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Change Revisited | DFS 264
Episode 26416th October 2023 • Destined For Success • Jennifer Takagi
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Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you develop your intuitive and leadership skills so you are on the path to the highest level of success with ease. We often say we are open to change, but are we really?  Let’s dive in!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Open mindset vs fixed mindset - we are more fixed than we want to admit!
  • Miracles are a shift in perspective
  • Quit learning, quit living! 

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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk 

Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way.  Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm.  Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting.  Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.  

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Wishing you the best,

Jennifer Takagi

Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing

PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at


Jennifer Takagi:

Welcome to destined for success. I'm your

Jennifer Takagi:

host Jennifer Takagi. And today I want to talk about change

Jennifer Takagi:

revisited. Change revisited. Last week, we had Dr. Salah on

Jennifer Takagi:

the show. And she was talking about diversity and action, she

Jennifer Takagi:

is creating a global movement. Now I've worked with several

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coaches, and they've asked me, What's your mission? What

Jennifer Takagi:

movement Do you want to create? I'm not that clear just yet. But

Jennifer Takagi:

what I do know is that many of us think that we have an open

Jennifer Takagi:

mind. Any of you on here ever watched, all in the family with

Jennifer Takagi:

Archie Bunker? He was the epitome of a fixed mindset. This

Jennifer Takagi:

is the way it's always been. This is way it's going to be.

Jennifer Takagi:

You think you have an open mindset. But do you? I think I

Jennifer Takagi:

have an open mindset. But do I? These are questions that we have

Jennifer Takagi:

to ask ourselves on a regular basis. So we can figure out

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where we are in the world. And if we want to be here. I've had

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conversations with people and it went kind of like this. I don't

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know why we need to change. We're just changing for the sake

Jennifer Takagi:

of change. Typically, not. Typically, not typically,

Jennifer Takagi:

there's a catalyst for why we are changing why something is

Jennifer Takagi:

happening. But we don't always understand the why we don't ask

Jennifer Takagi:

the right questions of the right people to get the answer. So

Jennifer Takagi:

with an open mind, as soon as somebody says something is going

Jennifer Takagi:

to change, I don't care if you saw it on the news on social

Jennifer Takagi:

media at work, your boss said there's going to be a change.

Jennifer Takagi:

You heard it at lunch, people talking behind you saying

Jennifer Takagi:

something about a change was coming. What is your initial gut

Jennifer Takagi:

reaction? What's your gut reaction? There are some people

Jennifer Takagi:

who really and truly embrace change. They embrace it, they're

Jennifer Takagi:

like, Great, let's throw everything away and start over,

Jennifer Takagi:

you know, this people, they're very creative. They have very

Jennifer Takagi:

open minds. I had someone explained it to me one time she

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goes, I have a great idea that everybody needs to build a new

Jennifer Takagi:

monster. Like, as soon as something comes up this

Jennifer Takagi:

something's not working right, and we need to change, I am

Jennifer Takagi:

ready to build the monster. And then she walks away, because

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she's not very detailed. She's not gonna build it, you know, to

Jennifer Takagi:

everybody else to build it. There are other people on the

Jennifer Takagi:

other end of the spectrum that say, No, absolutely not. They

Jennifer Takagi:

are total and complete rule followers, we are not going to

Jennifer Takagi:

make any changes, we need to consider all of the

Jennifer Takagi:

ramifications, we're not going to do it. Then you have the

Jennifer Takagi:

people in the middle. And the people in the middle can fall on

Jennifer Takagi:

either side of that. Also, one group in the middle are like I

Jennifer Takagi:

love the idea that you want to change everything. But let's

Jennifer Takagi:

just wait out a little bit. There's the other side that says

Jennifer Takagi:

yes, I'm totally opposed to this change. Maybe we can look at it

Jennifer Takagi:

as a possibility. We all have our natural responses to change.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I'm actually a certified change style indicator

Jennifer Takagi:

facilitator facilitator. And we can actually take a test and see

Jennifer Takagi:

where we fall on that spectrum. Are we originator? A are, oh,

Jennifer Takagi:

wait, oh no, I just drew a blank on when it's called originator

Jennifer Takagi:

pragmatist or something else that means I'm rigid in the

Jennifer Takagi:

rules, I just you're a blank. And we can see where people fall

Jennifer Takagi:

on the spectrum. And the thing is, you're everything. You are

Jennifer Takagi:

everything and you should not get in a fixed mindset that I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

this way or that way because you're all of it depending on

Jennifer Takagi:

the situation, the circumstances and how the information is

Jennifer Takagi:

presented. But are you operating in today's world with a much

Jennifer Takagi:

more fixed mindset or not? I like to equate it to I don't

Jennifer Takagi:

want to go back to a big chief tamp tablet in and number two

Jennifer Takagi:

pencil. Number one I write a whole lot better with a little

Jennifer Takagi:

bit narrower lines. I like the college rule spiral notebooks

Jennifer Takagi:

