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Revive Your Business: Proven Secrets to Transform Underperformers
Episode 6724th April 2024 • Push to be More • Matt Edmundson
00:00:00 00:47:56

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Join host Matt Edmundson as he talks with Stephen Whyte, an investor and business turnaround expert, on this week's episode of "Push To Be More." Stephen shares his experiences and insights on steering underperforming businesses towards profitability, the importance of effective leadership, and personal anecdotes that highlight his entrepreneurial journey.

Key Discussion Points:

Introduction to Stephen Whyte:

  • Background: Explore Stephen's journey in the B2B software sector and his recent shift from QADEX to NED Holdings.
  • Business Transformation: Insight into his effective strategies for revitalizing struggling businesses.

The Inspiration Behind Leadership:

  • Past Experiences: Understand how Stephen’s previous roles shaped his leadership style.
  • Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC): Discussion on the crucial role of GRC in maintaining the integrity and profitability of businesses.

Strategic Moves and Business Philosophy:

  • QADEX Exit and NED Holdings Leadership: Stephen explains his strategic departure from QADEX and his new leadership dynamics at NED Holdings.
  • Project Make Stephen Redundant: A unique initiative aimed at empowering teams and fostering business growth through autonomy.

Personal Reflections and Future Aspirations:

  • Work-Life Balance: Insights into managing personal life and career, including the transition to becoming an "empty nester."
  • Future Plans: Stephen shares his aspirations for the future and the strategic direction of NED Holdings after moving back to Ireland.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs:

  • Entrepreneurial Challenges: Addressing common hurdles like imposter syndrome and the importance of perseverance in entrepreneurship.

Stephen Whyte leaves us with profound lessons on leadership and the transformative power of effective governance and strategic foresight in business. Don’t miss this enlightening conversation, full of actionable insights for anyone looking to enhance their leadership skills or steer a business towards success.


Listen to this week’s episode of "Push To Be More" to gain from Stephen Whyte's invaluable experiences and forward-thinking business strategies!

 #BusinessTurnaround #LeadershipInsights #Entrepreneurship #StrategicLeadership


Matt Edmundson:

Hello and welcome to Push To Be More.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm your host, Matt Edmundson, and we are about to dive into

Matt Edmundson:

another deep exploration of what fuels the journey called life.

Matt Edmundson:

Yes, we are.

Matt Edmundson:

And dear listener, forgive my nasal tones.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm recovering from man flu.

Matt Edmundson:

Not so serious that I needed to call the paramedics, but close but

Matt Edmundson:

we're coming out the other side.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, joining me today, I have an exciting guest, Stephen Whyte from NED Holdings,

Matt Edmundson:

and we'll be delving into his unique experiences, the hurdles he's had to

Matt Edmundson:

push through, the way he recharges his batteries, and what more looks like.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, don't forget, all of the show notes and transcripts of our conversation

Matt Edmundson:

are going to be on the website.

Matt Edmundson:

See you there.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And whilst you're there, if you haven't done so already, sign up

Matt Edmundson:

for the newsletter because each week we will zip all of the shows,

Matt Edmundson:

insights, links and goodies directly to your inbox, absolutely for free.

Matt Edmundson:

Which is groovy, just like this music.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh yes, love the music playing in the background here.

Matt Edmundson:

Now this episode is proudly powered by Aurion Media, the magic behind the scenes

Matt Edmundson:

that lets entrepreneurs and business leaders like you and me amplify our

Matt Edmundson:

voices by hosting our own unique podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

Why on earth would you want to start your own podcast?

Matt Edmundson:

That is a great question.

Matt Edmundson:

Now let me tell you, my podcast journey itself has been amazing,

Matt Edmundson:

fantastic, and brilliant.

Matt Edmundson:

It's not just about the audience, it's about the people you connect

Matt Edmundson:

with, the guests like Stephen who we've got coming on the show.

Matt Edmundson:

It's given me a great platform to celebrate my customers,

Matt Edmundson:

my team, my suppliers.

Matt Edmundson:

And created a ripple of impact way beyond what I could have imagined, trust me.

Matt Edmundson:

But I get it, the tech stuff can feel daunting, setup, distribution, I don't

Matt Edmundson:

mean the whole strategy thing, there's a whole bunch of things that might

Matt Edmundson:

not make any kind of sense to you.

Matt Edmundson:

And who on earth wants to get tangled up in production?

Matt Edmundson:

That's where Aurion Media steps in, they are the backstage crew that makes

Matt Edmundson:

sure your show goes on flawlessly.

Matt Edmundson:

You get to do what you love.

Matt Edmundson:

Let's just chat into amazing people and Aurion Media gets to take care

Matt Edmundson:

of all the nitty gritty for you.

Matt Edmundson:

So if you've been wondering whether podcasting is the missing puzzle in

Matt Edmundson:

your marketing strategy, it's time to have a chat with Aurion Media.

Matt Edmundson:

Check them out at aurionmedia.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

That's A U R I O N media.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

That is the amazing Aurion Media.

Matt Edmundson:

Now with over 20 years in the game, Stephen is a seasoned

Matt Edmundson:

investor and turnaround maestro in the B2B software sphere.

Matt Edmundson:

After a victorious exit from QADEX in 2023, he is now at the helm of

Matt Edmundson:

NED Holdings steering underperforming businesses towards profitable shores.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh yes.

Matt Edmundson:

Always on the prowl for new investment adventures, Stephen

Matt Edmundson:

is the guiding force behind a burgeoning portfolio of tech success.

Matt Edmundson:

That's an impressive bio there, Stephen.

Matt Edmundson:

Welcome to the show.

Matt Edmundson:

Great to have you, man.

Matt Edmundson:

How are you doing?

Stephen Whyte:

Thank you very much, Matt.

Stephen Whyte:

It sounds so impressive.

Stephen Whyte:

I don't believe it, but it's not quite as good as you've made it sound.

Matt Edmundson:

We never live up to the hype, do we, in our own bios?

Matt Edmundson:

It's quite funny.

Matt Edmundson:

It's good to have a go.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, before we get into the conversation, it's fair to say that you were introduced

Matt Edmundson:

to the show by David Johnston, who has also been a guest on the show.

Matt Edmundson:

previous guest.

Matt Edmundson:

How do you know David?

Stephen Whyte:

Oh, David and I have intersected in the GRC space,

Stephen Whyte:

governance, risk and compliance space here in the UK over the past

Stephen Whyte:

two or three years, or probably no, probably past five or six years.

Stephen Whyte:

And David is a real taught leader in what's happening in GRC, which

Stephen Whyte:

for most people is quite a boring space because it's in the background.

