Than one who is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.
Solomon. Proverbs 19:1. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 17 of 30 Days of Wisdom. It’s been said that talk is cheap—if that was true then, I think it’s pretty much free today. Even mile-high contracts don’t seem to make much difference. Yet, Solomon teaches us that a person’s integrity is worth far more than wealth, prestige or fame. How much is your integrity worth to you? Can you be counted on to be true to your promise? To stand behind your word? Let’s keep this in perspective: yes, money is really helpful; fame is incredibly tempting—but those aren’t certain or enduring. Who you are as a person is in your hands alone—no one can take that, no one can outrank that. It’s yours to determine. Be that person of honor. Be that person of value, integrity. Don’t sell for cheap—or a lot. Don’t sell out at all. It’s simply never worth it.