One common objective to Jesus being the Messiah is that many believe He was against the Torah—but is that actually true? In this week's episode of Our Hope Podcast 🎙, we have invited first-time guest Dr. Daniel Nessim to share with us about Yeshua's teachings regarding the Torah and what His disciples believed about it. Listen to this enlightening episode now! 🎧
Welcome to Our Hope,
Speaker:a production of Chosen
Speaker:People Ministries.
Speaker:On this podcast
Speaker:you will hear
Speaker:inspiring testimonies,
Speaker:about Messianic apologetics
Speaker:and discover God's plan
Speaker:for Israel and you.
Speaker:Wherever you're listening,
Speaker:we hope you lean in,
Speaker:listen closely and be blessed.
Speaker:One of the most enduring
Speaker:parts of Judaism to this day
Speaker:is a reverence for the Torah.
Speaker:The first five books
Speaker:of the Bible—Genesis,
Speaker:Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
Speaker:and Deuteronomy—are read
Speaker:throughout the year
Speaker:in synagogues everywhere,
Speaker:with the cycle of readings
Speaker:concluding at the fall
Speaker:festival of Sukkot.
Speaker:While there is no Temple
Speaker:and no Levitical priesthood,
Speaker:the Torah is still perceived
Speaker:as relevant and worth
Speaker:keeping in the Jewish
Speaker:community today.
Speaker:One common objection
Speaker:Jewish people
Speaker:have to believing in
Speaker:Jesus is that Christianity
Speaker:is perceived
Speaker:to be anti-Torah—that
Speaker:Jesus can’t be the Messiah
Speaker:because the Messiah
Speaker:would never abolish the Torah.
Speaker:However, we know Yeshua
Speaker:said He “did not come
Speaker:to abolish the Torah,
Speaker:but rather fulfill.”
Speaker:So how can we respond
Speaker:to this objection?
Speaker:On today’s episode,
Speaker:we have invited
Speaker:first-time guest Dr.
Speaker:Daniel Nessim to help us
Speaker:answer the question
Speaker:“Is Christianity anti-Torah?”
Speaker:Nessim, welcome to Our Hope!
Speaker:Thank you for inviting me.
Speaker:Yeah, we're so glad
Speaker:we can
Speaker:have you on this podcast.
Speaker:I know that your background
Speaker:is kind of around this topic,
Speaker:so I'm very excited to hear
Speaker:what your insights are.
Speaker:As a first time
Speaker:guest on Our Hope
Speaker:we have to ask you
Speaker:one very important question.
Speaker:What is your favorite food?
Daniel:You know,
Daniel:what popped in my mind
Daniel:when I heard you say
Daniel:that is
Daniel:potato latkes for Hanukkah.
Nicole:Oh wow.
Daniel:But really?
Daniel:I think it's probably actually
Daniel:poppy seed hamantaschen
Daniel:from Purim.
Daniel:That I really love,
Daniel:a nice big Hamantaschen,
Daniel:which is a kind of cookie
Daniel:or biscuit
Daniel:filled with poppy
Daniel:seed and honey.
Daniel:Those are delicious.
Nicole:They are delicious.
Nicole:We know you have a Ph.D.
Nicole:in theology and religion
Nicole:from the University
Nicole:of Exeter in England,
Nicole:and your studies
Nicole:mostly focused on the earliest
Nicole:believers in Jesus,
Nicole:which is, again,
Nicole:very important to
Nicole:today's episode,
Nicole:but first, we just want to know
Nicole:what drew you to
Nicole:study this subject?
Daniel:Well, you know,
Daniel:as a young Jewish
Daniel:believer in my teens and 20s,
Daniel:I grew up in a church
Daniel:that believed that
Daniel:the Torah
Daniel:was absolutely irrelevant
Daniel:to believers today.
Daniel:And I really had to question
Daniel:that as a Jewish believer,
Daniel:because I wanted to know really
Daniel:there's more to it,
Daniel:because the Torah is spoken
Daniel:of throughout the scriptures
Daniel:and the New Testament
Daniel:in positive terms,
Daniel:how could it be absolutely
Daniel:irrelevant today?
Daniel:And so that kind of set
Daniel:me on a track where I started
Daniel:studying more and more
Daniel:and I wanted to learn
Daniel:more about it.
Daniel:I want it to be
Daniel:a better teacher.
Daniel:I don't know if that
Daniel:happened, but nevertheless,
Daniel:I really felt I need to
Daniel:come to grips with this topic.
Daniel:And so that's really
Daniel:what led me into this.
