Artwork for podcast Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!
What Makes You Come Fully Alive? | Ep 70
Episode 7011th June 2022 • Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call! • Melissa Deally
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In this episode, Cheryl and I dive into her transformation from the corporate world to sickness to regaining her health, through finding her joy within and the tools she has developed over the years, that she now shares with her clients as she helps them learn to tap into their intuition to find the answers to achieve their desires and dreams within. If you are feeling like you aren’t fully alive, not fully living, perhaps it’s time for you to also go within to discover what is missing, and the path you need to journey on in order to land in a place of complete joy and happiness in who you are, why you are here on earth at this time and what you have to offer and be in service to others. If you want some help with that, I highly recommend reaching out to Cheryl and working with her.

Free gift from Cheryl: For the first 5 listeners to register you will get a complimentary intuitive (Akashic Record) reading with Cheryl (value $140).


Your Guided Health Journey Membership – 1 month FREE Trial:

 Health Kickstart Program:

Complimentary 15-minute consult:

Discover Your Toxic Load Quiz:


About the Guest:

What makes you come alive and keeps you that way? For Cheryl Brewster, it's always about the courage to say YES to that “something bigger” in life… to venture into greater possibilities. Through intuitive consultations, mindset coaching, seminars and intuitive business masterminds, and communication courses, Cheryl’s zone of genius is supporting entrepreneurs, corporations, thought leaders, and government agencies, in defining and creating that “something more,”, especially during times of transition or challenge. A business intuitive, speaker, and ordained Minister of Metaphysics, Cheryl s excited to now add her designations in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner), Time Line Therapy Ò, and Hypnosis. Cheryl works with individuals and organizations alike and her partial client list includes the Justice Institute of BC (JIBC), the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW), the Canadian Society of Nutrition Managers (CSNM), the Local Government Management Association (LGMA), and many social service associations. Her intuitive work has been showcased for Starbucks, Tourism Whistler, and numerous conferences and business summits.









About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.   Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit, and many more!  She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started.






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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is

Melissa Deally:

if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be like?

Melissa Deally:

What would that be worth

Melissa Deally:

to you? What is your health worth to you? Think about it.

Melissa Deally:

Your health isn't everything. But without it, everything else

Melissa Deally:

is nothing. And yet too many of us are taking it for granted

Melissa Deally:

until something goes wrong. No one wakes up hoping to be

Melissa Deally:

diagnosed with a disease or chronic illness. And yet, we've

Melissa Deally:

never been taught how to be proactive in our health through

Melissa Deally:

our school system, or public health. As a registered health

Melissa Deally:

coach and integrative health practitioner, I believe it is

Melissa Deally:

time this information is made available to everyone. Combining

Melissa Deally:

new knowledge around your health and the ability to do my

Melissa Deally:

functional medicine lab tests in the comfort of your own home

Melissa Deally:

will allow you to optimize your health for today and all your

Melissa Deally:

tomorrow's don't wait for your wake up call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to the don't wait for your wake up call podcast.

Melissa Deally:

My name is Melissa, Delia, your show host and today I am

Melissa Deally:

bringing to you a wonderful friend of mine, Cheryl Brewster.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome Cheryl.

Cheryl Brewster:

Thanks, Melissa. It's always so much fun

Cheryl Brewster:

hanging out with you.

Melissa Deally:

Well, I'm excited to share you with my

Melissa Deally:

audience today. And just to give the audience a little bit of an

Melissa Deally:

intro of who you are, and then I'll have you share your story.

Melissa Deally:

I want to start out with a question that you ask at the

Melissa Deally:

beginning of your bio, what makes you come alive and keeps

Melissa Deally:

you that way? And so audience really think about that. What

Melissa Deally:

makes you come alive and keeps you that way? For Cheryl, it's

Melissa Deally:

always about the courage to say yes to that something bigger in

Melissa Deally:

life to venture into greater possibilities. Through intuitive

Melissa Deally:

consultations, mindset coachings seminars and intuitive business

Melissa Deally:

masterminds and communication courses. Cheryl's zone of genius

Melissa Deally:

is supporting entrepreneurs, corporations, thought leaders,

Melissa Deally:

government agencies in defining and creating that something

Melissa Deally:

more, especially during times of transition or challenge, and

Melissa Deally:

don't we know times of transition and challenge right

Melissa Deally:

now Cheryl, so I love that you're here. This is my month,

Melissa Deally:

or my theme of intuition. And I'm so excited to be able to

Melissa Deally:

share you with my audience as we dive deeper into learning how to

Melissa Deally:

tap into our intuition, because we all have it, but we don't

Melissa Deally:

necessarily all use it. But I would love for you just to start

Melissa Deally:

out by sharing your story, what brought you into this line of

Melissa Deally:

work and expertise that you are so incredible at sharing with

Melissa Deally:

others now,

Cheryl Brewster:

sir, Thanks, Melissa. Well, first of all,

Cheryl Brewster:

that question, what makes you come alive and keeps you that

Cheryl Brewster:

way is really what drew me into this field. And my background

Cheryl Brewster:

is, is corporate working for electrical engineering and

Cheryl Brewster:

manufacturing. So it's a pretty big difference. So intuition

Cheryl Brewster:

will take us into our zone of genius, it will take us into our

Cheryl Brewster:

strengths, and it will take us into what we're naturally good

Cheryl Brewster:

at. And the quandary that we find ourselves in is that it

Cheryl Brewster:

will take us into the unknown or the unexpected. So that's where

Cheryl Brewster:

we could have inner values conflict, right, where we really

Cheryl Brewster:

want to follow our passion in our hearts. But if we've not

Cheryl Brewster:

done it before, then it puts us when I call into freefall, it's

Cheryl Brewster:

almost an existential angst. And that's what happened for me, I

Cheryl Brewster:

loved what I did, I was really good at it amazing company. But

Cheryl Brewster:

you come to that crossroads where you know, there's

Cheryl Brewster:

something more, and do you have the courage to take that leap?

