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Episode 9012th March 2024 • The Star Monroe Show • Star Monroe
00:00:00 00:21:36

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The daily habits of a high-value woman can make or break your day. It's time to delve into the power of morning rituals that can transform your life from ordinary to extraordinary.

Over the years, I've experimented with various morning rituals, and the results have been nothing short of transformative. Committing to these rituals has brought me clarity, focus, and a surge of self-assurance.

Here's the secret sauce to my morning routine:

Greeting Myself: The moment I wake up, I take a breath and greet myself with a simple "Hello, how are you?" This small act of self-recognition is crucial for building a deeper relationship with myself, the driving force behind my life.

Morning Pages: Fuelled by coffee and a fresh mindset, I dive into my morning pages, a concept inspired by Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way." This involves writing three pages of unfiltered thoughts, a practice that's essential for navigating life with more clarity.

Weeding Out Doubts: As I write, I unearth the 'weeds' of doubts and fears lurking beneath the surface. I also consult the I Ching, my personal oracle, to address any simmering self-doubt. Remember, embracing the first doubt is like the first sip for an alcoholic – it's a slippery slope.

Crafting the Day: After this stream of consciousness exercise, I map out my day, focusing on how I want to feel and setting affirmations. I seek support, protection, and guidance from my angels, sages, ancestors, and my version of God.

Gratitude and Love Ritual: I wrap up my morning ritual with a gratitude practice, expressing thanks to the greater intelligence for its support and reaffirming my commitment to self-love and serving my needs.

Here's your invitation: Reflect on how you start your day. If it's with your phone, it's time for a change (and fast!). Start by greeting yourself in bed and commit to this practice for 21 days. Patience and commitment are the hallmarks of a high-value woman – it's all about devotion to oneself. Are you ready to elevate your morning routine and embrace your high-value self?

Stay fucking fabulous!

Star Monroe is a Midlife Psychotherapist & Confidence Catalyst guiding you into your Main Character Era. Confident. Unbothered. Exclusive.

Everything you need is right here:




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