Welcome to Fierce Woman Rising - the podcast that ignites your inner fire and introduces you to women who've shattered norms and embraced the path to financial independence. I'm Claire - accountant, business mentor, and your guide on this transformational journey.
Each week, I share powerful interviews with women who've embraced their past and are now using that to fuel the future of their dreams. Join us as we learn from their stories, empower ourselves, and re-write our own narrative, using high ticket affiliate marketing as our vehicle.
Financial independence, abundance, joy and hope - they are not a pipedream - they are our birthright. Let's rise together and become the next, Fierce Woman Rising.
This is a short little teaser to give you an insight as to what's in store for you listening to this show. If you're not into hearing people's inspirational stories then you might want to switch off now, cos that's exactly what you're gonna get in spades!!
If on the other hand you're someone who gets energized listening to the transformation, realisations and breakthroughs of other people - and you use that as your fuel to forge your own path forward, then strap yourself in, SUBSCRIBE and enjoy the ride - because you're gonna love it!
If you're already chomping at the bit ready to take the next step towards your own financial freedom and personal empowerment, the Fierce Woman Rising Masterclass, is your opportunity to learn more about:
🔥 Why we have chosen high ticket affiliate marketing as our path to the life we desire
🔥 What it is and how it works
🔥 The company we align with, the products we recommend and the income you can earn
🔥 How you can get started and join us + some super special bonuses
This masterclass is pre-recorded and completely free so send me a DM from the link below saying "MASTERCLASS" and I will send it to you.
💃 Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your potential and rewrite your own story.
Your journey towards financial independence and abundance begins here. Reach out and let's rise together!
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Welcome to fierce woman rising. The podcast
Claire Markwick:that ignites your inner fire and introduces you to women whose
Claire Markwick:shattered norms, rewritten rules, and embraced financial
Claire Markwick:independence. I'm Claire, accountant, business mentor,
Claire Markwick:coach and your guide on this transformational journey. Each
Claire Markwick:week, I'll be sharing powerful interviews with women who have
Claire Markwick:embraced a life of purpose and taking control of their
Claire Markwick:destinies. Learn from their stories. Empower yourself, and
Claire Markwick:if you feel called, join us in rewriting your own story.
Claire Markwick:Financial independence, joy and abundance are not just a dream.
Claire Markwick:It is your birthright. Let's rise together with fire and
Claire Markwick:become the next Vyas woman rising. ello Hello. Oh my gosh,
Claire Markwick:I cannot tell you how good it feels to be back behind the
Claire Markwick:podcast microphone, it has been a really, really long time. And
Claire Markwick:I am so happy that I am actually here in in this space. This is
Claire Markwick:where I feel I need to be right now. It's where I feel I can add
Claire Markwick:the most value right now. And I'm really excited to share a
Claire Markwick:little bit more about the fierce woman rising movement. And what
Claire Markwick:my intent for this show is. So anyone who has been playing
Claire Markwick:along at home and following along on my social media knows
Claire Markwick:that I have been on a bit of a wild ride over the last 12
Claire Markwick:months or so. And I'm not going to go into that too much. Now,
Claire Markwick:check out the next episode, which is going to be my origin
Claire Markwick:story, the origin of first woman rising and and that's really
Claire Markwick:going to go into the story and what's been going on in my world
Claire Markwick:internally, physically, mentally, emotionally,
Claire Markwick:professionally. And what has got me to the point where I am now
Claire Markwick:what I want this episode to be is a short succinct little
Claire Markwick:snapshot into what you can expect from this podcast. And if
Claire Markwick:you have been following me for a while you do know I like to
Claire Markwick:talk. So my short succinct little snapshot might still be
Claire Markwick:15 minutes, but hey, we're gonna rock it and we'll we'll we'll go
Claire Markwick:with it. And I have the firm belief that what comes out of my
Claire Markwick:mouth is what needs to come out of my mouth and I don't think
Claire Markwick:think too much about it which which can be both a blessing and
Claire Markwick:a curse. But hey, we're gonna we're gonna rock with it. So the
Claire Markwick:essence of this podcast, the purpose of it, the preface of
Claire Markwick:it, is that I am now in an online business community that
Claire Markwick:is full of fucking legends, if I can be so blunt, the men and
Claire Markwick:women in the community that I am now a part of, absolutely blow
Claire Markwick:me away with the diversity with their, you know, their different
Claire Markwick:backgrounds, their different beliefs, their different
Claire Markwick:stories. Every single person that I have had the pleasure of
Claire Markwick:meeting either physically or digitally online has inspired me
Claire Markwick:in some way and every single person although all very
Claire Markwick:different, we all share this. How would you say it this inner
Claire Markwick:drive this inner knowing that we're here for more that we we
Claire Markwick:our life is not supposed to be the standard cookie cutter. And
Claire Markwick:that is not me dissing the standard cookie cutter school
Claire Markwick:uni degree job Korea work your way up the career ladder. That
Claire Markwick:is not me bagging that at all. If that is working for you.