Cheryl Brewster:

Because there's no track record, you are starting from scratch,

Cheryl Brewster:

at least I was. And if I had to do it all over again, I think I

Cheryl Brewster:

could have made things a lot simpler, easier. But I would do

Cheryl Brewster:

it all over again. Because when we're trusting our gut, trusting

Cheryl Brewster:

our intuition, we're we're growing into our potential, and

Cheryl Brewster:

there's nothing more rewarding or satisfying than that. So

Melissa Deally:

I agree it's an adventure

Cheryl Brewster:

for sure. Because you're you're kind of

Cheryl Brewster:

meeting some dragons along the way and you you kind of you

Cheryl Brewster:

know, you make them your allies, you figure out you don't have to

Cheryl Brewster:

slay them, befriend them and tame them and and they can be

Cheryl Brewster:

your your faithful servants. I just think it's so exciting. And

Cheryl Brewster:

especially now with all of the heaviness in the world and all

Cheryl Brewster:

of the fear, the old structures are tumbling you Land literally,

Cheryl Brewster:

I truly believe that is each one of us does our part to go down

Cheryl Brewster:

deep inside, figure out what does make us come alive and do

Cheryl Brewster:

that, that we are serving humanity. And and I think we're

Cheryl Brewster:

in for some really exciting times here. And it's so

Cheryl Brewster:

important to keep our focus on possibility and positivity.

Cheryl Brewster:

Because if we don't fear does a real number as we know. And we

Cheryl Brewster:

don't need any more stress we've had enough.

Melissa Deally:

Exactly. I fully agree with all that you've

Melissa Deally:

shared there. And, you know, especially with where the

Melissa Deally:

world's at today, you know how many people have lost jobs

Melissa Deally:

through the pandemic, and then those jobs are no longer

Melissa Deally:

available, or maybe they're being called back to their jobs.

Melissa Deally:

But they've changed, right? Pandemic has changed us the way

Melissa Deally:

we live our lives. And people are like, well, I don't want to

Melissa Deally:

go back to that job where I had to commute an hour and a half

Melissa Deally:

each way, every day to get to work, etc. I've worked from

Melissa Deally:

home, I want to keep working from home, you know, there's

Melissa Deally:

people that are having to face these decisions of do I go back

Melissa Deally:

to what I was doing before or not, and allowing, having them

Melissa Deally:

understand that they can tap into their intuition to truly

Melissa Deally:

guide them in that decision making. Right, as opposed to

Melissa Deally:

just doing what they've always done, and then ending up feeling

Melissa Deally:

unfulfilled or unhappy and stressed out, because, you know,

Melissa Deally:

it's not where they know, they want to be.

Cheryl Brewster:

Exactly. And right now, I think it's

Cheryl Brewster:

absolutely critical and crucial that we take a step back and

Cheryl Brewster:

look at that bigger picture. And you'll notice behind me, I've

Cheryl Brewster:

got a pirate hat. Because I believe one of the roles of

Cheryl Brewster:

intuition is to challenge the status quo. And and we're really

Cheryl Brewster:

challenging old programming old patterns. And I combine

Cheryl Brewster:

intuition with imagination. And the combination of those two.

Cheryl Brewster:

Very, very powerful. And you and I were talking earlier, we both

Cheryl Brewster:

taken some, some training and in some new modalities that we're

Cheryl Brewster:

using. And I love, love, love the aspect of it's time to bring

Cheryl Brewster:

humor and joy and fun back into our worlds.

Melissa Deally:


Cheryl Brewster:

And, you know, if you're going through a hard

Cheryl Brewster:

time, it's kind of hard to make that shift. But but if you

Cheryl Brewster:

again, if you take a step back, look at the bigger picture. And

Cheryl Brewster:

go wait a minute. I have potential inside me. I haven't

Cheryl Brewster:

even tapped yet. I wonder what would happen if? And that's a

Cheryl Brewster:

really great question right now for for our listeners. I wonder

Cheryl Brewster:

what would happen if I listened to that part of me that wants to

Cheryl Brewster:

create more ease and grace in life.

Melissa Deally:

And it's interesting that you say, you

Melissa Deally:

know that because I've been using the words, imagine if a

Melissa Deally:

lot lately, right. But even when I think back to my own story of

Melissa Deally:

coming out of the corporate world, and ending up in health

Melissa Deally:

and wellness, I mean, that was completely guided by my

Melissa Deally:

intuition, because I never had health and wellness on my radar

Melissa Deally:

before, right, I have a commerce degree than I ended up in sales

Melissa Deally:

and corporate etc. And while I cared about my health, it was

Melissa Deally:

never on my radar to get into this line of work. But things

Melissa Deally:

just kept happening, that were directing me, right. And I was

Melissa Deally:

allowing myself to be guided into that. And then, you know,

Melissa Deally:

unknowingly in some ways, using my intuition to take the next

Melissa Deally:

steps. And it has landed me in a place where I have absolutely

Melissa Deally:

love what I do today. And I loved what I did before. But

Melissa Deally:

that was no more. Right? It was gone. That wasn't an option

Melissa Deally:

anymore. So what was next, and I'm just really grateful that

Melissa Deally:

I've landed in something else that I absolutely love. And

Melissa Deally:

that's the message I want to share with the audience as well.

Melissa Deally:

You might love what you do today, or did before the

Melissa Deally:

pandemic and now that's no more. Well, that doesn't mean you

Melissa Deally:

can't find something else that you absolutely love. And the

Melissa Deally:

thing is, it could be completely different to what you were doing

Melissa Deally:

before. And you won't know that unless you allow yourself to be

Melissa Deally:

guided by your intuition.

Cheryl Brewster:

Exactly. And that's why it plays such a

Cheryl Brewster:

critical role. And I like to use the analogy of and this applies

Cheryl Brewster:

specially to I think to entrepreneurs who are you know,

Cheryl Brewster:

they use their intuition a lot. But we all have our own

Cheryl Brewster:

individual glass ceilings and as long as printers we all grow

Cheryl Brewster:

ourselves. And as thought leaders we outgrow ourselves as

Cheryl Brewster:

creatives we outgrow ourselves. And so it's really interesting,

Cheryl Brewster:

like you can be super successful. And all of a sudden,

Cheryl Brewster:

it's like, hey, this isn't cutting it anymore, like what's

Cheryl Brewster:

going on? And so that invitation to go into imagination to say,

Cheryl Brewster:

Hmm, I wonder, and, and using imagination, what would it be

Cheryl Brewster:

like to? And I found, I find the power of that so incredible. And

Cheryl Brewster:

it, it does displace the fear. Mm hmm. And it makes friends

Cheryl Brewster:

with it. And in my line of work with, you know, doing intuitive

Cheryl Brewster:

readings and training and coaching and consulting, the

Cheryl Brewster:

bottom line for everybody, I believe, is, Am I really being

Cheryl Brewster:

here for myself? And my sense is, there's a real movement

Cheryl Brewster:

taking place right now we're really, and I'll bring in the

Cheryl Brewster:

spiritual component here, too, because as someone who studied

Cheryl Brewster:

metaphysics, is, what's the point of this particular

Cheryl Brewster:

lifetime? What am I really here for? And so the combination of

Cheryl Brewster:

intuition and imagination goes, well, what do I really like?