Stephen Whyte:

It's Businesses, whether it be service businesses or software businesses that

Stephen Whyte:

are helping make the world a safer place.

Stephen Whyte:

And we only realize that the world is a safe place when stuff happens that

Stephen Whyte:

we realize it's not a safe place.

Stephen Whyte:

So keeping air airlines in the sky, keeping planes landing without crashing.

Stephen Whyte:

There's a lot of GRC in the background that no one even knows is happening.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, it's one of those things, isn't it, where David was a great

Matt Edmundson:

guest, by the way, and if you haven't heard the episode, do check it out dear

Matt Edmundson:

listener but it's one of those things, like you say, where I'm very grateful

Matt Edmundson:

for stuff that I don't know about, all this sort of stuff that happens in the

Matt Edmundson:

background that we just take for granted now, like a plane, we just assume the

Matt Edmundson:

plane's going to land when we get on it.

Matt Edmundson:

And there's a lot of people in the background making sure that

Matt Edmundson:

actually happens, which I'm, and if that's you, I'm very grateful.

Matt Edmundson:

No doubt.

Matt Edmundson:

Stephen, let's jump into this.

Matt Edmundson:

First question we like to ask guests.

Matt Edmundson:

Although technically, I appreciate this is the second question we're asking you

Matt Edmundson:

if we're going to get pedantic, which my son is, if he's listening we love to ask

Matt Edmundson:

guests if you had your own podcast, cause this show is sponsored by Aurion Media.

Matt Edmundson:

We're big fans of podcasting to, use podcasting to grow your own business.

Matt Edmundson:

If you did have your own podcasting, you could interview anybody on

Matt Edmundson:

your show, past or present, that's had a big influence on your life.

Matt Edmundson:

Who would you interview and why?

Stephen Whyte:

Probably a bit cheesy, you've probably heard this

Stephen Whyte:

before, but I'd interview my dad.

Stephen Whyte:

My dad passed six years ago.

Stephen Whyte:

I'm now a dad myself to an 18 year old and probably my biggest success I think

Stephen Whyte:

to date has been my son and seeing him grow and evolve and being a parent.

Stephen Whyte:

Is the one thing you don't get a second chance at.

Stephen Whyte:

There's no training course, there's no manual, there's no operator's

Stephen Whyte:

manual for becoming a dad.

Stephen Whyte:

So we all muddle along through it and the mistakes you make

Stephen Whyte:

can compound quite quickly.

Stephen Whyte:

Whereas the stuff you don't see the return for many years.

Stephen Whyte:

So yeah, I'd go back and interview my dad because We all

Stephen Whyte:

are turning into our parents.

Stephen Whyte:

So what my wife will frequently remind me of my bad traits that I have

Stephen Whyte:

picked up from my mom, for example, without the positive traits, et cetera

Stephen Whyte:

but yeah, I think understand my dad more and his decisions and his life

Stephen Whyte:

journey, because his life journey became the formative years of my.

Stephen Whyte:

Personal journey.

Stephen Whyte:

And I'm a big believer in both nature and nurture.

Stephen Whyte:

I think as human beings, our nature gives us possibly a leg up in life,

Stephen Whyte:

but the environment that we are born into and how we're nurtured in that

Stephen Whyte:

environment also has a massive impact.

Stephen Whyte:

So I'm certain that my dad has had a huge formative influence on me,

Stephen Whyte:

so a conversation with him would help me understand myself better.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, that's really interesting, isn't it,

Matt Edmundson:

that you talk about that, and I think, Were you close to your dad?

Matt Edmundson:

Were you and your dad mates?

Matt Edmundson:

Was that a good relationship?

Stephen Whyte:

Yeah, we were always very close.

Stephen Whyte:

We were always good friends.

Stephen Whyte:

But when I suppose I'm coming towards the end of my parenting

Stephen Whyte:

journey with my son being 18.

Stephen Whyte:

And as I frequently remind him, he'll be leaving next year.

Stephen Whyte:

And we'll be pushing him out to fly on his own.

Stephen Whyte:

And we will not be boomerang parents.

Stephen Whyte:

Fingers crossed.

Stephen Whyte:

When I was young, my dad was very busy making ends meet

Stephen Whyte:

on a very small Irish farm.

Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

it was a very tough environment.

Stephen Whyte:

He was building a farm from nothing where farming was not his actual vocation.

Stephen Whyte:

He was reluctant farmer.

Stephen Whyte:

He didn't, if he had his time over again, he would not have been a farmer.

Stephen Whyte:

He would have been a medic or a legal professional.

Stephen Whyte:

That was his real calling, but he had to farm because that's why the

Stephen Whyte:

way Irish economy worked back then.

Stephen Whyte:

So when he, when I was young, he was very busy.

Stephen Whyte:

So that juggling of work life balance, we're all dealing with it today.

Stephen Whyte:

My dad was dealing with it as well.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

It's some, it's not a new thing, is it?

Matt Edmundson:

The work life balance is something that we've always had to juggle with, I think.

Matt Edmundson:

It's interesting.

Matt Edmundson:

Your son is now 18.

Matt Edmundson:

And you'll come into that sort of phase of life, which we call

Matt Edmundson:

the empty nester phase, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

So two of my boys I have three kids, two boys and a daughter.

Matt Edmundson:

So my two boys have.

Matt Edmundson:

They're both over 18.

Matt Edmundson:

They're both at uni.

Matt Edmundson:

They both left home.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's just a really interesting phase of life now, for me and my

Matt Edmundson:

wife, where a daughter in a few years time, she'll be moving away from home.

Matt Edmundson:

And you're starting to think of life, I think, in a, in quite a

Matt Edmundson:

different way all of a sudden, and I have you thought about that?

Matt Edmundson:

The empty nester thing?

Matt Edmundson:

How's that sort of impacted you guys?

Stephen Whyte:

Yes gearing up for it, gearing up for it.

Stephen Whyte:

We've been very fortunate in our personal circumstance that the exit.

Stephen Whyte:

From the quad X business in eight, nine months ago has been a catalyst

Stephen Whyte:

for a complete new chapter.

Stephen Whyte:

So we're actually relocating our family next year from the UK to Ireland.

Stephen Whyte:

So after circa 30 years in the UK, I would be relocating back home,

Stephen Whyte:

technically back to where I was born.

Stephen Whyte:

So it, we're having to rediscover one another.

Stephen Whyte:

Be, and I know a lot of relationships can struggle in that transition because

Stephen Whyte:

you've spent the last 18 years or whatever length of time as parents on

Stephen Whyte:

a joint enterprise, trying to raise kids, trying to make ends meet, trying

Stephen Whyte:

to get your own personal space and work life balance, and suddenly you're you.

