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Podcast# 248 What Does it Really Mean? The Maui fire in Hawaii, Here's Some Thoughts you Won't Hear on the six O'clock News.
Episode 24814th August 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:37:02

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The Real Story Behind the Maui Fires: An Earnest Perspective

Hello, dear listeners. It's me, Earnest Mann, and I'm here to shed some light on the recent Maui fires in Hawaii. While the mainstream media paints a certain picture, I want to offer you a different perspective, one that might not be popular but is rooted in reality.

The Maui Fires: A Tragedy, But Not Unforeseen

First and foremost, my heart goes out to the victims of this disaster. But I'm not here to just echo the sentiments you've already heard. I'm here to tell you that this tragedy, while heartbreaking, was not unforeseen. A century ago, when tragedies of this magnitude occurred, they were reported sparingly. Today, however, every incident is magnified, often overshadowing the real issues at hand.

Overpopulation: The Silent Culprit

One of the main factors contributing to such disasters is human overcrowding. When we cram too many homes into a limited space, we're setting ourselves up for disaster. And guess what? If we keep replicating these conditions, tragedies like the Maui fires will happen again. It's as predictable as lightning strikes.

The Illusion of Insurance

Many of the victims were homeowners, likely insured. While insurance might cover property loss, it can't compensate for the loss of life. But here's the thing: rebuilding in the same spot, under the same conditions, is inviting the same disaster. It's a cycle, and unless we break it, history will repeat itself.

The Media's Role: Selling Emotion

The media thrives on emotionalism and drama. Every tragedy is portrayed as the worst in human history, which is simply not true. While it's essential to empathize, it's equally crucial not to internalize every catastrophe. Not every disaster directly impacts our lives, and it's unhealthy to live in a perpetual state of grief.

The Bigger Picture: Addressing Overpopulation

The real issue, which many shy away from, is overpopulation. Our current system thrives on growth, but unchecked growth is unsustainable. Just like technology has its limits, so does our planet's capacity to support an ever-growing population.

In Conclusion

The Maui fires are a wake-up call. We need to recognize our system's limitations and plan accordingly. Ignoring these limitations will only lead to more tragedies. Stay informed, think critically, and always seek the truth.

And remember, while I might not have the eloquence of mainstream media personalities, I'm here to offer an earnest perspective. Stay tuned to the Earnest Mann Show for more insights.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 if you work for a living why do you kill yourself working [Music] from the Willamette Valley in America's Great Pacific Northwest you are listening to the earnest man show I'm your host Ernest Mann coming to you no matter where what time or what place you may be listening in this great big beautiful but sometimes incredibly crazy world we all live in [Music] thank you hello everyone and thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again

01:06 this is episode number 248. what does it really mean the Maui fires in Hawaii here's some thoughts you won't hear on the six o'clock news before I go any further I just wanted to send a very sincere thank you to my listeners in Germany your attention is very much appreciated before I go into well something that is obviously a very sad story I want to let you know that I am very angry but I'm not angry for perhaps the reasons that you may think what I'm angry about is

02:10 basically how this entire story has been twisted and so as a consequence of that I wanted to give you a different perspective and we're talking about the fires that have occurred in Maui and as of this recording um we've had about 80 deaths and that certainly is not a good thing and that is first and foremost of what I wanted to say is that of course this is very bad of course this is a tragedy this is

03:16 not good I think anyone with a functioning brain can figure that out I'm not going to sit here for a moment and say otherwise because it's not we get it got it that's good but there are some things that need to be said as far as putting this tragedy in perspective you see a century or so ago when there were things that happened that were reported in the news that were similar in scope in America and there were many of them it was put very um sparingly in the news

04:21 and if a town had a tragedy such as a fire they simply stated what happened and that was well that was pretty much it didn't go on and on with other aspects of it is simply stated what it was what occurred and may have said something like of course yes this is terrible this is a tragedy and that's about it that is not the case today and I'm using this occurrence this story to try to illustrate a bigger Point hopefully I'll be able to do that

05:25 and hopefully the idea is that you'll get the message that I am not a cold heartless bastard but what I'm trying to do is illustrate that there is certainly and definitely something wrong besides the obvious tragedy that occurred it's important to understand that when you have communities wherever they may be whether they are you know based in the U.