Cheryl Brewster:

What are my strengths? What gives me joy, and this ability

Cheryl Brewster:

to allow ourselves to really, really embrace, feeling good

Cheryl Brewster:

inside. And it sounds very simple. But if we ought to be

Cheryl Brewster:

really honest with ourselves today, it was like, Oh, we begin

Cheryl Brewster:

to find this, this pressure that we have, perhaps unknowingly

Cheryl Brewster:

been putting on ourselves. And that's where being coming aware

Cheryl Brewster:

of the pressure is so important, because there are tools that we

Cheryl Brewster:

can access inside that help to remove them. But this is gritty

Cheryl Brewster:

work. And I think that that's important to stress this, it is

Cheryl Brewster:

gritty work. It will take you into places you don't want to

Cheryl Brewster:

go. And that's why I love doing what I'm doing. Because I've

Cheryl Brewster:

been there know what it's like to go into uncertainty. And they

Cheryl Brewster:

come out the other side going, wow, you know, that was worth

Cheryl Brewster:

the price of admission? I'm glad I did that.

Melissa Deally:

It's always about coming out the other side,

Melissa Deally:

right? Yep. Because you come out the other side as a new person

Melissa Deally:

with new learning new insight, etc, etc, that allows you to

Melissa Deally:

look back and be grateful, yes, for whatever triggered you going

Melissa Deally:

through that additional growth. In the moment, you're not

Melissa Deally:

grateful for it at all, I totally get that been there too.

Melissa Deally:

But when you come out the other side, you know, you've come out

Melissa Deally:

the other side when you can look back at it with gratitude.

Cheryl Brewster:

Right, exactly. So So I love to take a look at

Cheryl Brewster:

you know, I always I always take a look at my own life and go,

Cheryl Brewster:

Okay, whoever comes into my life, in terms of synchronicity,

Cheryl Brewster:

I were we're here to help each other grow, you know, and those

Cheryl Brewster:

can be really amazing experiences. And those can be

Cheryl Brewster:

more challenging ones. But the bottom line here is, is keeping

Cheryl Brewster:

an open mindset. Yeah. And and you know, we can, it's very, I

Cheryl Brewster:

always go back to Okay, in this moment, is this making me come

Cheryl Brewster:

alive? And if it's not, the intuitive guidance, then is

Cheryl Brewster:

bringing me back online. And I think it's very important to

Cheryl Brewster:

stress to that what we're going through right now is to really

Cheryl Brewster:

honor what we're feeling and to embrace the negative emotions as

Cheryl Brewster:

as guidance actually saying, hey, get back on track, you're

Cheryl Brewster:

limiting yourself, you're in some way.

Melissa Deally:

Very, very true. And you were just talking about

Melissa Deally:

tools. And I know that you have a tool that you use the acronym

Melissa Deally:

joy. Yes. And so I would love you to share that with the

Melissa Deally:


Cheryl Brewster:

Absolutely. I use the word joy as an acronym

Cheryl Brewster:

because it stands for two things. JL why just open

Cheryl Brewster:

yourself and JL why Joy of you? And,

Melissa Deally:

and simply that word joy in and of itself,

Melissa Deally:

right? It's beautiful that you've got two acronyms from it.

Melissa Deally:

But you know joy is that highest energy state that we can be in

Melissa Deally:

as humans or maybe it's one below is peace, the highest joy

Melissa Deally:

might be wanting peace,

Cheryl Brewster:

the highest and then joy which is in They're

Cheryl Brewster:

both higher than love, which I find really interesting. And I

Cheryl Brewster:

was thinking about our interview today. And I thought, you know,

Cheryl Brewster:

I have to remember to say this is that I think joy is perhaps a

Cheryl Brewster:

bit higher than love, because joy is the action of love. And

Cheryl Brewster:

each one of us are here for a specific reason to experience

Cheryl Brewster:

our contentment inside, that's what we're here for. And when we

Cheryl Brewster:

go through different life experiences that don't

Cheryl Brewster:

particularly feel so joyful, just that little reminder is

Cheryl Brewster:

that everything here serves me everything, who's here to

Cheryl Brewster:

support my growth? So the the aspect of joy, then, is this

Cheryl Brewster:

profound acceptance that comes from both the sorrow and the

Cheryl Brewster:

pain of life, that that enjoy integrates that. And so at the

Cheryl Brewster:

time, yeah, it doesn't feel so great. But again, this bigger

Cheryl Brewster:

picture that I believe Joy really represents, because

Cheryl Brewster:

there's cycles and seasons and what you put them all together.

Cheryl Brewster:

And you know, there's something really, really wonderful

Cheryl Brewster:

happening. So joy is Yeah,

Melissa Deally:

share how we can all get into that place of joy,

Melissa Deally:

right? Because right now, not enough of us are living there.

Cheryl Brewster:

Exactly. And that, and that's so So Melissa,

Cheryl Brewster:

get so excited, because in my own work, I see how I'm changing

Cheryl Brewster:

and evolving and growing where, you know, intuition supports

Cheryl Brewster:

joy. Why is joy important? Well, we think better, we feel better,

Cheryl Brewster:

we're more creative or more innovative. And when we allow

Cheryl Brewster:

joy and accept joy, not only is our birthright, but as the most

Cheryl Brewster:

optimal way of creating prosperity, because the

Cheryl Brewster:

definition of prosperity is, is the integration of the cold,

Cheryl Brewster:

hard facts in the physical world, whether that's a job or a

Cheryl Brewster:

house, or security, or cash, or finances, or whatever. But those

Cheryl Brewster:

things in and of themselves will not bring peace. There's a

Cheryl Brewster:

combination of things going on here. Yes. And that's why I like

Cheryl Brewster:

to talk about joy, because joy comes from the inside out. And

Cheryl Brewster:

really, and when we're going through fear and transition, we

Cheryl Brewster:

forget that, but it's wired in us. And so us that's why using

Cheryl Brewster:

imagination is so important and so powerful. And it's it's

Cheryl Brewster:

something that I believe it's a lost art, that we are reclaiming

Cheryl Brewster:

because it will take us into the grand adventure of life. And

Cheryl Brewster:

again, asking that question, Am I really feeling alive in this

Cheryl Brewster:

moment? Which brings us to choice point. And that's where,

Cheryl Brewster:

and you're familiar with the ABCs of intuition? Yes,

Melissa Deally:

I want to dive into that as well. Lots to

Melissa Deally:

unpack here and share with the audience.

