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Connect To Your Inner Power - Ben Buckley
Episode 323rd November 2022 • The Ultimate Coach Podcast • Meredith Bell and Ipek Williamson
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“Six years Later”

Ben Buckley shares with host Laban Ditchburn, his Ultimate Coach origin story in which it took six years of waiting to hear back from Steve Hardison from initial contact.

About the Guest:

When you ask people who Ben Buckley is, you will get lots of different replies. Some people call him a Coach or mentor. Some would call him a prophet or spiritual guide and others might say a teacher or trainer. Ben is all of those and more. He simply loves people by serving them to achieve the dreams they carry inside.

All of his work results in people being deeply connected and aligned with who they are. Resulting in living a life of happiness and peace as well as creating financial abundance. Ben creates a sacred space where everyone experiences shifts in their mind and healing in their souls.

Find more of Ben and his work here:

About the Host:

Laban Ditchburn, known affectionately as the World’s Best Courage Coach, mentors people on how to take bold, massive, and strategically courageous actions to facilitate miraculous outcomes. Author, Keynote Speaker, Coach, and Co-Creator of “World’s Best Mastermind”

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TUCP Intro/Outro:

Welcome to The Ultimate Coach Podcast conversations from being inspired by the book, The Ultimate coach, written by Amy Hardison, and Alan Thompson. Join us each week with the intention of expanding your state of being, and your experience will be remarkable. Remember, this is a podcast about be. It is a podcast about you. To explore more deeply visit the ultimate Coach Now, enjoy today's conversation from be

Laban Ditchburn:

Ben Buckley, welcome to the show. Welcome to the ultimate coach. podcast.

Ben Buckley:

Thanks, Lavon. It's really great to be here. Thanks so much for the invitation. It's a real privilege.

Laban Ditchburn:

Well, the privileges are mine today young being back Lee broadcasting out of the great country of India, if I'm not mistaken.

Ben Buckley:

Yeah, I've I'm from the UK. But I've been in India for about probably 11 years now. So it's been quite a journey. How did it happen? I came here in about 2010. For some work that I was doing, there was probably like, maybe six months. And I've been I've been connected with India since I was a boy, I lived in the mountains of India for three years when I was a boy with my grandfather there. And I came here in 2010. And I was traveling to a wedding. And on that train journey, I heard a kind of inner voice that said to me, that you're going to be in India a long time, and a lot longer than you actually thought. And from that moment, it began the series of connections, ended up connecting with some really amazing people here. And so I just stayed and I worked with them. And we created some amazing things over these years. So that's how I ended up here. I left England didn't go back, and just stayed here and just let everything go there. That's what happened.

Laban Ditchburn:

And what role has Steve Hardison played in all of this and all of what you were doing and who you're being?

Ben Buckley:

Well, actually, it was interesting, because it's connected to what I said was, I heard this inner voice saying you're going to be in India longer than you thought. And at that time, I had spent probably like 10 years doing all various kinds of jobs. And I was really flowing in a kind of intuitive, prophetic kind of a flow. So I was doing some kind of itinerant speaking at different events and conferences, mainly just in healing prophetic gifts. And in on the side, I had this little business where I was helping people with online marketing funnels, because I've been trained in that as well. So I was listening to Steve Hardison, through I think it was Steve Chandler, a book I picked up. I have loads of his books I used to like Steve Chandler, and every book he had, he said, Oh, there's this guy called Steve Hardison. He's amazing. So when I did a Google search, I couldn't find anything at set for this video of the juicer to his story about the football player. And so I watched that video. And I actually don't even remember the story or anything about what happened. All I remember him was talking about this commitment. And he, when he started talking about commitment, he just kind of lit up. And it was just like, I felt, you know, I felt it, I was crying, I felt like just energy going through my body every time we spoke on it. So I began to put it on a loop, I ripped it up, put it on audio play in my car, hundreds of times I listened to this bit, and I would just fast forward it and even cut it, the beginning of it, the end of it and just put that like 15 minute bit that I liked on it, and use it just play it. And what was really interesting was I know this is probably I try and cut the story short, but I interpret dreams I have a gift of interpreting dreams. And I was on these international forums interpreting dreams of people. And I connected with a guy in England who was he they they do it on an international level. And he worked for a guy who even interpreted dream for presidents like the president of United States, Bill Clinton at the time. And so he had this dream, I interpret and I didn't realize but He then called this international prophetic guy and told him about this dream. So this guy contacted me and wanted to meet me and asked me to come to this retreat in Lonavala near Mumbai, and if I could meet him there, so I went on this journey and ended up he asked me if I could train People in dreams in his material across the south of India. And he gave me all his book publishing rights and all different types of things. And so I began to work with him. And when I started to do this, I was doing this at a retreat in Hyderabad. And one of my friends had a connection with this multi millionaire businessman. And while I was doing the two, three, he walked in just by chance to talk to him about some business they were doing. And he watched what I was doing. And he, after the meeting, he came over and said, you know, like, Who are you, he's a kind of a interesting guy doesn't really speak a lot. He just very direct. So it's like, who are you? What do you do that I want to see you come to my office on Monday, I want to talk to you. And through this connection, I opened up a whole world where I was, you know, I was being asked to train people in spiritual gifts, intuition, across all these business networks is spiritual networks. I ended up on stages, speaking to about 2000 people a week, I was leading teams of hundreds of people. He had loads of facilities, I was running one of those for him as well. So manage that. And so in the space of maybe eight months after listening to that on loop on loop on loop, I found myself going from because in that when I listened to that loop, I committed to myself, I'm going to be the best prophetic person, I know I'm going to, I'm going to be a leader, I'm going to be powerful, all the things that I've dreamed of, I'm going to commit to it and do it. But I didn't know how. And then six months later, I'm in this place where actually, I walk into a building and hundreds of people are looking to me for leadership. I'm standing on stages and 2000 people a week, I'm their spiritual guide and leader. And then I'm coaching people, because every conference I did, I would have 50 to 100 every week in my office through the week saying, Can you help me with this helped me with my business happening with my life helped me. So you know, my office was like, hey, like a healing surgery on Monday, prophetic, the next day coaching the next. It was really crazy. And so India was a place of just great growth. And it was 100% connected to the video I had with Steve. What was really funny as well was, I reached out to at the time and said that your video has just changed my life. And he replied back four years later, I think five, six years later,

