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Sex Spoken Here Care and Feeding of the Vagina Part 3
21st August 2017 • Sex Spoken Here • Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey- Psychologist & Sex Coach |Everything Sex
00:00:00 00:34:56

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Sex Spoken Here: Care and Feeding of the Vagina 3

Welcome to my virtual therapy room!  I am Dr Lori Beth Bisbey and this is Sex Spoken Here. Remember that this podcast deals with adult themes so if you don’t have privacy you might wish to put on your headphones.

Today I am finishing my series about the care and feeding of the vagina.

Anna-Thea is an author, speaker and teacher. Her courses offer women life-changing tools in the area of emotional mastery and spiritual sexuality. She is dedicated to helping women live more sensually alive and speak confidently from their hearts. Anna-Thea offers practical solutions for women with body image, food and/or intimacy/relationship issues. 

She has a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and is a Level 2 certified Kundalini Yoga and Vinyasa Flow instructor. She is also certified from the Divine Feminine Institute as a Spiritual Sexual Educator. Using principles from her extensive studies in yoga, nutrition, psychology, astrology and the Divine Feminine Institute she educates women to be leaders of love. Her book “Empower Yourself by Loving Your Body” and her blog offer women insights to honor their bodies.

Her upcoming on-line course Mastering Your Emotions will show you how to face your emotions instead of fear them and let them be a source of empowerment instead of sabotage. Her educational classes in what she calls her Sacred Zoom Room are experientially transforming.
We started speaking about the brain body connection and Anna-Thea talked about Naomi Woolf’s book Vagina and the research on the neuroscience and connections between vagina and brain. 

Anna-Thea spoke about the importance of listening to the vagina/yoni and the link between the body and the yoni.  She spoke about the vagina as the creative centre and the location of a woman’s power. 


We spoke about how westerners are often disconnected from their bodies and their feelings.  Anna-Thea spoke about how hard it can be to get people connected to their bodies and especially women.  We spoke about shame and the way in which it impacts our sexual experience.


I spoke about how many people are in the future or in the past but have difficulty being in the present and how important it is to be in the now – which is in the body.   We spoke about expressing feelings and how important that is in order to have a healthy sex life.


I talked about how important it is to teach people how to see various shades of feelings, recognise where they are in the body, sit with the feelings and then release them.


Anna-Thea described her two upcoming courses.  The first focuses on the emotional aspects and teaching women how to feel their feelings and then how to express them.  The second is Sex Education Your Mother Never Taught You. 

Mastering Your Emotions Course start August 23rd

Sex Ed You Didn't Learn From Your Mother starts Nov 1st

For more information visit and

Twitter: @theannathea

Thanks for joining me for Sex Spoken Here with Dr Lori Beth Bisbey.

Write to me with suggestions for the show, questions you want answered at, follow me on twitter, Instagram and Facebook..  Check out my YouTube channel: Dr Lori Beth Bisbey.  For a free 30-minute strategy session with me, go to and click the button that says Schedule Now!  Why not join me for my upcoming free webinar 4 Secrets for Arousing and Igniting Your Authentic Sexual Self.  Click the link in the podcast notes to sign up or head to I look forward to seeing you next week for part one the care and feeding of the penis.






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