Cheryl Brewster:

Well, last one tact and, and and again, life is

Cheryl Brewster:

a great adventure. Nothing at all, Helen Keller said that and

Cheryl Brewster:

I adore. We all have muses, well, Helen Keller is one of my

Cheryl Brewster:

muses. Right and, and so And here's an invitation I put out

Cheryl Brewster:

to the audience listening to this, think of who you really

Cheryl Brewster:

admire who really speaks to your heart and take a moment and just

Cheryl Brewster:

just be present with what it is you admire about them. And how

Cheryl Brewster:

that little bit of admiration can actually affect the change

Cheryl Brewster:

in you. And consider that you you also are someone that other

Cheryl Brewster:

people admire, and, and really appreciate that you to make a

Cheryl Brewster:

difference in their lives. And what if you lead from that

Cheryl Brewster:

place? More frequently, more often? What if you allow

Cheryl Brewster:

yourself to feel really, really good about who you are? Because

Cheryl Brewster:

when we're going in transition and change the primal brain

Cheryl Brewster:

kicks in, right? It's like, you know, instead of, instead of

Cheryl Brewster:

realizing, yes, I do have impact. Yes, I bring incredible

Cheryl Brewster:

gifts to the world. You know, the critical voice gets in

Cheryl Brewster:

there. And it's like, what a schmuck Are you and all of a

Cheryl Brewster:

sudden we're

Melissa Deally:

Who are you to think you can do that in our

Melissa Deally:

comfort zone and all to keep us safe, right? That primal brain

Melissa Deally:

is is meant to do is to keep us safe. And so yeah, and those

Melissa Deally:

messages can absolutely, you know, be our undoing.

Cheryl Brewster:

Exactly. And that's why I I love to talk

Cheryl Brewster:

about joy, because joy will bring you back if you're not

Cheryl Brewster:

having fun. If you're not feeling peaceful, well, you can

Cheryl Brewster:

and, and bring yourself back. So the ABCs of intuition really tie

Cheryl Brewster:

into that. So it's a formula that I created over over, over

Cheryl Brewster:

many years. And it's so powerful. The ABCs of

Cheryl Brewster:

internalist intuition are the language of the soul. And it's

Cheryl Brewster:

like, wow, I am here for a great adventure. And am I giving

Cheryl Brewster:

myself permission to really live it? And what if I did, so A is

Cheryl Brewster:

for aware? I'm aware in this moment of what what's going on?

Cheryl Brewster:

Okay. I'm not feeling the greatest. Uh, let's, let's take

Cheryl Brewster:

a look at that. So I'm going to allow what's here, knowing that

Cheryl Brewster:

it's serving me, and it's inviting me to find what it is

Cheryl Brewster:

within me, that I'm not seeing. And that I believe, totally

Cheryl Brewster:

reframes fear, because now it's like, oh, I'm feeling this

Cheryl Brewster:

particular emotion. Because there's something more for me

Cheryl Brewster:

that I don't I'm not seeing, right. So aware, breathe,

Cheryl Brewster:

connect to what that hidden aspect is trust.

Melissa Deally:

So in the ABCs, the B is breathe. So we're

Melissa Deally:

breathing through that difficult emotion that we're dealing with,

Melissa Deally:

right? And then C is connect, you said,

Cheryl Brewster:

Yep, connect to the heart. Because in the

Cheryl Brewster:

breathing and the allowing that emotion to be there, Michael

Cheryl Brewster:

singer talks about this in the Untethered Soul. He said, Yes,

Cheryl Brewster:

you're going to feel discomfort, but it will only be temporary.

Cheryl Brewster:

So the more that we allow ourselves, to be really honest

Cheryl Brewster:

with ourselves tell the truth, okay, here it is. Rather than

Cheryl Brewster:

judging it, I'm going to see it as energy moving. And, and I

Cheryl Brewster:

like to use be for breathe, but I also like to use it for blast.

Cheryl Brewster:

I'm gonna bless this as it moves through me because it's trying

Cheryl Brewster:

to help. Thank you. Right. So that,

Melissa Deally:

and the sooner we allow the ABCs to kick in,

Melissa Deally:

and we choose to, you know, be aware of it, acknowledge it,

Melissa Deally:

breathe through it, bless it, and then connect with it, the

Melissa Deally:

sooner we get to the other side, and that plays in clearly,

Melissa Deally:

right, as opposed to fighting it squashing it, eating our way

Melissa Deally:

through it, right. I mean, this is this aligns so beautifully

Melissa Deally:

with just the work that I do with people in terms of, you

Melissa Deally:

know, detoxing and eating and guiding them through a detox.

Melissa Deally:

And, you know, people might be thinking, well, what's the

Melissa Deally:

benefit of a detox? Well, a, you're cleaning out your

Melissa Deally:

insides, et cetera, et cetera, lowering inflammation, and all

Melissa Deally:

of those physical health benefits. But honestly, the

Melissa Deally:

greatest benefit that I see my clients get is the awareness in

Melissa Deally:

how their body feels in when they learn how to turn on

Melissa Deally:

digestion, before eating, when they change the way that they're

Melissa Deally:

eating from, you know, into a more nutrient dense meal, at

Melissa Deally:

cetera, et cetera, when they change the timing of their

Melissa Deally:

meals. As they learn all of this, that awareness is kicking

Melissa Deally:

in, right. And so from that place of joy, and awareness, all

Melissa Deally:

of it ties back to our health as well. Because when we stuffed

Melissa Deally:

down those emotions, and we don't allow them to process and

Melissa Deally:

we ignore them, that's another form of toxicity in our body

Melissa Deally:

that causes inflammation, and over time, can trigger dis ease

Melissa Deally:

in the body.