Nicole:That's awesome.
Nicole:So before we jump into
Nicole:Christianity and the Torah,
Nicole:we have to first establish
Nicole:what the Torah is
Nicole:and why it is so
Nicole:important to Judaism.
Nicole:Can you briefly
Nicole:share about the Torah
Nicole:for those in our audience
Nicole:who may not be familiar
Nicole:with it?
Daniel:Well, the Torah is
Daniel:a number of different things.
Daniel:Often when we talk
Daniel:about the Torah,
Daniel:we're talking about
Daniel:the five books of Moses.
Daniel:Other people view
Daniel:it simply as the laws
Daniel:that are contained
Daniel:in those five books of Moses.
Daniel:But the funny thing is,
Daniel:you know, take Genesis.
Daniel:It only has like four
Daniel:or five laws in it. So
Daniel:the Torah really
Daniel:is wider than that.
Daniel:And then there's another sense
Daniel:in which the Torah
Daniel:prophesies the coming
Daniel:of Messiah in Deuteronomy.
Daniel:And it also speaks
Daniel:about God's
Daniel:relationship to Israel.
Daniel:So God instructs Israel,
Daniel:you will be my people
Daniel:and I will be your God.
Daniel:And Israel
Daniel:takes him up on that.
Daniel:It becomes a covenant
Daniel:or a contract
Daniel:between God and Israel.
Daniel:So the Torah is
Daniel:different things.
Daniel:But then for Jewish people,
Daniel:the Torah is even
Daniel:something else,
Daniel:because the Torah is
Daniel:somehow merged
Daniel:with Jewish tradition
Daniel:in later centuries.
Nicole:Now, do Jewish
Nicole:people see obeying the Torah
Nicole:as a way to achieve salvation?
Nicole:And if not,
Nicole:why do they keep the Torah?
Daniel:that is a great question,
Daniel:because I think the
Daniel:normal thought from
Daniel:the Christian side
Daniel:is to view things
Daniel:from the opposition
Daniel:of law and grace.
Daniel:You cannot mix law and grace
Daniel:for the Jewish people.
Daniel:There really isn't
Daniel:that much of a mixture either,
Daniel:because for Jews,
Daniel:Torah is not really the way of
Daniel:of being saved, because Jewish
Daniel:people don't
Daniel:normally think about
Daniel:how can I be saved?
Daniel:They would normally
Daniel:think, hey, I'm Jewish
Daniel:unless I'm really bad
Daniel:I don't have to really worry
Daniel:about my eternal future,
Daniel:because the Jewish phrase is
Daniel:Israel has a place
Daniel:in the world to come
Daniel:and Jewish people
Daniel:just think that way.
Daniel:So salvation to Jewish
Daniel:people is more about
Daniel:those deeds of Messiah,
Daniel:which will save the Jewish
Daniel:people from the nations world
Daniel:around the world
Daniel:that are coming
Daniel:to destroy them.
Daniel:And so, yeah, I would say
Daniel:Jewish people really
Daniel:aren't looking to keep
Daniel:the Torah
Daniel:is a way of salvation.
Daniel:On the other hand,
Daniel:if you are completely
Daniel:wicked Jewish person
Daniel:and live wickedly,
Daniel:then you can
Daniel:definitely be struck
Daniel:out of the Book of Life.
Nicole:That's interesting.
Nicole:So it's not a way to
Nicole:achieve salvation.
Nicole:It's just a way to live.
Daniel:You keep the Torah
Daniel:if you're religious,
Daniel:you keep it because you are
Daniel:in that covenant relationship
Daniel:with the God of Abraham,
Daniel:Isaac and Jacob.
Daniel:And that is the reason
Daniel:to keep it.
Daniel:And maybe you keep it to
Daniel:like in some sects,
Daniel:particularly Hasidic sects,
Daniel:there's the conception
Daniel:that the more good
Daniel:deeds we do, the more
Daniel:times that we obey the
Daniel:Torah, the closer
Daniel:we bring the days of Messiah.
Daniel:And maybe we can
Daniel:hasten His coming
Daniel:by doing good deeds,
Daniel:hasten the day.
Nicole:speaking of Messiah,
Nicole:that leads us right
Nicole:to the next question.
Nicole:What many people tend
Nicole:to miss in the gospels
Nicole:is that Jesus was
Nicole:considered a rabbi.
Nicole:We see His followers
Nicole:call Him this, I guess,
Nicole:depending on the translations,
Nicole:either rabbi or teacher.
