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How Intuition and Community Shape Your Journey
Episode 4531st May 2023 • Elements of Community • Lucas Root
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In this episode of Elements of Community, we delve into the fascinating world of personal growth and healing with our esteemed guest, Beth Haley. A passionate lifelong learner, Beth's profound quest for self-healing led her on a multidisciplinary path of discovery, combining knowledge with experiential learning to create powerful transformations.

Join us as we uncover the pivotal role of intuition and community in shaping our individual journeys. Through Beth's remarkable insights, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how intuitive guidance and the support of a like-minded community can spark profound shifts in perception and healing.

Don't miss out on this empowering conversation that will inspire you to unlock the secrets of intuition and leverage the power of community in your own life.




And so Beth thank you for joining me I've had the the delightful opportunity to get to know you a little bit over the past couple of weeks through the ecstatic group that we're that we're playing in and then. Yesterday actually and of course our audience doesn't know what yesterday is but yesterday for you and me um I got to really experience some of your what I'm going to call epic grandmother energy and we're going to. We're going to come back around to that because. As I mentioned in the green room before the show I'm going to surprise you and that's going to be a piece of that surprise. Yeah, um, so um, for the benefit of our audience. Why don't you tell us a little bit about ah who you are.


Beth Haley

Okay, thank you.


Beth Haley

Sure? Well um I So I We talked a little bit about to me so you know sharing about my my banking history. That's what kind of got me doing this deep dive into the consciousness studies that I've been down the rabbit hole for. You know the last twenty three years really? um, really intensely I'll say it that way. Um, and so the the journey started with with the the bank coming in one day I'd I'd been taking classes to get my personal financial planning designation at the Royal bank.



And click 80 minutes


Beth Haley

And the the manager came in one day and said you know we're really sorry but you know are we not making enough money this year so you know one person in your department is going to have to go and as I shared with you before my husband and I had gotten together. He was traveling and in engineering and so. We'd always said someday. We'd like to travel and you know and in the nineteen years we'd been married up to that point this was Ninety Ninety nine when all this took place. Um, we hadn't really had any opportunities to travel so one of the ladies that was in the department. Her husband had just been laid off of his job. And the other lady her husband had just taken a commission sales job so they were both kind of support for their family and my heart just told me you need to be the one to take the package and it wasn't an easy decision I mean I'd been studying classes to get my designation and you know I was finally getting to what I thought was the peak of. My career beginning and you know it wasn't an easy decision but it was really my heart said you need to be the one and so I went in on Wednesday and said I'll take the package because my income was second right I wasn't the sole support for our family. My husband's was right I was definitely. The extra income so I went in a Wednesday and said yes I'll take the package and then on Friday that same week. My husband came home and said you'll never guess hunt I just got offered six weeks in Venezuela so something that we'd wanted 19 years showed up two days after me.





Beth Haley

Making this decision that didn't make sense on any level other than heart based and then that happened and that led to a bunch of other things right? So it's been step by step but that adventure began. Yeah, so.



The adventure has begun.


Beth Haley

we we did we went to Venezuela and we spent nine months there had all kinds of interesting things happen that our dishwasher blew up and flooded the house and so I had to come home and make repairs to the house and you know our daughter was in the last year at high school. So um. Ah, cousin of my husband's was staying with us because he was working in Calgary so he had agreed to because it was only six weeks right we were only going to be gone for six weeks initially so Norman had said well I'll stay you know because I'm here anyways and the kids didn't have to get out of school because like I said our daughter was in her last year at high school. Our son was in grade 8 and you know that was the way it was going to go and then as it dragged on longer. We found out that you know things weren't really being managed well at at home as I thought they were and so I ended up taking Jonathan with us to Venezuela and homeschooling him there and he he still talks about it is his mom. He says.





Beth Haley

Was only honor roll like you were my teacher and you were it still talks about how was the only time I was ever on the honor roll and it it was wonderful to spend that time with him in exploring Venezuela which I mean when when I landed in Venezuela it was like this amazing. Tropical place and yet there was so much contrast there was there was the contrast of you know the the people that most of the people that are there. Um, don't have really great paying jobs right? Even though.



But both.


Beth Haley

Venezuela is an oil-rich country and I had my first um, kind of psychic experience while we were there. Um my my ah my husband was booked to come home. Um, on the twenty third of December for for Christmas break.