Cheryl Brewster:

Exactly. And you nailed it, because it's the

Cheryl Brewster:

unprocessed emotion. And again, here's the biology, right? It's

Cheryl Brewster:

a combination of the emotional with the biology, and that's why

Cheryl Brewster:

listening to our intuition is so important. You know, you said

Cheryl Brewster:

something really, really, that touched my heart there. Which is

Cheryl Brewster:

really we're talking about mindfulness and really

Cheryl Brewster:

appreciating like, like, I love what Joseph Campbell said. He

Cheryl Brewster:

said, This moment is eternity. If we don't get it here, we

Cheryl Brewster:

don't get it anywhere. Right. So to be able to live life in terms

Cheryl Brewster:

of in this moment, hey, I'm here. I'm alive. What am I going

Cheryl Brewster:

to do with this aliveness? And then we're talking about food is

Cheryl Brewster:

is we're mindful with appreciating, and we're mindful

Cheryl Brewster:

with there is so there is so much to discover there is so

Cheryl Brewster:

much to enjoy. And I'd even use the body as a metaphor in a

Cheryl Brewster:

bigger way. For example, what's happening in you know, in the

Cheryl Brewster:

world today, whether it's Russia in the Ukraine or whatever is

Cheryl Brewster:

happening in these big world events. is that there's, as we

Cheryl Brewster:

each do our part, that we're all contributing to the fabric of

Cheryl Brewster:

humanity in consciousness. And so to really make this personal,

Cheryl Brewster:

because the more that we do to live our highest optimal self,

Cheryl Brewster:

the more we are contributing, and we will be led or guided to

Cheryl Brewster:

appropriate action that we need to take. So I,

Melissa Deally:

we also lift others up around us.

Cheryl Brewster:

actly. Exactly. And so when you talk about

Cheryl Brewster:

inflammation, we are all at, you know, AI, in this massive return

Cheryl Brewster:

to, to taking care of the planet by starting with us, and, and

Cheryl Brewster:

speaking of us, there's a there's, again, a, quote Helen

Cheryl Brewster:

Keller, because I think what we're really battling right now

Cheryl Brewster:

is overwhelm. And, you know, what can one person do? And one

Cheryl Brewster:

of her quotes that so touched my heart was, I'm only one person,

Cheryl Brewster:

I can't do everything. But I will not refuse to do the one

Cheryl Brewster:

thing I can do powerful is that like, like, if we all really,

Cheryl Brewster:

really took that to heart, because you, each one of us has

Cheryl Brewster:

the one thing that we can do.

Melissa Deally:

And there's another quote, and I'm not even

Melissa Deally:

going to get it right. I'll completely butcher it. But I

Melissa Deally:

love it. And it was something along the lines of don't believe

Melissa Deally:

that just because you're one person, you can't change the

Melissa Deally:

world. It's in fact, the only thing that ever did. Oh, right.

Melissa Deally:

Because one person starts it. And then it has that ripple

Melissa Deally:

effect. Exactly. And so you could be that one person that

Melissa Deally:

triggers that ripple effect.

Cheryl Brewster:

You and You are you are that one person. And

Cheryl Brewster:

again, I think that's what I call the return to joy. We live

Cheryl Brewster:

in a society, especially in North America, where it's so

Cheryl Brewster:

external based. And it's it's like, no, it's it's internal.

Cheryl Brewster:

Yes. That's the greatest treasure there is, is inside.

Cheryl Brewster:

And so this shift and awakening, and it starts with the detox.

Cheryl Brewster:

Well, you know, in the mind, body spirit, it does start with

Cheryl Brewster:

the detox. Okay, let's clean all this stuff out. And, and but but

Cheryl Brewster:

here's, here's my thing is like, but can we have more fun doing

Cheryl Brewster:

it? Like I knowing we need to do this, like no one needs to do

Cheryl Brewster:

that. But when we have more fun doing it, like, number one more

Cheryl Brewster:

gets done. And we have we just enjoy life more. Yeah,

Cheryl Brewster:

absolutely. So that and that's what I funny that

Melissa Deally:

you say that because I was recently in a

Melissa Deally:

business intensive training. And we had somebody come in and talk

Melissa Deally:

about, you know, subject lines for emails and headlines for

Melissa Deally:

newspapers, right? What gets people to click and open and

Melissa Deally:

read, et cetera, et cetera. And, you know, my, my group program

Melissa Deally:

is called help kickstart and detox. And it's what it is, is

Melissa Deally:

that gonna, you know, are people jumping up and down to do a

Melissa Deally:

detox? No. Do people know they need it? And they do it anyway.

Melissa Deally:

And they love the process with me? Yes. But then they were

Melissa Deally:

laughing and going well, you could be changing your headlines

Melissa Deally:

to you know, look hot, naked, again, get bikini ready this

Melissa Deally:

summer. So I've started doing that just because, yeah, bring

Melissa Deally:

that fun and silliness into it, et cetera, et cetera. And to

Melissa Deally:

have people you know, kind of look at it in a more playful

Melissa Deally:

way. We're still, you know, having to look after our body,

Melissa Deally:

but it can be more playful, it can be more fun, which I love

Melissa Deally:

that you brought that up, because my whole last month of

Melissa Deally:

podcast episodes was all about bringing more play and more fun

Melissa Deally:

into your life. And as a result of doing that, it's something

Melissa Deally:

that I've been consciously doing a lot more of recently, and it's

Melissa Deally:

been fabulous from, you know, girls night out, you know,

Melissa Deally:

dancing at the Irish Pub until all hours to I just saw the same

Melissa Deally:

movie twice in one weekend because it was Top Gun and oh my

Melissa Deally:

god, it was amazing. And I'm in love with Tom Cruise all over

Melissa Deally:

again. And I haven't done that since I was a teenager, right?

Melissa Deally:

But we can, and we can allow ourselves to have fun. Just

Melissa Deally:

because we grow up into adults doesn't mean we have to stop

Melissa Deally:

having fun. If you're enjoying my content and someone that

Melissa Deally:

wants to step into being proactive in your health and

Melissa Deally:

learning more, I would love to invite you to join my membership

Melissa Deally:

community. There's a link in the show notes for only 1999 a month

Melissa Deally:

you get access to all of my content And there's a lot as

Melissa Deally:

well as weekly calls that you can come and get your health

Melissa Deally:

questions answered.

Melissa Deally:

It's truly priceless.

Melissa Deally:

I'd love to see you join the community, check out the link in

Melissa Deally:

the show notes. And it's something else you also

Melissa Deally:

mentioned that brought me back, I'm reading the book atomic

Melissa Deally:

habits right now. And you mentioned like showing up and

Melissa Deally:

being alive. And in that book, he told the story of his five

Melissa Deally:

year old daughter, one day, no two year old, she was two. And

Melissa Deally:

she was up really early one morning, and he was up with her.