Nicole:But when we think of the
Nicole:word rabbi today,
Nicole:we probably get a
Nicole:slightly different idea
Nicole:from what Yeshua actually was.
Nicole:So what exactly did it mean
Nicole:to be considered a rabbi
Nicole:in the days of the gospel
Nicole:and how is Jesus different
Nicole:from other rabbis?
Daniel:Yeah, that's
Daniel:another great question,
Daniel:because in reality,
Daniel:in those days, the term
Daniel:rabbi was more of what we call
Daniel:an honorific, in other words.
Daniel:something you say to someone.
Daniel:It gives them, you know, honor.
Daniel:And so there were
Daniel:various terms, "rabbi"
Daniel:would be one of them.
Daniel:"Rav" would be
Daniel:another or "rabbon".
Daniel:And some of the
Daniel:greatest teachers
Daniel:of the Jewish people
Daniel:in those days
Daniel:in ancient history
Daniel:actually were not
Daniel:officially rabbis.
Daniel:They never took that title.
Daniel:But on the other
Daniel:hand, rabbi means
Daniel:my teacher, my great one.
Daniel:And so it is this
Daniel:acknowledgement that you're
Daniel:looking to this person
Daniel:for direction.
Daniel:Nowadays, rabbi, really
Daniel:is more of a technical term.
Daniel:You don't use the term rabbi
Daniel:unless you have
Daniel:actually been ordained
Daniel:by some kind of credible body.
Daniel:And so you have reform
Daniel:and orthodox and
Daniel:and other rabbis
Daniel:and Messianic rabbis.
Daniel:Those normally are
Daniel:people who have got
Daniel:what we call Smicha
Daniel:or ordination.
Daniel:And so the term rabbi
Daniel:today is not the same
Daniel:as it was back then.
Nicole:I see.
Nicole:I think what
Nicole:they would both have in common,
Nicole:you would say, is that
Nicole:in both circumstances
Nicole:of the use of rabbi,
Nicole:it refers to somebody
Nicole:who's teaching others
Nicole:how to keep Torah.
Daniel:Yeah, absolutely.
Daniel:That is a foundational thing.
Daniel:There are people
Daniel:who are teaching
Daniel:the Jewish people
Daniel:how they ought to live
Daniel:and more than just
Daniel:teaching the Torah,
Daniel:because remember,
Daniel:there were the scribes
Daniel:and the Pharisees
Daniel:and Sadduccees,
Daniel:they taught Torah too.
Daniel:And some of them were rabbis,
Daniel:but more than teaching
Daniel:just the Torah, you taught
Daniel:how to interpret it.
Daniel:So you said this
Daniel:is what it means.
Daniel:You basically made up what
Daniel:or helped teach people
Daniel:in what we call now halacha.
Daniel:This is the way in
Daniel:which you should walk.
Daniel:This is what the rules
Daniel:of the Torah actually
Daniel:in practice today and so Jesus,
Daniel:Yeshua definitely did this.
Daniel:He said, "You have heard
Daniel:that it was said,
Daniel:but I say unto you..."
Daniel:And He said,
Daniel:this is the proper way
Daniel:to interpret and implement
Daniel:and use the Torah
Daniel:in your own spiritual life
Daniel:and life in general.
Nicole:And I think for many
Nicole:Jewish people who
Nicole:read the gospels,
Nicole:they often say, wow,
Nicole:this book is so Jewish,
Nicole:you know, and they see
Nicole:Jesus expounding on the Torah.
Nicole:But one misconception about
Nicole:Jesus is that
Nicole:He was against Torah
Nicole:because He called
Nicole:out the Pharisees
Nicole:about their traditions.
Nicole:For example, in Matthew 12,
Nicole:when Jesus and His disciples
Nicole:were picking grain
Nicole:and eating it on the Sabbath,
Nicole:they weren't selling it,
Nicole:just picking and eating,
Nicole:the Pharisees
Nicole:got angry with them.
Nicole:And also, we often see
Nicole:Jesus healing people
Nicole:on the Sabbath as well,
Nicole:which also made Him
Nicole:not very popular
Nicole:with the Pharisees.
Nicole:However, we know Jesus
Nicole:kept the law perfectly
Nicole:because He never sinned.
Nicole:So can you briefly explain
Nicole:the difference
Nicole:between the Torah
Nicole:and the traditions?
Daniel:you know, for Jewish people,
Daniel:there's this idea
Daniel:that actually has
Daniel:a little bit of merit,
Daniel:but is not absolutely
Daniel:that we should put
Daniel:our faith and hope in.