06:14 S or abroad and if something like this occurs that it is in fact a tragedy not going to argue or try to debate that for a moment but it's when it becomes something else that we bring about another tragedy and that is the tragedy of simple news and simply something that is put across in a way that we are supposed to be in unending and Perpetual misery we're asking this question

07:18 I'm asking this question why is there so much endless passion surrounding this when you look at the conditions as they were when you analyze the entire situation namely in this case a big part of it is frankly it's human overcrowding and then when the conditions come around that make this situation happen as it did and you look at it and you just everybody wants to commit to this being something that absolutely was not

08:21 understandable unforeseeable is ridiculous because it was completely predictable and here's a news flash for you if you keep producing the same conditions in the same area regardless of where that area may be there's a very good probability that it's going to happen again we're not talking about simply a person in that in and of itself would be terrible but it happens walking down the street out of the blue and being struck by lightning

09:25 and understanding that it happens because it does X number of people are struck by lightning per year you can find it you can find the averages it's calculatable such is life at least by my calculations at least half of the people in that area where homeowners and as homeowners I'm thinking pretty much maybe the same thing you should be thinking they probably had homeowners insurance and as a consequence as far as property is concerned

10:29 they'll be compensated for that now of course once again I'm saying as far as death and the loss of life no one but an absolute nihilist an idiot would try just to uh say anything uh that is against the loss of life and family and all that we get it we get it we understand that but this is being put forth as so many things like this are also put forth is that it is the worst most unexpected most incredible most horrific incident to happen to humanity in all human history

11:37 and the fact is it's not there have been far far worse occurrences and continue to be worse occurrences to loss of life and property on this planet other than this so my point is that everything that occurs of this ilk is not cause for a planetary pity party yes we get it what happened was terrible and hopefully friends family local support systems what can be done will help them and they should be helped but

12:40 it is not the end of the world now if you look at what is being put across and put forth um with the mainstream news media what you might notice is that that and things like this are put across that way and it does a huge disservice to human understanding in understanding the Frailty of our existence this can happen just about anywhere any kind of incident that happens like this can happen anywhere and it does

13:48 and again you want to help people but it's important to understand think about this deeply what does this have to do with your life if you are not there or family or friends are not there what does this have to do with you and your life and if you're not friends or family if you're not someone who was living there who is absolutely directly affected by this yes it's sad it's terrible but it is nothing to do with your life it's important to understand

14:52 that you should not internalize every catastrophe that takes place as though it was something that directly affects your life it doesn't in the overall scheme of things it doesn't so you might wonder then if you listen to the news pay close attention to the passion and the emotional aspect that's being put forth on this this whole incident what you'll notice is that there is an endless um

15:54 an application of the emotional that you apparently you and I are supposed to connect with and feel and um that is a very very bad thing because the fact is it doesn't I have personally I have a lot of really bad things in my life currently but I don't talk to them with my neighbors hell I don't even talk to it about you know with friends and family it's not their problem

16:57 it's mine and it goes back to what I've said many times that um you know your life is your life now in this particular case those people's individual you know as individuals their lives perhaps is really up or ruined and to a certain extent they share they share that experience collectively okay fine however that is a part of life that we are all subject to but it is not of any benefit at all the worst thing that

18:03 you which becomes we can do collectively is have an emotional pity party again without being specific there are so many tragedies that were actually printed in papers of terrible things that happened 100 and 100 150 years ago that were still actually put forth they were in their communities but it wasn't put across as though it was it affected the entire nation it doesn't and actually if you have the courage to be honest about it it doesn't have a diddly biscuit to do with your life and that is something

19:09 that you don't hear on the news because that doesn't sell what sells is constant emotionalism and drama that is what they live on that is what they Feast upon can you imagine as an example if you live just you know living in your community and what if all of the people you know I've got um I know 20 homes very close to me let's say just those 20.

20:02 just that alone and what if I had an ear somehow whether I liked it or not that it was broadcast to me of all of the problems that all of those people had in their life and I've got to hear about it whether I like it or not and because naturally assuming I'm not a sociopath that would be enough to overwhelm anyone and that's just say 20 homes in my immediate you know neighborhood so good fences as the old saying goes in my opinion could fences make good neighbors and the same thing applies for um

21:07 you know emotional impact as far as being able to cover and protect yourself so yeah if if it is a situation that warrants let's say the government sending emergency aid okay fine not a problem with that I'm not going against that what I'm talking about and this is with countless issues I'm just using this particular one at the moment whereas everything that occurs has to be your concern and the fact is it shouldn't this has or 99 Point blah blah blah blah blah as

22:14 far as you want to go with this it has nothing to do with the world it may be as a consequence of global factors perhaps as far as climate that can you know we can argue that ad nauseum my personal belief as I've stated many times in the most simplest terms that I can put across to you is that there are too many people and had there not been so many homes and so much congestion that when this kind of uh situation occurred you would not have had the loss that you had simply because there