Stephen Whyte:

Your face with empty nesting and it catches up on you a

Stephen Whyte:

lot quicker than you realize.

Stephen Whyte:

So far, so good.

Stephen Whyte:

I'm really looking forward to it.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, no, absolutely.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's awesome that you guys are moving back to Ireland.

Matt Edmundson:

Is that something you've wanted to do for a while?

Stephen Whyte:

It's well, I relocated to the UK in 1994 and it was for one year.

Stephen Whyte:

So I said to my family, I'm going to the UK for a year, a career opportunity was

Stephen Whyte:

presented to me with the company I was working for to move to the UK, to work

Stephen Whyte:

on an acquisition and an integration of a business within the corporate

Stephen Whyte:

that I was working for at the time.

Stephen Whyte:

So I said, yeah, I'll give it a year.

Stephen Whyte:

29 years ago

Matt Edmundson:

that's really funny.

Matt Edmundson:

When I moved to Liverpool, I was like, I'm just going up for university

Matt Edmundson:

which in my head was three years.

Matt Edmundson:

And there I am 31 years later, I still live in the city which is, I think in

Matt Edmundson:

the UK is probably as close to Ireland as I can get whilst being in the UK.

Stephen Whyte:

That's right, that's very much I spent a lot of time

Stephen Whyte:

in Liverpool, beautiful city.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah absolutely.

Matt Edmundson:

New chapter awaits, what you had this company QADEX if I'm

Matt Edmundson:

pronouncing that right, Stephen.

Matt Edmundson:

What was that and why did you feel like it was time to exit?

Stephen Whyte:

So QADEX was a business that I founded in 2007

Stephen Whyte:

as a software platform to manage risk within the food supply chain.

Stephen Whyte:

And I had worked in food manufacturing for the previous nine, 10 years of my

Stephen Whyte:

career as a corporate, as an accountant, I was a qualified accountant, but I

Stephen Whyte:

always, I suppose from my upbringing for my farming upbringing, I always had this

Stephen Whyte:

itch to run my own business or be involved as a shareholder in my own business.

Stephen Whyte:

So I set up the quad X business in 2007.

Stephen Whyte:

I did not have a clue what I was doing.

Stephen Whyte:

I just thought there would be an opportunity.

Stephen Whyte:

This was if you think this was the start of SAS in 2007 software as a service was

Stephen Whyte:

only really a merging as an opportunity.

Stephen Whyte:

So there were so many spheres of business and industry that were

Stephen Whyte:

manual, that were still manual, that were open to be digitized.

Stephen Whyte:

So I could see the opportunity to digitize risk management of the food supply chain.

Stephen Whyte:

So I said, I'll do that.

Stephen Whyte:

I'll set up a software business, having no idea how software is going to work.

Stephen Whyte:

Designed or built or deployed, et cetera.

Stephen Whyte:

I just gave it a go.

Stephen Whyte:

And it's, so I started in that journey in 2007.

Stephen Whyte:

I was very lucky in so much as the business didn't fail.

Stephen Whyte:

It, it stumbled from small success to small success and just

Stephen Whyte:

got slightly bigger each time.

Stephen Whyte:

We bootstrapped the business.

Stephen Whyte:

So I never had external shareholders.

Stephen Whyte:

It was myself.

Stephen Whyte:

I was a single loan founder, bootstrapped the business.

Stephen Whyte:

And it just.

Stephen Whyte:

Didn't fail.

Stephen Whyte:

We got product market fit.

Stephen Whyte:

We got some customers.

Stephen Whyte:

We kept reinvesting in the platform.

Stephen Whyte:

And I suppose 15 years later, it was an overnight success.

Matt Edmundson:

I love that.

Matt Edmundson:

I've heard that before.

Matt Edmundson:

It's such a great phrase, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

No, no one remembers.

Stephen Whyte:

No one remembers the 14 years of blood, sweat and tears.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And especially for you as the founder, I was talking to my wife

Matt Edmundson:

about this that, we often will read autobiographies, and you read people's

Matt Edmundson:

story and in those books, they tell you all the good things that happened.

Matt Edmundson:

Do you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

This happened and that was amazing and all this sort of stuff.

Matt Edmundson:

What you don't read in any book and what they never tell you is.

Matt Edmundson:

Between that story and that story was eight months of sheer boredom because

Matt Edmundson:

they were working so hard to try and get from that part to that part.

Matt Edmundson:

But it's not, and it's just not an interesting story, is it?

Matt Edmundson:

So we never hear that.

Matt Edmundson:

We often hear the sort of the crest of the wave in a lot of ways.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's funny.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

15 years to being an overnight success.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's so true.

Matt Edmundson:

So the business then you exited what are you doing now?

Stephen Whyte:

I suppose it's that my current career started in 2019.

Stephen Whyte:

So the QADEX business had got to a scale where I was really fortunate to

Stephen Whyte:

have a very good management team who were running that business day to day.

Stephen Whyte:

And truth be told, they told me I was getting in their way.

Matt Edmundson:

I've heard that so many times from my management

Stephen Whyte:

team, yeah.

Stephen Whyte:

And the individuals, the team were better at everything than I was.

Stephen Whyte:

So there was not a job in the business in 2019 that couldn't be done better

Stephen Whyte:

by someone else in the business.

Stephen Whyte:

So we, the team started saying, and I started to realize I was getting

Stephen Whyte:

in their way in getting in the way of their personal development.

Stephen Whyte:

So one of my team who shall, a lady called Gemma came up with the concept

Stephen Whyte:

of project mixed, even redundant.

Stephen Whyte:

And she very passionately took the lead on the project, Make

Stephen Whyte:

Stephen Redundant in 2018.

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

Well done

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

And I leaned into that as well.

Stephen Whyte:

I leaned into that project and basically we identified stuff that

Stephen Whyte:

I was still doing in the business.

Stephen Whyte:

Delegated those tasks, those responsibilities to others, which

Stephen Whyte:

was amazing to see how quickly other members of the team picked up those

Stephen Whyte:

responsibilities I had and did it better than I had ever done it.

Stephen Whyte:

That was incredibly rewarding to realize, actually, I was the

Stephen Whyte:

limiting factor in the business.

Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

So as that project progressed, I started

Stephen Whyte:

looking at what do I do?

Stephen Whyte:

Because I suppose I'm a bit like a shark.

Stephen Whyte:

I'm not a shark, but I have to keep moving.

Stephen Whyte:

If I stop moving, I would die.

Stephen Whyte:

I have to keep doing.

Stephen Whyte:

So I said, what are we good at?

Stephen Whyte:

What do we do have?

Stephen Whyte:

We have a lot of skills within our business and we're good

Stephen Whyte:

at software development.