FYI. Also, I don't really like a number two pencil I like a

Jennifer Takagi:

number three because I hold a pencil like I'm hanging on for

Jennifer Takagi:

dear life. And if I have a number two I smoosh it. So I

Jennifer Takagi:

need a number three, it's a little bit harder and it can

Jennifer Takagi:

hold up to my aggressive holding of that pencil. I don't want it.

Jennifer Takagi:

I don't want to go back to the days Were we had humongous

Jennifer Takagi:

laptops that were so heavy. Oh, better yet, I don't want to go

Jennifer Takagi:

back to those big old towers that were under the desk that

Jennifer Takagi:

you kept kicking all the time. Yeah, no, I don't want to go

Jennifer Takagi:

back to that. I don't want to go back to having a text typing a

Jennifer Takagi:

to get the letter C, or actually, I guess it's the

Jennifer Takagi:

number 2222 to get C to type out a text message. I was probably

Jennifer Takagi:

one of the last people in my whole friend group to start

Jennifer Takagi:

texting. And guess what my cute husband did. He went out and got

Jennifer Takagi:

me one of those slide phones that had an actual keyboard.

Jennifer Takagi:

Yeah, yeah, because he knew I didn't really like texting. Now

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm kind of a wizard at it. And I'm really good, and I got on

Jennifer Takagi:

it. But I was late, I was totally late getting on to the

Jennifer Takagi:

bandwagon of texting. Most of us can't live without it now.

Jennifer Takagi:

Right? Most of us are in it. So when you hear something is going

Jennifer Takagi:

to change, instead of immediately going to all the

Jennifer Takagi:

problems with it. Take a few breaths and step back. And

Jennifer Takagi:

consider the possibilities, the possibilities of why the change

Jennifer Takagi:

needs to occur, and how you can benefit from it. If you're

Jennifer Takagi:

working within an organization, how can you support leadership

Jennifer Takagi:

in implementing the change? Because it's common people it's

Jennifer Takagi:

coming? How can you be a catalyst for it and help move it

Jennifer Takagi:

forward rather than dragging it all in? I've often been told

Jennifer Takagi:

that oh, man is going to take a miracle. It's going to take a

Jennifer Takagi:

miracle. And a lot of people think the last miracles that

Jennifer Takagi:

happened, we're in the Bible. Yeah. Last miracle is when Jesus

Jennifer Takagi:

rose from the dead. A miracle is a change in your perspective, a

Jennifer Takagi:

change in your perspective, Marianne Williamson wrote, she's

Jennifer Takagi:

written a lot, but one of her books was something like A

Jennifer Takagi:

Course in Miracles or information about A Course of

Jennifer Takagi:

Miracles. Look it up, you can find it. Marianne Williamson,

Jennifer Takagi:

brilliant woman. And she talks a lot about the change in

Jennifer Takagi:

perspective. So if you're upset with somebody or something, or

Jennifer Takagi:

how it's working, you can stop and be still. So rule number one

Jennifer Takagi:

is you can't get great messages. And think things through if

Jennifer Takagi:

there's a lot of chaos and noise going on around you. Like I am

Jennifer Takagi:

in my house in silence most of the time, like it's quiet around

Jennifer Takagi:

here. I was at an event and everybody was talking around me.

Jennifer Takagi:

And then they said, Oh, Jennifer, did you do the work?

Jennifer Takagi:

And I'm like, hell no, I didn't do the work. I can't think

Jennifer Takagi:

there's too much happening around me. I cannot do this. It

Jennifer Takagi:

doesn't happen for me. I mean it quiet. But guess what, when

Jennifer Takagi:

you're quiet, that's on the messages. That's when you can

Jennifer Takagi:

see the change in perspective. So you can ask yourself, as

Jennifer Takagi:

you're sitting quietly, is there another way I can view this so

Jennifer Takagi:

that I can gain more information, so I can understand

Jennifer Takagi:

it more fully. Your subconscious is so brilliant is brilliant

Jennifer Takagi:

beyond any measure that you have that I have that we have. So

Jennifer Takagi:

before you go to bed, ask yourself the question, be

Jennifer Takagi:

curious, is there another way that I could be looking at this

Jennifer Takagi:

that would be more beneficial for me and everyone involved?

