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How to Do a Discovery Call as a New Coach Using The Wheel Of Life-Ep:142
Episode 14223rd April 2023 • She Coaches Coaches • Candy Motzek | Life & Business Coach
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Every new coach needs to know how to do a discovery call and why it's important for new coaches to do as many as possible. We break down the three phases of a discovery call and share tips for preparing before, during, and after the call. Candy recommends a coaching exercise called The Wheel of Life and provides a downloadable guide for listeners.

  • A discovery call is a conversation with a potential client to see if you're a match for coaching together.
  • It's important for new coaches to do as many discovery calls as possible to sign clients and start making money.
  • The three phases of a discovery call are before, during, and after the call.
  • Before the call, be welcoming and clear about what to expect. Prepare yourself, get centered, and remove distractions.
  • During the call, be present and follow a process.  I recommend doing The Wheel of Life coaching exercise to help clients gain a new perspective on their life.
  • The Wheel of Life is a one-page exercise with a large circle divided into 8 equal sections, each representing a specific area of a person's life.
  • The sections are named health, career/education, finances, relationships, personal growth, fun/recreation, physical environment, and spiritual well-being.
  • During the exercise, clients rate their level of satisfaction in each area on a scale from 1 to 10 and connect the dots to see where they're at in life.
  • After the call, follow up with the potential client and thank them for their time. Offer them a next step, whether it's a coaching package or another call to answer any questions they may have.
  • To prepare for discovery calls, listen to episode 141 for information on creating a pilot coaching package. She also offers extra help to those who need it, which can be found in the episode notes.


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Candy Motzek:

Hey welcome to she coaches, coaches, I'm your host, Candy Motzek. And I'm going to help you find the clarity, confidence and courage to become the coach that you are meant to be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always wanted to be a life coach, then this is the place for you. We're going to talk all about mindset and strategies and how to, because step by step only works when you have the clarity, courage and confidence to take action. Let's get started. There, and welcome to the show. Today's episode is about what do you do on a discovery call. But before we go and talk about that, I want to talk to you about some amazing news. I've recently looked at my podcast stats, and this podcast, she coaches coaches is in the top 3% of podcasts globally, there wasn't last count about 3 million podcasts. So being in the top 3% is an amazing achievement. And I want you to know that the only reason it can happen is because of you, the listener, I'm so appreciative of you, I really appreciate the time that you spend with me. And I appreciate that you take the time to tune in and listen. So my heartfelt appreciation to you. So now let's dive into the topic about doing discovery calls. So when starting out, I encourage new coaches to do as many discovery calls as possible. So they sign clients and start making money. And, you know, I would also add that if you're a struggling coach, and maybe you've had a little bit of that feast and famine, and it's been a while since you've signed clients, I would encourage you to take this advice as well. Focus on creating clients and do as many discovery calls as you can. So when you're doing that, the end result is you want to know, Is this person a match for you or not? Will they be a client? Your first pilot coaching package is what you're going to offer if they're a potential client. And that pilot coaching package is something that will help them reach a goal. Go back and listen to episode 141 For more information on creating that pilot coaching offer. So in that last episode, I gave you the actual steps that you need to sign your first paying clients. If you haven't listened to it yet, go back, pause this one, listen to it, and then come join me again. All right. Now if you're here, I'm assuming you've already started to invite people to coach with you. And then this episode, let's talk about doing a discovery call. So what is a discovery call? It is a conversation where you meet with a potential client and see if you're a match. These discovery calls go by many names, you might have heard it called a consult or consultation, a sample session, a GET TO KNOW you call a sales call, a breakthrough call or a strategy session. So many names, but they are the same thing. These are all conversations to see if you're a match. And to see if you want to coach together. A discovery call is not an opportunity for them just to pick your brain. And it's not a casual chat about what's going on with your friends, or about the weather. During a discovery session, you'll have the time to dig into your client's story and understand what's going on with them. How are they thinking about their life? And how are they thinking about the things that they dream of, you'll also begin to understand what's getting in their way, what's stopping them from reaching their goals. This will help you understand whether or not you can help them and if so, what you can do to help them make these lasting positive changes in their life with coaching. It's a chance for that potential client to get to know you to understand more how coaching works, and to see if they think you're a good fit to help them to essentially the goal of that call is to see if it's a match. Let's break these discovery calls down into three phases. The first is before the call. The second is during the call. And the third is after the call I'm going to talk you through the three phases in this episode. But just know that this is one of the ways that I support my clients. So for those of you who know you want some extra help, click the link in the Episode Notes and learn how I can help you to now, phase one before the call. All right, you've got that discovery call sheduled in your calendar, yay, this is exciting. They're interested in speaking with you. They want to find out more about your coaching. And they're very possibly interested in actually working with you. So before the call, you want them to feel as comfortable as possible coming into the call. Because when we feel safe and comfortable and prepared, it is so much easier to enjoy it to show up to be present. And to have a genuine conversation. There are a few ways that you can accomplish this. The first is be welcoming. Thank them for booking the call, and tell them that you're looking forward to seeing them. Now, depending on how the call was shall sheduled you may do this in person, or by an automatic email that is sent from your calendar as soon as they sheduled. Tell them as well what to expect. So they're prepared. For example, ask them to come to the call on time, give them the Zoom link that they're going to click and ask them to take the call in a place where they will be relatively undisturbed. Also recommend that they bring a pen and paper and even a glass of water. Be clear how long the call is going to take. And that you will spend some time getting acquainted, giving them an experience of coaching and talk about coaching together in the future. So now they know what to expect. They know where to show up, they know how to show up, and you've reduced the number of surprises, you've helped them feel welcome. I often will send a reminder even a few hours before the scheduled time with that Zoom link again, just so it's easy for them to log on, they don't have to go searching through their inbox. Now the next part of preparing before the call is prepare yourself. Have a plan for what you're going to cover. I'll share a bit about one possible way later in this episode. But for now, just know that I don't want you to wing it before the call, get centered. Get your supplies together, find a place to sit. You don't want to be walking down the street doing a discovery call. remove distractions like barking dogs and lots of noise going on. Because those distractions are going to distract you. And that potential client that you're speaking to powerful coaching, powerful conversations happen when we are present. Also, for you keep a glass of water close at hand, it's going to help if you're feeling a little nervous to sip that water to and sign on a few minutes early. And while you're waiting for them to arrive, take a few calming breaths. All right. So that's how you get ready before the call phase number two during the call. Know that you've prepared as best you can for this call. You're here now you've done the best you can so be present. Your job is to stop worrying about your own nerves, your own jitters, and even your own thinking that maybe I'll mess it up. Your job is to follow a process so you know what to do. And when and don't wing it. I highly recommend you do a coaching exercise called the wheel of life. It's one piece of paper and in a few minutes, you're going to help them get a new perspective on their life. Now to make your life easier, I've got a download that you can grab and use. I've got a printable, and also examples on how to do the wheel of life. You just have to go to the Episode notes. Click the link, enter your information and you're going to download your own copy. So scroll to the bottom grab that download. You may even find it easy to be looking at the download while you're listening to the rest of this episode.