Stephen Whyte:

And we had 40 odd engineers and testers in our software team.

Stephen Whyte:

So I said, okay, maybe we could acquire Other software businesses.

Stephen Whyte:

And help them become successful.

Stephen Whyte:

And that, that started with our first small acquisition in 2019.

Stephen Whyte:

And we've gone on and subsequently done seven acquisitions

Stephen Whyte:

between 2019 and to date.

Stephen Whyte:

And that has now become NED Holdings, which is a.

Stephen Whyte:

Basically a buy and build and invest platform around B2B software businesses.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And is that any B2B software business or are you sticking to a specific

Matt Edmundson:

niche like the food industry?

Stephen Whyte:

No, any B2B software because B2B software is

Stephen Whyte:

quite a niche in its own right.

Stephen Whyte:

So we will not look at business consumer software because I am the

Stephen Whyte:

most unfashionable guy in the world.

Stephen Whyte:

Miss fashion trends and always wear the wrong clothes and always unfashionable.

Stephen Whyte:

So I'm going to, we steer clear of business to consumer, but business

Stephen Whyte:

to business, I suppose the business.

Stephen Whyte:

Sales cycle and how to sell to businesses and how to support businesses and

Stephen Whyte:

how to make money from selling and supporting to businesses, whether it

Stephen Whyte:

be software as a recurring revenue or professional services aligned to

Stephen Whyte:

software, I get and I understand.

Stephen Whyte:

So that, that's why we focus.

Stephen Whyte:

So we have businesses that are communications businesses.

Stephen Whyte:

That are testing GRC businesses that are medical technology businesses.

Stephen Whyte:

So anything B2B, we will look at as long as we can see a thesis

Stephen Whyte:

for how we can help that business be a better version of itself.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

No, fair enough.

Matt Edmundson:

That sounds great.

Matt Edmundson:

And you, I just want to go back to Project Make Stephen Redundant, right?

Matt Edmundson:

Because this is an interesting thing.

Matt Edmundson:

When I was working, my, my one and only job where I wasn't my own business,

Matt Edmundson:

I was working for a guy called Simon and Simon has been on the show, Simon

Matt Edmundson:

O'Shaughnessy, one of my very first guests, still a very good friend of mine.

Matt Edmundson:

Love the man to bits.

Matt Edmundson:

We catch up every month.

Matt Edmundson:

He now lives in New Zealand and I'm stuck in Liverpool slightly jealous

Matt Edmundson:

if I'm honest with you, Stephen.

Matt Edmundson:

But Simon decided he was going to sell the business.

Matt Edmundson:

So he wanted to not, he wanted to step away from it so the business

Matt Edmundson:

could function without him.

Matt Edmundson:

And he went away.

Matt Edmundson:

I think for four or five weeks.

Matt Edmundson:

And this was, he told me this.

Matt Edmundson:

So I took this literally.

Matt Edmundson:

So by the time he came back five weeks later, he had no office.

Matt Edmundson:

I'd taken away his office and all his toys.

Matt Edmundson:

And in fact, I'd put myself in his office and I'd given him a little

Matt Edmundson:

desk space right at the back of the, right at the back of the building,

Matt Edmundson:

away from everything and anyone.

Matt Edmundson:

So he just couldn't interfere.

Matt Edmundson:

And whilst I did what he, I took literally what he said, he wasn't

Matt Edmundson:

actually that happy because it just hit him all of a sudden.

Matt Edmundson:

Actually, this is what it really means.

Matt Edmundson:

So I'm curious when you did the Project Make Stephen Redundant?

Matt Edmundson:

How did you feel about that?

Stephen Whyte:

I felt great because as I realized, That each responsibility

Stephen Whyte:

I had was being done better to a higher standard when it was

Stephen Whyte:

delegated to a member of the team.

Stephen Whyte:

It was the, that really made me realize that I was a limiting factor

Stephen Whyte:

and I've always had this drive.

Stephen Whyte:

For continual improvement, no matter how good something is, I want it to be better.

Stephen Whyte:

So it's a perennial and I suppose I have OCD tendencies as well, but it

Stephen Whyte:

was this realization that whether it be sales or finance or marketing, other

Stephen Whyte:

members of the team were better at it.

Stephen Whyte:

Than I was.

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

That then it was crazy for me to keep doing stuff.

Stephen Whyte:

And if anything, if I had delegated stuff earlier, we would've

Stephen Whyte:

achieved more as a business.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

That's very true.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think for a lot of people, a lot of business leaders, that idea that someone

Matt Edmundson:

in the business can do it better than.

Matt Edmundson:

We can mentally go, that sounds great, but actually emotionally, I

Matt Edmundson:

think it can make entrepreneurs and leaders feel a little bit insecure.

Matt Edmundson:

Do you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

but we have insecurities.

Stephen Whyte:

One of my challenges, and I know we might talk about

Stephen Whyte:

challenges later, is insecurity.

Stephen Whyte:

And imposter syndrome.

Stephen Whyte:

I struggle big time with imposter syndrome

Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

And I don't think that ever goes away.

Stephen Whyte:

I'm personally, I'm quite fortunate now.

Stephen Whyte:

I've got some friends who are very successful heading towards

Stephen Whyte:

billionaire type territory.

Stephen Whyte:

When you sit with these individuals and you have open conversations and we

Stephen Whyte:

have the same insecurities and imposter syndrome and fear, I think the drive

Stephen Whyte:

that you innately have to build and create businesses doesn't go away when

Stephen Whyte:

those businesses become successful.

Stephen Whyte:

That internal fear and insecurity is always there.

Matt Edmundson:

That's fair enough.

Matt Edmundson:

You mentioned it challenges.

Matt Edmundson:

So you've obviously had.

Matt Edmundson:

An interesting journey quite a fun journey by the sound of it, and it sounds like

Matt Edmundson:

you've got a great team behind you, but I'm assuming it's not all plain sailing.

Matt Edmundson:

You talked about imposter syndrome.

Matt Edmundson:

Was that, has that been your biggest challenge or is there,

Matt Edmundson:

are there other things that you've had to deal with that were bigger?

Stephen Whyte:

I think for me, insecurity.

Stephen Whyte:

And Imposter Syndrome are the two biggest challenges because they're the challenges

Stephen Whyte:

I have not been able to overcome.

Stephen Whyte:

So the building a business and anyone who's on here who has built and exited a

Stephen Whyte:

business or is currently on their journey of building their business will know

Stephen Whyte:

that you're being hit with challenges every day, every week, every month.

Stephen Whyte:

And just the magnitude of those challenges change, but you're

Stephen Whyte:

constantly being hit with challenges.

