Artwork for podcast Empath And the Narcissist: Spiritual Healing with Human Design from Narcissistic Abuse & PTSD
Understanding the Toxic Interactions in Human Design Types Generators v Manifesting Generators
Episode 2728th February 2023 • Empath And the Narcissist: Spiritual Healing with Human Design from Narcissistic Abuse & PTSD • Raven Scott
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“Not everyone can move as quickly as I can. I need to do many things at once. That's who I am. There's nothing wrong with that." Manifesting Generator Affirmation

Understand the difficult interactions between Unconscious Generators and Manifesting Generators in Human Design in this insightful episode!

Learn to recognize toxic patterns within relationships and how to heal your negative experiences through affirmations.

Here are some key moments:

  • Clash with Generator and Manifesting Generator [6:26]
  • Manifesting Generator Description [8:52]
  • Affirmations for Man Generator [14:00]
  • Affirmations for Generator. [19:18] “I trust in the infinite abundance of the universe, and I wait for what is right for me to show up. "

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Relationships between Unconscious Generators and Manifesting Generators can be filled with love, but they can also become toxic when certain patterns emerge. In this guide, you will gain insight into the difficult interactions between these two Energy Types in Human Design, so that you can recognize these toxic patterns and how to handle them.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a form of spiritual practice that uses one’s birth chart and astrology to gain insight into the subconscious patterns and behaviors that unconsciously control our lives. It focuses on recognizing and transforming unconscious patterns in order to improve mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By understanding one’s Human Design Energy Type, which includes which type of Generator they are (i.e. Unconscious or Manifesting), one can gain insight into how their own behavior affects others and what types of conflicts may arise due to unbalanced energies between them.

Identifying Unconscious and Manifesting Generators in Human Design

In Human Design, Generators are individuals who have an innate energy to put out into the world. Unconscious Generators make up about 50% of the population and have a “wait and see” attitude. This type tends to be reactive in social situations, drawing from their inner reserve before responding to stimuli from others. Manifesting Generators make up the other half of the population and have an active approach in life. They take action based on their intuition and instinctive urges, which can lead them into difficult interactions with Unconscious Generators if they don’t pay attention to the signals given by their peers.

Comparing the Type of Energy Each Generator Brings

The Unconscious Generator’s energy is rooted in their inner reserve, while the Manifesting Generator’s energy comes from outside themselves. Unconscious Generators draw strength and stability from their internal resources, while Manifesting Generators are more enthusiastic and flexible with their actions. This could create a tug of war during interactions between the two types if neither takes time to understand the other's approach.

Analyzing Patterns of Toxic Interactions

Whenever Unconscious and Manifesting Generators come together, it is important to note the patterns of behavior that arise in order to prevent any sort of toxic interactions. If a Manifesting Generator has been explicitly told not to act on something but does so anyway, this could create a difficult situation for the Unconscious Generator who may feel taken advantage of or disrespected. It is important that both types take time to learn each other's perspectives and try to be understanding when it comes to resolving conflicts.

Using Self Awareness to Navigate through Difficult Situations

In order to have success in these difficult interactions, both Unconscious and Manifesting Generators need to cultivate self-awareness. Self-awareness will help them recognize their own emotions and how they affect their behavior, as well as that of others. Asking for help from a loved one or professional can also be beneficial in providing clarity about thought processes and guiding a path towards healthier relationship dynamics.

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Empath and the Narcissist Book: Healing Guide with Human Design

Empath & Narcissist Healing Book


27. Toxic relationship in human Design the Unconscious generator and man gen



a trauma informed spiritual mentor, certified meditation teacher, and human design expert. I'm empowering empaths three times a week in recovery and healing from narcissistic abuse, childhood trauma through human design, self-care, mindfulness advice, and expert interviews. This is season five Episode, so 27.

Understanding that toxic interactions of the unconscious generators versus manifesting generators


All right, so the toxic interaction between generators and manifesting generators, both types need to wait to respond in order to fully function and move with ease in life, and they'll both kind of have a difficulty in being patient, however. The one who has the most difficulty being patient is a manifesting generator.

There is a mixture of the generator and the manifestor type in the mangen. And so the manifestor is like a fire. It's initiator energy and it sees a vision. It sees the future, it sees what needs to be done, and the manifestor can boom, initiate. However, that energy in the man. Cannot just be initiated on.