Oh cool.


Beth Haley

hat happened in Venezuela and:



And not in this world.


Beth Haley

The power to say you know had this precognitive and it it wouldn't have mattered you know So I'd I'd had to deal with a little bit of that you know that what if what if I'd have you know done something with it. But that yeah it it just. Life happens right? We do. We do the best we can with what we have while we're there and so anyway yeah.



Yeah, and so I I I like to talk about Um, what starts to happen in your life when you free yourself. Um in your mind and. And there there are several different things that people need to have in place to be free. They they need security. Um, but it's not the security that we think you need it's you You don't need ah a a a shotgun and a hard wall. Um.


Beth Haley




The irony and this is part of what I'm talking about here on this on this show. The irony is that the security we actually need is we need 6 people that have our back all the time. No matter what and once we have those 6 people we we actually don't need ah you know, ah a castle wall and a shotgun. Um.


Beth Haley




We already achieve security and once you have that freedom in your mind you start to expand and you expand into who you might be instead of who you have to be but you expand into who you might be an amazing frame shift right? who I might be instead of who I have to be.


Beth Haley




You had um you had an opportunity to start freeing your mind and to start expanding into who you might be where did that take you.


Beth Haley

Well, it's It's just this. Um, it's um, it's almost like a magical journey that's unfolded and and not all of it's been easy I mean there's been. There's been times but it's it's yeah, step by step. You make the best decision you can at any given moment.



No magical journey is easy. Come on.


Beth Haley

And the choices that open to you are are based on who you are being at at that time right? They're based on your being and so you can't make choices that are outside of your beingness If if you're if you're a person who's.






But we're we're gonna say that again. The the choices that are available to you are based on who you are being in the moment Beth that was that was brilliant. Thank you please give to me.


Beth Haley



Beth Haley

That's true.


Beth Haley

Um, anyway, so it's it's like it. It's sort of this journey that you just keep walking right? and so after we got home from Venezuela and had that you know we went we went and saw the Aruba islands my son and and my husband got certified as scuba divers.



The people.



And oh cool.


Beth Haley

We we had some amazing dive adventures. It was it was it was an incredible time right? We brought our daughter down. Um and and went to ah Trinidad and Tobago and and she was there for her eighteenth birthday and so it was. Really really a ah blessing and on so many different fronts that that we were able to have that time and you know it it just traveled as such an amazing opportunity to understand so much more about our our beautiful earth mother gaia you know. And the people that that are on all the different in the different areas. You know most I think most of the people on the planet are very giving caring loving and really want what's best for others I really feel that way. There's a small segment of a society. That's very.





Beth Haley

Greedy and not very heart centered and you know that that we contend with but I think that as we as we advance our own consciousness I think that group is going to shrink smaller and smaller and smaller and I think when.



And we have ah we have a we have a language challenge in English um that that I think gets solved really beautifully in some other languages. Um in in English you say I am cold I am hungry and so. Just through your language because um, when when you when we speak. It's it's Magic. We're we're casting spells every word that comes out of our mouth. Um, whether you whether you realize it or not so when you say I am Cold. You're actually becoming Cold. You're you're taking cold into your personality. It's It's part of who you are in that moment. Talking about being this I am a hungry. Um so I would like to invite us, you me everyone listeners I would like to invite us to consider that language challenge in the context of other Languages. So.


Beth Haley




In in romance languages instead of saying I am hungry they say I have hunger How how does that change the world when applied to things like greed rather than saying somebody is greedy. What if we say they have greed.


Beth Haley

We have.


Beth Haley




Now It's something that they can release and now it's not a person. It's not a thing. It's not that's not a part of who they are rather it's just something that they happen to be carrying for the moment we can. We can let that go so now that that small segment of population that you're talking about. They can just. Not have greed anymore if we open up the pathway to something different whereas if they are greedy boy that's a whole lot harder to solve.


Beth Haley

Yeah, and it's it's solvable by just changing ourselves right? And how we choose to look like all the change that we can do is is only within us. We cannot change other people. The only change that we can actually effectively make is within. Our own beings and how we choose to respond to all of the inputs that are happening around us and the more we open up to our own intuitive gifts and we open up to being a part of.





Beth Haley

Community of man if you want to call it that or um, you know then that is um, that is what allows the other person to feel safe enough to maybe.