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

The successful business leader overcomes those challenges and there's

Stephen Whyte:

too many, the mistakes the other challenges, learning from mistakes and

Stephen Whyte:

not getting hung up on your mistakes because the mistakes I've made so many

Stephen Whyte:

mistakes and some of them very bad.

Stephen Whyte:

Big mistakes.

Stephen Whyte:

I'm able to move on from that,

Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

the challenges I've not personally been able to overcome

Stephen Whyte:

is imposter syndrome and insecurity.

Stephen Whyte:

I know I am successful as a business person.

Stephen Whyte:

I've achieved quite a bit with my business career.

Stephen Whyte:

Technically, if I wanted to, I don't, I never need to work another day in my

Stephen Whyte:

life, but I'm still full of insecurities.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

It's interesting.

Stephen Whyte:

And where do you think they came from, Stephen?

Stephen Whyte:

I don't know, coming back on your point earlier maybe the conversation with

Stephen Whyte:

my dad would have helped under uncover the insecurities, but I suspect from

Stephen Whyte:

speaking to other entrepreneurs that I know, and I'm friendly with, they're,

Stephen Whyte:

they have their insecurities as well.

Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

I suspect there is a.

Stephen Whyte:

thesis somewhere in some university that needs to go away

Stephen Whyte:

and research the insecurities of successful business people.

Stephen Whyte:

And I would, I suspect a lot of them have insecurities.

Stephen Whyte:

Because that's what I suppose that could be the well that this drive comes from,

Stephen Whyte:

because why would someone give up a very well paying corporate career, which I did?

Stephen Whyte:

I was a board level person in a large food group in my twenties.

Stephen Whyte:

I was sorted from a career point of view.

Stephen Whyte:

Why did I give up all of that and take the risk on an entrepreneurial journey?

Stephen Whyte:

I don't know.

Stephen Whyte:

I really don't know.

Stephen Whyte:

And it's beyond me because I'm not an academic, but I suspect

Stephen Whyte:

a lot of successful people have these insecurities underneath.

Stephen Whyte:

They may not say it.

Stephen Whyte:

They may not say it.

Stephen Whyte:

I think one of the things I think the pandemic has been really Beneficial

Stephen Whyte:

in is it's helped us to be more open.

Stephen Whyte:

I think blocks in particular, don't share their internal fears and insecurities.

Stephen Whyte:

They put up a front, everything's good here.

Stephen Whyte:

Nothing to see.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

It's interesting that, it's a shocking statistic, but I think it's young men in

Matt Edmundson:

their early twenties who are more prone to suicide than any other group of people.

Matt Edmundson:

And a lot of it comes down to men not having the ability to

Matt Edmundson:

talk and deal with, what is going on emotionally and internally.

Matt Edmundson:

And I, and it's sad and it's shocking and it's true.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think one of the things success does, and maybe part of the reason why

Matt Edmundson:

entrepreneurs Successes, entrepreneurs, when they're successful, it masks their

Matt Edmundson:

insecurities because it's, you can point to that and go, this has worked well.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm actually maybe people will think I'm okay because I've proven

Matt Edmundson:

that I can be successful here.

Matt Edmundson:

And the other thing that I've noticed with entrepreneurs, and that again, not

Matt Edmundson:

true for everybody, I'm definitely not a psychologist, but one of the things

Matt Edmundson:

that I've noticed is that we work very hard and to be successful because maybe

Matt Edmundson:

that's the only thing in life that is giving us validation for ourselves.

Matt Edmundson:

Especially, sad, but a lot of people might have an unhappy relationship,

Matt Edmundson:

and they're not getting that.

Matt Edmundson:

Sense of contentment and validation from that relationship.

Matt Edmundson:

So they turn to their business and pour all their effort in their

Matt Edmundson:

business because that's something that they can control in a lot of ways.

Matt Edmundson:

And when it's successful it validates us.

Matt Edmundson:

But at the heart of that lies this insecurity aspect that you

Matt Edmundson:

talk about, Stephen, doesn't it?

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

I personally, I also think if the entrepreneur can balance their family life

Stephen Whyte:

and bring the, I suppose the resilience.

Stephen Whyte:

and the effort that they make with their business

Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

bring some of that home with them at the weekend and to their

Stephen Whyte:

family and invest energy in their family the same way they've invested

Stephen Whyte:

energy in the business they can actually address some of the challenges in their

Stephen Whyte:

personal life because I have yet to meet someone amongst my friendship group

Stephen Whyte:

who will say that their relationship with their life partner has been

Stephen Whyte:

completely perfect from day one.

Stephen Whyte:

I think business is a series of peaks and troughs.

Matt Edmundson:

I think

Stephen Whyte:

relationships, whether it be with your partner or your children,

Stephen Whyte:

is a series of peaks and troughs.

Stephen Whyte:

And if you can invest your time In trying to make your personal life successful

Stephen Whyte:

in the same way as you do with your business, you can probably juggle both.

Stephen Whyte:

I feel, I personally feel blessed.

Stephen Whyte:

I've only got one, one kid my son, who I mentioned earlier, I am in complete awe

Stephen Whyte:

of Families who have three, four children.

Stephen Whyte:

I couldn't have co opted three or four children.

Stephen Whyte:

I was just about able to invest the time in one child to ensure I was

Stephen Whyte:

present when I needed to be present to ensure we've got to a point

Stephen Whyte:

where he is probably my best friend.

Stephen Whyte:

And probably if you'd asked me for a second person who I would

Stephen Whyte:

like to interview on my podcast, after my dad had probably.

Stephen Whyte:

probably be my son because I'm very proud of the young man he has become.

Matt Edmundson:

That's amazing.

Matt Edmundson:

That's amazing.

Matt Edmundson:

And you said at the start, actually the biggest success has been your son.

Matt Edmundson:

And it sounds listening to you, Stephen, that's been very intentional.

Matt Edmundson:

It wasn't by accident.

Stephen Whyte:

No, I wouldn't say so.

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

This might get me into a lot of trouble, but I was an awful, I was an

Stephen Whyte:

awful parent for the first 18 months.

Stephen Whyte:

In the first 18 months, I pretty much.

Stephen Whyte:

Steered as clear as I could from being a hands on parent, changing nappies and

Stephen Whyte:

getting up in the middle of the night.

Stephen Whyte:

I very much delegated that responsibility.

Stephen Whyte:

And I've, I suppose I like to delegate, but that's something that most dads

Stephen Whyte:

now don't delegate the lean in.

Stephen Whyte:

I didn't lean in on, I would say it was only when my son

Stephen Whyte:

probably turned four or five.

Stephen Whyte:

And he started getting interested in sports and doing physical stuff

Stephen Whyte:

that I started to lean in and build a relationship with him.

Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

because there was only one kid, because my

Stephen Whyte:

siblings all have larger families.

Stephen Whyte:

So they're juggling work, life and family.

Stephen Whyte:

And a bigger family.

Stephen Whyte:

And that's a huge, you're spreading yourself very thinly.

Stephen Whyte:

Because I only had one son.

Stephen Whyte:

I was able to get to pretty much all sports days, get to key milestone events

Stephen Whyte:

in his life that I probably wouldn't have been able to do if I'd had four children.

Stephen Whyte:


Matt Edmundson:

It's interesting, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

I've got three and I would, like you, I would say that I have a great

Matt Edmundson:

relationship with all of my kids.

Matt Edmundson:

They're all amazing.

Matt Edmundson:

And I'm super proud of every single one of them.

Matt Edmundson:

I think they've become very good human beings and I think they'll

Matt Edmundson:

contribute a lot to the world.

Matt Edmundson:

And as a dad, you when they fly the nest and they go Turn from a kid to being

Matt Edmundson:

a man or from a girl to being a woman, you are you are both proud of them

Matt Edmundson:

and you look at it and go, I'm super thankful I was part of that journey.

Matt Edmundson:

And you just nothing but grateful in a lot of ways, aren't you?

Matt Edmundson:

And you get to play a role in that, which was lovely.

Matt Edmundson:

And you get them to see them play their part.

Matt Edmundson:

But I think from my point of view raising three kids and I've been

Matt Edmundson:

married 25 years, I am still in love with my wife as I was on day one.

Matt Edmundson:

She is, if not more, she's an absolute legend.

Matt Edmundson:

That, like you say, if you.

Matt Edmundson:

That's not a, that just doesn't happen.

Matt Edmundson:

You have to invest in, in that family aspect of it.

Matt Edmundson:

And I'm super glad that I did.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's interesting.

Matt Edmundson:

You talk about the peaks and troughs in relationships, with your kids,

Matt Edmundson:

with your wife in business, I find now that it's very easy to bail when

Matt Edmundson:

things start to get difficult when you start to get into the trough.

Matt Edmundson:

So, And I have theories as to why this is, Stephen, but it's interesting, isn't

Matt Edmundson:

it, that if things become difficult, if things become complex, it's a lot

Matt Edmundson:

easier to bail now and go, I'm out.

Matt Edmundson:

Were you ever tempted in business in life when things were

Matt Edmundson:

difficult just to go, I'm out.

Matt Edmundson:

I need to escape this, or was it always a case of, no, I'm in

Matt Edmundson:

this, I've got to make this work?

Stephen Whyte:

No, the temptations to give up on the business were

Stephen Whyte:

there multiple times and in our relationship over the years, there

Stephen Whyte:

were very low moments as well.

Stephen Whyte:

And we had open conversations about it, but I suppose, again, I was

Stephen Whyte:

quite lucky in that I realized that.

Stephen Whyte:

I'm a difficult person to live with.

Stephen Whyte:

So therefore I recognize I was very lucky that I had a wife who was prepared to live

Stephen Whyte:

with me and come with me on the journey.

Stephen Whyte:

So no, I suppose you get to a point and I got to get you.

Stephen Whyte:

You don't get complacent, but you get to a point where you're

Stephen Whyte:

actually very comfortable.

Stephen Whyte:

So I really couldn't be bothered now because I like you, Matt.

Stephen Whyte:

I actually love my wife.

Stephen Whyte:

I can see myself.

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

I would be knowing another 29 years this year.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh, congrats,

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

I'm going to get myself into trouble now.

Stephen Whyte:

I'm not exactly sure how many years we're married.

Stephen Whyte:

I wasn't proud for it.

Stephen Whyte:

We're 20 plus years married.

Stephen Whyte:

I know we celebrated 20 years in the past two or three years.

Stephen Whyte:

We're 20 plus years married.

Stephen Whyte:

I think it's 21st of April is her anniversary.

Stephen Whyte:

I'm shit with stuff like that, but I suppose what I will, what I'm very

Stephen Whyte:

comfortable saying is I'm very looking forward to the next 20 years with my wife.

Stephen Whyte:

And I think that'll probably steam me out because if she puts up with

Stephen Whyte:

me for another 20 years, that's going to take me into my early seventies.

Stephen Whyte:

If I survive till then it'll be a good innings anyway.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, absolutely.

Matt Edmundson:

No, I'm, I totally agree.

Matt Edmundson:

Totally agree.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

It's great.

Matt Edmundson:

It's lovely to hear, and super, super awesome.

Matt Edmundson:

So all this stuff is going on, obviously you're working hard in business.

Matt Edmundson:

Stephen, one of the things we love to ask guests is how you, how do you

Matt Edmundson:

recharge your batteries personally?

Matt Edmundson:

How do you, um, how do you do that?

Matt Edmundson:

Because it sounds like there's a lot going on.

Matt Edmundson:

Do you do anything intentional or is it?

Matt Edmundson:

Is it just happenstance?

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

I do a lot of walking with the dog.

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

And some of my best thinking is when I'm out walking, put headphones on, listen

Stephen Whyte:

to some good music, listen to some podcasts or audible books, et cetera.

Stephen Whyte:

So walking is fantastic from a recharging point of view.

Stephen Whyte:

But as I mentioned earlier, I'm a bit of a shark.

Stephen Whyte:

I have to keep moving the whole time.

Stephen Whyte:

I can say this now.

Stephen Whyte:

Having exited Quad Exit earlier this year, I've actually gone back to my

Stephen Whyte:

childhood love of driving tractors.

Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

so some people sell their businesses and buy a Ferrari

Stephen Whyte:

or buy a field in the me somewhere.

Stephen Whyte:

You bought

Matt Edmundson:

a tractor.

Matt Edmundson:

, Stephen Whyte: I bought a tractor and I go Tractoring.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

Because one of the challenges with what we do now, which is buying

Stephen Whyte:

businesses and turning them around is you can go months and months

Stephen Whyte:

and months with nothing happening.

Stephen Whyte:

So tractoring allows me to just be doing stuff yet be patient and wait

Stephen Whyte:

for the right deal to come along because it's very easy to swing

Stephen Whyte:

at every deal that comes at you.

Stephen Whyte:

The real skill is only to swing at the ones where you know you

Stephen Whyte:

can make a difference and you know you can drive real value.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, absolutely.

Matt Edmundson:

I love that.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I used to when I was younger, Stephen, when I was about 18, I

Matt Edmundson:

volunteered to work at a children's home in the States, North Carolina.

Matt Edmundson:

And I did this as a gap year between, a sixth form in university.