Candy Motzek:

So now let me describe the Wheel of Life exercise to you. On one sheet of paper. There is a large circle and it is divided into eight sequel, eight equal sections. It kind of looks like a pie cut into eight slices. Each of the sections has a name for a specific area of that person's life. There is health, career, fun and recreation, romance and significant other friends and family money, location and personal development And now your approach is you're going to ask them to rate their level of satisfaction in each of those eight areas, you might say something like this, okay? For your current physical health, how satisfied are you in this area on a scale of one to 10, you're going to ask the same question for each of those sections of the pie. And then when they give you the number, you're going to draw, the pie slice to correspond to that number. So here's what I mean by that. If they're great their money situation as a five out of 10, you're going to put a dot halfway between the center of the circle and the outer rim. And you're going to label it with a number five, encourage them to tell you the first number that pops into their head. And even better, if you're able to give them a copy of the PDF, so that they're doing the wheel of life at the same time that you are, guide them to put The section in a way that reflects their work rating. So remember, if they were saying they're a 10, out of 10, like it couldn't be any better, that dog is going to go on the outer rim of the circle. But if there were a one out of 10, you're going to put that dot very, very close to the center, and then you're going to label it with the number. Once you've gone through and done all eight sections, now you're going to have eight sections, and each section is going to have it. Now, your job is to connect the dots, you want to connect them so that you're creating an outline of a shape within the circle. The shape might be spiky, it might be centered very tightly close to the middle, or it might be wide and expansive and almost as as open as the outer circle. When you go grab that download, you're going to see an example of a wheel of life that's being completed, so it's easier for you to follow along. Often I recommend, like I said earlier to do the exercise side by side with them, you do it on your side of zoom, and they do it on their side of zoom. So that way, when you compare drawings, they look pretty similar. Now this shape that they've created, it is a reflection of their current level of satisfaction in their life. This is now the point where you start with some coaching, you want to ask a few open ended questions about the shape itself. Notice that you're asking about the shape, you're not saying and describe your life. To me, it's what is the shape, show you, it allows them to get a little bit of distance from their life, and see things from a different perspective. You also want to give them a little bit of time to reflect and respond. You don't need to rush them to give their answers. So some questions that you might use might sound something like this, you might say. So the shape represents your current level of satisfaction, it's a picture of it. What do you notice about the shape? Do you notice how that is such an open ended question? You're not saying it's good, it's bad, it's anything? What did they notice? Where's their eye drawn to? Then you could ask them? Are there any surprises? What surprises do you see? Or you could ask them? What are you learning by looking at the shape. So now you've talked a little bit about the shape. Now you want to narrow down to one slice of the pie. Ask them to choose one slice of the pie that they'd like to focus on just a little bit more, then you're looking at that slice, it's got a rating in it, you're gonna say something like, see you gave your health a rating of five, what it's a five mean to you. Now give them time to think time to respond. Their interpretation of a five is going to be completely different than yours is. What is the five sound like to them? Then you could ask them something like, Why do you think this Scott, why do you think this is like this? What do you think's going on here? Again, very open ended question. Get them thinking about their life, the rating that they've given that area of their life. Now you want to encourage them to start looking forward? Maybe it's a five, what would it be? What would their health be like if it was a little bit better? And I often do that by saying what would your life be like? Or what would your health be like? If now instead of a five, it was a seven? I usually add about two. So if your health was a seven, what would that look like and get them to describe what that is to you.



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