Beth Haley

Create some shifts for themselves.



You Yeah right? Um, maybe maybe not. But maybe that starts with language. Maybe that starts by releasing yourself from I amreedy and stepping into I have greed.


Beth Haley

And we all have ah uncertainty I mean we we all have a lot of aspects of us that are not pleasant to look at and you know we do. We do the best we can with what we've got really and and each of us is on this amazing journey but together we all create. Everything that's around us. It's not a 1 person thing right? and and I watched some some interesting video where the lady talked about her being behind Barack Obama's campaign and her saying. Um, she was at church and I kind of watched that and I thought that was really interesting that you know she could just this 1 person could make such a change for someone who was quite famous and did you know and but she was part of that you know helping him to get his vision sort of you know.



And that is interesting.


Beth Haley

Interesting. So I don't know it's it's little stuff right in each of us has those moments right? where we interact with people where you can just hold space for them to be more to feel safe right? And. Ah, you're talking about when you know the 6 people that you have you know if you've got 6 people that creates that freedom. So if you have that that feeling of backing like okay now I can step out of my comfort zone because I don't have to make sure that all of my needs are going to be met because I got 5 other people that have my back. That are going to help me with that if I do stumble if I step a little bit outside of my comfort zone so that gives you that feeling of safety and security where you can move and maybe become even broader right? Even expand yourself a little bit more right? and um.



And as it.


Beth Haley

I'm one of those people who gets ideas and they just like have have you ever done Wim Hof breathing stuff where you you start breathing? And yeah, so I I look at that like when we start doing deep breathing our body starts to respond differently to. Normal shallow breath that we most of us do versus that deep breathing and that feeling of expansion and like you can actually probably feel your energy get bigger even when you're in that breath of of expansion right? So and. Interesting stuff with dowsing rods. You can actually check out. People's energy fields with them and you can intend for your energy field to expand or you can bring it in closer to you and it's actually palpably feelable or you know measurable with these with these dowsing rod tools which.



So with them.


Beth Haley

We can play with that a bit and it's it's fascinating all this stuff but fascinating but back to back to the class we shared yesterday. Um I'll just um, it's called the awakening workshop and it's ah it's a one day thing with.



I Love it.


Beth Haley

h classes with them for since:



And it was a lovely experience for anyone who's even considering it. So um, while we were warming up. You said something and I want to I want to grab on that because that's where the surprise comes in you said I have gotten to the point where I feel called to share all of the things that I've accumulated and.


Beth Haley

and and I've I've been asking for some way of getting out there a little bit more or a way of of sharing because I have been on this deep dive down the rabbit hole of consciousness for twenty plus years and I know now. Um, when I first started down this I mean you had to be really careful who you spoke to about some of the things that have have occurred because people would be like no no, no you know and now there's much more there's much more openness. There's what.



But come on. That's that's not what humans do.


Beth Haley

Ah, um, and there's much more openness to understanding that you know what 1 person might call. You know the the greater consciousness another person may choose to call god and another person may choose to call all and another person may choose to call. Whatever term they want to use but it doesn't change the beingness of like you and I were talking in the green room about you know, Gaia the the physical body of mother earth you feel is different. And it's it's the similar thing right? It's like when you make this connection with that part of us that we're all part of and you start to live your life from that place of saying okay I get it I know that I am. Here being ah, an individuated unit of consciousness and I'm also part of this greater whole and you are part of me too right? and you see that right? and when you start to look at the other people that you interact with that. You're another me that's had a whole different life experience set and past life experience sets. But you're still me, you're still, you're still that and it's just so opening. It's and.



And put them.


Beth Haley

You can hold space for people so much more? Um, yes, and without without judgment without needing to put a label on it without having to even.



I Fully and.


Beth Haley

You know, arose by any other name right? would it still smell the same. Yes, you still have all of those you still have all of those traits but whatever you call it right? It doesn't change what it is. Whatever name or label you want to put on it still doesn't change what that is.



You You're you're saying that you don't care what you call a rose you still like how it smells. Yeah.


Beth Haley

Yeah, and this still has thorns too if you if you you know, try and grab it or you know I mean it has its protection as well. So you know yeah.