Melissa Deally:

And she just decided to walk out the front door. So he followed

Melissa Deally:

her out the front door, and she walked out into the middle of

Melissa Deally:

the garden and threw her arms up in the air and said,


Hello, world.

Melissa Deally:

I'm here. Right, as a two year old, that we need

Melissa Deally:

more of that in our adult lives, right, we've stopped being so

Melissa Deally:

serious. And that is a child who is absolutely, you know, living

Melissa Deally:

in her joy and ready and in her liveness. Right. She's ready for

Melissa Deally:

her day.

Cheryl Brewster:

I love that story. And and it really speaks

Cheryl Brewster:

to me, I think is is the DIS I call it the discipline of joy. I

Cheryl Brewster:

put the two words together, because it's like a test plan.

Cheryl Brewster:

It's like, yeah, you know what we are unlearning some really

Cheryl Brewster:

toxic habits. And, and again, whatever analogy works for

Cheryl Brewster:

people. Again, for me, I and you know, in one of the talks I've

Cheryl Brewster:

got coming up, it's called Embrace your inner pirate.

Cheryl Brewster:

Because there and fail boldly because it's like, why we the,

Cheryl Brewster:

again, the pressure that we unknowingly put on ourselves.

Cheryl Brewster:

And so when we embrace that inner pirate, it's like, I'm

Cheryl Brewster:

going to, I'm going to break this pressure, I'm going to

Cheryl Brewster:

break the rules of conforming to the pressure, I don't need to be

Cheryl Brewster:

doing this to myself. But without reflection, which is why

Cheryl Brewster:

I host monthly intention setting without reflection, how will we

Cheryl Brewster:

know? And so we imagine that every month is a gateway to the

Cheryl Brewster:

grand adventure of your life. So every month, you have a chance

Cheryl Brewster:

to take the time to reflect. What did I learn? Where did I

Cheryl Brewster:

grow? How? How much more? Am I living the adventure of my life

Cheryl Brewster:

this month than I was last month? You know, and really

Cheryl Brewster:

keeping those focus questions and also telling the truth like,

Cheryl Brewster:

Okay, what am I what am I still avoiding? And, and to go in and

Cheryl Brewster:

to go deep. And to also go in with this whole idea of life is

Cheryl Brewster:

a grand adventure, or nothing at all, to really put it in

Cheryl Brewster:

perspective, because again, what's the point? What are we

Cheryl Brewster:

here for?

Melissa Deally:

I love the idea of being that grand adventure,

Melissa Deally:

again, when you look at it from the perspective of the child,

Melissa Deally:

right? To them every day is a grand adventure. And I don't

Melissa Deally:

know about you, because you were in the corporate world as well.

Melissa Deally:

But I do definitely, I mean, I've loved my career in the

Melissa Deally:

corporate world for 24 years. But I do feel like, that's where

Melissa Deally:

some of this got beaten out of me, in the sense that, you know,

Melissa Deally:

it was just, there was so much focus on getting the job done.

Melissa Deally:

And, you know, you're paid for 40 hours a week, but you weren't

Melissa Deally:

gonna get the job done anything less than 60. And then after

Melissa Deally:

that you're dealing with, you know, getting meals on the table

Melissa Deally:

and sports games and the grocery shopping done. And you just, you

Melissa Deally:

don't have time for anything else. And it just the stress

Melissa Deally:

just builds, right. And that's where I was when I look back,

Melissa Deally:

grateful that I got let go. Because I got to completely

Melissa Deally:

change my life and design a life to live it the way I want to

Melissa Deally:

live it now where I do get to play. And I do get to have that

Melissa Deally:

time to be reflective, et cetera, et cetera. But was that

Melissa Deally:

your experience in the corporate world too? Or is that just

Cheryl Brewster:

just Yeah, well, well, very much. And in

Cheryl Brewster:

two ways. I worked for some amazing companies and man, I

Cheryl Brewster:

worked for companies. I was like, Oh, my, oh, my. And but I

Cheryl Brewster:

also had an internal system. One was wired for joy, and one was

Cheryl Brewster:

wired for pressure. And so I ended up flat on my back and I

Cheryl Brewster:

was in my 30s. I think, blood in my back, couldn't move,

Cheryl Brewster:

literally paralyzed with pain because of a really toxic work

Cheryl Brewster:

environment. And it was that particular event that triggered

Cheryl Brewster:

I'm going to learn everything I can do About living the grand

Cheryl Brewster:

adventure of my life. And that's where things really changed. And

Cheryl Brewster:

that whole listening to my intuition, that's where it

Cheryl Brewster:

kicked in. And the thing that totally changed it for me was

Cheryl Brewster:

absolutely tapping into this whole idea of joy. There is

Cheryl Brewster:

something inside of me, that is so happy and so powerful.

Cheryl Brewster:

However, I have a responsibility to it. And if I, for all of us,

Cheryl Brewster:

if we continue to deny that, and not nurture it, not grow it. And

Cheryl Brewster:

this is why I love to teach, because who knew that learning

Cheryl Brewster:

about joy would be a process or a curriculum? Well, I found in

Cheryl Brewster:

my own life, it actually was, it was like, Okay, it's, you know,

Cheryl Brewster:

causes greater than effect. So let's go back to root cause. And

Cheryl Brewster:

let's go back and ask that question. Well, what if? And,

Cheryl Brewster:

and what if, even in the midst of this really difficult

Cheryl Brewster:

circumstance, and, and you and I were talking, I'm going through

Cheryl Brewster:

one right now with some, you know, some, some critical things

Cheryl Brewster:

happening with some loved ones around me. And it's, it's like,

Cheryl Brewster:

there's a part of me that wants to go into the worry and the

Cheryl Brewster:

like the. And there's this other part that's going no, no, no,

Cheryl Brewster:

remember, you've done this before you mastered up before

Cheryl Brewster:

and you can master this too. And the power of joy overcomes the

Cheryl Brewster:

power of stress. And when we give ourselves the dignity of

Cheryl Brewster:

life, the dignity of I will be true to this adventure, I will

Cheryl Brewster:

be I will be here for myself. And like Viktor Frankl talked

Cheryl Brewster:

about that is the last of the human freedoms. So the question

Cheryl Brewster:

that I would have to, again, anyone listening to the podcast,

Cheryl Brewster:

is, this is your freedom to nurture, this is your freedom to

Cheryl Brewster:

grow? It is yours. And really listen to that voice of

Cheryl Brewster:

intuition, because it knows the way and it helps you ground

Cheryl Brewster:

this, so that you have a solid foundation to walk on, even in

Cheryl Brewster:

the midst of the most difficult circumstances. And that's what I

Cheryl Brewster:

call joy, that ability to live your life that way, on those

Cheryl Brewster:

kinds of terms, that in my mind, and my definition, is truly the

Cheryl Brewster:

the hidden treasure inside that we are each given to discover.