23:21 weren't that many people there but despite the fact that I have you know I continue to relentlessly point this out you never hear a word about it because that doesn't support the system as it currently is set up for instance real estate so of course that town and the towns within Mali has been maxed out for several years they can't that I would think I believe it was lahuna if I'm pronouncing it correctly they haven't been able to get a building permit because they're maxed out but then again I'm of the opinion that

24:18 what I keep saying is that just because you can physically can even if they shouldn't have but even if they can even if you can build does not mean you should and this kind of thing this kind of tragedy that happened is going to happen again you know why it's going to happen again I can I can tell you with complete Assurance because whether it takes one or two three years when all the dust proverbly settles on the area they will rebuild you've got insurance claims that have to be filled out and all that but it will

25:11 be refilled and it will pretty much with absolute certainty you can fill it back up again as it was before and then guess what statistically speaking and also bearing in mind climate change and maybe three years five years seven years whatever the same damn thing is going to happen again so that's the reason why when we have places where people for instance like entire areas that are basically an inverted Bowl such as New Orleans in America New Orleans Louisiana it's an inverted Bowl

26:16 that that relies on a whole series of pumps to protect the city well what happened just a few years ago with the complete Devastation of the city well it's going to happen again why because the people the government all these people they live in an absolute state of denial and so they won't stop living there so because of that this is the situation you have and this is what not only occurs but now it's going to occur with greater and greater frequency and you can Bank on it but what does this mean

27:25 to the average person the average person whether it be throughout the continental U.S or for that matter you know worldwide well the further you are away and disconnected you look at something they look at something and they say yeah that's really bad but it doesn't because the impact is not the same because that's the way people are it just is what it is I get that I understand that intellectually I can look at it and say yeah that's terrible also though intellectually I could look at it and say there were too many damn

28:14 homes there so I don't know what you're going to think of this I don't know maybe maybe you'll think I'm the most cold-hearted bastard in the world I don't know but my goal what I am trying to do is to provoke some thought about what we when I say the collectively the proverbial we as humanity is how we are structuring our lives where we are choosing to live and how we're choosing to live and having the perspective and I know I've said this so many times if

29:19 anybody would even begin to talk about the issue the one thing that no one will seriously talk about is overpopulation and very simply and very shortly I will tell you they won't for at least two good reasons they won't talk about population because and especially this is an American thing or a westernized thing or let's say a capitalist thing let's say but they won't talk about that because the whole system is predicated on growth that mean of actual people of numbers that's what it's based on

30:15 so in order to have let's say economic growth you have to have growth of people but there is an inherent problem with that think of it differently just for a moment the only thing that goes unchecked as you know unchecked growth is cancer and that eventually kills the host meaning us so until we address that issue then we will with greater and greater frequency have this kind of situation happen it's not going to go away you can't you cannot techno your way out

31:21 of this and as far as resources are concerned you can only make something so efficient if you're waiting for instance for technology to techno our way out of this it isn't going to work to put this to use perhaps an image of technology in action Once Upon a Time when we had sailing ships we eventually perfected the technology of sailing ships and we perfected it to the point where we had the maximum amount of mass on the ship and the maximum amount of sale area in other words as far as a

32:27 Schooner was concerned the technology whatever it is with every ERA with every generation it gets maxed out and you simply cannot go beyond those limitations then of course we went to steam power when that became available and repeat the same thing we did everything that we could as far as Steam was concerned as far as power or speed or what have you but every technology everything it gets maxed out and just saying or thinking or believing that technology is going to save us no it's not because it has limits

33:27 and there is no difference between that and the number of people safely and comfortably has to be both safely and comfortably that you can put in a certain area at a certain amount of space okay because if you exceed that then you have a situation that ends up being tragic such as what has taken place in Maui Hawaii because the weather that occurred and the extremely high winds that fanned the flames and of course what did the people want to do well they want to get the hell out of there they wanted to escape

34:31 but they couldn't many of them couldn't simply because the roads didn't have the capacity for them to do that so that's what I'm trying to say here what is the true tragedy of this our situations that simply are not planned out they're not thought out and part of this in turn is that within the system that we have we absolutely refuse to recognize its limitations and it has like any technology which is what it is it has limitations and the sad truth is you ignore those limitations to your own peril

35:40 take care I'm going to tell you the reason why you should listen to the earnest Man Show when you're constantly being told what you should think and what you should feel about any given subject that happens to be in six o'clock news by people who have absolutely nothing in common with you these people regardless if they're supposed to be on the right or on the left have absolutely no dog in the fight between what is actually true and isn't they are simply very well-paid mouthpieces that in reality could really

36:31 give a shit biscuit less about what really concerns you in your life now I have to admit I may not speak as eloquently or professionally as those folks but at least I try to tell the truth as I see it anyway and that because you value truth more than is why you should listen to the Earnest Mann Show



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