Daniel:But this idea that when Moses
Daniel:wrote down the Torah,
Daniel:he didn't write down everything
Daniel:that he ever said about it.
Daniel:In fact, therefore,
Daniel:we have what we
Daniel:call the oral law. Now,
Daniel:for some Jewish people,
Daniel:the oral law, as
Daniel:it is explained in
Daniel:the first century
Daniel:and in the Mishna
Daniel:and the Talmud after that
Daniel:is authoritative.
Daniel:And we would say as believers
Daniel:that the only thing
Daniel:that is
Daniel:absolutely authoritative
Daniel:and most Messianic
Daniel:Jews are of this mind,
Daniel:the only thing that's
Daniel:absolutely authoritative
Daniel:is the word of God.
Daniel:If there are such traditions
Daniel:that have been handed down
Daniel:and might actually
Daniel:have survived
Daniel:some of them from the
Daniel:very days of Moses,
Daniel:they are not at the same level
Daniel:as the word of God.
Daniel:And so a rabbi teaches
Daniel:not only Torah, but
Daniel:he teaches these things
Daniel:and understands
Daniel:them at the least
Daniel:so that he can help
Daniel:people learn
Daniel:how they ought to live.
Daniel:And Yeshua himself
Daniel:didn't take these rules as
Daniel:and teachings
Daniel:as absolutely
Daniel:authoritative again.
Daniel:He said, you've heard
Daniel:that it was said,
Daniel:but I say to you,
Daniel:the rule concerning
Daniel:grind grinding grain,
Daniel:it makes total sense
Daniel:that you don't harvest
Daniel:and grind grain on the Sabbath.
Daniel:But whether that extends
Daniel:to taking a little bit
Daniel:for yourself
Daniel:to eat in your hand
Daniel:and grinding it in your hand
Daniel:to eat that's halakha.
Daniel:That is an interpretation
Daniel:and Yeshua says,
Daniel:you know, that finer point is
Daniel:is not really at the core
Daniel:and we need to get back
Daniel:to what the Lord actually said.
Daniel:Rather than getting hung up
Daniel:on what we call the fence
Daniel:around the Torah,
Daniel:the rules that prevent us
Daniel:from breaking the rules.
Daniel:And for what it's worth,
Daniel:it was well intentioned.
Nicole:I think the
Nicole:oral law really was
Nicole:meant to try to protect people
Nicole:from disobeying the Torah.
Nicole:But we see that it actually
Nicole:became burdensome
Nicole:on the people in Jesus' time.
Nicole:But we know that Yeshua
Nicole:really did respect the Torah
Nicole:and taught the Torah
Nicole:and He told his disciples
Nicole:in Matthew 5:17 that He did
Nicole:not come to abolish the law
Nicole:or the prophets,
Nicole:but to fulfill.
Nicole:So what exactly does that mean?
Nicole:I really think that
Nicole:verse is fundamental
Nicole:and what we have to do with
Nicole:every scripture is
Nicole:look at it in context.
Nicole:And it is at right
Nicole:at the beginning
Nicole:of what we call the Sermon
Nicole:of the Mount, verse 17
Nicole:or 18 into chapter
Nicole:five of Matthew.
Nicole:And it basically
Nicole:is the Lord saying,
Nicole:"I haven't come to destroy,
Nicole:but to fulfill."
Nicole:And He's opposing
Nicole:destruction of the Torah
Nicole:with a Greek word
Nicole:called "pleroo",
Nicole:which is to fulfill, but He's
Nicole:definitely not saying
Nicole:that His fulfilment
Nicole:of the law annuls the law.
Nicole:In other words, the Torah is in
Nicole:the New Testament,
Nicole:even of eternal value.
Nicole:It is the righteousness of God.
Nicole:The Torah as written
Nicole:in the five books
Nicole:of Moses, describes
Nicole:God's righteousness.
Nicole:It does not describe
Nicole:a way of salvation,
Nicole:except maybe for
Nicole:Israel as a people. But
Nicole:it describes the
Nicole:way in which
Nicole:we ought to live to please
Nicole:God and not, again,
Nicole:to get merit, but in order to
Nicole:fulfill our
Nicole:covenant obligations.
Nicole:So he didn't want to
Nicole:destroy the law.
Nicole:In fact, if I might add,
Nicole:He also said not one jot
Nicole:or one tittle shall pass away
Nicole:till all these things
Nicole:be fulfilled.
Nicole:And when He said
Nicole:that, He's saying
Nicole:not the smallest
Nicole:part of the law will pass away.