Melissa Deally:

And I love that and, you know, we're talking

Melissa Deally:

about corporate beating things out of us. But the other thing

Melissa Deally:

that I want to point out is there may be listeners that are

Melissa Deally:

here, and maybe not fully in their place of joy and having

Melissa Deally:

designed their own life and, and feeling that true happiness and

Melissa Deally:

joy from inside because whatever they've been doing, has been

Melissa Deally:

guided by other people. Yes. And the biggest one of that, that I

Melissa Deally:

see is parental expectations, right? Especially our

Melissa Deally:

generation, I hope it's not true of the current kids coming out

Melissa Deally:

of high school. And I know when my kids were in high school, I

Melissa Deally:

actually went to a seminar by our Parent Advisory Council,

Melissa Deally:

talking about helping your children choose what they were

Melissa Deally:

going to do after high school. And it wasn't just about what

Melissa Deally:

are they good at? And it was definitely not about what do you

Melissa Deally:

want them to do? It was about what are they good at? But what

Melissa Deally:

is their passion? What do they enjoy, and you combine those two

Melissa Deally:

to help guide them? And it has nothing to do with you. And for

Melissa Deally:

me at the time? That was? I just thought, wow, that's really

Melissa Deally:

great advice. Because if I hadn't heard that would I have

Melissa Deally:

tried to guide my children into something that wasn't

Melissa Deally:

necessarily align just because I thought it was what they were

Melissa Deally:

should do. And I know so many people who have had that happen,

Melissa Deally:

right? And then they get into adulthood and they're not happy

Melissa Deally:

and they're unfulfilled because it wasn't ever what they were

Melissa Deally:

supposed to be doing. And if that's you as a listener, that

Melissa Deally:

you're feeling unfulfilled in your work in your life, do that

Melissa Deally:

internal check in. Listen to your intuition, because maybe

Melissa Deally:

it's time that you get to choose what you do for yourself.

Cheryl Brewster:

That is so beautifully put Melissa and and

Cheryl Brewster:

with that. It's it's the call to trust yourself. And I believe at

Cheryl Brewster:

the bottom Love this for all of us. It's how much am I really

Cheryl Brewster:

trusting myself. And I love quotes the German philosopher

Cheryl Brewster:

Goethe said, and until you trust yourself, you will not know how

Cheryl Brewster:

to live. And isn't that isn't that amazing? And so I, again,

Cheryl Brewster:

it's the call to intuition is the call to joy, which can only

Cheryl Brewster:

happen by trusting ourselves, which means we Yes, we need to

Cheryl Brewster:

embrace our inner pirate here and break some of these rules,

Cheryl Brewster:

these chains that we have found ourselves in, take back our

Cheryl Brewster:

power, whether that's from old limiting beliefs, or whether

Cheryl Brewster:

that's from some relationships that are demanding and you know,

Cheryl Brewster:

where have I given my power away? Where have I unknowingly

Cheryl Brewster:

and again, I want to bring this back to the power of emotion,

Cheryl Brewster:

because in the reframe work that I love to do, it's like, okay,

Cheryl Brewster:

let's take this, what you would call a negative emotion, let's

Cheryl Brewster:

take it and look for the gift inside of it. Because what if

Cheryl Brewster:

you're feeling depressed? Because you're not living life

Cheryl Brewster:

on your terms? You know, what if, what if the depression is

Cheryl Brewster:

actually trying to serve you and help you and get you to see

Cheryl Brewster:

that, and so to to be very kind to ourselves as we unearth these

Cheryl Brewster:

things, because there's some real vulnerability here. And,

Cheryl Brewster:

and there's a beautiful phrase from Plato that I love to use in

Cheryl Brewster:

the communications courses that I teach be kind for everyone you

Cheryl Brewster:

meet is fighting a hard battle. And so who are you? Yeah, isn't

Cheryl Brewster:

that great?

Melissa Deally:

I also love in relation to kindness there. This

Melissa Deally:

one I think everybody will know. But it's, it's so true that in a

Melissa Deally:

world where you can choose to be anything. And I think that ties

Melissa Deally:

in beautifully with what we're talking about as well, is that

Melissa Deally:

it's your choice. And you can choose to be anything. Yes,

Melissa Deally:

choose to be kind.

Cheryl Brewster:

Yeah. Because at the end of the day, I, you

Cheryl Brewster:

know, we can be so technologically advanced. And

Cheryl Brewster:

yet we live in a world that is driven by war. And my question

Cheryl Brewster:

is why I, I do not want to be a part of a society that continues

Cheryl Brewster:

to ignore what's most important. And why, at this point in 2022,

Cheryl Brewster:

are we dealing with issues that have been here since the

Cheryl Brewster:

beginning of time, and the why is is because the internal

Cheryl Brewster:

aspect here, if it's not driven by exploration and adventure and

Cheryl Brewster:

kindness, we've missed the point. So I think there's a real

Cheryl Brewster:

call to arms, I call it the I call this call to arms in and it

Cheryl Brewster:

is, it's a call to Grace let let us let us each one of us really

Cheryl Brewster:

tap in and say, What can I do in the first place we start is

Cheryl Brewster:

okay, am I doing what makes me come alive? And if I'm not,

Cheryl Brewster:

that's where I start. And then from there, that energy for

Cheryl Brewster:

forcefield is so strong and so powerful. I believe we have a

Cheryl Brewster:

global movement right now, which is calling us forward to be the

Cheryl Brewster:

change makers we're capable of being and it starts so simply in

Cheryl Brewster:

our own mindset, in our own self care. And this whole idea that

Cheryl Brewster:

this one precious life in I had an out of body death experience.

Cheryl Brewster:

And when I was coming back, the I was told you have a second

Cheryl Brewster:

chance. And the second chance was do what brings you joy.

