Episode 44 – Young People and Harmful Sexual Behaviour
10th October 2019 • LawPod • Queen's University - School of Law
00:00:00 00:27:35

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2 - Criminology Matters - Professor Anne-Marie McAlinden and Dr Elizabeth Agnew speak about their individual research projects exploring young people and harmful sexual behaviour (HSB). Together they set out some of the key challenges in defining, conceptualising and responding to HSB among young people. To find out more follow Anne-Marie McAlinden https://pure.qub.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/annemarie-mcalinden(e6193a8e-9011-4be7-85e0-79c3ea131d38).html and Elizabeth Agnew https://pure.qub.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/elizabeth-agnew(56d451ef-598b-43b3-930d-76175bc221ba).html For further reading see: A.-M. McAlinden (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society, Cambridge University Press, 2018): https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/children-as-risk/43C59B8F7127F34329DD5F2815802FD8 QPOL blog:   http://qpol.qub.ac.uk/sexual-exploitation-abuse-children-young-people-normal-risky-harmful/ Conversation piece: https://theconversation.com/teenage-sexting-were-letting-young-people-down-by-not-talking-about-it-107054 L. Ashurst and A.-M. McAlinden (2015), ‘Young People, Peer-to-Peer Grooming and Sexual Offending: Understanding and Responding to Harmful Sexual Behaviour within a Social Media Society’, Probation Journal 62(4): 374-388.



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