Welcome to the 39th Episode of The Thriller Zone, now in SEASON 2!
Today's guest is New York Times Bestselling Author ACE ATKINS. On today's show, Ace talks about putting a period at the end of his character SPENSER. He'll also share how he built a long and lasting friendship with the late Elmore Leonard, and what a profound effect it had on his career.
Listen in as we travel down the culinary trail and chat about Beer, Bourbon, Books and BBQ, to mention a few.
To learn more about Ace and all his legendary work, visit: AceAtkins.com and follow him on all social channels @aceatkins.
Listen on TheThrillerZone.com and all Podcast Channels.
Watch on YouTube.com/DavidTempleAuthor.
Share with your friends on Twitter @thethrillerzone and Instagram @thethrillerzone.
The Thriller Zone promises to wrap 2024 in a BIG way...Stay Tuned! Questions? Just write us at "thethrillerzone@gmail.com"
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