You need to wait to respond to initiate that energy. And it can be very frustrating and difficult, and you'll hit a lot of different roadblocks and speed bumps along the way when you're just pushing through to initiate. So the trick is to wait to respond. Now, what exactly does that look like? What does it mean to wait to respond?

Um, what I found, I'm not a man, Jim, but I am a generator, so it's the same strategy. What I found is that when I go into communities and answer a question or respond to someone's question, especially just in my own personal life, if I wait for someone to ask me a question that I can respond to, my words are more powerful, my advice is well taken, versus if I just told the advice to someone.

then they're not gonna be ready for it and receive it. It actually seems like a pretty basic like self-development type of communication style that I think we all could apply, but particularly with this type is important to wait to respond. And that doesn't mean that you're just gonna be sitting around waiting.

That means you're gonna be doing what you love. People see what you're doing, see how passionate you are about it, and then they ask you about it or say, oh, tell me more about human design. Let's say every time that I send an email to be a guest on a show, I tell them I am a survivor of narcissistic abuse.

I have healed this way, that way. I'm spiritual mentor and I do human design, and so I give them four things that then they can respond. , and then I get to respond to that. And they always pick, oh, human design. That's so interesting. I haven't had anyone on the show yet about it. And then I get to share my wisdom and wealth about human design and it, it flows and , I'm just responding to what, uh, is being like I'm being called into.

So the same thing with the Mangen. I'll briefly go back over it just to give you a refresh. The toxic interaction with an unconscious generator struggles with the unconscious manifesting generator. Now the generator has a linear way of thinking. They think A, B, C, all the way to Z.

Now the manifesting generator has a like skip over all the middle stuff. We don't need to do that. Get it over here and get done to Z for instance. Really small example, but I think it's poignant. It's really minute and dumb. So excuse the example. When I mop my floor, I like to dry sweep all the dust and the dust bunnies.

I'm a generator, as an example. Get all the dry stuff out, sweep it, put it in the trash, and then. Wet mop cuz I don't pick up all the gross, like big stuff and spread it around my floor. Now that's a very meticulous way of doing. I understand. And one time, uh, my mom was over at my house and I said, oh yeah, I, if you want, she wanted to help.

So I said, oh yeah, I dry sweep and then I wet mop and she's a mangen and she says, oh no, you don't need a dry sweep. And she just went straight to the wet mop. So you can see the difference between the two types in a very simple household chore. , the Man Gens are beautiful. They have such a, a unique.

and a hands-on way of living and expressing themselves and their creative process. It's very unique. It's like they jump in the deep end versus learning how to swim in the shallow end. It just is like whatever it is, they're all in and they're skipping all the middle steps cuz they can see already what needs to happen and they can see them being successful there.

And so like they, they're just overly confident. They're just like, yes, let's go. And they jump in the. And then us, uh, manifest, uh, then US generators may need to come over to them cuz we've learned how to swim in the shallow end and kind of help them in the deep end, if that makes sense. My little metaphor, if that metaphor made sense.

So that's what happens. So both need to learn patience, especially the manifesting generator. They really have no patience. It's not really their forte. And I'm sure everyone who. Is a mangen. Once they realize this, they already can recognize you. Yeah, I don't have patience. Um, they see the end result. They wanna skip over all those middle things.

And so again, this clash arises when the generator views them as they're short-cutting, they're being lazy, they're doing things backwards. , but the mangen is designed to envision the end. , they're designed to find the shortcuts to do things quickly because sometimes evolution and, , invention requires things to be done quickly, ?

Just take a look at what the scientists needed to do when the pandemic hit. Like, quick, quick, quick. Where's all my mansions? Let's get this vaccine going. That's an example. So they ignore the shortcuts. When you're driving, they can probably point out like, turn left here.

It's shorter, it's faster. Go this way. It's faster. They're always saying, do this. It's faster. They, , have a very hands-on trial and error creative process. Again, where the clash might come is that other types, like projectors or generators look at them and go, why did you just do that? Why didn't you?

Listen before that, why did you put that in? And now it's a mess, right? Especially, let's say you're baking or something. It's a very precise process and they're just like, why not? It's right here. This is what we need to put in. We'll just put this in first. , so you can see that the clash does come in where you imagine might be labeled flaky, lazy, careless, but you're not.

This is just your beautiful creative. Experiment first and then figure it out later. , and this is the beauty of being able to live life and experience it and then tell your story. That is the man gen's forte and it's kinda like wine you age and you have to experience life first and then be able to be that wise advisor if you have that certain profile in your.