Yeah I get it? Um, so here's the surprise. So I'm I've been um and if you go back to I think episode 29 for those of you who are listening I've been I've been playing with this idea called the grandmother theory now.


Beth Haley




Are a couple of grandmother theories that are floating out and um with all due respect to the people who have written them I think they're all wrong, but the real grandmother theory is mine. You all could take a moment and laugh at me. That's okay, my my grandmother theory is this Um, the the the.


Beth Haley




The purpose and that you know we humans are amazing and there really is not um, an accident in there so there has to be a purpose to menopause the purpose to Menopause is in service to the individual and the tribe It's not to.


Beth Haley




Protect you from dying in Childbirth. That's not the way nature works rather it's because you've gotten to a point where your your brilliance is so important and so valuable and so meaningful to the tribe and to yourself that um. Your higher calling is now to bring that brilliance to bear to to to offer your um, accumulated wisdom back to the tribe. So.



Back to your community and and it was amazing for me to hear you actually say exactly those words in your own language. Of course I'm feeling called to share what I've learned.


Beth Haley

And there there that thank you for that that beautiful compliment because there is a relationship that I didn't understand when my mom had with my my children. You know there is a relationship that you have with your grandchildren that is so unconditional and so. Rich and so beautiful that you can't have that relationship with your children until you're mature enough to be in the grandmother energy right? It's like that that is a whole different playing field. It's a different.





Beth Haley

Level. It's ah it's It's wisdom and caring and knowing that they're going to be the beings that they were created to be whether you'd like to have them different or not. They came here with a purpose. They came here with a vision and they came here with gifts and you can either hinder them or you can assist them and I want to be the kind of gramma that assists and helps and holds space and says you know what baby if that's what you want to do? How can I help you get there.



This is a.


Beth Haley

How can I help you shine your light into the world in such a way that you feel seen and you feel heard and you feel loved and you feel valued.



It is beautiful more of that. Um.


Beth Haley

Ah, So how? how do how do? How do? How do you feel like that you know where someone can come up to you and say okay, you're this amazing whole purposeful being. But there's something within you that you might not be. Really happy about or that you might really feel that is the best version that could be how could I hold space for you until you're ready to walk into that. That's the person that I want to be right? That's the person that I want to be for you is.





Beth Haley

Can I hold space for you to walk into all the places where you feel not really comfortable yet or not really you know like I'm not really certain. How could I hold that space for you until you feel confident and ready to say all right and I'm going to take my first step.



And that's the magic of the grandmother right? there? Wow! Thank you be? Thank you for demonstrating that Holy crap that Wast amazing now. Um Grandmother isn't just to your children.


Beth Haley

I'm going to do what I know it.



And your grandchildren when ah when a woman steps into grandmother. She opens her arms to to a lot more than just her project tell me about that.


Beth Haley



Beth Haley

Yes I have a wonderful friend. Her name is Cheryl Shanon Gray eyes and she exhibits um cookum is the name. The the cree name for grandmother right.





Beth Haley

And so she exhibits that so beautifully and I I just watch her as she walks into that for her her community and um, just she's just absolutely the embodiment of of grandmother energy to me too and. And that's that's kind of the the role model of if you want to have that you know like all the children come and I remember when I was a teenager I would love to read stories to the kids like I'd go and you know go into the grade school I was a little odd. But I'd go into the grade school and I'd read the stories and the kids I mean change the voice and really get into the character. You know I had dreams and visions of being an actress but then material so I got to do that when I was reading stories to the to the younger kids and it it gave the teacher a break and. I loved you know when I was growing up the the school we we had like you know you could go from grade you know, 7 down to the you know the great ones and you could go and do that. So yeah, anyway that that was that was kind of my first thought about you know, getting the kids to. Be part of the story right? You could include them in it then they they got to fully be present in it and that's what the grandmother holds is getting toir up the tribe together and saying okay you know where are we going next? How are we going to? How are we going to grow. How are we going to you know? so.





Beth Haley

How you know and and her wisdom can say well you know when I was a ah young Girl. We tried that and it didn't work and these are the reasons why? So if you could overcome those things then maybe it might work this time right? So that wisdom. That the grandmother carries is also very valuable.



Just it's somebody amazing. Yeah, all of that I need I need to meet sure. Yeah.


Beth Haley

y England and I went there in:



So yeah, um, are there are there communities that you get to play grandmother in right now.


