Nelson Campbell is director of PlantPure Nation, and the son of renowned biochemical researcher and future Nobel Prize-winner T. Colin Campbell.
Nelson has a staggeringly ambitious vision for our world: one in which we all work together in love, compassion, and respect to solve our collective problems.
And you know what? If we don't achieve that vision, we're not in good shape as a civilization or a species. So I'm all in favor of us striving to make it happen?
But how? Isn't that just hot air, unrealistic, Utopian thinking? Aren't we humans just hardwired to mess things up for others in the pursuit of our own selfish needs?
Nelson believes otherwise. And he's just announced a launch of a staggeringly ambitious project: Healing America.
I'm honored that he chose the Plant Yourself Podcast as the platform to announce the project to the world, and that he answered my questions (and doubts and fears and objections) with such clarity and generosity.
We discussed:
- the origins of the vision of Healing America
- why focusing on food, or even health, is far too narrow a lens to address our problems
- how to involve local leaders, grassroots organizations, and other stakeholders in large-scale change
- “it all starts with how we see the world”
- there are larger truths that can unite us – left and right, rural and urban, you name it
- how we can empower communities to solve seemingly intractable problems
- the importance of a more distributed world
- how to speak with people not as adversaries
- the problem with relying on government to take care of things
- “people are unhappy, and have lost sight of their own humanity”
- the importance of loving and empathizing with others
- vision: the taproot of transformative change
- the missing ingredient in our political and social debates: a wholistic perspective
- why healthy food is the “carrier” of positivity and empowerment
- how you can help
- and much more…
Enjoy, add your voice to the conversation via the comment box below, and please share – that's how we spread our message and spread our roots.
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