Claire Markwick:Absolutely. Keep working at it, keep rocking it keep doing your
Claire Markwick:thing. For me, as much as that was my path to begin with. And
Claire Markwick:that was the route that I took. That was the journey that I
Claire Markwick:took. I always knew I always had this feeling that I was here to
Claire Markwick:do more that I was here to break the mold that I was here to rock
Claire Markwick:the boat that I was here to do something different. But I never
Claire Markwick:knew what that difference was. And in my mid 30s I got brave
Claire Markwick:enough to to try to venture out of the corporate world and to
Claire Markwick:see what that might look like. And as I say I'll go into more
Claire Markwick:of that story in the in the next episode.
Claire Markwick:But every single person in this community that I have come
Claire Markwick:across so far has a very different yet very similar story
Claire Markwick:to share. So whatever has led them to a point, they've reached
Claire Markwick:a point, they've reached either breaking point or a line in the
Claire Markwick:sand or a point at the point at which they have gone, you know
Claire Markwick:what, no life stop, like, stop like, this is my moment, this is
Claire Markwick:the line I'm drawing in the sound. This is where I make a
Claire Markwick:decision and make a change. And to me, hearing those stories,
Claire Markwick:hearing the the different struggles and challenges and
Claire Markwick:things that people have got through and seeing how this
Claire Markwick:online affiliate marketing business has been the vehicle
Claire Markwick:that has allowed them to break through that point that has kept
Claire Markwick:them so stuck, like, to me, this is so much more than just a
Claire Markwick:business. And I want to share that I want to celebrate that I
Claire Markwick:want to embrace that. So I'm putting it on the line, I'm
Claire Markwick:putting it out there right now, every single person that I
Claire Markwick:interview, or every single person that I intend to
Claire Markwick:interview at this point, is a part of the online high ticket
Claire Markwick:affiliate marketing business that I am a part of. So if
Claire Markwick:something about that triggers you, I'm putting it out there
Claire Markwick:right now you get to choose whether you listen or not. So
Claire Markwick:every single person is building a business within this space
Claire Markwick:within the platform that that that I have partnered with, we
Claire Markwick:are all following the same system, we are all following the
Claire Markwick:same steps we are all building the same thing. What is
Claire Markwick:different is where we've come from and what got us to that
Claire Markwick:point. What is different is what we intend to use this vehicle
Claire Markwick:for, like what are we building for what is our why every single
Claire Markwick:one of us has a different y has a different reason for doing
Claire Markwick:what we're doing. And I want to capture those reasons I want to
Claire Markwick:capture those stories, I want to capture those wise because every
Claire Markwick:single one of them has the power and the potential to inspire
Claire Markwick:something in new to ignite a spark to to light a flame to
Claire Markwick:open up a doorway to a whole different way of looking at
Claire Markwick:things and a whole different way of earning money and a whole
Claire Markwick:different way of living life. Now I cannot begin to put into
Claire Markwick:words, the difference that I feel in myself between this
Claire Markwick:point right here right now on the 23rd of September 2023, to
Claire Markwick:how I felt on the day in November 2022. When I felt like
Claire Markwick:my world had just come crashing down. I felt like I felt like
Claire Markwick:all the balls I was juggling finally dropped, I felt like the
Claire Markwick:weight that was on my shoulders finally brought me to my knees
Claire Markwick:like I literally felt broken. I cannot explain it any more than
Claire Markwick:that I felt broken. And as I say I'll go into it more in the next
Claire Markwick:in the next episode. So the difference, it was it, it's like
Claire Markwick:10 months ago, but it feels like 10 years ago because I am a
Claire Markwick:completely different person. And this business has completely and
Claire Markwick:utterly changed my life. And I don't say that mildly. And
Claire Markwick:Terry, my hubby has has called me out on it. He's like, Can you
Claire Markwick:can you really say that yet? You know, yes. You know, you're
Claire Markwick:earning money from it. But you know, it's not exactly life
Claire Markwick:changing income right now. And he's right, like, but it's not
Claire Markwick:about the income right now. It's not about when I say this
Claire Markwick:business has completely changed my life. That doesn't mean
Claire Markwick:financially right now. Yes, few $1,000 Extra has hit the bank
Claire Markwick:account over the last few months that wouldn't have had I not
Claire Markwick:have started this. But what has changed is my attitude. What has
Claire Markwick:changed is my mindset. What has changed is my belief in myself.