Beth Haley

Um, I do have a community that I have my Tuesday night meditation group which I do on Zoom I've been doing that for 4 years it started you know over covid and and we've just been meeting virtually. So. I invite people to come on Tuesday nights and and meditate together with with our group and we do have a really lovely community where you know we do miss people that that aren't there that that have contributed to their stories and the the amount of knowledge that's in the room sometimes is amazing. So it's it's really a lovely a lovely place to come if you ever have a couple hours on a Tuesday night I invite you to come and join us. So yeah.



And some Tuesday nights I have I have hours for that. Yeah, thank you? Um, and how does how does your grandmother energy show up in that group.


Beth Haley

You're very welcome.


Beth Haley

Basically, just because I hold the space right? I hold the space for the people to to come into the room and to to be present in whatever way is comfortable for them. Some people. It's not comfortable to share right away and and that's okay I can hold the space for that and. Other people. You know they love to be able to share and there's a lot of of people that you know will share occasionally and then then you know might not for a week or 2 and and that's all it's all purposeful and some some weeks we have. Amazing conversations that we hang around. You know till after eight o'clock talking and then there's other weeks where we end at seven fifteen and it's all it's ah fine. You know it's whatever works for the group. So.



Um, so we talked about the elements of community of course in the green room before the show and can you talk to me about which of the elements really shows up in that in your Tuesday night meditation community and and how that really makes it come together as a community.


Beth Haley



Beth Haley

I Think that the the the common language we all, you know in in this the spiritual work.. There's some things that you start to talk about and so you have the the common language like out of Bodyd experiences right? We we all kind of know what that feels like so in sort of what it means Or. Um, you know getting to that that state of note. Yeah.



So Hang on hang On. That's really cool. Yes I I think that it's I think it's worth actually spending a minute I'm just talking about how when somebody says an out of body experience and that has meaning inside your community. Um. Can you can you go deeper into that.


Beth Haley

Sure and and the thing is our consciousness is not really.



Because let's let's remember that not all of our audience has had an out-of-body experience.


Beth Haley

Not that they not that they may be aware of but in the dream state in the dream state. You're you're having you're having that connection and your processing data that your your consciousness has taken in in a way that allows you to.



Sure we go.


Beth Haley

Some people remember their dreams. Some people don't but you're still your consciousness is processing the data that's accumulated and it's creating opportunities for you to experience things in a different a different frame of consciousness or a different level of Consciousness. Where problems can be solved I don't know who it was it said trying to solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that it was created at is impossible I don't I don't know who who famously said that but they're right, You do need to have someone else. That's not inside the problem come in and say okay.



Yeah, yeah.


Beth Haley

I can see it from a different perspective I can see it from a different angle and have you tried this or have you tried that so that's where it's really really helpful to have communities where you can go and say I've I've been experiencing this how how did you overcome it? How did you. And out of body is there's how do I even explain your consciousness is not actually 100% present even in your body right? Your consciousness is is. What holds your field of your body together it it holds all the molecules that make us these individuals together. It holds the field and so within that field. The consciousness isn't it's not It's not stuck there. It's not like you have to.



In looking.


Beth Haley

Get out of your you're already you you just have to become aware of expanding into a place that that you're not used to that you may not be um.


Beth Haley

Well versed in it's it's like taking someone who's who's grown up in New York City and taking them by plane and dropping them in the outback of Australia and saying here now go survive if if they live there.



But but.


Beth Haley

If they lived their whole life in New York city where you go around the corner and there's you know, whatever and then all of a sudden they're in this vast place and you know the people that have grown up there have no problem right? they. They can read the signs they can find water but someone from New York isn't going to be able to do that and vice versa if you take someone who's lived their entire life in the outback of Australia and drop them in the middle of New York city they're going to be lost. They can't see the the horizon they can't none of their their.



Say about both and.


Beth Haley

Normal signposts are available.



Yeah, it Yep, it's it's it's laughable.


Beth Haley

So and and and and traveling in that state of consciousness. It requires you to be able to stay focused long enough to stay in it and that's always my challenge is. Because my my gift is being able to pull in lots of disparate information pieces and make a piece out of them so staying focused is not 1 of my wonderful gifts. So it's it's not as easy for me to to. But it's very easy for me to shift my consciousness and just go someplace but I'm still also very aware and very present that I still have a physical form so my out of body is different than for instance, how Bob Monroe described it in his books.