Matt Edmundson:

And part of my job at the children's home was to spend two days a week

Matt Edmundson:

riding a John Deere tractor mowing.

Matt Edmundson:

Hundreds of acres of grass for this children's, land was

Matt Edmundson:

abundant, let me tell you.

Matt Edmundson:

And I would spend hours on this giant, became very acquainted

Matt Edmundson:

with the John Deere tractor.

Matt Edmundson:

And this was back in the days when we didn't have MP3 players,

Matt Edmundson:

we had cassettes in Walkman.

Matt Edmundson:

Do you remember them, right?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And you were lucky to get 90 minutes on a tape and you could flip it over.

Matt Edmundson:

And in fact, my Walkman was so advanced, you didn't have to

Matt Edmundson:

take it out to flip it over.

Matt Edmundson:

You push the button.

Matt Edmundson:

Or the reverse.

Matt Edmundson:

Or the reverse.

Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

remember it.

Matt Edmundson:

Amazing life changing technology.

Matt Edmundson:

And so I'm sitting here listening to you talk about riding a tractor

Matt Edmundson:

and I'm thinking, you know what?

Matt Edmundson:

That's taken me back because they were some of the best days.

Matt Edmundson:

You just, you knew you would spend two days just listening to music,

Matt Edmundson:

thinking, just riding up and down in the North Carolina sunshine, just up and

Matt Edmundson:

down those fields without any agenda.

Matt Edmundson:

And it was stunningly amazing.

Matt Edmundson:

And I just need to find someone with a field that I can ride

Matt Edmundson:

a tractor up and down, right?

Stephen Whyte:

Or find someone, Matt, reach out, I'll get you tractoring

Stephen Whyte:

opportunities in Ireland anytime you want.

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

Every summer, the farming contractors over there are crying out for able

Stephen Whyte:

bodied people who can drive tractors.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm seeing a new business opportunity here, Stephen.

Matt Edmundson:

It's just I'm going to take burnout executives, and I'm going to

Matt Edmundson:

send them to your farm for three weeks just to drive a tractor.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And it'd be amazing.

Stephen Whyte:

It'll be a chargeable experience.

Stephen Whyte:

Actually, Matt, we've got a business opportunity there.

Stephen Whyte:

If we use your podcast, we can set up a business whereby

Stephen Whyte:

we do Tractoring Experiences.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm loving that.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm going to check the domain name, Tractoring Experiences,

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

You know that, I'm loving that.

Matt Edmundson:

That's fantastic.

Matt Edmundson:

I definitely get the Tractoring.

Matt Edmundson:

But you like walking.

Matt Edmundson:

Is there a specific place you like to walk?

Matt Edmundson:

Have you got a, do you like to get up out in the hills?

Stephen Whyte:

Yeah, we're very lucky here where we live in rural Leicestershire.

Stephen Whyte:

We're in a small village in England and the, we're near the River Soar and we

Stephen Whyte:

have a place called Cossington Meadows, which is a nature reserve of several,

Stephen Whyte:

probably a couple of hundred acres.

Stephen Whyte:

So we can, I generally can walk six, seven, eight kilometers most

Stephen Whyte:

mornings with the dog, weather permitting in the open countryside.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

It's lovely.

Stephen Whyte:

It's re it really does recharge the batteries.

Stephen Whyte:

Particularly in the summer when I go out early at five o'clock in the morning.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh, geez, yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

See, that's one of the things I miss living in Liverpool.

Matt Edmundson:

Liverpool is a great place, but it is a city.

Matt Edmundson:

And so the countryside is a drive.

Matt Edmundson:

You can't just, you've got to be intentional.

Matt Edmundson:

What does growth look like?

Matt Edmundson:

What does more look like for you?

Matt Edmundson:

Where's the future heading?

Stephen Whyte:

Growth is continuing to be free which I am, and pursue

Stephen Whyte:

whatever projects I want to pursue.

Stephen Whyte:

But as I suppose growth, I suppose commercially is finding

Stephen Whyte:

more software businesses.

Stephen Whyte:

We can help turn around, we can help bring them to a better place.

Stephen Whyte:

There are some, we all know the very successful software businesses,

Stephen Whyte:

but there's a lot of software businesses and software founders

Stephen Whyte:

who are just about surviving.

Stephen Whyte:

They're not enjoying their business, they're not making good money

Stephen Whyte:

running their businesses, et cetera.

Stephen Whyte:

We're able to work with those teams and

Stephen Whyte:

transition doors for businesses to be successful, growing profitable businesses.

Stephen Whyte:

So it's my, it's finding more of those opportunities and then

Stephen Whyte:

developing the team because I'm very fortunate again to have some, a

Stephen Whyte:

really good leadership team around me.

Stephen Whyte:

I've got a fantastic Chief Operating Officer, Chief Technical Officer,

Stephen Whyte:

Chief Financial Officer, helping them develop and grow and helping

Stephen Whyte:

their teams develop and grow.

Stephen Whyte:

As was one of my I suppose mos are, is do as little as possible.

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

Yeah, delegate.

Stephen Whyte:

I do as little as possible so I can be off walking the dog or thinking

Stephen Whyte:

about stuff or Tractoring, et cetera, and let the team deliver stuff because

Stephen Whyte:

again, they're better at it than me because I fit all over the place.

Stephen Whyte:

So yeah, growth is, find more businesses, more opportunities

Stephen Whyte:

where we can turn businesses around, but we're not in any rush.

Stephen Whyte:

We're not in any rush.

Stephen Whyte:

We will wait till the right opportunity presents itself.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, fair enough.

Matt Edmundson:

What sort of businesses do you work well with?

Matt Edmundson:

If anyone's listening, what's the sort of criteria I suppose that you're thinking

Matt Edmundson:

about when you're looking for companies?

Stephen Whyte:

So generally now we're looking at businesses that

Stephen Whyte:

have a minimum of 1 million pounds recurring revenue, smaller than

Stephen Whyte:

that, and they're just too small.

Stephen Whyte:

They will have a team of people already in the business, running the business

Stephen Whyte:

or actively involved day to day.

Stephen Whyte:

So we can basically enable that team.

Stephen Whyte:

to deliver what they want to deliver in that business, give them the

Stephen Whyte:

tools, give them the resources.

Stephen Whyte:

So typically when we acquire a business or invest in the business, we meet

Stephen Whyte:

with each of the individuals, every person in the business currently,

Stephen Whyte:

and ask them two key questions.

Stephen Whyte:

What's the business doing really well that we need to preserve?

Stephen Whyte:

And what could the business do better?

Stephen Whyte:

And those two questions, gives us the roadmap for what we need to do

Stephen Whyte:

with that business going forward.