Nicole:And the reason He said that
Nicole:is because all things
Nicole:being fulfilled actually
Nicole:carries us on to the
Nicole:very war of Armageddon.
Nicole:That's after His
Nicole:millennial rule,
Nicole:all things are fulfilled
Nicole:when heaven and earth
Nicole:are rolled up like a scroll
Nicole:and there is a new heaven
Nicole:and a new earth,
Nicole:then everything comes
Nicole:to its completion.
Nicole:Those are the things
Nicole:that are prefigured
Nicole:already in the Torah and
Nicole:part of the whole package.
Nicole:We'll be right back.
Nicole:Shalom, I'm Mitch Glaser,
Nicole:president of Chosen
Nicole:People Ministries.
Nicole:Is it possible
Nicole:for Jewish people
Nicole:to believe in Jesus
Nicole:when there's such a sad history
Nicole:of Christian antisemitism
Nicole:that has shaped
Nicole:Jewish attitudes
Nicole:towards the gospel?
Nicole:Well, I know there's hope
Nicole:because I'm Jewish
Nicole:and I believe in Jesus.
Nicole:And I would love to
Nicole:offer a few suggestions
Nicole:for reaching Jewish
Nicole:people personally
Nicole:with the love of God
Nicole:through Messiah.
Nicole:keep your message personal.
Nicole:You're representing
Nicole:a person, not a religion.
Nicole:Second, be
Nicole:loving, patient and kind
Nicole:even when they object.
Nicole:And then finally,
Nicole:and most importantly, pray,
Nicole:touching the heart
Nicole:of your Jewish friend
Nicole:with the good news of Messiah
Nicole:will also touch
Nicole:the very heart of God.
Nicole:And you can learn more
Nicole:by visiting Chosen
Nicole:People Ministries
Nicole:During these difficult
Nicole:times, we know how hard it is
Nicole:to hold on to hope,
Nicole:and we want you to
Nicole:know that Chosen People
Nicole:Ministries is here for you.
Nicole:If you have any prayer
Nicole:our prayer team is standing
Nicole:by to receive them.
Nicole:You can submit your request
Nicole:at again
Nicole:So would you say that
Nicole:there is,
Nicole:I guess, an aspect to the Torah
Nicole:that's also prophetic?
Daniel:Yeah, absolutely.
Daniel:Because in Deuteronomy
Daniel:chapter 18 in verse
Daniel:15, Moses says that
Daniel:the Lord will raise up for you
Daniel:a prophet who is like unto me.
Daniel:And then he says
Daniel:something really profound.
Daniel:He says Him you shall hear,
Daniel:and He will speak the
Daniel:words of the Lord.
Daniel:He will speak exactly
Daniel:what the Lord tells Him.
Daniel:So you go forward to
Daniel:Yeshua and here He is.
Daniel:He's one like Moses
Daniel:because He is a teacher
Daniel:now who is interpreting
Daniel:the Torah for the Jewish people
Daniel:and showing its true intent.
Daniel:He's the authoritative teacher.
Daniel:And again, the Sermon
Daniel:on the Mount points out
Daniel:that He is,
Daniel:He has that level of
Daniel:authority like Moses.
Daniel:And the people were amazed
Daniel:here in
Daniel:He says
Daniel:He's only going
Daniel:to speak the words
Daniel:that the Lord
Daniel:gives Him to speak.
Daniel:And then we come
Daniel:to the Book of Yohanan or John.
Daniel:And Yeshua very clearly says,
Daniel:I hear from the Father
Daniel:and I only say the words
Daniel:that He gives me to speak.
Daniel:Right. Very clear.
Daniel:There is a prophetic
Daniel:fulfillment in our Messiah.
Daniel:And that's, of course,
Daniel:just one of those
Daniel:hints in the Torah
Daniel:of the days of Messiah.
Daniel:That was beautifully put
Daniel:and we definitely see that
Daniel:Yeshua's disciples
Daniel:carry on this ministry
Daniel:that He began.
Daniel:So can you tell us
Daniel:a little bit, especially
Daniel:since you studied this
Daniel:for your doctorate degree,
Daniel:what does the Book of Acts
Daniel:specifically show us
Daniel:about the earliest
Daniel:believers in Yeshua
Daniel:and about their relationship
Daniel:to the Torah?
Daniel:Yeah, that's
Daniel:something that people
Daniel:really are beginning
Daniel:to clue in on and figure out
Daniel:that the earliest
Daniel:Jewish believers,
Daniel:they clearly worshipped
Daniel:in the temple
Daniel:until the temple was destroyed.