Ben Buckley:

six years later. The guy so busy, didn't even reply, but he hadn't seen it. And then he replies by saying, Oh, I'm sorry, I must have missed this. And here's some material for you. And that's what happened. So and then. Yeah, so that's how I first got introduced to Steve

Laban Ditchburn:

is a similar thread coming through with a number of the guests on this on this podcast, not just with me and my guests. But the other three amigos that we're recording. And I've come to figure out something you mentioned marketing, Oregon, Steve Hardison has to be the Mormon. Dan Kennedy, of marketing, right? For you. For those who haven't heard of Dan Kennedy, look him up. He's the OG right. And that, that does the Tilly video completely transformed my stuff? And is the single greatest piece of marketing equipment in the history of the world. And I don't know, I don't want to make this assumption. But I wouldn't have thought that that would have been Steve's intent. But just a divine download, you know, him being told to give that one recorded speech that time because there was nothing else that existed on the interweb. And, you know, there's a bit more out there now, but my goodness, and it's funny, a few people that have referred it to because I must have sent that video to 250 people, at least at least, and most people's responses, they have a profound impact from it. And as a few more secular people were like, they not that they they've experienced something, they don't know what it is. And they revert back to a an analytical kind of approach des, have you had this experience at all

Ben Buckley:

meant? Yeah, yeah, I have. Like you said, I've given that video to lots of people. And I can pretty much tell where they are by their response. People either really love it, or they just kind of go home. It's just you know, like that. So and that's really good. Because I think with these types of things is people are either in a place where they're ready and open to it, or they're just in that process. So it just kind of either opens up a beautiful, powerful conversation, but it just kind of puts things on a shelf for how I talked with that person and lead them but I think what you're saying about Steve with the with the Dan Kennedy connection with marketing, you know, I think one of the powerful things that we recognize is that we are guided by They're which Steve is absolutely. So we're guided by this place of love and connection. But without wisdom, that love really has no structure and no form to actually produce concrete things on the earth. And I think what Steve has is a beautiful combination is my life is based on that, like, how do I take my gift, my, my flow, my energy, my power, and create a structure around it, where it can produce and create powerful things for other people and for the, for the on the earth on the world. So how do I take things that are in the sky, that are dreams that are just unlimited and powerful? And how do I actually build them? And I think we need that combination of love and wisdom to actually create powerful, and he's very wise. I mean, he's got, he's a very good salesman, or he's amazing at it. But what I love about it isn't fake. It's deeply connected, deeply spiritual, deeply powerful. And that's really where I think it's dynamite. When wisdom and love just connect like that it produces just amazing things. You know,

Laban Ditchburn:

I would concur. 100%, and we glossed over something that I think it's really important to talking about this interpretation of dreams is, I think there's been many books written about it. And lots of people love to think that they can do it. But you know, you and I have had interactions and you've shared stuff with me that's been really transformative. Can you explain to the layman how that works, or whatever you feel like you want to share with regards to that?