Beth Haley

And how other people have experienced their out of body. So and we can't judge that just because mine wasn't exactly like theirs. Well mine mind's not valid.



And that that's the question isn't that.


Beth Haley

Ah, so I and I know there are a lot of people that are really hesitant to share some of their stories because they're they're unique for them right? You know we we all have these amazing experiences that happen to us. But they're not the norm I've had incredible. Um, when I was at the Minerale institute and taking guidelines I went into the lab and they have the the sound in the headphones and I got taken out and out where I could actually feel the molecules of my body expanding Until. I was so immense that I was actually holding mother Earth between 2 hands my 2 hands and in that state I I asked I said I have this incredible opportunity. How could I send a wave of love onto the Planet. So. Everybody could feel loved and valued and appreciated and the answer and forgive me if I cry because it was so how can we show you how much we love you that was you know how. And that's that's the magnitude of the consciousness that we're all part of how can I show owe you how much I love you and we create with our thoughts right? We We tell that loving consciousness that that we are all part of.





Beth Haley

What we want by what we spend the majority of our time thinking about. So if we're thin if we're thinking about you know what? we're not and you know all of the places where we have been taught to think we're broken. We're not diamonds are massively beautiful.



And talking about.


Beth Haley

Because they have flaws because they have a crack or ah, a piece of something in them. That's what gives them their brilliance. That's what makes them sparkle and and reflect light like they do. We would never say right.



So yeah.


Beth Haley

That that's not beautiful, but yet we didn't to ourselves. So.



so yeah so um let me tell a little story. So yesterday we're in the middle of this awakening consciousness awakening experience led by you Beth and we went away for lunch and um, the fire alarm in my building went off during lunch.


Beth Haley

Thank you.



And so I had to I had to go outside and that means I wasn't cooking my lunch and I didn't have something prepared so I come back and there's only 15 minutes left and I cook some lunch and that that also means that cooking lunch and also eating it takes more than the 15 minutes that I had so I'm sitting here in front of you.


Beth Haley




Eating some lunch now you know I'm not holding the plate up to the screen and and shoveling into my face it. It wasn't an in your face experience. Um, the reason I'm sharing this is because this is amazing you without asking Beth um, you.


Beth Haley




Led the group into a conversation that took 8 minutes which was how much time I needed to finish eating and as soon as I put the this is true as soon as I put the last bite of food in my mouth. The conversation was winding up and you said yeah I think the conversation's about about good. Um. Let's go ahead and move forward. Um, and and you did that without calling attention to the fact that I was eating you did that in full knowledge that I was eating and you were perfectly timed to finishing my meal and that's a that's a kind of experience that that probably. Um, deserves a little of attention in the context of the conversation you and I are having right now that you just knew you just knew that I was eating like again I wasn't holding it up in your face and shoveling food into my mouth. You just knew that I was eating and then you also just knew when I was done and.


Beth Haley

And that's but that's what we can become for ourselves when we get in touch with and in tune with all that we are and that's that's the journey right? and.



Not because I stopped shooing you just knew.


Beth Haley

We don't start out with with that capacity. We we we start out you know, ah learning how to to walk and toddle. But our consciousness is fully formed and fully developed little infants can teach us so much because they are in touch with all that they are.





Beth Haley

Before their five years of age they're in that theta brainwave state all the time if if they want an answer to a question all they have to do is think it and the answer is there. It's present for them and somewhere after 6 and 7 we start to lose that capacity. For asking a question and having the answer just be present for us and it's because we move out of that theta brainwave state into alpha and beta brainwave state and that's our normal way of being so what the classes do is they help you to get. Back in touch with that theta brainwave state so that you can access it in the middle of a busy meeting where everybody's having an argument to get brilliant ideas channeled to you and you know and you can keep yourself calm. You can keep your energy balanced. So. That's the purpose. The training is to have that ability to bring more into your daily life. It's not to escape. It's actually to expand. It's actually to give you the opportunity to become more.



Yeah to be more present to be able to notice when somebody in the group that you're leading is in the process of finishing up their lunch and also when they're done and not because it was shown on screen and on camera.


Beth Haley




You just knew.


