Few things are both as universal and personal as our breath. Everyone needs good breath support to sing or speak effectively, and we all describe what that feels like differently. In this episode, I share some physical practices and ways of thinking that will help you figure out what "breath support" means for you.
Michèle Voillequé is a singer and a voice teacher living in Berkeley, California.
Yes, you can sound better! Opt-in for a free video training on my website: https://mvmusik.com
More resources for working with your breath are available on my website:
A transcript of this episode is available at mvmusik.com/blog/cant-wait-to-hear-you-episode-42. You can subscribe to Can’t Wait to Hear You wherever you get podcasts. If you have a question about your voice or how you’re using it, please email letters@mvmusik.com. To learn more about Michèle or to subscribe to her newsletter, visit mvmusik.com.