Daniel:And that means as
Daniel:as they went,
Daniel:they prayed there.
Daniel:They made their offerings,
Daniel:their their sacrifices.
Daniel:They paid their temple tax
Daniel:and they saw nothing in it,
Daniel:that contradicted their faith
Daniel:in Yeshua
Daniel:as their salvation,
Daniel:as their source of redemption.
Daniel:And so it was given that
Daniel:they would continue to do this.
Daniel:And even Rav Shaul
Daniel:or the apostle Paul,
Daniel:offered sacrifices and paid
Daniel:for the offering of sacrifices
Daniel:in the Temple in
Daniel:Acts chapter 21.
Daniel:So the real issue in Acts
Daniel:is not whether or not
Daniel:they should keep
Daniel:keeping the Torah,
Daniel:that's maybe something
Daniel:for another discussion,
Daniel:the real issue, in Acts
Daniel:is whether or not
Daniel:Gentiles, who come to faith
Daniel:in Yeshua
Daniel:should have to keep the Torah.
Daniel:And ultimately
Daniel:whether if they come
Daniel:to Messiah Yeshua,
Daniel:they should
Daniel:actually become Jews
Daniel:in order to truly
Daniel:become part of God's people.
Daniel:So that's the real discussion.
Daniel:And so when you get to Acts
Daniel:15, it's very clear
Daniel:they make that decision
Daniel:that, no, actually,
Daniel:you don't have to
Daniel:keep the Torah in so far
Daniel:as it pertains to us as Jews.
Daniel:You just have to keep
Daniel:these minimal requirements.
Daniel:And of course, there are
Daniel:there's more to
Daniel:be said about it.
Daniel:But these are the basic,
Daniel:relevant things
Daniel:that need to be kept
Daniel:by all believers
Daniel:in order for us to have
Daniel:fellowship together.
Daniel:So they didn't see any conflict
Daniel:between keeping the Torah
Daniel:and their faith in Yeshua.
Daniel:And that was entirely natural
Daniel:coming out of their context.
Daniel:Every Jew,
Daniel:whether or not they kept it,
Daniel:understood that the Torah
Daniel:was given to the Jewish people
Daniel:and that maybe they should,
Daniel:even if they disagreed,
Daniel:they knew that was
Daniel:the thinking in those days.
Daniel:And the Jewish believers
Daniel:didn't disagree.
Nicole:and I think one thing
Nicole:we need to keep in mind, too,
Nicole:for Acts Chapter 15,
Nicole:the Jerusalem Council, that
Nicole:these new Gentile believers
Nicole:were coming from
Nicole:completely pagan cultures.
Nicole:So I think that's also
Nicole:why the the disciples
Nicole:picked those specific laws,
Nicole:especially because
Nicole:I think those would
Nicole:have been involved
Nicole:in the pagan customs
Nicole:that these Gentile believers
Nicole:were coming from.
Daniel:that's really true.
Daniel:And actually, that's
Daniel:what my doctoral
Daniel:dissertation was
Daniel:on, was a discipleship manual
Daniel:written by Jewish believers
Daniel:for the Gentiles.
Daniel:And it demonstrates
Daniel:that they're fully on
Daniel:board with God's plan
Daniel:to bring the gospel
Daniel:to the nations.
Daniel:But as they explain
Daniel:discipleship and how
Daniel:a believer should live
Daniel:for these people
Daniel:who are not Jewish,
Daniel:they include all kinds of
Daniel:moral requirements
Daniel:that we would agree with.
Daniel:But they are very careful
Daniel:and strikingly omit
Daniel:those commandments that
Daniel:should be specifically viewed
Daniel:as commands given as a sign
Daniel:between God and Israel.
Daniel:For example, the Sabbath,
Daniel:the Lord's Day is mentioned,
Daniel:but the Sabbath never is
Daniel:and this book is written
Daniel:probably by these
Daniel:early believers,
Daniel:if not in Jerusalem,
Daniel:maybe in Pella, on the other
Daniel:side of the Jordan
Daniel:or in Antioch.
Daniel:It's written by them
Daniel:in these early days,
Daniel:around that time
Daniel:that the apostles
Daniel:are getting elderly and
Daniel:passing away or being executed
Daniel:for one reason or another.
Daniel:They really made it clear
Daniel:you don't have to
Daniel:keep those things
Daniel:that are specific
Daniel:to the people of Israel.
