Wondering what kind of research you should conduct leading up to a job interview? In this Work in Sports podcast episode host Brian Clapp shares seven types of research you should complete for every job interview. Hi everybody, I’m Brian Clapp Director of Content for and this is the Work in Sports podcast.Before I get into today’s fan question – and it’s a good one – I want to talk about our expert interview coming up this Wednesday. Please allow me to get on my soapbox for a moment and whet your appetite for what comes later this week.Vincent Pierson is the Director of Diversity and Inclusion for Minor League Baseball and a guest I was really excited to have on the show. Diversity and Inclusion are really important topics in the world, not just sports, and to have on someone with Vincent’s background and passion was really exciting to me.But I was also kind of nervous. I admitted to all of you before that I get a little nervous before each interview and sometimes it ramps up a little depending on the guest. For example, Leigh Steinberg – yep, pretty nervous. You don’t want to sound like a dolt…and you also don’t want to throw out cliché questions and just have a superficial conversation.With Vincent, I was really nervous because of the importance of the conversation. It was less about Vincent per se, and more of a fear my questions wouldn’t take us deep enough. That I’d finish up and think, “damn, that was a missed opportunity, we could have done so much more in this conversation”Well, the good news is. We went there. We had the difficult conversations, we talked about the important things in life, and how our collective sports world allows for social impact on such a grand scale.When we published my interview with Mailynh Vu Cleveland Indians Assistant Director of Talent Acquisition, I told you all how excited I was…because she shared really actionable career advice that I knew you could all put to use.Well, I’m even more excited about this one, but for different reasons. This is so meaningful, so powerful, and so significant…I just cant wait for you all to listen. So stay tuned for that on Wednesday.As for today – is QA time!This weeks question comes in from Dave in Tallahassee – Dave writes in:Hi Brian, big fan of the podcasts and I can’t wait to tune into your Facebook live sessions, what a cool idea to interact with your audience.[Yes! For those of you that don’t know I run a Facebook Live session from the Work in Sports facebook page – not the podcast group – our company page every Thursday at 7:30pm EST – you should really tune in]Just curious – you have mentioned many times about researching a company before you have an interview, can you give us some examples on the type of research you should do and how this will help in the process?Why yes David, I can.Lets break this down – the idea behind doing research, the over-arching principle, is to feel like you understand the company before you go in the door. The more you can layer in your knowledge and your sense of preparation in the interview process, the more impressive you will be.So let’s break down some actual research angles and then provide some ways you can naturally work this info into the conversation:1: How do they make money? Sometimes it’s simple – they sell tickets to a game.Other times it’s more complex – They manage business to business sponsorships deals and help negotiate long term leases at arenas. I don’t know I’m spitballing here. But it is essential for your to understanding their products, their likely clients or audience, and their motivation – i.e. how they make money.Why because that’s the root of every business and it will tell you how the company divisions are weighted. Quick example, when I worked in the sports media I was on the content/editorial side … but I didn’t work any deals, I didn’t bring in any revenue, I covered the teams. Even if I was great at my job I was very replaceable.