, after all, you must remember, this is a man who, y.
Johnny Carson:While he was in the hospital, unable to speak, wrote on a sheet
Johnny Carson:of paper, all things considered, I'd rather be in Philadelphia.
Johnny Carson:So tonight the show does go on.
Johnny Carson:Now, two weeks ago, president Reagan videotaped an opening
Johnny Carson:greeting for this occasion.
Johnny Carson:We were in contact with the White House about two hours ago, and it
Johnny Carson:was the President's express wishes that we use for that introduction.
Johnny Carson:And I might add, uh, you might like to know that he also asked
Johnny Carson:for a television set in his room so he could view this program.
crowd:I was, uh,
Johnny Carson:actually the president was in such good form today.
Johnny Carson:I was very tempted to call him and ask him if he had any more of
Johnny Carson:those one liners that I could use.
Johnny Carson:So it is especially pleasing tonight, ladies and gentlemen, to be able to
Johnny Carson:say, Here is the President of the United
Reagan:to my fellow Americans eagerly awaiting the presentation
Reagan:of the 53rd Annual Academy Awards.
Reagan:It's surely no state's secret that Nancy and I share your interest in
Reagan:the results of this year's balloting.
Reagan:We're not alone.
Reagan:The miracle of American technology links us with millions of movie goers around.
Reagan:It's the motion picture that shows us all, not only how we look and sound,
Reagan:but more important how we feel when it achieves its most noble intent.
Reagan:Film reveals that people everywhere share common dreams and emotions.
Reagan:Tonight, I applaud all who create, make, distribute, exhibit and attend movies.
Reagan:I salute the academy for the influence its work has on the
Reagan:world's most enduring art form.
Reagan:Film is forever.
Reagan:I've been trapped in some film forever myself and as a
Reagan:former member of the academy.
Reagan:I ask you now to join Nancy and me in enjoying this year's ceremonies.
Jenn:The one thing that was scheduled that didn't get
Jenn:canceled was the NCAA basketball.
Jenn:Championship was playing that night.
Jenn:That same night.
Jenn:That same night.
Jenn:Oh, wow.
Jenn:And they didn't delay that, but they did have a moment
Jenn:of silence for the president.
Jenn:He's only there for 11 days and he, again, the this is an interesting
Jenn:time in the country too because things are happening fast, right?
Jenn:This is this assassination attempt.
Jenn:President's shot, president's going in for surgery, so people
Jenn:are like, Who's in charge?
Jenn:George Bush is hearing about this in the air.
Jenn:He's on Air Force two.
Jenn:So he is hearing about this in the air, and this is when you get the speaker
Jenn:of House who makes that statement?
Jenn:I'm in control.
Alexander Haig:And there are.
Alexander Haig:Absolutely no alert measures that are necessary at this time or contemplate.
Alexander Haig:Uh, now if you have some questions, I'd be happy to take them.
Alexander Haig:Who's making the decision?
Alexander Haig:Constitutionally gentlemen, you have the president, the vice president,
Alexander Haig:and the Secretary of State in that order, and should the president decide
Alexander Haig:he wants to transfer the helm to the vice president, he, he will do so.
Alexander Haig:As of now, I am in control here in the White House, pending return
Alexander Haig:of the vice president and in, in close touch with him, if something
Alexander Haig:came up, I would check with him.
Alexander Haig:Of course.
Alexander Haig:. Jenn: And he'll say, I'm in control.
Alexander Haig:And people go, what?
Alexander Haig:That's not how it works.
Alexander Haig:Speaker of the house is third in line.
Alexander Haig:So he says, I'm in control.
Alexander Haig:Yeah.
Alexander Haig:And so that's too funny.
Alexander Haig:Bush is like in the air.
Alexander Haig:He's what?
Alexander Haig:What?
Alexander Haig:I still exist, say hello.
Alexander Haig:So that happens.
Alexander Haig:But another thing that's happening in 81 at the time is news coverage.
Scott:It was so this recording the early end of that CNN type
Jenn:C this is CNN's first year.
Jenn:And so N B C was there, a, B, C was there.
Jenn:That's where you're getting the cov, the very good angle of everything
Jenn:that's happening and CNN starts to play.
Jenn:Over and over again.
Jenn:And CNN runs it for full 24 hours with updates as they go.
Jenn:And some of the things they get wrong is they get wrong that Brady was killed.
Jenn:And it takes a while before they realize that Brady was not killed.
Jenn:So that's one of the first things they do report.
Jenn:But what happens is it really cements CNN as being a place to go for very.
Jenn:To date.
Scott:just kind of minute by minute, 24 hour news.
Jenn:you wanna go for good coverage actual up to date coverage.
Jenn:The CNN was the place to go that, like I said, they only been
Jenn:around for a year, but doing this
Scott:I'm sure that was, they were like the place.
Scott:Because every oth all the other.
Scott:Typical networks would take breaks.
Scott:They would go to their other programming and this, that and the other.
Scott:And this is, this event happens.
Scott:It was laid their foundation of yes, this is what we do.
Jenn:Now when we talk.
Jenn:Hinckley the shooter.
Jenn:A lot of people, John Hinckley Jr.
Jenn:Who is the one who fires, has gone at the president and eventually will kill.
Jenn:Brady he says he does it to get the attention of Jodi Foster.
Jenn:He had seen Jodi Foster a taxi driver, and he was very enamored with her.
Jenn:And so he thought if he did this, he could bring attention to himself.
Jenn:Jodi Foster in return has only ever spoken about this four
Scott:I thought this was really, I thought this was interesting, and I, and
Scott:when you said that to me, I was.
Scott:I don't blame that.
Jenn:don't blame her.