Daniel:So the Sabbath,
Daniel:the festivals, kosher food
Daniel:is not mentioned
Daniel:and circumcision
Daniel:is not mentioned.
Daniel:And yet that fits beautifully
Daniel:with Acts chapter 15,
Daniel:where the same kind of
Daniel:thinking is behind
Daniel:the apostolic decree.
Nicole:And speaking
Nicole:of the apostles,
Nicole:we know that the apostle
Nicole:Paul wrote in Romans 10:4 "For
Nicole:Messiah is the end of the law
Nicole:for righteousness
Nicole:to everyone who believes."
Nicole:What does this mean?
Daniel:Yeah, I love that verse
Daniel:because it doesn't mean
Daniel:the end, as in it's all over
Daniel:once the end comes.
Daniel:Now Messiah has come
Daniel:it's all over.
Daniel:The word there is "telos",
Daniel:which means the "end goal"
Daniel:and sometimes can
Daniel:mean "perfection".
Daniel:It's He is the the ultimate
Daniel:goal of the Torah.
Daniel:In other words, the
Daniel:Torah points to Him.
Daniel:And then Rav Shaul
Daniel:qualifies it,
Daniel:he says, for righteousness.
Daniel:So in terms
Daniel:of our righteousness,
Daniel:Messiah is the one
Daniel:who has fulfilled
Daniel:the Torah and takes us
Daniel:the rest of the way
Daniel:beyond what we can do in
Daniel:and of ourselves.
Daniel:We can all keep certain
Daniel:aspects of the Torah,
Daniel:but we can't keep it
Daniel:like He did.
Daniel:And because
Daniel:of His unique position as both
Daniel:entirely one with
Daniel:the almighty God,
Daniel:but also one with us
Daniel:as a human being,
Daniel:He was in that position
Daniel:to mediate
Daniel:and to fulfill on our behalf.
Daniel:And so today, Jewish
Daniel:people, religious Jews,
Daniel:will go and pray
Daniel:at the tombs of rabbis
Daniel:and people who are considered
Daniel:extremely righteous
Daniel:and hope that
Daniel:through their prayers
Daniel:in those places,
Daniel:that somehow their prayers
Daniel:might have extra
Daniel:merit on the basis of their
Daniel:on the basis of the
Daniel:righteousness of those rabbis
Daniel:whose tombs they're praying at.
Daniel:We have a much greater
Daniel:rabbi who's alive
Daniel:and is able to lovingly
Daniel:intercede for us.
Daniel:It's really fantastic.
Daniel:So He's the end of the
Daniel:Torah in the sense
Daniel:that He fulfills it
Daniel:beyond what we can
Daniel:to its ultimate degree,
Daniel:so that we are declared
Daniel:absolutely righteous
Daniel:in terms of the requirements
Daniel:of the Torah before God.
Nicole:And that's such a relief,
Nicole:because nobody can perfectly
Nicole:keep the law as though
Nicole:that is indeed good news.
Nicole:So as a Jewish
Nicole:believer in Jesus,
Nicole:how has coming to faith
Nicole:in Yeshua
Nicole:impacted your perception
Nicole:of the Torah?
Daniel:I think I'm different than some
Daniel:Jewish believers
Daniel:in my generation,
Daniel:in that most Jewish believers
Daniel:in my generation did not have
Daniel:Jewish parents who believed in
Daniel:Yeshua and I did.
Daniel:So I grew up in a home
Daniel:where we really understood
Daniel:from my very earliest age
Daniel:who Yeshua was
Daniel:and what He meant to us.
Daniel:But it has become
Daniel:increasingly clear to me
Daniel:that the Torah is still vital
Daniel:and relevant to me
Daniel:as a Jewish believer.
Daniel:After all of my studies,
Daniel:I can see from my
Daniel:studies in Acts,
Daniel:and from my studies
Daniel:in this book called
Daniel:The Dedication, that
Daniel:there was no other
Daniel:thought in the minds
Daniel:of the early Jewish believers,
Daniel:other than that, yeah,
Daniel:the Torah is still
Daniel:valid for us today.
Daniel:and they didn't
Daniel:even question that.
Daniel:To do away with the Torah
Daniel:would be to do away
Daniel:with this covenant.
Daniel:This relationship
Daniel:between God and Israel,
Daniel:it's based on the Torah.
Daniel:And there's a sense
Daniel:in which replacement
Daniel:theology or supersessionism
Daniel:is in whatever
Daniel:you want to call it,
Daniel:which says that the church
Daniel:has superseded Israel.