For others,

And I'll share with you after this break, how each have a unique role. Role and each one has a unique role to help each other and to be a puzzle piece in this world. So the Manifesting Generator is a speedy creator. They are a speedy creator that requires, and they're a multitasker. They've got so many books, like I mentioned on the podcast. They have four different books going on that they're reading.


And the generator needs that too, cuz they have a lot of energy. But it might just be like one. A couple times a week versus five different interests, right? They're interested in a lot of different things, and that's good. Very active multitasker. However, they must learn patience. Always, always. You must learn patience because when you're not patient and you're not acting within your strategy, you get frustrated, you get angry, you wanna give up and.

No one wants to to be in that place of life, right? Especially when it comes to our emotions and our relationships and things like that. So the generator works from A to Z diligently and can come alongside the mangen to help them back on track to see where their experiment didn't work out. And they're a great team and both types must wait to respond.

And as a team can accomplish great things. And I have a few affirmations for the Manifesting Generator, one of my favorite books. If you wanna purchase this book to study even more in depth, it's called Understanding Human Design, the Science of Astrology. Discover Who You Really Are by Karen Curry. And she notes in here.

Also. Let's talk about the manifesting generator. There's two important considerations when it comes to the health. Responding and making sure they are doing enough right, so making sure you're busy and doing enough. The thyroid of the manifesting generator is exceptionally vulnerable to stay healthy and manifesting.

Generator has to respond, which isn't easy for them. Like I said. , a manifesting generator who is not doing a lot and feels stuck or trapped, can also have thyroid challenges when a manifesting generator is follow. It's like trying to keep a lightning bolt in a glass jar, right? You have so much energy and that energy has to go somewhere, and if it's not being used, it will reshape around in your body.

And this presents to me this idea and, and just a. That if you are stuck in a relationship with a narcissist and they have you controlled into their own environment, that makes them feel comfortable because the manifesting generator can, uh, how do I say this? Can be tamed down or toned down by somebody who is afraid of their intense energy.

And what are narcissists? They're insecure. They're afraid of intense energies. They're afraid of overconfidence. The manifesting generator. Boy, . They are badass woman and men of the world. Like they know how to get shit done and narcissists don't like that cuz then that makes the narcissists look bad if their partner is successful.

And so it's this constant like watering down of you. But you, you are like a strong punch. You are like a Sprite. You have Zzz and you need to make sure that in your. , you don't get smushed down into a little box. And then now, like she's saying, now you are starting to develop thyroid issues because you're being put into this box, which isn't where you belong.

You belong out in the forest and zipping in, swinging in trees, and you know, doing all these different activities, multitasking, being like this amazing energy in the world. Then, You really need to find your way out is what I'm saying. If you feel like you are cooped up and you're only, you're being watered down and squashed down you, I wanna affirm manifesting generator are being tricked.

You're being smothered. You're being squished down by some dark entity that is squishing your light and you need to shine it up. And to allow your lightning bolt to, to be set free and outta that bottle. So find your way, get your strategy to leave that narcissist and get out so you can zip zap everywhere and shine your light and, and get to doing what you love, which will be multiple things.

It won't just be one interest. Affirmations for you, manifesting generators. And then I'll read the generators affirmations cuz this involves you too.

Even though I am inspired and excited, I wait for something to respond and then take action even though I'm inspired and. I wait for something to respond and then take action. I am patient with others. Not everyone can move as quickly as I can. I need to do many things at once. That's who I am. There's nothing wrong with that.

Do not shame yourself for having four different books you're reading. That's you. It's okay to skip steps. If I need to go back and do something I missed, it's just part of my unique creative process. I am a powerful creator. I inspire others to support my creative process when I respond and then inform people about what I'm doing.

That's the other part, is the inform manifestor strategy is to inform, and the generators is. , wait to respond. So you have kind of a combo of two strategies. So I'm just gonna read that again, is I am a powerful creator. I inspire others to support my creative process when I respond and then inform people about what I'm doing.

The informing is the powerful key to the manifesting generator's response in doing things because, . It breaks away the fear and the intimidating factor of your powerful energy. And so once you inform them, they go, oh, that's what she's doing. I won't defend her. I won't block her from doing it because I'm afraid of her getting hurt.

Right. Things like that. So that, my dear friends, is your manifesting generator's, affirmations, and.