Jennifer Takagi:

Let your subconscious go to work overnight. It loves to solve

Jennifer Takagi:

problems, it loves to come up with brilliant ideas. I used to

Jennifer Takagi:

be in a trig algebra three class in high school. And let me tell

Jennifer Takagi:

you, that was way above my capabilities, how I even signed

Jennifer Takagi:

up for that class. God only knows because I don't I just

Jennifer Takagi:

signed up for the next class. And guess what I found out

Jennifer Takagi:

Hahaha, I didn't even need it to graduate. I didn't even need it.

Jennifer Takagi:

But I would go in for help in the morning. And in the

Jennifer Takagi:

afternoon, every single day, the teacher was so nice. She would

Jennifer Takagi:

help me and help me and help me. And I would go to bed after

Jennifer Takagi:

studying and studying and practicing practicing. And I'd

Jennifer Takagi:

wake up the next morning and go up. I got it. I know what to do.

Jennifer Takagi:

And I've got to take the test and make a b I always wanted a I

Jennifer Takagi:

always made a B because I couldn't really get it ingrained

Jennifer Takagi:

before we moved on to the next thing like give me one more day

Jennifer Takagi:

and I would have gotten it. But I had studied that stuff all

Jennifer Takagi:

evening. So when I went to bed, my brain was still working on

Jennifer Takagi:


Jennifer Takagi:

So just ask the question, be curious. What if I were more

Jennifer Takagi:

open minded about this? What if there were another solution?

Jennifer Takagi:

What If my perspective about this shifted just a tiny bit,

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm not saying throw out the baby with the bathwater, I'm

Jennifer Takagi:

saying a tiny shift, a tiny shift. And the third point that

Jennifer Takagi:

I want to point out is when you quit learning, you quit living.

Jennifer Takagi:

I'm going to say it again. When you quit learning, you quit

Jennifer Takagi:

living. There is something new to learn to explore, to be

Jennifer Takagi:

curious about every single day. What if you woke up in the

Jennifer Takagi:

morning and asked yourself, what one thing I can learn today. It

Jennifer Takagi:

can be simple, it can be little, I was listening to an audio

Jennifer Takagi:

book, and the author said something about, he would write

Jennifer Takagi:

something and then he would change the font to bigger so he

Jennifer Takagi:

could read it while he was on a call. And then he had to

Jennifer Takagi:

remember to go back and make it smaller, so that he didn't send

Jennifer Takagi:

the email out or the document out, you know, in a 30 point,

Jennifer Takagi:

font. And one of the tech people came in and said, Did you know

Jennifer Takagi:

that you can just click over here and you can zoom in on the

Jennifer Takagi:

on the page instead of changing the font. And the man was like,

Jennifer Takagi:

wow, that's like a game changer for me. And accomplish the same

Jennifer Takagi:

thing. The print was bigger, he could read it more easily. But

Jennifer Takagi:

he didn't have to go through multiple steps to change it back

Jennifer Takagi:

to a different size. I was on the phone with a client and we

Jennifer Takagi:

were actually going to do a zoom interview. For the podcast. It's

Jennifer Takagi:

coming out soon. I'm not gonna tell you anything else about it

Jennifer Takagi:

coming out soon. And she said I need to enlarge this so I can

Jennifer Takagi:

read it. And I was so happy. I knew how to do it for myself.

Jennifer Takagi:

But I had I not been listening to that book because I love

Jennifer Takagi:

audiobooks. Had I not been listening to that book. I might

Jennifer Takagi:

not have remembered specifically how to tell somebody else. So

Jennifer Takagi:

keep learning. keep learning keep being curious. Diversity is

Jennifer Takagi:

with us. We are all different. We all came from little bit

Jennifer Takagi:

different backgrounds, even if it looks like it's the same, I

Jennifer Takagi:

promise it's not be open and receptive to other people. You

Jennifer Takagi:

have the choice to shift from a closed mindset, a fixed mindset

Jennifer Takagi:

to a totally open one where you are ready to look for the

Jennifer Takagi:

miracles look for the shifts and keep learning. So my ask of you

Jennifer Takagi:

today, like subscribe and share the podcast leave a comment if

Jennifer Takagi:

you liked it, leave a review. If not gonna leave a bad review on

Jennifer Takagi:

somebody else's but not mine. I'm Jennifer Takagi and I look

Jennifer Takagi:

forward to connecting with you soon




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