Stephen Whyte:

Because what we have found in our past three or four acquisitions is the

Stephen Whyte:

existing team in the business knows what needs to be fixed in that business.

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

What that business needs to do to get to a better place.

Stephen Whyte:

So all we do is identify that.

Stephen Whyte:

Agree those with the team and then give them the tools, give them the resources

Stephen Whyte:

and give them the time to do that and then get out of their way and be patient.

Stephen Whyte:

So it will generally take at least one year for a business to be stabilized,

Stephen Whyte:

then another year or two for it to start on a growth path, and then

Stephen Whyte:

five to 10 years down the road, you will have created a fantastic

Stephen Whyte:

business, but you have to be patient.

Stephen Whyte:

Whereas private equity and venture capitalists.

Stephen Whyte:

are working on much shorter

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Stephen Whyte:

can, we work on a much longer timeframe.

Matt Edmundson:

Very good.

Matt Edmundson:

Very good.

Matt Edmundson:

Stephen, listen I'm aware of time.

Matt Edmundson:

So we're going to do the question box.

Matt Edmundson:

I need to get music.

Matt Edmundson:

I still need to get music.

Matt Edmundson:

The question box.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh yes.

Matt Edmundson:

Here we go.

Matt Edmundson:

So I'm going to take a stack of questions.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm going to flick through them wherever you tell me to stop.

Matt Edmundson:

That's where we're going to stop.

Matt Edmundson:

And that's the question I'm going to ask you.

Stephen Whyte:

What if I don't tell you to stop?

Matt Edmundson:

I'm just going to tell you to ask the last question.

Stephen Whyte:


Matt Edmundson:

Which is ironically the last question.

Matt Edmundson:

Okay, you've answered this one a little bit.

Matt Edmundson:

If you had to choose between a happy home life and a mediocre career or

Matt Edmundson:

a successful career and a mediocre home life, which would you choose?

Stephen Whyte:

Happy home life.

Matt Edmundson:

Every day.

Stephen Whyte:

Every day.

Matt Edmundson:

Now I'm with you.

Matt Edmundson:

It's an easy question.

Matt Edmundson:

It turns out the last one was a good one.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm just going to write your name on it.

Matt Edmundson:

So I know that you've answered that question cause if it comes up

Matt Edmundson:

again, it'll be interesting to hear.

Matt Edmundson:

And I wonder if people would say happy home because they feel

Matt Edmundson:

that's the answer they should give.

Matt Edmundson:

It's an interesting one, isn't

Stephen Whyte:


Stephen Whyte:

There is an element to that, but also it's very easy when you're

Stephen Whyte:

sitting in the seat I'm sitting with.

Stephen Whyte:

I'm very comfortable with what I've achieved in my career.

Stephen Whyte:

It's very easy now to just say a happy home life.

Stephen Whyte:

But if you're at the start of your career and you're struggling to make ends meet.

Stephen Whyte:

That's a much, much more nuanced question.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, it is.

Matt Edmundson:

It really is.

Matt Edmundson:

It's a fascinating one, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

Really, Stephen, listen, I have thoroughly enjoyed the conversation,

Matt Edmundson:

love the conversation about tractors, love the conversation about family.

Matt Edmundson:

And just really enjoyed your enthusiasm and your humor and your joy for life.

Matt Edmundson:

It's been an absolute treat having you on.

Matt Edmundson:

If people want to reach out to you, if they want to connect with you,

Matt Edmundson:

what's the best way to do that?

Stephen Whyte:

I avoid all social media except LinkedIn.

Matt Edmundson:

It's probably why you're quite happy in life.

Matt Edmundson:

It's another successful thing is to avoid social media.

Stephen Whyte:

I am on LinkedIn at the moment.

Stephen Whyte:

Who knows, I might come off LinkedIn at some point, but for the

Stephen Whyte:

foreseeable future, I'm on LinkedIn.

Stephen Whyte:

You'll find me there.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Look for Stephen Whyte, NED Holdings on LinkedIn.

Matt Edmundson:

We will, of course, link to Stephen's info in the show notes,

Matt Edmundson:

which you can get along for free.

Matt Edmundson:

And of course, if you sign up to the newsletter, it'll be coming straight

Matt Edmundson:

to your inbox, so just click the link.

Matt Edmundson:

Connect with Stephen and say, how's it, why would you not want to?

Matt Edmundson:

Stephen, thanks, man really appreciate it.

Matt Edmundson:

Genuinely love that conversation and super inspiring and wish you all the

Matt Edmundson:

best with with the next few years, sir.

Stephen Whyte:

You're welcome.

Stephen Whyte:

Thank you.

Matt Edmundson:

That's a wrap on another invigorating conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

A huge round of applause to Stephen.

Matt Edmundson:

I need to do this, don't I?

Matt Edmundson:

Hang on a second, let me get my desk.

Matt Edmundson:

A huge round of applause.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh yes, for Stephen for joining us today.

Matt Edmundson:

Okay, that's enough applause.

Matt Edmundson:

Shedding light.

Matt Edmundson:

On his inspiring journey and it was super inspiring, wasn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

And I hope you got a lot outta that now.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Thanks again to today's show.

Matt Edmundson:

Sponsor Aurion Media, for all you change makers out there contemplating podcast

Matt Edmundson:

or podcasting, should I say, as a new vehicle of expression and connection.

Matt Edmundson:

Definitely connect with them at

Matt Edmundson:

And don't forget, keep pushing to be more.

Matt Edmundson:

Don't forget to follow the show wherever you get your podcast

Matt Edmundson:

from because we've got some more.

Matt Edmundson:

Seriously compelling conversations up our sleeve.

Matt Edmundson:

And in case no one's told you yet today, let me be the first.

Matt Edmundson:

You are awesome.

Matt Edmundson:

Yes, you are.

Matt Edmundson:

Credit awesome.

Matt Edmundson:

It's just a burden.

Matt Edmundson:

You have to bear.

Matt Edmundson:

Stephen has to bear it.

Matt Edmundson:

I've got to bear it.

Matt Edmundson:

You definitely have to bear it as well.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, Push To Be More is brought to you live by Aurion Media.

Matt Edmundson:

For transcripts and show notes, as I said, swing on by the website, pushtobemore.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Big kudos to the team that makes this show possible.

Matt Edmundson:

Sadaf Beynon and Tanya Hutsuliak.

Matt Edmundson:

Also shout out to Josh Edmundson for the amazing and wonderful theme music.

Matt Edmundson:

So from Stephen and from me, Thank you so much for joining us.

Matt Edmundson:

Have a fantastic week.

Matt Edmundson:

Wherever you are, I'll catch you on the flip side.

Matt Edmundson:

Until then, keep pushing and bye for now.




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