Jodi Foster:I don't wanna jeopardize the prosecution
Jodi Foster:without, without getting specific.
Jodi Foster:Was he threatening amorous?
Jodi Foster:What was he like?
Jodi Foster:I'm not allowed to say, um, I, I believe that it's, you know, that
Jodi Foster:the, the letters were assumed to have been, you know, loved type lips.
Jodi Foster:When did you first realize the connection between the Hinckley and the letters
Jodi Foster:and the Hinckley who shot the president?
Jodi Foster:Um, well, how many Hinckley do you know?
Jenn:She doesn't wanna give attention to him.
Jenn:She doesn't want him to get what he wanted from her.
Jenn:So she spoke about it immediately after she did an op-ed and wrote about
Jenn:it, and she spoke about it to others.
Jenn:Times and interviews.
Jenn:She's asked about it and she commented on it.
Jenn:She will go out of her way to cancel interviews or walk out of
Jenn:interviews if they ask her about this.
Jenn:And she has told them that she's not gonna speak on it.
Jenn:To the point, like she doesn't wanna give it power.
Jenn:She doesn't wanna give Hinckley
Scott:I can understand that.
Scott:Let's, so what you know, for obvious.
Scott:Hinckley was captured.
Scott:I I'll be perfectly honest, I don't actually know what
Scott:ended up happening to him.
Scott:I know he was convicted, pled insanity plan,
Jenn:insanity, which is of course he's insane.
Jenn:I wanna be like, it's kinda, kinda obvious.
Jenn:You're insane.
Jenn:But because no one I think died.
Jenn:So I think at the time, no one was killed.
Jenn:Right when it happened.
Jenn:Right when it happened.
Scott:So I even though Brady, passed away later,
Jenn:later, much later, okay.
Jenn:Even though nobody was killed, he could plead insanity.
Jenn:He was put in, he was institutionalized.
Jenn:He was just recently released.
Jenn:Oh, really?
Jenn:And it's because the president is dead.
Jenn:Now Reagan is dead and Brady, so they, and I think he's very
Jenn:limited in where he can go and he's very watched and monitored, but
Scott:yes, he's, I'm surprised.
Scott:I don't think I even realized that.
Jenn:I know it's, it is interest.
Jenn:But yeah, James Brady will never recover from this.
Jenn:He's disabled.
Jenn:He will maintain.
Jenn:Press Secretary for the rest of the year.
Jenn:But it's more of a positional Yeah.
Jenn:Because he will be in a wheelchair and it will impact his speech.
Jenn:And then he passes away in of August of 2014.
Jenn:And I, like I said, the medical examiner will rule it a homicide because he will
Jenn:succumb to the injuries that he received from that gunshot wound to the head.
Jenn:Tim McCarthy is still alive, the secret servant that Adrian got shot in the chest.
Jenn:Oh wow.
Jenn:Had three children afterwards.
Jenn:And the police officer Tom Delaney is also still.
Jenn:Who was shot in the back?
Jenn:One thing that I thought was interesting is the President's
Jenn:approval rating goes up after
Scott:I'm not, that's not super surprising.
Scott:People rally around.
Scott:You A horrible event like that.
Scott:People, it doesn't matter what your, if you disagree with
Scott:Reaganomics at the time or not.
Scott:People are gonna rally around something that's, obviously Hey,
Scott:you can't be shooting the president.
Jenn:And I think people, again, Reagan, he's such a good.
Jenn:And so he's so good with people and putting them at ease and building morale.
Jenn:That I think people saw, just the way he handled the whole thing.
Jenn:I think when he comes out of surgery, he asks, does anyone know
Jenn:what the shooter's beef was like?
Jenn:He was very good on off the cuff.
Jenn:He delivers a line well, and he's a actor, right?
Jenn:So when you think about it, like he was very good at giving speeches.
Jenn:He was very good at making the country feel at ease.
Jenn:I remember when the Challenger disaster happens and he speaks to America,
Reagan:Ladies and gentlemen, I'd plan to speak to you tonight to
Reagan:report in the State of the Union, but the events of earlier today
Reagan:have led me to change those plans.
Reagan:Today is a day from mourning and remembering.
Reagan:Nancy and I are pain to the core, but the tragedy of the shuttle challenger,
Reagan:we know we share this pain with all of the people of our country.
Reagan:This is truly a national loss.
Jenn:He was just one of those great deliver.
Jenn:Of, an orator.
Jenn:What another thing that I thought was interesting is the Dow Jones
Jenn:dips the next day, but it pops right back up after he comes outta surgery.
Scott:Oh, interesting.
Scott:So just of a little market uncertainty.
Jenn:And I don't think there's been a assassination
Jenn:attempt on the president since.
Jenn:Not that I am aware of.
Jenn:Not that, not that the public is aware of.
Jenn:But there hasn't been something that was so close.
Jenn:And the president actually got bodily harmed from.
Jenn:Yeah, so it was very, it was a neat story to do.
Scott:But it was super fun and we wanted to, we made the extra effort
Scott:tonight to come on a little bit later and do this on the anniversary, even
Scott:though we haven't made the video.
Scott:So I know even less than I normally would because normally I do all my
Scott:learning when I'm editing those videos.
Scott:To those listening, thank you for listening to the Talk with History
Scott:podcast, and please reach out to us at our website, talk with history.com.
Scott:But more importantly, if you know someone else that might enjoy this
Scott:podcast or this video, please share it with them, and especially if you think
Scott:today's topic would interest them, shoot 'em a text, tell 'em to look us up.
Scott:We rely on your community to grow, and we appreciate y'all every day.
Scott:We'll talk to you next time.
Scott:Thank you.