Ben Buckley:

Yeah, I think dreams are extremely powerful. You know, we say sometimes, as a person, I had a dream. But really, when we have the have a dream it with the it's really the dream that had us we find ourselves in the story, we go to sleep, and we find ourselves in this story, where the center of the story and all unfolds around us. And

Ben Buckley:

dreams are just one of the most powerful ways in for me for which we can receive divine information or spiritual information, because often we're very closed off. And when we go into sleep, we go into a place of just rest. And a place where we're not, we've not got those walls up. And it's a beautiful time where we can really listen to the Spirit. I think most of my, or many of the things that happened to me in my life came through dreams, I had dreams that are things that happened, dreams, where I would meet people, and what I would say to them, and what they would say to me, dreams of where things just shifted in my life, like understanding the like, for example, one of the transformative things that happened in my life was in about 2004, I had been involved in lots of leadership, I served with spiritual leaders and mentors and guides, and I'd actually was leading a lot of people. And I have this dream industry. I'm across from my spiritual mentor in this mental also means as Ben, I would like you to share your story of how you overcame drug and heroin addiction. And how you became a leader today, how you went from this journey of being a drug addict, homeless, to how you're impacting the lives of all these people. I'd love you to share that I have a conference with 1000s of young people. Could you do that? So I said, Yes, sure. And the dream cut. And then I'm again in front of him and have these paper that I've written my story and I pass it to him, I say, this is what I'm going to share. And he's like, this is awesome. I was there with you. All of these times I saw these things happen. These young people are just going to be blown away. It's going to be awesome. And as he's saying it, suddenly I feel this conviction in my heart like oh, and I suddenly realized, I can't say this. It's a lie. And I say to him, You know what, this is a lie. I cannot share this story. So he says, What do you mean, I know all of this is true. Everything that you've written is true. But I said, No, it's not true. And he said, Well, how can that be? And I said, well, because all I've done in this story here is tell you all the good things that happened. Have the healings that happened, the miracles that happened, the power that happened, how this happened, and that happened, but actually, I've not told you half of it. I didn't tell you about the mental struggles, the depression, I didn't tell you about how difficult it was, and all the challenges of the had how many times like I just missed out all of the other stuff. And I told you the good stuff. And suddenly I wake up in this dream. And now what flashes before my eyes is the person that I just had a conversation with, who I was leading this group. And what would happen was every week I'd come to the group and I'd be like, hey, yesterday, I was walking down the road as I walked down the road. Suddenly the Spirit told me the name of this person walking down the street. So I crossed over said Is your name so and so and he's like, Yeah, and I said if you've got this sickness, yeah, just spoke over me go he'll, and I will tell him this story. And yesterday at work, this woman walked over my manager, I interpreted a dream, she began to cry, this happened and I got, you know, promoted and my job and all this kind of stuff. Every week, I'd be telling these stories because I was on fire, I'd always do this stuff. And she looked at me in the eyes, and this is what I say in the dream, she looked him in the eyes, and she said, You know, I think God really loves you. You're amazing. And what you do is amazing. And then she looked at me and said, But God doesn't love me. I've never done anything important. Like this in my life, I don't think I have any gifts. And suddenly, I saw this slight rejection in a face. And then I began to see all of these people in that exact same thing. And what I realized was that all I was doing was showing how powerful I was. And in that process, they were diminishing. And suddenly, I heard in my heart, you have a choice before you write now, you can choose to be great and make other people less, or you can be choose to be less and make other people great. And then I began to realize in that moment, and then I heard that, or what I want you to do is be honest, and share people the process, just be truthful with everybody, you may tell them what happens, what doesn't happen. And so I began to do that. And it took quite a while of me to be to tone down all of the goods, let me just be real with people and help people see the journey of how we develop into a leader of how we develop in spiritual growth, like how difficult it is how challenging it is. And as I began to open that up to people, people began to say, Yeah, I can do that as well. Actually, I have the same experience that you do. So if you're, if you're doing that, and you go through that as well, then I can do it, too. That was a dream that shifted, my world is one of hundreds of types of dreams. Sometimes it's about others, but dreams are so powerful. And events when you share dreams with people and you interpret them, it just blows them away. You know?

Laban Ditchburn:

Man, I love you for sharing. There had been an and how long have you been so before?

Ben Buckley:

Oh, 20 since 1998.

Laban Ditchburn:

Congratulations, man. I just wanted to acknowledge that because it's not not that it's even a challenge for you. I'm guessing right. At this stage of your life? Yeah.