Claire Markwick:What has changed is my ability to feel hope to feel joy to see
Claire Markwick:possibility and to have a very clear path laid out in front of
Claire Markwick:me for exactly how I can achieve everything I want and more.
Claire Markwick:Everything we want as a family and more everything that we want
Claire Markwick:to do everything that we want to invest in everything that we
Claire Markwick:want to experience So I now have a pathway of exactly what I need
Claire Markwick:to do in order to achieve that. And I have never had that
Claire Markwick:before. I've had the, I've had the hope of it. I've had, I've
Claire Markwick:had the vision of it, I could see what I could do with the
Claire Markwick:right amount of money, but I've always had the, well how am I
Claire Markwick:going to bring that in? How am I going to do that? How am I going
Claire Markwick:to do that? And I've always had this belief that something will
Claire Markwick:come to me something will click into place. I'm doing what I'm
Claire Markwick:meant to be doing. And whilst that came very, very, very, very
Claire Markwick:strongly into question at the end of last year, I am so
Claire Markwick:freaking glad that I had the inner determination and grit,
Claire Markwick:resilience, pigheaded stubbornness, whatever the hell
Claire Markwick:you want to call it, I had enough power in me to work
Claire Markwick:through that low point because now I'm out the other side, I
Claire Markwick:see what it's all for. So this podcast, fierce woman rising is
Claire Markwick:all about sharing people's origin stories, it's sharing
Claire Markwick:people's backgrounds, sharing people's struggles, sharing the
Claire Markwick:point that got to the line in the sand, the point that got to
Claire Markwick:the decision of something has to give here before I give. And
Claire Markwick:before I completely break, because I believe those stories
Claire Markwick:are so inspirational, are so empowering. And if one of those
Claire Markwick:stories impacts one of you listening to this, and it
Claire Markwick:inspires you and motivates you to do something to step sideways
Claire Markwick:out of the hamster wheel that you feel so stuck in, then my
Claire Markwick:work here is done. And and I can go to bed and sleep easy each
Claire Markwick:night because I know that I have that I have inspire change. And
Claire Markwick:that's what I'm here to do with this podcast, I want to change
Claire Markwick:thinking I want to open your mind, I want you to see that
Claire Markwick:what you think is the limit of what is possible, is just the
Claire Markwick:freakin beginning. You know, what you're seeing right now is
Claire Markwick:only up to the limit of your own bullshit. So if we can break
Claire Markwick:through that if we can bust through that, why don't these
Claire Markwick:like a feel? I feel it's like this shroud, you know, like this
Claire Markwick:shield that's around us. And we can we can only see, as I said,
Claire Markwick:we can only see as far as our own bullshit. So if we can bust
Claire Markwick:that wall down and choose to look beyond it, not everyone's
Claire Markwick:going to want to step beyond it. Like, as I say, there's some
Claire Markwick:people who are quite comfortable staying in their little, little
Claire Markwick:bubble, and that's perfectly fine, perfectly fine. But for
Claire Markwick:those of you who have this feeling inside that there is
Claire Markwick:more, there is more in you, you are meant for more. You're not
Claire Markwick:meant for the mundane. You're not meant for what you're
Claire Markwick:currently doing. You're here for more, but you just don't know
Claire Markwick:how the hell to achieve it. Then, what I hope is that you
Claire Markwick:find a spark of inspiration in this show. So I'm really really
Claire Markwick:excited to share the stories with you. Share the challenges,
Claire Markwick:share the line in the sand moment, share the laughter share
Claire Markwick:the tears, share the inspiration, and let that light
Claire Markwick:that fire in you let that be the spark that guides you on your
Claire Markwick:way to creating your life by design.