Cheryl Brewster:

That's how we're going to heal the planet. And it sounds

Cheryl Brewster:

perhaps a little naive, but is it really how much power is

Cheryl Brewster:

there Shawn anchor wrote a book called happiness, The Happiness

Cheryl Brewster:

Advantage. And the stats there are amazing in an over a 20 year

Cheryl Brewster:

period of the studying business and prosperity The most

Cheryl Brewster:

successful people are the ones who are happy. So let's let's do

Cheryl Brewster:

this together. Like, I just think it's time to have fun. And

Cheryl Brewster:

I think it's time to have conversations like this where we

Cheryl Brewster:

say, You know what, there's something so amazing that wants

Cheryl Brewster:

to move through me. And, and, and some people don't even know

Cheryl Brewster:

what it is yet. But what happens when they find it, and they

Cheryl Brewster:

discover it. And then and then we have conversations like this

Cheryl Brewster:

and you and you do, the great work that you do is supporting

Cheryl Brewster:

people with their physical health, and then the emotional

Cheryl Brewster:

component of that, and I do what I do, which is saying, Yeah,

Cheryl Brewster:

you've got something inside of you that knows the way you can

Cheryl Brewster:

trust it. And together, let's let's truly create this amazing

Cheryl Brewster:

adventure of life together, we need leaders who are ready to to

Cheryl Brewster:

lead from that kind of energy, that kind of mindset.

Melissa Deally:

And, on that note, I just really want to

Melissa Deally:

leave the audience with that question that we started with at

Melissa Deally:

the very beginning, and to start asking it of yourself every day,

Melissa Deally:

and even throughout the day, so you can start to tap into what

Melissa Deally:

brings you alive. So does this make me come alive? I think

Melissa Deally:

that's such a powerful question that will lead us into using our

Melissa Deally:

intuition into working through our ABCs and into that place of

Melissa Deally:

joy. And as we've said, when one person does it, it has the

Melissa Deally:

ripple and beneficial effect on all the people around you. And

Melissa Deally:

we all rise up together. So thank you. Thank you, Cheryl,

Melissa Deally:

for joining me here today. This has been an amazing

Melissa Deally:

conversation. And I just love everything that you shared. And

Melissa Deally:

it's so powerful, so profound, and fun to write bringing play

Melissa Deally:

and fun back into it as well. And before we sign off, though,

Melissa Deally:

I just want to ask you a question that I asked all of my

Melissa Deally:

guests. What just don't wait for your wake up call mean to you?

Cheryl Brewster:

Oh, I love that. Well, to me, it says, you

Cheryl Brewster:

caught me by surprise her wasn't expecting this to me it means

Cheryl Brewster:

when when joy has been knocking at your door, and you haven't

Cheryl Brewster:

been listening, there's going to be a price to pay. So I'd rather

Cheryl Brewster:

pay the price. And yes, then, oh, I wish I would have listened

Cheryl Brewster:


Melissa Deally:

Yeah, that's true. Very, very true. Right.

Melissa Deally:

And again, that's where the awareness comes in. To

Melissa Deally:

recognizing when joy is knocking at our door, and US tuning in

Melissa Deally:

and listening. So you have very graciously offered a gift to the

Melissa Deally:

audience. It is a gift for the first five people that respond

Melissa Deally:

because this is a highly valuable gift. And we can't just

Melissa Deally:

leave it out there infinitum for whoever listens to this, you

Melissa Deally:

know, five months, five years from now. But please share your

Melissa Deally:

gift with the audience. So they know to go to the show notes and

Melissa Deally:

book a session with you if they're interested.

Cheryl Brewster:

Yes. So the the gift today is an Akashic reading

Cheryl Brewster:

with me a half hour Akashic reading. And the Akashic records

Cheryl Brewster:

are basically the supercomputer of your soul. That's where

Cheryl Brewster:

everything is stored. And what's even more exciting, not only is

Cheryl Brewster:

it a storage unit, it's also very alive and vital. And we go

Cheryl Brewster:

in, we see the information that's there. And then we we

Cheryl Brewster:

ask, okay, what again, what is here to support the success, or

Cheryl Brewster:

the joy or the healing, whatever that is the prosperity, the

Cheryl Brewster:

adventure moving forward. And very powerful, powerful work.

Cheryl Brewster:

This is what we're up to here. So yeah, for the first time I

Cheryl Brewster:

look forward to it. Yes,

Melissa Deally:

thank you so much for offering that to the

Melissa Deally:

audience. And I highly recommend it to those listening. Don't

Melissa Deally:

delay, because this is an incredibly eye opening

Melissa Deally:

experience into your past lives and who you are today. And I

Melissa Deally:

know the first time I had my Akashic Records read it was

Melissa Deally:

really confirmation of who I am today. And I found that to be

Melissa Deally:

incredibly powerful. So is there any last thing that you would

Melissa Deally:

like to leave the audience with and also please share how the

Melissa Deally:

audience can get ahold of you as well. It will all be in the show

Melissa Deally:

notes. But you can go ahead and share that here too.

Cheryl Brewster:

Oh, sure. Yes, the intuitive And I

Cheryl Brewster:

love to hear from anyone who's been listening to the podcasts

Cheryl Brewster:

that I'm that I'm on and my question is, what makes you come

Cheryl Brewster:

alive and how can I help support you in doing that? So I Welcome,

Cheryl Brewster:

listeners to reach out and go. Yeah. Okay, I'm ready. I'm ready

Cheryl Brewster:

for more.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. Well, thank you again for being

Melissa Deally:

on the podcast. Cheryl. I really appreciate it. And thank you to

Melissa Deally:

the audience for tuning in and listening. I will be back next

Melissa Deally:

week with a deeper dive into using your intuition as it

Melissa Deally:

relates to your health. So have a great week everyone. And

Melissa Deally:

thanks again Cheryl, by

Cheryl Brewster:

on Sunline

Melissa Deally:

thank you for investing this time with me on

Melissa Deally:

the don't wait for your wake up call Podcast. I'm so glad you

Melissa Deally:

joined in. If you can take two minutes to share this episode

Melissa Deally:

with someone who you think can benefit and have a positive

Melissa Deally:

impact on their life. That would be wonderful. Please leave a

Melissa Deally:

review by going to your favorite podcast listening app. And let

Melissa Deally:

me know what you enjoy or would like to hear more of it will

Melissa Deally:

support me in my effort to bring the possibility of natural

Melissa Deally:

healing to a wider audience and help disrupt the sick care

Melissa Deally:

system we have today and make human health a global priority.




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