Ben Buckley:

I think so. It's never I wouldn't say it's a challenge. But it's, there's always an opportunity to go into a cycle where when things are difficult, what do we do to kind of cope? What do we do to kind of deal with those emotions, those feelings? And there's always an open door to that. And I think it's, that's always there for everyone. Like, what do I do to do that? And what we do in secret? Most people don't know. But yeah, for me, it just, it just didn't make sense. Especially I think my purpose in life is to connect other people to this place. And that's what I do. But I think once I found that connection, it just didn't make sense. To do that. It just didn't make sense to me anymore. So yeah, but

Laban Ditchburn:

I want to share a drink with you in the audience. Because Anna, my darling wife had a dream when she was a young young woman about going to Disney World, right. And we realized that dream in the last seven days, and we had an opportunity we nearly didn't come. We nearly didn't come in, we had two amazing days. And even I got sort of sucked into it as well. It became my childhood dream as well. You know, I really connected to my inner child, and we had a hell of a time. And I was talking to a friend of mine who lives in Melbourne, that is in Greece, and he said, where are you in the world? Because we've been traveling around a lot. So we're in Florida, because you need to connect with my mate Tony. And I was like, Okay, what's his phone number like that? Was it. Call him Hey, Tony. I'm a friend of James. He said we should do a live and we're down in Boca, Boca Raton like Delray, part of Florida, which was about three hours drive from Orlando. We were supposed to fly back to Orlando on Tuesday, so we pushed our flights back to Saturday morning and just drove down on a whim and Tony Wilcox, Dr. Tony Wilcox is a double degreed acupuncturist, down here with this amazing clinic that is a sanctuary of spirituality and light and God and Jesus and butter and like it's amazing. And and so we we get access to all this cupping, and acupuncture and red light therapy and crystal therapy and all this other stuff. And as, as my healing journey goes beyond my becoming like if there was a whoo awards, like in 2022 I reckon I'd be nominated for a few things now, right? But then he goes, Hey, look, would you guys come out and have dinner with me and my wife And then like we'd love to, and I don't know is his wife. And so we go to dinner. And her name is Marsiling Dyer. And Marsiling Dyer was Wayne Dyer's wife. Wow. Right? The manifestation guy. Yeah, for those who haven't heard of Wayne Dyer, he's easily regarded as one of the best and he's dead now. But he, he died a few years back. But, you know, we ended up at dinner with this woman who calls people like rom das and Deepak Chopra. Like, I mean, ROM Das is dead now. But Deepak Chopra is on the phone every other week, you know, like, we're like, how on God's green earth did we end up in this situation, and they've been doing a lot of work around Ayahuasca. They've had she her daughters have had some some addiction issues from a former marriage, and then children from that family, and had some amazing success with Ayahuasca. And so we found ourselves now flying out next Wednesday, on this all expenses trip to Costa Rica, to do this five day Ayahuasca thing when we're supposed to fly back to Salt Lake City, you know? So isn't that just so profound and amazing. So we'll keep you posted on the update of that. I just wanted to share that with you, because it just ties in beautifully. It was what you've been talking about, I think,

Ben Buckley:

yeah, it's amazing how dreams are like that. I think sometimes we dream things like that. And what it does is it shows us that I'm on the path that I was meant to be, we see the future. And when those moments come, it's just like a sign to you like, I've actually this this was meant to happen. This is part of my future part of my destiny. And you realize it and you have lots of dreams like stepping stones, and it's a beautiful sign that like that. Just a dream, something that happens?

Laban Ditchburn:

Well, we were not we were in Orlando, three weeks prior for an event. And for a healing ceremony, the NRI did privately, and there was absolutely no need for us to be in Florida. And you know, financially, it was like, Oh, sure, we shouldn't really be doing this. And then we just went, we just submitted and released. Rather than trying to control this, this guidance, this guidance from from the universe, right, I'm getting better and better at just submitting to the universe. And even this podcast has been, you know, we've had to muck around with some dates and stuff. And the timing of it with you sharing this, this my experience, and I would love for you to share about the ultimate experiences taking place in Mumbai in February, if you don't mind.