Beth Haley

Thank you and I'm been aware of of those kinds of things. So thank you for pointing it out because a lot of times I've I'm not even aware that I held that space right? So and I've I've had.





Beth Haley

I've had clients who come to me and said oh you showed up in my dreams and I'm not aware that I I do that right? I I don't have that awareness but there are sometimes where I've been thinking about clients and had you know? Ah I wish I could share this with them and some part of me obviously. Does go do that. So That's been kind of a lovely a lovely thing to to have happen. So.



Yeah, very cool. Thank you? Um, so in this ah in this Tuesday night meditation tell me about leadership. Well.


Beth Haley

Leadership. Basically it's it's a holding space for everyone to feel like they can. You know we talked about this take up take up the opportunity to be ah, a leader in the group if they feel so called right? it's.



A note.


Beth Haley

I I hold the space in the Zoom room but that doesn't necessarily mean that I I want to lead all the time I want to encourage people to step forward and say hey you know this is my expertise you you have you know let's let's talk about this and I would love. Love love love that to have people coming into the group and say hey you know can we maybe do this. We did some some shaman cds a couple weeks ago or last week I think and those were really really powerful and the shaman energy is very different. Energetically than some of the other energies that like with with the Monroe there's there's lots of different cds that we can listen to lots of different exercises. But basically it's just I kind of do what I think most people would like to hear. And so that's kind of the choice is mine but I do ask for input I ask and say hey if there's something you guys want to explore or if you want to please? you know, send me a note and I very rarely get those but that's okay, you know I I love it when I do.



So when when somebody feels called to to take up the the mantle of leadership and move the group forward. What does that feel like.


Beth Haley

It feels like I've ah helped to create a space where they feel safe to do that. So I love that it's actually it's actually empowering. It's actually saying you know I want to make room for everybody's brilliance because.



Of the.


Beth Haley

That's what we all want to do we all want to we all want to be loved and appreciated. But it's not like you you want to to have to carry the load all the time either. It's like you know,? let's let's share this. Let's be creative on how we. Move forward as a team and as ah as a group and and as a community right? So and I see that happening on lots of different levels with lots of different communities right? and when they start merging because you can be part of. This community and also part of this community and you can take some of the ideas from this community and share them with this and and as a result there starts to become a resonance and it's like in orchestra right? You you have all the different instruments playing all their different parts. And they all have their own specific music. But Wow when they're really like in the zone the orchestra that I mean I've had listening to music where you feel the energy. You know, like the hair standing up on your body because. They're all in that zone and that's artistry. That's you know that's artistry.



I So That's Amazing. So What I'm hearing is that when somebody um, feels called to lead and and because you specifically and intentionally make sure that they feel free. To do so when they're called that's music.


Beth Haley

Yes, yes, it is and it's also that community right? It's also the the norms and and people starting to understand that. Yeah,, That's okay, you don't have to you don't have to worry about you Know. Taking my limelight and I don't care about the limelight. Ah as a matter of fact, there's lots of times where I'd rather not be the one that's having to have that. So yes, if someone else wants to come in and say hey can we talk about this please. You know,? let's let's share from that place.



So good. Leadership is music. There's a quote right? there.



Wow! Thank you? Um, so as I as I wrap up an interview typically I ask 3 questions. Um, they're my favorite 3 questions question number 1 remember there are 3 questions question number 1 for the people who have been.


Beth Haley




Inspired by you today. What's the one best way for them to reach you.


Beth Haley



Beth Haley

Well my website's my name and they can send me an email from there and or they can come to 1 of my Tuesday night meetings which they're on calendly and I think they're on my website as well. So. You can link up to the Tuesday night meetings. Um, the Monroe Institute I'm I'm on their website as a outreach trainer. So if you want to look at the Monroe Institute and contact me from there. That's also where I'm available or you know they can. Get my information from you and I'm I'm happy with whoever you want to share my information with Lucas so anyone that you feel guided to share my contact details with I'm happy to to help in your community in any way that feel that you might feel I might benefit the community. So.



Thank you.



Um, second question it's it's my curve ball question and you don't get to not answer it what if if there was 1 question you wish I had asked. What would that 1 question be.


Beth Haley



Beth Haley

Um, I Guess what was my most profoundly changing experience. What was my most profoundly.



Oh that's a good one. You know so tell me what is your most profoundly changing experience.