Guidance on how to be conscious generator. I'm just gonna read your affirmations. Trust your gut generator. Be patient with a manifesting generator. Be patient. Be patient. Be patient. Know that your strategy is to wait to respond and your process is you are more linear. Like you have a very. Calculated very precise, very succinct way of doing things.

It's very particular. And that's beautiful. We need those too. just don't think that everyone is like you, right? Not everyone has that creative process from A to Z. Others, just like the man gen, they have theirs where they skip lots of steps and that's.

and sometimes you might take the lean and be like, maybe I don't need to do all these steps, but you might find yourself backtracking. She's like, no, no, I need to do these steps. And it's just all a process. So the affirmations for the generators, I trust in the infinite abundance of the universe, and I wait for what is right for me to show up.

I trust in the abundance and infinite wisdom of the. And I wait for what is right for me to show up. I am perfectly designed to do the work that is right for me. When I am doing the right work, . I am enlivened and energized. Now, this keeps coming up with the right work. I would say it's what makes you lit up.

What is your right work? What is in your chart that your traits and your themes, your incarnation. your sun signs what, , your 10th house of career is in or family, depending on what theme or relationships. It really depends on what theme you have. , some aligned energies in those areas, which you can get from, , a reading With me, we can kinda dive in deeper and take a look at that.

I always know what to do. I trust my sacral response and go with my gut because you are a sacral being. I listen to my gut and go with my intuition. I use my energy every day. I am an energy being with sustainable energy. So make sure that you use your energy. Don't feel guilty if you. Doing lots of work or you're constantly keeping yourself busy because that's how you expend your energy so that you can sleep well at night.

Because if you don't and you haven't exhausted all the energy you have inside your sac roll, then , you'll have a hard time sleeping at night. Yes. Trust me. I know. Although I really don't have a hard time with embracing, getting a lot of done and. , doing a lot, just kind of our natural way of being as generators.

So I close with this. If you wish to gain insight on the most efficient way to go or do something, ask. Imagine they have been there, done that.

And one more caveat. When the manifesting generator is unconscious and has N P D is a narcissist and they get frustrated, watch out. They will throw things, they will be volatile. They may hit a wall or you, uh, or they will project their failures onto you.

Now, this doesn't just apply to Mangen. All Narcis do this, but there's a little caveat with that. There's so much like a lightning in a bottle. Remember, the mangen is a lightning in a bottle. So when that gets pent up and the frustration and anger is there, I just see that like within a child, they explode, right?

They. Bite or hit because they're just really frustrated. So you translate to that to an adult child, a k, a, the narcissist. It's kind of a very similar response. So just be mindful in what you say, how you interact, how you approach your escaping or leaving or, , just your interactions with them. And that is that, always be mindful, be careful, and

coming up next is the interaction between the generator and the manifestor.


It's really a matter of who you surround yourself, and we are not meant to go through these extreme hard times. We are meant to heal in community, in ritual, and in circles to have people pull us out of the quicksand that we're stuck in. If you are ready to dive into discovering your authentic self through human design and heal in community through education and support in a safe group coaching environment, And it's time for you to join the Empath Healing Membership.

We are an uplifting community of like-minded impasse. On a similar healing journey, you'll gain access to monthly healing circles and weekly q and a events with a vast and growing library of narc, abuse, education, healing meditations, and human design. If you are ready to discover how unique you are through your human design chart, overcome the pain of your past from narcissistic abuse and transform.

Co-dependent to rockstar Warrior, then dive into the membership today. It will rock your world and bring new light. The fog the narcissist has placed over you. I'm so excited to see you subscribe and in the heart-centered empath healing community as a sampler. Hop into the Free Empath healing support Facebook community, and join the discussion on this episode's topic today and look out for the live q and a events there every Friday.

Click the link in the show notes. I'm so grateful for you listening. Finding the show and sharing it with your friends. It would give a great boost in the heart center to algorithm to rate and review this podcast. If you are enjoying it, take a screenshot, share it on your socials, share it in a text message to a friend that you know right now needs to be pulled out of the quicksand.

And remember, always keep your unique light shining.

Losing time, I'll fade in fast. I just wanna make it last. Try to let go of the fast. I close my eyes. Embrace the blast. Sleepless nights and headache stack restlessness to hell and back. What's my purpose, but do I grab a slippery resu surface, a heart attack, and sometimes you just gotta something that'll give you relief.

What we're broken. It's tragic. We're not all elastic, but maybe there's magic. Believe you could.



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