Ben Buckley:

Yeah, I'd love to. I mean, to be honest with you, the whole creation of it is a miracle. But the, what's just incredible is that people are coming from all over the earth, to be part of this to connect to come together. And for me, it's just something that's beyond, you know, the creation of what people can do. But it's something you know, powerful. It's almost like the hearts of everyone around the world have been spoken to and drawn together for something that's going to be just created and powerful. There are amazing speakers, amazing people. I mean, there's literally as far as I'm aware, hundreds of people traveling from all corners of the earth, Australia, UK. It's just incredible. The energy's amazing. India is an amazing place. It's just an amazing place to have, I can't describe to you how amazing the places here, it's an incredibly spiritual place. I just think it's something is a catalyst for something that's going to take place, we just have a great sense there'll be an awakening of being across India, as well as just be it'll be an awakening, like a ripple that will really impact the nation of India. And it will be an event that really create something I mean, what it creates, we never really know. I think it's the coming together the creating the space and creating that. And then from that we will see something emerge. We have a sense of it, but what that will actually be that's what makes it really exciting. I think so yeah. Anyone who's watching this, who's not part of it, just find out get connected, reach out, we'd love to have a conversation with you about how you can be just part of this historic thing that's taking place you know,

Laban Ditchburn:

yeah, I agree. And then and we didn't plan to talk about this at all, but like in a massive shout out to coach Ranjan as well who's the catalyst for this? So we had people find out about this, by the way, I don't know.

Ben Buckley:

Do you know as far as I'm aware, they just worked out the venue. So the venues booked all the speakers have booked I think the all the website and everything else is about to go online just now.

Laban Ditchburn:

By the channel comes out, it might be live. So

Ben Buckley:

I think it will. So we'll just post that up there right now. It will be Yeah, you'll be able to find it out tomorrow.

Laban Ditchburn:

Get on the ultimate coach Facebook group. And I'm sure we'll be some information we'll reach out to coach Ranjan, so, I've been, it's in Mumbai, and Coach Ranjan reliably said it's only 10 minute drive from the airport. Now I've been to India, I've been to India and I can highly recommend I don't know you can recommend it being because you live there. But the thing that you just touched on really quickly is this the This is Audio Only this podcast, but I'm what I'm showing, trying to show ben because his blurb is the the docket Hawkins levels of consciousness, right. And you talk about a shift in in India when this event happens. Now I'm going to probably bastardize this a little bit I don't mean to but someone said to me that the further up these levels of consciousness and someone use Tony Robbins as a reference, right? He's someone that's close to enlightenment, I don't know where he would be. Maybe he's like an 850 divine grace and love union or super casual truth? I'm not sure. full consciousness I think is enlightenment, isn't it? And for every one of those, it negates a quarter of a million people or something. Do you know anything about this being, you're able to shed some light on this.

Ben Buckley:

I'm not particularly sure about that specific thing. You're showing me that. But I mean, for me how I see in terms of levels of consciousness in terms of like India, it's, for me, it's more of an openness to spirituality, or it's like an openness to it. So it's like an open door. That's how I see I wouldn't say if you come here, you can very clearly see that there is not high levels of consciousness in a lot of people. There's extreme poverty, extreme, there's lots of things that are not a sign of, you know, the exact opposite of that. Yeah, there's an absolutely huge capacity and an openness to spiritual things. And so something like this, people will be really open to it. So if people could embrace this, and I embrace the work, even the work I've done as people embrace it, that opens the door to that, and it accelerates really quickly when people are open. You know, and especially if you go to some of the Western spheres of the world, it's not that people are less enlightened. But there's often a lot of in terms of the mind, people can be quite close to some of those things because they believe in rational thought. But that can be quickly avoided to

Laban Ditchburn:

Yeah, I think the short answer is, if you can get India, like if you can, if you can leave your country without any issues, even if you can't get out, I got out, get to this event. It will be really transformative. And I can't recommend it more highly. Ben, how do people find you?

Ben Buckley:

Well, they can go to my website. So that's Coach Ben, and Facebook, even WhatsApp, something like that. I put my contact out there so people can get in touch. I'm pretty easy to get in touch with pretty. I love to connect with people talk with people. So yeah, I was open to a good conversation.

Laban Ditchburn:

And we certainly have those been, do you have any concluding thoughts for our amazing audience today?

Ben Buckley:

Yeah, I mean, for me, I think life really begins when we connect to ourselves. The most important thing that we could ever do is create that connection within ourselves to, to really look past. Just Just stop seeking the things that are outside that are so loud and distracting, and really look within and make that connection. It's from that place that we find everything that we need our wisdom, our strength and limited vision and power. And it's that it's that connection that really changes everything. It changes the game. It changes what we do changes who we are, changes how we see changes how we live and move and breathe. And I think that really is the most important thing. And I think that's why people want to go to this event. That's why I do what I do. It's why you do what you do. And it's in that place that we find everything that we need. And so connection with ourselves, that deep connection, that commitment to ourselves and who we're being and that is the most important thing being is the place that we come from, and it's the place that we go to.


Ladies and gentlemen, been

Ben Buckley:

back Buckley Thank you Lavon it's great to be here.



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