Beth Haley

Ah, um.


Beth Haley

Um I guess it's one that took place over a few courses that I did at at Monroe it was ah it was ah a piece of it showed up during during one one of the weeklong classes and then another piece showed up during a second week-long class. And then the final piece showed up during the William Billman class so do you have time for me to to share the the whole series. So when I went yeah when I went and did lifeline which is basically about.



Sure Yeah, tell us a story.


Beth Haley

Doing what they call soul rescue which is sometimes and it doesn't happen often, but sometimes people don't recognize that they've passed and in in one of the exercises where I went to do that I found this little 6 ix-year-old girl the dirt and as I picked her up she disappeared into me which was very unusual I you know I didn't it didn't make any sense to me and I I went home and I I even called my dad and I said dad did something happen to me when I was 6 you know. And he said no not not that I could think of you know you didn't really have any accidents or anything so I'll add it I just let it sit there and left it and then in timeline which was another class that I'd gone to take which is about exploring. Past and and future timelines that you can go through the consciousness experience to explore. Um I was I was with the the teachers of the class and they were they were doing a a thing in the lab where they hook you up to a computer. And the the computer reads your brainwave state and um, they they sort of lead you to this time and I was guided to go to a time in about Sixteenth century india and so I did and during the experience.


Beth Haley

Um I was shown that I was a ah disabled Indian child who'd been left an orphanage and was begging for food on the streets and that was my life experience and I you know I had this experience of feeling you know the humility of. Being in that life of of you know why or didn't someone care. Why didn't someone. Do you know, try to help with with my you know with my consciousness now it was There was a lot of sorrow and sadness like how how could people just walk by and not and and they truly don't. Don't see people walk by that all the time and truly don't see it. It's not.. It's not even picked up by the the conscious part of their brain I think and so when they did what they did the resolution part of it.



Even illumin.


Beth Haley

is someone who might have had:


Beth Haley

Vast ability range within people and so when we get indignant and upset about well why don't they just understand that. Well maybe they just haven't had the number of experiences that your consciousness has had. Their their consciousness is at a grade 6 level yours is at a grade 12 would you ever say to ah a grade 6 or a grade one student. Why don't you understand grade 12 math. No, but we don't we don't see that as as most people we don't get that. That's the case and so we get indignant or upset. Well.





Beth Haley

Why wouldn't they understand that you know you just you don't stare at someone or you don't you don't whatever it is you know and we get offended and and there's no,, There's no need for any of that angst if you just understand that everybody is doing. The best they can with what they've accumulated so far on the Consciousness stream.



I out. Thank you for sharing.


Beth Haley

So so the third piece of that experience happened when I did William Buelman's you know the afterlife process and I got to actually experience um the end of that child's life and being. Aware of being the consciousness of the cart-driver who had numerous children of his own and saw the pitifulness of this poor child and the only thing he could think to do and the most loving thing he could think to do was to run over the child with his cart to end her suffering because he couldn't help her any other way. And I did discuss this with some of the people and they said well you know that really wasn't loving but I felt his heart because I I was present in his consciousness as well as the consciousness of the child and so that was kind of like the final piece of it right? it's. His intent wasn't to hurt her his intent was to stop her suffering in the only way he knew he could do it and no I mean that would be horrific in in this lifetime There's so many other things that are available but I don't think in sixteenth century india could have taken another child into his household without starving his own children. Do you know what? I mean like I I don't I don't think that that was even an available solution for him so that was kind of the most profound experience that I've had but it did take you know some time for it to.


Beth Haley

All trivial and bail it and show itself. So.



Wow Talk about pulling pieces together and you did say your gift was to pull together disparate pieces and and make a hole.


Beth Haley

Yeah, yeah.



So yeah, thank you? Um, do you have any parting words for our audience. So.


Beth Haley

You're welcome. Just know that you are in the exact perfect place that you need to be for your own spiritual growth. Whatever that might be and do the best that you can to.



My end up down.


Beth Haley

Keep Earth school. You know as as loving as we can possibly make it for each other because you know 90% of us are coming back here for another go-round and so you know if we can have earth school be you know a healthier happier environment. That's better for all of us. So anything that we can do that's in our in our realm to create that is worthwhile doing.



Yeah, thank you, Thank you? but.


Beth Haley

Thank you Lucas.




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