Daniel:That kind of thinking
Daniel:has basically relied
Daniel:on this idea that the
Daniel:Torah is no longer
Daniel:relevant to Israel,
Daniel:but it's still there.
Daniel:God says,
Daniel:I will have this relationship
Daniel:with you forever.
Daniel:I will be your God
Daniel:and you will be my people.
Daniel:That's something
Daniel:that actually goes
Daniel:beyond the actual
Daniel:commandments of the Torah.
Daniel:And and says even beyond
Daniel:these instructions,
Daniel:whether or not you keep them,
Daniel:I am your God,
Daniel:you are my people.
Daniel:So I would never think
Daniel:that anyone should keep
Daniel:or think that
Daniel:keeping the commandments of God
Daniel:has merit in terms of
Daniel:our relationship to God,
Daniel:in terms of our salvation
Daniel:and our eternal future,
Daniel:but for Jewish
Daniel:believers, the Torah,
Daniel:at the very least,
Daniel:in a broad sense, has
Daniel:outlined that relationship
Daniel:between us and God,
Daniel:between God and Israel,
Daniel:and is still relevant today.
Nicole:That's awesome.
Nicole:Thank you so much, Daniel.
Nicole:As we conclude here,
Nicole:I have just one question
Nicole:to ask you.
Nicole:One bottom line question,
Nicole:is Christianity anti-Torah?
Daniel:Maybe if I say the
Daniel:Christianity of the Bible,
Daniel:the New Testament
Daniel:revelation of Messiah,
Daniel:that is not anti-Torah at all.
Daniel:What Christianity
Daniel:has become in history
Daniel:as a religious system.
Daniel:Yes, sometimes that has
Daniel:been very anti-Torah.
Daniel:the Bible that we hold dear,
Daniel:that true believers in Yeshua
Daniel:and whether Jewish or Gentile
Daniel:hold as their authority,
Daniel:is definitely not anti-Torah.
Daniel:It cautions us strongly against
Daniel:looking to Torah
Daniel:as the way of righteousness
Daniel:and the way to God,
Daniel:but it also very strongly
Daniel:and clearly shows
Daniel:that even people like Rav
Daniel:Shaul to the end of their days
Daniel:were keeping Torah,
Daniel:Timothy, his disciple, who was
Daniel:Jewish, had a Jewish mother,
Daniel:he was circumcised
Daniel:because he was Jewish
Daniel:and he was in that
Daniel:covenant relationship
Daniel:with God and Rav Shaul
Daniel:wanted it to be clear
Daniel:and plain.
Daniel:So, yeah,
Daniel:the true true Christianity
Daniel:is not anti-Torah.
Nicole:not think that I came
Nicole:to abolish the Law
Nicole:or the Prophets;
Nicole:I did not come to abolish
Nicole:but to fulfill.
Nicole:For truly I say to you,
Nicole:until heaven and earth
Nicole:pass away,
Nicole:not the smallest letter
Nicole:or stroke
Nicole:shall pass from the Law
Nicole:until all is accomplished.”
Nicole:Matthew, chapter 5,
Nicole:verses 17 through 18.
Nicole:When Yeshua came to earth, He
Nicole:taught people how to properly
Nicole:keep the Torah—the
Nicole:Spirit of the Law,
Nicole:not just the letter.
Nicole:Jesus raised the standard
Nicole:by calling us to see the deeper
Nicole:meaning of God’s laws.
Nicole:For Jewish people
Nicole:who have come to faith in
Nicole:their understanding
Nicole:of the Torah has
Nicole:been enlightened by the way
Nicole:Jesus explained
Nicole:and fulfilled it.
Nicole:We will all see the complete
Nicole:fulfillment of the Torah
Nicole:when Jesus returns—and
Nicole:until then, we walk
Nicole:in obedience to God’s
Nicole:Word as He leads us.
Nicole:Thank you for listening
Nicole:to this week’s episode
Nicole:of Our Hope,
Nicole:featuring Chosen
Nicole:People Ministries’
Nicole:Seattle branch leader, Dr.
Nicole:Daniel Nessim.
Nicole:This episode was written
Nicole:and produced by Nicole Vacca
Nicole:and edited by Grace Swee.
Nicole:This episode was
Nicole:also made possible
Nicole:thanks to Abe Vazquez,
Nicole:Robert Walter, Dr.
Nicole:Mitch Glaser, and
Nicole:Kieran Bautista.
Nicole:I’m Nicole Vacca.
Nicole:Until next time.
Nicole:Thanks for listening
Nicole:to Our Hope.
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